View Full Version : Whats the strangest thing youve found or seen in the back country?

03-25-2022, 06:11 PM
About 25 years ago pac

03-25-2022, 07:05 PM
Yup, while 6,000 feet up chasing Stones in the northern Rockies, sitting at my classing spot, several sea snail like fossils in the rocks. Very cool.

03-25-2022, 07:53 PM
Two teens ****ing in a willow patch .

03-25-2022, 08:04 PM
A very nice carved nude in a aspen patch In the South Chilcotin mnts near an old cow camp.

03-25-2022, 09:01 PM
A big outcropping of pea-cock rock while hiking near Castlgar. I took home 10lbs and have given away 9.5 of it (2005).
A truck box with a canopy in the middle of nowhere while hiking north east of Quesnel along the cottonwood river. It was full of stuff and yellow jackets. No trail in to it and the trees around it were 15 years old. I suspect gold miners.

03-25-2022, 10:15 PM
Years ago I was guiding a sheep hunter and we had climbed up to a ridge line, planning to work our way along it and get above some rams. We were out in the middle of nowhere in the north country. As we cautiously moved along the ridge what to our wondering eyes did appear, but a large diesel engine in a crate strapped to a pallet and wrapped with heavy plastic. It had obviously been there for some time. From the markings on the crate it was a new engine that was needed for a piece of equipment somewhere. The only way it could have gotten where we found it was if a chopper had dropped it there for some reason and then no one ever came back to get it.

03-26-2022, 12:40 AM
hmmm so many...
one was on a moose hunt was walking through some thick stuff and there was a car driven straight forward stopping at a tree..obviously been there for years..grabbed some insurance papers..took them to police...got to go show them where it was..off a skidder trail off Spoken lake rd.
found several more from various helicopter medivac flights..so surprising ALL but 1 were STOLEN FROM Williams lake..the one that wasnt stolen from WILLIAMS Lake was stolen from QUESNEL..HOWEVER ALL 100% were left on the hills above the reserves on highway 20.
found a boat early one morning floating on a lake..no body on board..their bodies were recovered next day..both had stood to pee fell overboard..both gents zippers were undone.
walking through REALLY thick thick spruce..think black spruce sat to rest on a log thinking im the only person to ever sit down here..looked next to me..3 square cut hand made nails and a brass type alarm clock..seen a similar modern one at BARKERVILLE store...rifle on high mountain ridge..wood was toast..rifle rusted..someone left it there..so did i.

years ago CLAYTON MACK was involved with hiding several wooden trunks..holding sacred items..ie carved masks..blankets..carved sheep horn ceremonial spoons...old ceremonial things..
we were chatting and for some reason he told me exactly where they were hid..never did look for them...always wondered.....

03-26-2022, 07:58 AM
One day while Quading up on the top of Windy Mountain (just North of Bridge Lake) We came across a Big natural Rock pile (about 10 ft in dia ) Covered in LADY BUGS - There was thousands +++ of them ! Very Colorfull crawling all over the greystone rocks ! That's the most Strangest i have come across ! Any one Else ever seen these - this ? :wink: RJ

03-26-2022, 08:28 AM
Came across what appeared to be a very large piece of flat stone the looked to be more like concrete(might be) stamped with an image/ message.
There's a circle with 3 small points, 1 larger one, below what appears to be a UFO, below that 1987, with 3 straight lines under that and at the bottom the phrase I TRUST IN GOD; off to the right is 3 parallel lines with crossed like the letter H, the outside 2 lines are curved out at the ends; further to the right is a circle with cogs on the outside like a gear and in the centre a symbol like a Christian cross of sorts.

03-26-2022, 08:32 AM
Was hunting Blacktails on the top of Buffalo Hump.
Sitting on a moss covered outcrop . . . the moss beside me had a faint rectangular shape.
Cut through about 4" of moss to find an ancient sardine can with an equally ancient pocket watch inside.
Took a real 'cranker' buck later in the day.

03-26-2022, 08:37 AM

03-26-2022, 08:37 AM
Nothing really strange.... yet. Lots of abandoned things rusted traps hanging on trees, old metal cream cans I know some trappers used them to stash stuff on the trail. Graves, reading glasses on a log, rotten rafts and rubber boats on mountain lakes. Stone walls about 10x12 the size of a wall tent? Old weather balloons, horse shoes, a license plate 5k from the nearest road.

