View Full Version : 2022 LEH Hunting Changes Out

05-19-2022, 05:00 PM
LEH Now Open - https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/fishing-hunting/hunting/limited-entry-hunting

Have at it


BC Government Statement - https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022FOR0033-000792

Government Regulation Detailed Changes - https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/fishing-and-hunting/hunting/limited-entry-hunting/leh_changes_-_public_notification.pdf


Haida Gwaii is to remain open, there was a clerical error


Wild Sheep Society of BC Statement https://www.wildsheepsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/WSSBCReleaseMay2022Final.pdf

BC Wildlife Federation Statement https://bcwf.bc.ca/b-c-turns-its-back-on-science-with-changes-to-wildlife-management/

05-19-2022, 05:49 PM
Anyone else having issues with that web site? Every time I scroll past page 2 an error comes up saying there is issues with the site and it defaults back to the top of page 1.

05-19-2022, 05:58 PM
I’m seeing on Instagram that all licensed hunting on Haida Gwaii is canceled as of now. Anyone able to confirm?

05-19-2022, 06:16 PM
The BC Gov't link is in this article...

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid025hY4Up31A9r5RfWTkM29Uc emB81crQykcF4ombCyY4GQ2AzDGu9Fw8Zi5iZfn8mhl&id=100064210474912

05-19-2022, 06:53 PM
So much for my culture and heritage of moose hunting and providing my family with meat from the land. Gov can suck it.

05-19-2022, 07:04 PM

05-19-2022, 07:25 PM
I’m seeing on Instagram that all licensed hunting on Haida Gwaii is canceled as of now. Anyone able to confirm?


05-19-2022, 07:33 PM

Can you post a link?

05-19-2022, 07:35 PM

Any link available (besides Instagram)??

05-19-2022, 07:45 PM
https://www.alaskahighwaynews.ca/fort-st-john/hunting-closures-regulation-changes-announced-in-northeast-bc-5389458?fbclid=IwAR1q3ELGObe9rf6VAC2h7TXBiDhMhaYgY jxIzVulLWe7qvr7nKRbQhCPkhg

read this it has more on the 7B moose hunt and LEH

Gr8 white hunter
05-19-2022, 08:17 PM
Just make sure you run down to CRA and pay your taxes.

05-19-2022, 08:17 PM
I’d like to see a link to the Haida Gwaii closure, considering I booked my flight up there last week…

05-19-2022, 08:45 PM
Maybe contact the local Indians and see if they will give you a refund

05-19-2022, 08:51 PM
Meh. I identify as native so none of this applies to me. Sorry whitey, you’re on your own…

Stone C. Killer
05-19-2022, 09:26 PM
Meh. I identify as native so none of this applies to me. Sorry whitey, you’re on your own…

Good luck with that

05-19-2022, 09:32 PM
Meh. I identify as native so none of this applies to me. Sorry whitey, you’re on your own…

Can't deny you on your status or the government is racist. You win.

05-19-2022, 09:38 PM
Good news here too, Implements Compulsory Reporting for all moose harvested by licensed hunters in the PeaceRegion (other than a portion of M.U. 7-52 which is accessed by the Skeena Region and
remains Compulsory Inspection).

Only moose harvested by 'licensed' hunters need to get inspection, if your not licensed no inspection needed.

05-19-2022, 09:49 PM
What a joke. We all knew it was comming. We are screwed under this NDP/UN government.

05-19-2022, 09:58 PM
"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.". - Martin Luther King

This whole 4th turning thesis has merits.

05-19-2022, 10:06 PM
Soon you’ll only hunt if you’re First Nations or rich and can pay a guide

05-19-2022, 10:30 PM
Correction monashee, your post should read "soon you'll only hunt "legally" if you're FN or rich". Legal to or not, I for one will continue to feed my family the same way MY ancestors have been doing on this continent for the last 350 years. My forebears had direct and meaningful impact on building this nation and I won't be told I'm not entitled to anything me or my predecessors helped build. I suspect I'm not alone in this sentiment or in this intended course of action.


05-19-2022, 10:43 PM
Possibly why the turd wants to take away all our guns? Won't have any need for them any more....

