View Full Version : Mexico trip

chilcotin hillbilly
04-02-2022, 09:05 AM
HI Folks,
My wife and I escaped for a few days of R&R this winter. Mahahual is a small town one hour north of the Belize border.
It was our first time there and would go back in a heart beat. Julie took up fly fishing two years ago when COVID shut down the borders giving us two years with no clients and time to learn new skills.
2021 cut Julie's fishing short with a terrible spinal problem which required surgery in October. It was amazing to see her out fishing as we never new if she could do it until we got to Mexico. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8702&stc=1
I thought I would share some of the picture of our trip.
We fished both the flats and the cenotes, catching about ten different species mostly being bonefish and Palameta but did land a few tarpon which is
Enjoy the pictures

http://i.imgur.com/zDTqLnEl.jpg (https://imgur.com/zDTqLnE)

04-02-2022, 09:14 AM
That’s interesting. First, it’s great that she can once again cast a fly. And secondly, recovering so well with her back surgery.
Did you take your own gear?

04-02-2022, 11:33 AM
Looks like one hell of a lot of FUN!!

Congrats on your Lady for such a fine recovery!!

And many thanks for sharing!!


04-02-2022, 12:05 PM
it simply could not have happened to 2 finer people .looks like a BLAST..we are hoping and praying Julie continues to improve and grow stronger..
thank you for changing my color from sun deprived white to JEALOUS green..enjoyed the photos.

now back to shovelling snow on the mountain...lol

walks with deer
04-02-2022, 12:16 PM
Awesome rhanks for sharring.

04-02-2022, 01:12 PM
I'm jealous!

chilcotin hillbilly
04-02-2022, 08:11 PM
That’s interesting. First, it’s great that she can once again cast a fly. And secondly, recovering so well with her back surgery.
Did you take your own gear?
No not this time. Next time I will. We fished with a guide who supplied the gear. Nice guy and reasonably priced. Next time I will take our own gear Fishing was pretty good in front of the hotel we stayed at.

04-02-2022, 08:37 PM
Cool photo's.
On those kind of deals, do you get to eat any of the fish?
I have seen people living in vans eating fish for 5 months in Mexico.
I've been waiting since 2019 for my call back from the neurosurgeon. Live in my inversion table.

chilcotin hillbilly
04-03-2022, 07:56 AM
Cool photo's.
On those kind of deals, do you get to eat any of the fish?
I have seen people living in vans eating fish for 5 months in Mexico.
I've been waiting since 2019 for my call back from the neurosurgeon. Live in my inversion table.

We never ate any fish we caught. The bone fish, permit and the Tarpon typically never get killed as they really are a trophy fish.
Other fish can be eaten but we never did.
Sorry to hear about your back. Julie was on 48 mg of morphine daily to control the pain. That is why she got bumped to the front of the line. She was so fortunate to get the quick treatment as she was literally bedridden for two months prior.