Not in the bush but on the side of a very active logging road, the same tool box twice the first time looked like someone unloaded a quad there so I left it thinking they come back for it. 2 years later it was still there, I gave it to someone that needed it more than me.

03-26-2022, 08:49 AM
This is actually really common. Ladybugs over winter in the alpine, under rocks. People actually go up with buckets to collect them and sell them to greenhouses for pest control.(Aphids etc) Sold by the pound. Super environmentally friendly. Trick is to get them to stay long enough to eat the aphids.

03-26-2022, 09:16 AM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..

03-26-2022, 09:28 AM
was hunting wt and elk in koots...we d rove out of camp and the old fella was gonna drop us off a few k from camp so we could hunt our way back..as we went up a road I spotted animals and said "stop something ahead"...we quickly realized I was about 8
or so horses mulling on both sides if the logging road in the clear-cut.. so we started to move again...then suddenly a fuzzy brown grizzly bear cub ra off the upper side of the road near 4 horses and ran to the lower side and stopped in the middle of the 4 horses that were below the road....the hoses looked up for about 1 second and went back to eating..my best guess was the orphaned cub had been adopted by the horses cuz they were within feet of each other...

03-26-2022, 09:35 AM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..

Hahahahaha best thing I've read this morning

I found a pile of pig trimmings ontop of an outhouse at a forestry camp site. Was super weird. Thought at first it was human skin from far away.

03-26-2022, 09:52 AM
An 8x8 square hemmed in by a split rail fence on the top of a hump at the end of an overgrown logging road. Nothing but grass growing in the middle surrounded by 20ish year old second growth.

another time I was exploring some new ground, I was walking a small ridge, then down into a marshy ravine. At the head of the ravine, in the middle of the forest I found a pile of stacked rocks, I walked around to the other side of the pile and it turns out the rocks were piled over top of what looked like a metal igloo that came to about waist height.

03-26-2022, 01:03 PM
One day while Quading up on the top of Windy Mountain (just North of Bridge Lake) We came across a Big natural Rock pile (about 10 ft in dia ) Covered in LADY BUGS - There was thousands +++ of them ! Very Colorfull crawling all over the greystone rocks ! That's the most Strangest i have come across ! Any one Else ever seen these - this ? :wink: RJ

At my old elementary school, every year for a couple days one wall would get absolutely covered in ladybugs. Never forgot what that looked like.

03-26-2022, 01:22 PM
There have been many...

An Inuit (Inuvialuit actually) Buddy and I were exploring the Richardson Mountains North & West of Aklavik, NWT.
We wandered into a basin that was quite large, with a raised hump near the center of it which divided the stream running the valley length.
We parked our snow machines, and went up on the hump to have a boo,
I quickly saw signs of a very old camp, including remnants of a log structure and a few old tins.

My Partner had wandered to the side of the bluff that was a natural overlook of the valley both above & below.
Hey! He yelled, Come up here man...
When I got there he pointed to an ancient rifle leaning against a tree, right where a fellow might have sat to gaze across the surrounding vistas.
My Partner was (is) rather superstitious, so asked me to pick it up and have a boo. The metal was somewhat rusted, the stock dried right out and weathered, but still largely there. It was a Winchester Model 1873.

After I had handled it my Partner suggested it potential Bad JuuJuu was gone, so I handed it over to him.
He had it restored, and it still hangs over the fireplace at his home in the bush outside of Akalavik by 40 miles or so.

Always wondered just what the hell would make a man wander off from his rifle in that kind of setting...


03-26-2022, 01:28 PM
Found all kinds of Strange things while rooming the wilds between Thompson Manitoba to Anchorage Alaska but what comes to mind right now is a hike up Grouse Mountain in 1972 on a almost impossible trail in July. While about halve way up stopping and quenching our Thirst, there right beside the tiny Creek lays this Airplane Jet engine. Hmmm my Buddy said in his Swiss Dialect, that Airplane must have had a bad Day.
Once in awhile I remember and always wondering what happened to the Airplane and if the People in I survived ?


03-26-2022, 02:13 PM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..
What did you do to relieve the swelling?