05-19-2022, 11:30 PM
The gov't will keep pushing until we push back. Anybody know a good lawyer/hunter?

05-20-2022, 07:11 AM
7B… was the ceded land of the working man, now kiss it good bye

05-20-2022, 08:28 AM
Heres an article that I found..

high horse Hal
05-20-2022, 08:45 AM
"In the Liard and Northeast Rockies areas of the region, moose hunting will be permitted in remote regions and areas without roads, and will not be restricted by limited entry hunting. This decision will be revisited next year."

"This summary does not include regulation changes currently under consideration through the biennial regulation cycle that are not related to Limited Entry Hunting, for example, changes to motor vehicle prohibitions, firearms restrictions, general open seasons, etc. are still pending and will be reflected in the updated Hunting and Trapping Synopsis once complete."

high horse Hal
05-20-2022, 08:57 AM
Replace all Kootenay Region September 10 – October 25 GOS for full curl bighorn ram mountain sheep with LEH.

"Increasing quantity of mountain sheep hunters in the region,
expanding road networks,
new vehicle technology,
technological improvements in hunting tools,

and social media

have increased the vulnerability of sheep to harvest across the region."

05-20-2022, 08:59 AM
Time to move to Alberta

05-20-2022, 09:00 AM
Any link available (besides Instagram)??

scout, I have to apologize, I was a bit too fast with information yet to be verified. A clerk replied to a PTA request that all hunting will be closed on Haida, they, however have now corrected that statement. PTA remains closed but that’s nothing new. Resident hunting will not be banned. Sorry for the confusion. Everybody a bit on the verge in the current climate.

high horse Hal
05-20-2022, 09:08 AM
Still having to wait for the final leh synopsis to see any maps, don't book that flight yet

05-20-2022, 01:35 PM
Ok... I hummed and hawed over asking this here or starting a new thread but I would like a simple short clear answer to this once and for all and don't think it warrants a . Is the BCWF a conservation organization like it claims, both on here and when I do get a reply when I contact them, or does it represent resident hunters?

In the BC government's own statement it reads "These decisions were informed by extensive engagement with the public, First Nations, the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia and the BC Wildlife Federation." That would read to me as though they were representing resident hunters.

I fully know that they had no part in this decision. It was decided long before anyone on here, or they ever even heard about it. But in all honesty, resident hunters need a real group to represent them. The province seems to repeatedly assert that the BCWFis who they consult to represent us but the BCWF says they are a conservation organization that does not. I just want a yes or no answer, and if the answer is no then serious discussion must be had to create one and the BCWF must refuse to.

Bugle M In
05-20-2022, 01:44 PM
For many years hunters themselves are guilty of seeing the Bcwf as an organization “for hunters”.
Its filled with hunters in their ranks, but they are organized to help “wildlife’”.
We are guilty of thinking the represent hunters in their battles.
They do try to for sure.
But they are also guilty of letting us for years “assume” they represent hunters in what they are doing.
The goabc is for GO.
Wr for years have actually not had tri resident hunter representation, unlike the goabc but used bcwf.
We do have sci hunters for bc now, but it is filled with a mix of hunters, just so you are all aware.
And in that is a mix of resident hunters and GO!
So, do we have truly a organization for resident hunters with zero affiliation with GO or anything else.
Not to my knowledge.

And here comes the flack from what I just said.
Dont care, won’t respond, just saying it from my point of view

05-20-2022, 02:02 PM
conservation has always been part of a hunters psyche..so in the past they were easy to combine...but now hunting has been perverted by politics such that we are no longer seen as stewards of wildlife because hunting is no longer being driven by sound science (AKA conservation)

05-20-2022, 02:08 PM
"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.". - Martin Luther King

This whole 4th turning thesis has merits.

Bingo....all carry on....

05-20-2022, 02:09 PM
Correction monashee, your post should read "soon you'll only hunt "legally" if you're FN or rich". Legal to or not, I for one will continue to feed my family the same way MY ancestors have been doing on this continent for the last 350 years. My forebears had direct and meaningful impact on building this nation and I won't be told I'm not entitled to anything me or my predecessors helped build. I suspect I'm not alone in this sentiment or in this intended course of action.


