View Full Version : GOS moose in Region 5

06-30-2022, 12:22 PM
What scientific wildlife management decision is there for no GOS immature bull moose season in region 5?

06-30-2022, 12:29 PM
You like to chase unicorns? ^^

06-30-2022, 02:21 PM
The same one that shutdown GoS in 7b. They had spike fork season for one year, way back.
The outcry from the Indians shut it down.

06-30-2022, 02:33 PM
Indians will never allow a GOS.

06-30-2022, 03:03 PM
is that one of the areas where most bulls get 3 tines in their second year....we got a 2x2 out of an area where i was told only 1 in 6 will have less than 3...not sure if it is genetics or nutrition or BS but that is what i was told about the area we were in....supposedly came from a biologist????

250 sav
06-30-2022, 03:35 PM
The same one that shutdown GoS in 7b. They had spike fork season for one year, way back.
The outcry from the Indians shut it down.

Exactly politics not science

06-30-2022, 04:48 PM
actually not as rare as one supposes..usually see at least 1 each year.
native bullshit supresses all hunting here..

07-02-2022, 07:42 PM
Used to go moose hunting GOS in region 5 with my buddies when we were all younger and dumber. Then region 5 went Leh with no gos even for spike fork. This was an earlier example of the government (liberal at that time?) selling out us OWG's

07-03-2022, 06:06 AM
Same goes for the atv/orv ban in Region 5 areas, doesn't seem to be any reason, if you can road hunt with a truck why not with an atv?

07-04-2022, 01:31 PM
Region 5 used to have a week long any bull GOS that shut down in the late 90's and went to LEH only. In 2004 they brought back a spike/fork GOS . However there were mass protests and blockades by local first Nations. There were reports of some hunters being forced to cut their tag (without a harvest) at gunpoint.
After a week or so of unrest the government shut down the opening mid season and haven't entertained the notion of opening up a GOS in region 5 since

07-04-2022, 01:53 PM
The Farwell Canyon slide in 2004 that hit the salmon runs hard was another big factor that shut down the brief R5 spike fork season as well. This was part of the First Nation outcry at that time.

07-04-2022, 07:32 PM
I was driving back to town with a 2x2 bull in the box of my truck when the announcement came on the radio that the spike/fork season was being shut down. As stated allready, it was cancelled mid season due to political pressure.

As far as the ATV ban, IIRC, it originated when we had a combination of one of the last true "any bull" seasons during the rut, coupled with some of the most concentrated logging activity this province has ever seen. At that time Quesnel was seeing upwards of 1000 logging trucks a day coming to town at the peak. The open any bull season also resulted in a concentration of hunters you would have had to see to believe.....it was nuts. ATV's ripping around the bush roads with that level of logging traffic was a recipe for disaster. this was one of the main reasons for the ATV ban. Like we all know...once you lose something its almost impossible to get it back. It went away way back when, and just never came back.


07-04-2022, 10:28 PM
hmm the last 6 years of hunting moose EAST..of the Pond..only seen a couple of other hunters..part of THE PLAN...seen more indians in the box of their pick ups..than quads..did see 3 quads that went past me..slowed down..backed up..turned off their ATVS..asked if I was SRUPP..lol of course I denied the allegations..
mule deer are WAY down in region 5,grizzly numbers are up in past 5 years..moose numbers are static in past 10 years of course their locations have shifted..
i dont hunt too much east of the Fraser river due to the 3 % problem..hunt for fun..protein comraderie..not for what next..a GREAT BROOKIE lake also doesnt get my attention ..
oh well...cest la vie..

08-09-2022, 08:58 AM
but at least you can quad the cotton now....what a joke