Hahaha, sorry Harry, couldn't resist. :)

03-26-2022, 02:24 PM
What did you do to relieve the swelling?

Yellowjackets look for dead meat.

03-26-2022, 04:43 PM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

03-26-2022, 05:08 PM
Once while hunting up the east branch of the Kettle River I was working along a ridge and just below the top about 15-20 yards down slope there was a square hole about 4-5 ft. across and about 5-6 ft. deep that had been carved out of the solid rock. I can only imagine the work involved, must of been prospectors.

03-26-2022, 06:50 PM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

Well we all know it wasn't Fisher Dude :p

03-26-2022, 06:58 PM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

Was it a camo pattern on the briefs.

03-26-2022, 08:59 PM
What did you do to relieve the swelling?

Hahaha, sorry Harry, couldn't resist. :)

Lol didn't want to ice it and make it any smaller!

03-26-2022, 10:39 PM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

Gatehouse?? It’s his neck of the woods too...

03-26-2022, 11:05 PM
Re: Chilcotin (God’s country) summer trip photos!

About a mile W of Canoe Creek- This landform always puzzles me –made by nature or“otherwise???


03-26-2022, 11:34 PM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..

‘Get the wife to suck the poison out

03-27-2022, 12:33 AM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

Was he wearing gators?

I live hiking in shorts, but gators are a must.

03-27-2022, 05:57 AM
Found a quarter sized seashell at 5000’ish feet in region 7.

Seen a lone pilot spend the day in his camp on north Gataga lake, naked. Up on the mountain the bugs were insane, no idea how he was managing there down on the lake.

The mountains are always watching lol

03-27-2022, 06:01 AM
An 8x8 square hemmed in by a split rail fence on the top of a hump at the end of an overgrown logging road. Nothing but grass growing in the middle surrounded by 20ish year old second growth.

another time I was exploring some new ground, I was walking a small ridge, then down into a marshy ravine. At the head of the ravine, in the middle of the forest I found a pile of stacked rocks, I walked around to the other side of the pile and it turns out the rocks were piled over top of what looked like a metal igloo that came to about waist height.

A metal igloo, now that sounds interesting. Did you take any pictures by chance?

I found a full bottle of pumpkin beer hanging in a tree, and a barb wire fence going downhill on a 45 degree slope, no idea why they would have fenced it as it was too steep for livestock to range in.

03-27-2022, 06:03 AM
This was a neat one. Found this old leg hold mossed into the ground while butchering a caribou. The trap still had (has) 2 marten toe bones in it. Only think I can think of, some time back in the day, someone was trapping below timberline, caught a marten, and possibly got drug up the mountain by a wolverine perhaps?

https://i.postimg.cc/VLNbmW5L/D89729-E5-282-A-4-CBD-8-BD7-AAC1-FED40-EFA.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/15YVtVN0/3-B67-B83-D-A49-A-4507-91-C0-519-BDBC44-F48.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/jSpW6VcL/A6-E45775-02-BB-4-DE4-8317-B2-DC5-EC7-D5-E0.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Wd7bjHQv)

03-27-2022, 12:37 PM
Similar thread from few years back

Bush Treasures:

03-27-2022, 12:38 PM
Sat down on a log north of Peter Hope lake to glass over a cut block and found 2 pieces of smoked salmon on the log.
Was hunting last fall at Hihium Lake and stopped for lunch at the rec site there and found a case of home made wine with 8 sealed full bottles and 3 broken ones.

03-27-2022, 01:14 PM
‘Get the wife to suck the poison out

Lol I would a asked if she was there..

03-27-2022, 03:40 PM
This was a neat one. Found this old leg hold mossed into the ground while butchering a caribou. The trap still had (has) 2 marten toe bones in it. Only think I can think of, some time back in the day, someone was trapping below timberline, caught a marten, and possibly got drug up the mountain by a wolverine perhaps?

https://i.postimg.cc/VLNbmW5L/D89729-E5-282-A-4-CBD-8-BD7-AAC1-FED40-EFA.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/15YVtVN0/3-B67-B83-D-A49-A-4507-91-C0-519-BDBC44-F48.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/jSpW6VcL/A6-E45775-02-BB-4-DE4-8317-B2-DC5-EC7-D5-E0.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Wd7bjHQv)

Very nice caribou decker and nice you were able to keep the velvet on it.
Very cool find as well, hard to tell by picture but looks like may be large for just marten,
maybe could have been set in the pass for intended for some thing larger such as wolverine.