You are not alone indeed...

high horse Hal
05-20-2022, 02:19 PM
Easy to define your take on what 'representing resident hunters' means to you, then look into the mission and mandate of the BCWF that has not changed ever, then decide if they are the bus to jump on or take another ride tha better fits your needs
Same as our local gc , it didn't do anything for me so am traveling to a club range that does.

Ok... I hummed and hawed over asking this here or starting a new thread but I would like a simple short clear answer to this once and for all and don't think it warrants a . Is the BCWF a conservation organization like it claims, both on here and when I do get a reply when I contact them, or does it represent resident hunters?

In the BC government's own statement it reads "These decisions were informed by extensive engagement with the public, First Nations, the Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia and the BC Wildlife Federation." That would read to me as though they were representing resident hunters.

I fully know that they had no part in this decision. It was decided long before anyone on here, or they ever even heard about it. But in all honesty, resident hunters need a real group to represent them. The province seems to repeatedly assert that the BCWFis who they consult to represent us but the BCWF says they are a conservation organization that does not. I just want a yes or no answer, and if the answer is no then serious discussion must be had to create one and the BCWF must refuse to.

05-20-2022, 02:29 PM
scout, I have to apologize, I was a bit too fast with information yet to be verified. A clerk replied to a PTA request that all hunting will be closed on Haida, they, however have now corrected that statement. PTA remains closed but that’s nothing new. Resident hunting will not be banned. Sorry for the confusion. Everybody a bit on the verge in the current climate.

I got sent a screenshot of that same email from a friend last night, glad it's an error, but man bad news moves fast around here

05-20-2022, 02:34 PM
Here’s my 2 cents if I can afford horses, a jet boat, a float plane or hire a guide and don’t draw out on the LEH I’m out of luck to hunt moose in 7B this year. Kinda doesn’t seem fair I always thought we had equal rights as residents of this province. I mean that one of the reasons they have the ATV restrictions cause the Government was like not everyone can afford a ATV so it’s not fair for everyone. Looks to me that this is completely BS way of wildlife management again by the NDP government which need to go and have some real science based wildlife management practices. It’s time to stick up for us hunters and start to make enough noise that these goofs in Victoria hear our voice and stop the BS and stop them from taking away our opportunities for their political gains. My 2cents

Bugle M In
05-20-2022, 02:43 PM
Valid 2 cents, imo

05-20-2022, 02:47 PM
does anyone know when the LEH will be out lol

05-20-2022, 02:55 PM
Email them and got this message today


We are getting close to publishing the LEH Synopsis online and that should happen soon, hopefully next week. The LEH draw cannot be opened until the Limited Entry Hunting regulation under the Wildlife Act has been signed and deposited into legislation. This has not been completed, and therefore the draw won’t be open for applications for a little while yet. Once we have published the new 2022-2023 LEH Synopsis online, a deadline date for LEH applications will be set, likely a few weeks from when we opened the draw for applications. Please note that these are still approximate timeframes only and there is no specific opening date or closing dates currently.

05-21-2022, 08:27 AM
Here’s my 2 cents if I can afford horses, a jet boat, a float plane or hire a guide and don’t draw out on the LEH I’m out of luck to hunt moose in 7B this year. Kinda doesn’t seem fair I always thought we had equal rights as residents of this province. I mean that one of the reasons they have the ATV restrictions cause the Government was like not everyone can afford a ATV so it’s not fair for everyone. Looks to me that this is completely BS way of wildlife management again by the NDP government which need to go and have some real science based wildlife management practices. It’s time to stick up for us hunters and start to make enough noise that these goofs in Victoria hear our voice and stop the BS and stop them from taking away our opportunities for their political gains. My 2cents

Make all the noise you want…..won’t make any difference likely just make it worse. Vast majority of BCers don’t give 2 shits about hunters and hunting opportunity and prefer the critters are left alone. Thats just a fact. Politicians know it and pander to the voters. BC NDP is all about reconciliation and the environment because that’s what the masses think is important these days. Hunters are irrelevant and are simply used as a pawn for a means to an end. They don’t care if your hunting opportunity gets trampled and dealt away in the process. Sucks but thats just the way it is. As long as I remember hunting opportunity in this province has been eroded. The only thing that is certain is that it will continue. Enjoy what is left while you can.

