View Full Version : Archery Draw

06-29-2022, 09:41 AM
Hi Everyone,

Looking for anyone willing to share advice on region 6-1. My buddy and I pulled an Archery Bull tag in the draw. A little background:

Neither of us have hunted moose with a bow before.

Both of us put in the time with our archery kits to be as accurate as we can.

We have successfully hunted moose with a rifle, but probably don't have enough skill or knowledge to consistently get within 50yds of a bull yet.

I'm certainly not asking for any honey holes here but if anyone has any region specific advice or techniques for bow hunting moose we are all ears.

high horse Hal
06-29-2022, 05:22 PM
rut timing is everything, bring em in on a string to 20m, can be done when things work out
read up on decoying bulls, it works

06-30-2022, 12:43 PM
Thanks high horse, I will look that up for sure!

06-30-2022, 03:28 PM
rut timing is everything, bring em in on a string to 20m, can be done when things work out
read up on decoying bulls, it works

As does effective calling.
Had them within 10 feet many times.

Learn how to mimic both a cow & a bull effectively.
That combined with timing and what Hal suggests is The Ticket.

Cheers & Best of Luck!

07-01-2022, 11:21 PM
Thanks Nog! It seems around here (near kamloops) that the bulls are really active last week of October, is it similar in the Skeena or earlier?

07-02-2022, 01:09 PM
Thanks Nog! It seems around here (near kamloops) that the bulls are really active last week of October, is it similar in the Skeena or earlier?

More often that not, the beginning of October.

07-02-2022, 10:32 PM
Roger that, thanks for the info.

The Hermit
07-03-2022, 05:25 PM
Find a good trail with lots of action on it. Move 10 meters off trail on the high side and set up tree stand - start calling.

07-03-2022, 05:47 PM
Myself & 2 buds were successful on LEH draw (rifle) in 6-1 in 2018. We have the same draw again this year ;-). Last year my buds went there for GOS & left empty handed. Anyhow, our bull was taken the end of September early evening & the rut was certainly on. The bull came out of the woods about 50 yards from the shooter looking for trouble. About the same distance to the FSR from where he was dropped.

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4miPoqQO4coktnOBtQ7APJb6tiMWC411CJmMGPvuQt0-kE41H2te0CphDqZGjl9boJ7CPY9DZiPDckGbS2_xgDM4Yn8JGW zthITw3tG5KqhPsiXT6xaA0-dsQtshwgBD8zZpkTADUMpqYAq4Fi_BD1eH5hZzuXpWHLWECLCi Ui6wdBL-fJgN2RHfnTB7dnSaQD?width=1024&height=1024&cropmode=none

Gr8 white hunter
07-03-2022, 07:08 PM
Myself & 2 buds were successful on LEH draw (rifle) in 6-1 in 2018. We have the same draw again this year ;-). Last year my buds went there for GOS & left empty handed. Anyhow, our bull was taken the end of September early evening & the rut was certainly on. The bull came out of the woods about 50 yards from the shooter looking for trouble. About the same distance to the FSR from where he was dropped.

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4miPoqQO4coktnOBtQ7APJb6tiMWC411CJmMGPvuQt0-kE41H2te0CphDqZGjl9boJ7CPY9DZiPDckGbS2_xgDM4Yn8JGW zthITw3tG5KqhPsiXT6xaA0-dsQtshwgBD8zZpkTADUMpqYAq4Fi_BD1eH5hZzuXpWHLWECLCi Ui6wdBL-fJgN2RHfnTB7dnSaQD?width=1024&height=1024&cropmode=none Wow you must be very lucky ,We have had that draw a few times in 6-1 to no success.

07-04-2022, 09:24 PM
Nice work Mike! Would you recommend quads for exploring the area or will a pick up get us from spot to spot ok?

07-05-2022, 09:45 AM
Wow you must be very lucky ,We have had that draw a few times in 6-1 to no success.

One of the hunting partners has been to this MU many times & has also come home empty handed on occasion, so yes, luck is definitely part of the game. Last year during the GOS they were skunked but ran into a couple that had bagged an animal where they were hunting. Other than the bull we got that year we only caught sight of several cows & calves during our time there. Rick knows the area & he set us up in locations where he's had success in the past. I did some exploring with my canoe & found some sign, but no sightings. One day we did a long loop on FSRs on quads & motorbike, this is when we saw a cow & calf on the road.

07-05-2022, 10:05 AM
My hunting buddy Rick knows the area so we didn't do that much exploring other than a large loop one day on quads, me on my motorbike. We set up in spots Rick had had success before & it wasn't until the end of the 1st week that we got the bull. The main FSRs are large & easily traveled with a truck, quads are useful for some of the spurs. There was active logging near our camp & the trucks were rolling early & late into the evening.

Our routine was early rise, coffee & oatmeal then quads/motorbike to designated spots before sunrise. I had brought VHF radios so we could communicate although we weren't always within range of each other. Back to camp for a hearty breakfast & then out again during the day to explore & scout. We had some vehicle & quad breakdown issues during the week, so a few more unscheduled long trips back to Vanderhoof than we anticipated. Back to designated spots in the evening.

Coincidentally during the 1st week we ran into an acquaintance of Rick from the Island that was there for bow GOS. Quite a character, he had hunted moose with bow before & had some good stories. Not sure I'd have the courage to put an arrow into moose at close range as one of the stories he told involved the wounded critter coming at him.

I had a nice day paddling on a lake & up a creek that fed into it. If you can bring along some sort of watercraft, it can be a useful tool for exploring/scouting.

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4msnJpxGyG5c3ZE2b7Oa4UOewVB50CsY6CUnABAFkbyDzBfrw czHg4borrW-yhmaCIGrOPA9AQrbxhLqBMQpJpXKHzxiM_f75sD64HWqhKeHeM MUJJOQbwBVEPO78oYFiDGhu9zMZojQ_MK1Dy0i_VnXLm6oqTyT fc9krP8dOz-1a0IIv1cyAzGFmUmyN7r9zW?width=1024&height=1024&cropmode=none

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4muSxfCbSTDMGhgeJW4rlpPdbLHIRnVoTcrkTETl1aWs5nUoC 8aK6bAn9OO0uCfVZX6_BKFgLt4NjueSHDro6hXOWTZgy1Veb5o ULiTUyPcKv7qHWCCv35DtJvDixvr7c69sJ3S8ytxeHbja8VNas su7RLQDwFv2xLr_HC6d8LRw3jRTJCZq3r4tYg-MfU7Psx?width=1024&height=1024&cropmode=none

07-05-2022, 11:29 AM
The only way to get a moose with archery is to mimic a moose.
Be like a bull, find a mud hole, you and your partner urinate in it as much as you can then you need to roll in it coating yourself from head to toe - you and your partner need to repeat this every day.
Be like a cow, make long waling call, get onto your hands and knees and wait.............. this is the honey hole method.

let me know how it works out for you.