03-27-2022, 06:45 PM
Re: Chilcotin (God’s country) summer trip photos!

About a mile W of Canoe Creek- This landform always puzzles me –made by nature or“otherwise???


It looks to me like mine tailings. Any mining history in the area?

03-27-2022, 07:20 PM
I noticed a few guys mention fossils in the backcountry. I’ve noticed I find them the closest to the steep parts of the mountain, if that makes sense. Especially in the sides of fresh cut creeks that run off of rock faces. Or up in the really high bowls.

Just an assumption here, but I’m guessing as the mountains were pushed up all of the fine stuff in the lower hills has been churned up so much that it’s hard to find them. If you can find a Boulder that’s fallen off of the mountain is the best odds.

Does everybody else use the same tactics? Or have some other pointers? I spend quite a bit of time flipping over rocks in the alpine. I’ll see if I can find a few pics

03-27-2022, 08:34 PM
I am more inclined to say it is an esker . . . a long narrow ridge or mound of sand, gravel and boulders deposited by a stream flowing on, within or beneath a stagnant glacier.

There are a number of them on the Mackin Creek Road. They are so perfectly formed they appear to have been sculpted with heavy equipment.

03-27-2022, 09:11 PM
One day my partner and I were sitting glassing for rams in the Tatshenshini region.
Looking up from our spotting scopes we saw a man walking towards us. Except for a tiny pair of bikini underwear, he was completely naked.
He WAS carrying a rifle.
Wonder if it was one of the members on this forum...

Lmao. It wasn't me in this case, but I arrived ealier than expected one evening at camp. Had just enough clothes to get soaked a couple days and still have a dry set for the evenings and overnights. An hour before last light, prime time, mid November and it's 2C and coming down like a hose.

Am I going to get my clothes drenched for an hour of hunting? Nope.

Am I going to not hunt? Nope.

Hiked up into the mossy timber and still hunted until dark, boxers and boots. Half expected "this is the one day" I'm going to bump into another hunter in the timber or end up on a trailcam, but neither happened that I know of.

Perhaps I should look into better rain gear.

03-27-2022, 09:45 PM
Yeah, Caddis... I’d buy some rain gear. HH makes some really good and affordable stuff. Not really breathable, but if you’re not exerting yourself too much, it’s fantastic stuff. I have both jacket and pants in the stuff below in “army green”. It’s great for duck hunting etc, but packable enough for blacktail camp too.

https://www.hhworkwear.com/en_ca_ww/gale-rain-jacket-70282?gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_Qwz6EPv2nwUzf JwPP1FEFhgApBjzgiBr4NEDZ21dGgLZUBkyLoHKRoCEH8QAvD_ BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&color=420406

03-27-2022, 11:19 PM
Yeah, Caddis... I’d buy some rain gear. HH makes some really good and affordable stuff. Not really breathable, but if you’re not exerting yourself too much, it’s fantastic stuff. I have both jacket and pants in the stuff below in “army green”. It’s great for duck hunting etc, but packable enough for blacktail camp too.

https://www.hhworkwear.com/en_ca_ww/gale-rain-jacket-70282?gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_Qwz6EPv2nwUzf JwPP1FEFhgApBjzgiBr4NEDZ21dGgLZUBkyLoHKRoCEH8QAvD_ BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&color=420406

Awesome. Will PM you tomorrow about that with some Q's.

And to make up for the little derail there not to mention the visual, weirdest things I found?

Garbage/dumping weirdness aside, I found a makeshift tripod with an unopened beer in the middle. Can was pretty faded, figured it had been there a while

Another was a glove hanging from a tree. There was a rope coming down from pretty high up the tree (maybe 20 yards) and then the glove hooked on (snared) in light snare wire just dangling 6 feet off the ground. Couldn't think up any logical reason for a rope dangling from that high up, or the glove.

Subconscious will probably remember some more later. I think there was a good 50-100 page "weird things you found in the bush" thread here on the forum probably worth bumping if anyone wants to dig it up. That thread and similar like this, it's hard to put the book down!

03-27-2022, 11:39 PM
I was just looking back through some old photos and came across these.