05-21-2022, 09:01 AM
Make all the noise you want…..won’t make any difference likely just make it worse. Vast majority of BCers don’t give 2 shits about hunters and hunting opportunity and prefer the critters are left alone. Thats just a fact. Politicians know it and pander to the voters. BC NDP is all about reconciliation and the environment because that’s what the masses think is important these days. Hunters are irrelevant and are simply used as a pawn for a means to an end. They don’t care if your hunting opportunity gets trampled and dealt away in the process. Sucks but thats just the way it is. As long as I remember hunting opportunity in this province has been eroded. The only thing that is certain is that it will continue. Enjoy what is left while you can.

Your statement.....harsh reality check...sad but closer to the truth than we care to admit.

05-21-2022, 09:13 AM
Make all the noise you want…..won’t make any difference likely just make it worse. Vast majority of BCers don’t give 2 shits about hunters and hunting opportunity and prefer the critters are left alone. Thats just a fact. Politicians know it and pander to the voters. BC NDP is all about reconciliation and the environment because that’s what the masses think is important these days. Hunters are irrelevant and are simply used as a pawn for a means to an end. They don’t care if your hunting opportunity gets trampled and dealt away in the process. Sucks but thats just the way it is. As long as I remember hunting opportunity in this province has been eroded. The only thing that is certain is that it will continue. Enjoy what is left while you can.

Majority of this province's population just doesn't give a shit about hunting. Even those that are indifferent on it won't go out of their way to voice their opinion one way or the other. It's just not a thought in their everyday life whatsoever.

The hunting culture just isn't there anymore like it is in some of the US states that maintain a much higher hunter population.

Arctic Lake
05-21-2022, 09:13 AM
I for one think the general population have NO IDEA about hunters and hunting in B.C. !
The only way I see to change that is a massive education campaign . How and where to get the money is something I’m not sure about , but it NEEDS to be done . Press the importance of self reliance on harvesting your own protein , being in the great outdoors etc .

Arctic Lake

05-21-2022, 09:35 AM
I am sad to see Hunting opportunities being lost in this Province and I totally agree with what you have said , I am now a senior and have been hunting since i have been 5 years old , I remember the old days just buy a Tag and go so I am very fortunate to have hunted through the late 60's and early 70's before LEH and all the restrictions , sadly thoes days are gone.

Make all the noise you want…..won’t make any difference likely just make it worse. Vast majority of BCers don’t give 2 shits about hunters and hunting opportunity and prefer the critters are left alone. Thats just a fact. Politicians know it and pander to the voters. BC NDP is all about reconciliation and the environment because that’s what the masses think is important these days. Hunters are irrelevant and are simply used as a pawn for a means to an end. They don’t care if your hunting opportunity gets trampled and dealt away in the process. Sucks but thats just the way it is. As long as I remember hunting opportunity in this province has been eroded. The only thing that is certain is that it will continue. Enjoy what is left while you can.

Bugle M In
05-21-2022, 10:18 AM
The majority of people could care less.
Its not tha the majority hate what we do, but they are bombarded by anti sentiment in the media.
Rarely do they involve themselves into a discussion, as it does not affect them.

05-21-2022, 10:38 AM
I for one think the general population have NO IDEA about hunters and hunting in B.C. !
The only way I see to change that is a massive education campaign . How and where to get the money is something I’m not sure about , but it NEEDS to be done . Press the importance of self reliance on harvesting your own protein , being in the great outdoors etc .

Arctic Lake

How do you educate someone who doesn't care at all about the subject?

It's like someone trying to educate me about the benefits of video games. Or some education campaign about cycling and bike lanes. Don't care for it even in the slightest. That's how I expect most of the population to feel about hunting.

05-21-2022, 11:17 AM
I have also heard that island elk may be taken away soon....just rumor,?.....

