View Full Version : 8-25 moose

mikek blacktail
06-27-2022, 04:43 PM
So my daughters just got a shared moose hunt for November.They picked this area based on my sister live in Vernon , hunting trip in early November .I have never hunted there but we are going up for a scouting trip in September. Just curious about the moose population in this area, is it good or bad , anyone want to give pointers for the area or point us in the right direction would be awesome.Either way we will do are scouting and put are time in but it never hurts to ask. thanks

06-27-2022, 07:23 PM
I live and hunt there. Moose numbers have been in decline in recent years in that particular MU. The problem with hunting in November in that MU is SNOW, so your options will be greatly reduced, and most years the first week of November already has too much snow to even get to where the moose are. The second problem with hunting moose in that MU is the Oct LEH....the area gets pounded in Oct by the draw winners and the moose get ghost like. Regardless, have fun and good luck!

06-27-2022, 09:57 PM
Hopefully you have fresh snow and cold weather for your hunt. Best way to hunt the late season is drive roads and cut fresh bull tracks. Follow them out on foot (still hunt) until they are standing in front of you. Bang!
Second rut can be in full swing. Calling won't be your best option but it can and will work if there are cows that haven't been bread.
Bulls often congregate in the late season and will retreat higher up the mountains to where hunting them in deep snow can be challenging but this is where you'll find them.
Good luck and most importantly have fun!

mikek blacktail
06-28-2022, 06:24 AM
Thanks guys my biggest worry is snow , we basically are heading up there for a deer hunt and the moose would be a bonus.

06-28-2022, 11:53 PM
Every year is different but it's best to be prepared for snow at elevation in November. On the rare occasion I've hunted 8-25 I didn't encounter moose but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I've spotted animals in 8-13 up in the Monashees & fairly close to Vernon near Oyama Lake 8-22. The one at Oyama Lake was massive & he spooked very easily, disappeared in a hurry when he caught wind. It was early in the season, September I think, I was after deer & there was no snow yet.

Photos from 2015, mid November at elevation above Mabel Lake. Give you some idea of the amount of snow that you could encounter. Active logging, FSR cleared, I drove up way too high, even the deer had most likely migrated to lower elevations by that time. I had thrown my skis in the vehicle & went for a little tour haha. Only tracks I found were rabbit.

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4mpvgdxZq_RFBo2iNB5kdaitvsouYPJ-h9rPwac1Nn89bLxH4JChxjRkXW7qEqgcgcKansuSRwwQxNcYFW NtLOXvuOK9G2Zz5xHqBDHw4pcwNxdJv2GSbU0OvIxyw_8DYkxB VUzV2MKky0OrhvTC8Vmt5Z7Do9QYbJdUtNVwzpLAO6Dbp0osBi Uoej3Xy50SXw?width=1024&height=768&cropmode=none

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mikek blacktail
07-07-2022, 04:12 PM
Great photos

high horse Hal
07-07-2022, 09:17 PM
Snow is your friend, for so many reasons
no better way to find out what is happening in a new area

Thanks guys my biggest worry is snow , we basically are heading up there for a deer hunt and the moose would be a bonus.

mikek blacktail
07-10-2022, 09:35 AM
For sure hoping for fresh snow but not too deep.