03-27-2022, 11:44 PM
Here’s a few fossils I found. I’m guessing the first two are ammonites




03-28-2022, 07:07 AM
Come to think of it, I was bear hunting in the spring in reg 8, climbed a mountain with a semi recent burn:

And found this weird giant hole on the top of a mountain...if a deer fell into the hole it would have a hard time climbing out..even a person could have difficulty....


03-28-2022, 11:52 AM
My wife and I stumbled onto a scene that looked like something from a low budget horror film while hiking many summers ago - a half dozen or so large bones (thinking beef femurs) with meat scraps, hung from trees and suspended ~12ft off the ground - this was 10km from the nearest road, so someone had definitely put some effort into it.
There were no trail cameras that we could see. The bones were somewhat cleaned up, but not so much so to make me believe it was a deboned animal from a hunter…

To this day, I wonder if it was someone trying to bait bears. Whatever it was, it made my hair stand in end.

Last fall, I was hunting in the alpine and found an six pack of unopened beer under a the fringes of a small evergreen. The cans were pretty weathered, it was cheap stuff, and I wasn’t all that desperate for a drink, so I left it for someone else to find.

03-28-2022, 01:18 PM
Not what I encountered, although I was present at the time.

Many moons ago I was solo hunting in the Cumberland Delta (Manitoba Saskatchewan border).

Staked out my camp for the night on a little island in the big Saskatchewan River.
Sometime during the night I awoke in a panic thinking I was drowning.
The floor of my tent was 3 inches deep in water and rising fast! :shock:
Unfortunately my canoe had wandered off with the increased flow, leaving me to portage my belongings to the main shore on foot.

As dawn broke I grabbed my rifle and headed downstream in search of my canoe.
Around 3 miles or so later, I got lucky.
There it was idling round and round in a back eddy - on the far side of the river.

Wasting no time, I stripped down and jumped into the chilly water.
Swam across the river, and boarded the boat from the deep.
To my relief, the paddles were still inside.
So, I set across the flow to go and retrive my rifle, clothing and gear...

Got about 1/2 across when the roar of a powerboat rounded the corner below.
The boat raced right up to me before idling down.
Should have seen the look on the Mom, Pop and 2 teen-aged daughters when they realized I was buck naked!! :lol:

Whatcha doing the man finally stammered.
Why Hunting Moose. Isn't that obvious I replied.
JuHeeZuz he responded and gunned thee engine back the way he came.

Always wondered about the tales they would subsequently tell about the naked madman with no gear or guns hunting moose solo from a canoe in the middle of nowhere...


03-28-2022, 06:24 PM
That’s a classic Nog! Love it!

03-29-2022, 05:19 PM
This last season I parked the truck and went for a walk down an old skidder trail. Had my wife with me on her 2nd hunting trip, we got back to the truck 45mins later and sitting beside it was a human chewed apple core and a dead grouse that’s neck was degloved of skin and feathers and missing it’s head. Freaked my wife out, I acted like it was nothing but inside I was a pretty concerned about how it got there.

03-29-2022, 08:29 PM
Not what I encountered, although I was present at the time.

Many moons ago I was solo hunting in the Cumberland Delta (Manitoba Saskatchewan border).

Staked out my camp for the night on a little island in the big Saskatchewan River.
Sometime during the night I awoke in a panic thinking I was drowning.
The floor of my tent was 3 inches deep in water and rising fast! :shock:
Unfortunately my canoe had wandered off with the increased flow, leaving me to portage my belongings to the main shore on foot.

As dawn broke I grabbed my rifle and headed downstream in search of my canoe.
Around 3 miles or so later, I got lucky.
There it was idling round and round in a back eddy - on the far side of the river.

Wasting no time, I stripped down and jumped into the chilly water.
Swam across the river, and boarded the boat from the deep.
To my relief, the paddles were still inside.
So, I set across the flow to go and retrive my rifle, clothing and gear...

Got about 1/2 across when the roar of a powerboat rounded the corner below.
The boat raced right up to me before idling down.
Should have seen the look on the Mom, Pop and 2 teen-aged daughters when they realized I was buck naked!! :lol:

Whatcha doing the man finally stammered.
Why Hunting Moose. Isn't that obvious I replied.
JuHeeZuz he responded and gunned thee engine back the way he came.