05-21-2022, 11:21 AM
How do you educate someone who doesn't care at all about the subject?

It's like someone trying to educate me about the benefits of video games. Or some education campaign about cycling and bike lanes. Don't care for it even in the slightest. That's how I expect most of the population to feel about hunting.

Exactly….most just see it as needless killing and think the world would be better without it. Add to that the general fear of firearms and most would just as soon have neither. No campaign is going to change that….ever. For most of us hunting and firearms are part of our cultural fabric….it makes us who we are. We identify by it….it makes us whole. Most don’t understand that and never will. They don’t get that 99% of hunting is about the experience, building memories, reminiscing as we get older. You can’t teach that with media campaigns….you have to live it.

05-21-2022, 11:41 AM
I have also heard that island elk may be taken away soon....just rumor,?.....

05-21-2022, 01:00 PM
I have also heard that island elk may be taken away soon....just rumor,?.....

With the Horgan NDP show along with there Ramming in UNDRIP all of our hunting will be taken away sooner than later .

05-21-2022, 02:41 PM
When can we apply for Leh

05-21-2022, 05:50 PM
The BCWF is the only organization to lobby for hunters but is busy trying to be politically correct. To retain our hunting heritage the BCWF is going to have to ruffle some feathers but they are happy to remain status quo and not be outspoken. We (BCWF) are going to have to get confrontational. If we dont we will loose it all which is what is going to happen anyway!!!!

05-21-2022, 07:04 PM
We will all have a voice when the next election happens. Remember you we feel today when standing in the polling both !!!!

Bugle M In
05-21-2022, 08:17 PM
I am not going to blame the bcwf.
Trust me, pretty everyone of them inside the federation don’t like it either.
We by nature are to complacent
This is purely political and to a degree, a change in society and its values.
Its also what happens when big corporations are not held into account and Libby the shit out of keeping their interests above everyone else.
Its the politicians who are making this happen.
It will only be politicians the can fix it.
But, time is running out.

05-22-2022, 10:12 AM
First, I want to make it clear that I in no way blame the BCWF or anyone besides the current government for this disgrace. That being says I will make this clear as I can:

Was anyone at the table representing resident hunters, full stop?

It's a simple question. Was the BCWF at the table representing BC hunters? Yes or no. The BCWF has regularly come on here and other social media platforms and stated they do not represent hunters but that it is strictly a conservation organization who is primarily made up of hunters and anglers. I respect that, and will continue to support them. However, to me the wording of the Government's statement sounds like they were there representing resident hunters, just the GOABC was there representing guides so which is it? Are they the provincially designated organization chosen to represent resident hunters in this province or are they there to provide input on conservation?

If they were representing resident hunters then whyb do they insist they don't? If they weren't then how do form an organization that does; or is it too late and hunting is lost in this province?

To quell any debate, I am not trying to attack the BCWF. I have been a member for well over half my life and will continue to be. I would just like a straight answer as anytime I have contacted them I either recieved no response or one that evades the question.

05-22-2022, 10:28 AM
Maybe in a 100 years the First Nations will have reconciliation for us white folks and we can carry on like our for father’s!

05-22-2022, 11:12 AM
Maybe in a 100 years the First Nations will have reconciliation for us white folks and we can carry on like our for father’s!

Trying to accept the lacking of science and educations from the equations involved in these decisions regarding reconciliations and stewardships is incredibly difficult for common sense to uphold. No science at all. No mention of training programs involving these new stewards?? Just skin color, race good enough? Just what ever they decide to do is what we will have ,or not have. What a bloody blue scarlet mess this will be in just a few years!! Already groups of folks facing the price of meat at the markets having meetings on honing the skills at deboning meat in the field. Even some talk of rustling beef!! Times definitely are changing. Sure wish there was some way of riding this land of this sickening pestilence. Dam sure don't see twodoe and deadmeat walkin around here tryin to shake hands!!

Bugle M In
05-22-2022, 09:59 PM
Saving my Pennie’s.
Someone else can have my tags.
They always do for the last 25 years anyways.

