View Full Version : Disrespect For Churn Creek!

11-21-2007, 09:28 PM
Was hunting in area 3-31 for a week. We took a drive out to Churn Creek one day as no one in our hunting party had ever been to this area before. The scenery was beautiful but the nimrods who have been leaving garbage in the designated campsites and tire tracks off the roadways through the bunchgrass are ruining the aesthetic value of such a magnificient area. And it's these people who will be the first to cry foul when someday the government throws up a gate and closes it off to everyone. :frown:

11-21-2007, 09:30 PM
I hope idiots like that get caught befor it's to late for us to hunt there again.

11-21-2007, 10:17 PM
I hope idiots like that get caught befor it's to late for us to hunt there again.

+1 count me in. People don't realize how valuable and rare B.C's interior grasslands are, every year more and more of it is lost to golf courses, townhouses, and will never be back again.

11-21-2007, 10:44 PM
2 weeks ago went to Deadmen samething happen I end up cleaning
some idiots garbage and 23 beer bottle.

11-22-2007, 05:09 AM
They are the people that ruin it for all of us ,there just party harders ,they have no respect for nature or they wouldn't leave there mess in the area.http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon8.gif.

David Heitsman
11-22-2007, 12:21 PM
We picked up a bag of trash from the Empire calving barns on our way out last week as well. It doesn't take that long to look around your camp before you put it in gear to pull out.

As to the tracks, there is one road that runs up the Churn to the old cabin and it is used only for official purposes. You'd have to be pretty brave or naive to open the gates and pull on down there. It's quite well posted.

If you come in from the south, there are posted signs as well.

Did you notice the deep ruts on the Iron Gate rd? You could high centre a truck in them no problem.

11-22-2007, 01:18 PM
My buddies and I spent a few days in there Nov 11 weekend and I could not believe the number of hunters! I mean, it's always a popular place, especially in November when the 4 points start to show up, but it's like somebody posted directions on the internet!
The deer population was, IMO, way down from previous years and the hunter population up. There was one camp that had 4 20' wall tents setup end to end making a 80' tent! The CO's said there were 17 guys in that camp alone. They had a Direct TV satellite dish mounted on a tree!! Plus lots of other camps scattered around.

Too bad. We've hunted that area for many years and I think it's time to find something else.

11-22-2007, 05:38 PM
I wouldn't hesitate to write down license plate #'s if I saw similar acts of idiocy. I suppose its to tough to walk around out there in the bunchgrass what with all the grass and stuff:roll:. Guys like that ruin it for everyone.

As for the 80' walltent, I would like to see a picture of that. 17 guys in one camp? Must make for a competitive hunt.

11-22-2007, 05:54 PM
I can't believe that some idiots are driving off the road there. That is such an incredible part of our Province. Even last year there were too many hunters for the area.
Hatchetjack, how did you boys do out there? Did you at least get your LEH doe??:wink:

11-22-2007, 06:32 PM
Yeah DH, we parked just before the ruts up on Iron Gate Rd and walked in from there. Further up the road we went to the left where the road splits. Thats where we found a BBQ and other garbage left behind. We would have packed it out if we had driven up there. As it was, we picked up gum wrappers and other bits of paper. Its really a shame the number of slob hunters that are plying the woods these days.

11-22-2007, 07:09 PM
once again elmo fud hunters,,, take pic, and report,,date and times, etc,,,