Always wondered about the tales they would subsequently tell about the naked madman with no gear or guns hunting moose solo from a canoe in the middle of nowhere...


Classic story Nogg , sure just another day in the life of your fine journey .:razz:

03-29-2022, 09:37 PM
A metal igloo, now that sounds interesting. Did you take any pictures by chance?

I found a full bottle of pumpkin beer hanging in a tree, and a barb wire fence going downhill on a 45 degree slope, no idea why they would have fenced it as it was too steep for livestock to range in.

yeah it was odd. I figure it may be from some sort of research study but there weren’t any signage nearby to that effect

03-29-2022, 10:38 PM
Hmmmm, well, when I was in my mid teens, early 80,s

my friends and I went camping past Davis lake,

just past Stave lake here in the lower mainland.

We came across a well lit up area off the spur fsr

we were travelling along. We stopped, and proceeded

to have a look at what was going on.

My god, as we got closer we realized we needed to

stay hidden. What we witnessed was a full on KKK ritual,

complete with white robes and hoods! With a giant bonfire!

Scared to death of being found, we high tailed it and got the

hell out of there.. If I remember correctly, roughly 50 people…

Man, haven’t thought about it in decades since I saw this thread…

03-30-2022, 02:02 AM
This struck me as strange at first till I figured it out .....While elk hunting I was hiking a ridgeline a ways off the beaten track . I had noticed some broken bits of wood on the trail but was focused on looking for elk sign. As I came to the top of the ridge I came across what looked like a large brush pile stacked 6-8 feet high or more completely around a large Ponderosa pine .At first I wondered what would possess anyone to do that ? Then realized it was a lightning strike where a lot of the limbs were blown off falling straight down and surrounded the tree. Then I noticed the splits from the base of the trunk to the top. The broken pieces of wood were splinters when the tree blew apart and were all of 60 feet or more away. I came across half a dozen more trees hit in a similar way on that ridge, but not with the large brush pile below.

03-30-2022, 07:24 AM
This struck me as strange at first till I figured it out .....While elk hunting I was hiking a ridgeline a ways off the beaten track . I had noticed some broken bits of wood on the trail but was focused on looking for elk sign. As I came to the top of the ridge I came across what looked like a large brush pile stacked 6-8 feet high or more completely around a large Ponderosa pine .At first I wondered what would possess anyone to do that ? Then realized it was a lightning strike where a lot of the limbs were blown off falling straight down and surrounded the tree. Then I noticed the splits from the base of the trunk to the top. The broken pieces of wood were splinters when the tree blew apart and were all of 60 feet or more away. I came across half a dozen more trees hit in a similar way on that ridge, but not with the large brush pile below.

I was out walking the dogs the other day at an old farm in south Langley and there is a blanket of freshly fallen evergreen branch tips surrounding a few trees. Just 3-4” of the tip of every branch. It’s very weird. We thought someone had pruned the tree, but pieces were falling off while I watched. It was like the trees wanted to not grow this year, and were shedding all the fresh growth. I was thinking it might be squirrels, but that doesn’t make any sense either.

04-01-2022, 03:48 PM
I found 2 weather balloons !

04-01-2022, 04:22 PM
Found a few weather balloons over the years.

found a group of partially deflated balloons on the side of a road , with a note, "Please god give us cherries." It was signed , and i took a picture, but don't know where it is.

Was hunting by myself in the south Okanagan, actually looking for sheep sign, trying to catch a huge water beetle , in a pond, to show my kids, heard a noise and as I looked up......
saw a cute little girl in a bikini on a horse watching me! No one is ever going to believe this one , I thought. We talked a bit , and away she went with her Bull Mastiff running

Cat catcher
04-01-2022, 04:27 PM
My son and I were out moose hunting and we got a moose, we angled the ATV up into the trees to winch the moose on its back. When I parked, and went out front to free wheel the winch there was a big black woman pleaser on the ground. It had Been there for a while. I don’t even want to know how it ended up there.