05-23-2022, 12:48 AM
There is a rage building,I pay my taxes I do what they(overlords in Vic) tell me but why am I blamed for the injustices ,why do I have to sacrifice the things that have been inundated by my forefathers FOR GENERATIONS ,no more play by the rules I was told as a young man thats what good people do ,sure and be treated like the poor working class sap they love to tread on ,no more rules ,they are not using common sense or science based process why should we ,have had it with the Vic boys and their stumbling stupidity ,,,unforgiveable so enough....

Gr8 white hunter
05-23-2022, 04:24 AM
You will be paying your property taxes to the Indians.Think of how much money the government will save.

digger dogger
05-23-2022, 04:38 AM
You will be paying your property taxes to the Indians.Think of how much money the government will save.

Oh I get it, I think!

The Indians made this place, (British Columbia) so we pay the creator!?!?!
Right, it’s all clear now.

05-23-2022, 05:47 AM
Soon you’ll only hunt if you’re First Nations or rich and can pay a guide
Soon is NOW!

05-23-2022, 11:07 PM
Soon you’ll only hunt if you’re First Nations or rich and can pay a guide

This is exactly what just happened! And the fools that said LEH doesn’t sound that bad and didn’t even want to fight it sure didn’t help. The natives and outfitters just got the lion share of what’s left and the residents got screwed! This is just the beginning

05-24-2022, 06:47 AM
You will be paying your property taxes to the Indians.Think of how much money the government will save.

You already are, the govt collects it from you by force and just gives it to them.

05-24-2022, 06:50 AM
This is exactly what just happened! And the fools that said LEH doesn’t sound that bad and didn’t even want to fight it sure didn’t help. The natives and outfitters just got the lion share of what’s left and the residents got screwed! This is just the beginning

The LEH was bad right from the start, it's pretty sad when foreign or wealthy hunters can access tags while resident hunters have to win a lottery for one. IF there is a need for an LEH to limit harvests to protect the game populations then there should be no commercial hunting permitted. Residents should always come first.

05-24-2022, 11:09 AM
I have yet to see anywhere what the recent changes to 7B mean for GO's. Can someone provide some accurate information about allocation changes, if any, for them?

05-24-2022, 11:51 AM
hey....do you hear that sound....that sucking sound...not sure if it is the vacuum of information on this or just the general sound of the NDP

05-24-2022, 02:06 PM
word is Region 6's review is July 1 if Moose will be LEH the following year and closing Caribou

06-01-2022, 09:18 AM
Finally a response from my local MLA.

"However, our government is making changes to hunting regulations in some parts of the Province to advance reconciliation and improve wildlife stewardship partnerships with First Nations. For the next two years, to lower the number of hunters in the area, and reduce the number of moose harvested by 50 percent, moose hunting will be restricted to Limited Entry Hunting in the Peace, with a full closure Oct. 1-15, during the mating season. For a one-year period, in the Liard and Northeast Rockies regions of the Province, moose hunting will still be permitted in remote and un-roaded areas and not restricted by Limited Entry Hunting. However, moose hunting will not be permitted in these areas in the month of August and from Oct 1-15 during the mating season.

Our BC Government acknowledges that the changes may have an impact on both guide outfitters and resident hunters, but we will be investing in wildlife management and habitat restoration for the next two years to build collaboration and support healthy moose populations for everyone’s benefit.
We’re deeply committed to advancing reconciliation in B.C. – guided by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration Act, and with meaningful consultation and cooperation with Indigenous Peoples. As part of that consultation and engagement, we will continue to work with First Nations on wildlife management decisions that affect their territory.

The hunting regulation changes are a two-year interim measure and only one part of a broader package of actions designed to improve wildlife stewardship, uphold Treaty rights, and enhance habitat conservation. These amended hunting regulations are aimed at addressing the ability of First Nations to continue their way of life and begin to address the impacts of industrial development of the rights guaranteed and as confirmed in the Supreme Court of BC decision Yahey vs. BC (June 29, 2021). The work that our government did is following through on this decision that the Supreme Court of BC made.

I know that you had more specific questions about how the data would be used and I will follow up with you on that when I receive more details."