04-01-2022, 04:58 PM
Was hunting by myself in the south Okanagan, actually looking for sheep sign, trying to catch a huge water beetle , in a pond, to show my kids, heard a noise and as I looked up......
saw a cute little girl in a bikini on a horse watching me! No one is ever going to believe this one , I thought. We talked a bit , and away she went with her Bull Mastiff running

at first I saw the BR part of your name, and wondered if it was same as mine...then i reread the south okanagan part lol

years ago I was glassing a meadow from a ridge, I had bumped a nice mulie on my way up....semi popular area but hikers and cyclists die down by late summer....was a beautiful september day, unseasonably hot, scan to the right and bam, a group of ladies on horses were riding up the trail, all topless in jeans and boots, few stunners and then couple sets of nips were darn close to rubbing the reins lol.....I bushwacked down the backside and looped around to avoid the awkward encounter on the trail out.....

no trucks/trailers at the trail head, so maybe they looped in from elsewhere, or just didn't care who else was up there.....figured it was locals out to enjoy the last sun of summer, but was quite the mix of ladies to go on a ride like that haha

04-01-2022, 07:27 PM
Two “BR” posters, both with scantily clad lady horseback rider encounters... immediately changing my username to BRedthies!

Arctic Lake
04-01-2022, 08:29 PM
Nothing exciting for me like topless women or aliens .
While moose hunting years ago I sat down on an old logging slash pile and pulled out a granola bar and heard a rustling sound from underneath me , wondered what the hell. Up popped two ermine beside me they had a look around and disappeared
Arctic Lake

04-02-2022, 09:07 AM
Deer hunting early last fall with a buddy. Walking down a trail along the edge of an old cutblock. Heard some rustling in the timber so we stopped and crouched down incase we had bumped some deer. Nothing doing so we carried on. Hadn’t gotten 10yrds further down the trail, more rustling. We were standing about 10ft apart. Noise starts getting louder and closer and then a rabbit comes busting out of the bush right towards us at warp speed. Almost runs over my buddies boots and hot on his tail is a huge coyote. Ran right between us both, didn’t stop didn’t even blink. Just about ran us over! A second coyote was with him, but stopped and looked at us then turned and ran back into the timber.

04-02-2022, 01:45 PM
at first I saw the BR part of your name, and wondered if it was same as mine...then i reread the south okanagan part lol

years ago I was glassing a meadow from a ridge, I had bumped a nice mulie on my way up....semi popular area but hikers and cyclists die down by late summer....was a beautiful september day, unseasonably hot, scan to the right and bam, a group of ladies on horses were riding up the trail, all topless in jeans and boots, few stunners and then couple sets of nips were darn close to rubbing the reins lol.....I bushwacked down the backside and looped around to avoid the awkward encounter on the trail out.....

no trucks/trailers at the trail head, so maybe they looped in from elsewhere, or just didn't care who else was up there.....figured it was locals out to enjoy the last sun of summer, but was quite the mix of ladies to go on a ride like that haha

Let me get this straight…….you actually went out of your way to “ avoid “ running into a group of topless women on horses…….what’s wrong with you?? Should have went for a conversation then watch the horses bounce down the trail.

Bugle M In
04-02-2022, 10:42 PM
That my hunting partner was still awake by lunch sitting in his spot by the river:shock:

04-03-2022, 12:04 AM
Long time ago my Father and I were out for a drive when we came across a young woman oddly dressed for the forest and obviously under the influent of an other than prescription medication wondering down the road balancing a watermelon on her hand, we stopped to ask if she was ok but she wouldn't come near us when we tried to talk to her. No clue how or why she was out there, didn't come across anyone else in the area. Very weird girl.

04-03-2022, 07:46 AM
A couple of years back we came across a black Range Rover with two Chinese guys inside, they flagged us down and were showing us a map and pointing out a nearby lake, neither one of them spoke english, but it was obvious they were lost. So we got them to follow us as we drove out atv's to the turn off for the lake. I often wonder what they were doing out there by themselves, they were very happy when we pointed to the signage for the lake.

04-03-2022, 08:37 AM
Deer hunting near Chasm about 25 years ago saw a half dozen huge birds in a meadow that I swear were emus.

04-03-2022, 10:19 AM
Was watching a bunch of sheep through the spotting scope one day ewes and lambs and a couple 2 to 3 year old banana horned rams, they were on the left side of a open ridge
then in the right corner seen a hunter sneaking up on them, this was when there was some ewe tags in the EK. He finally got close and could see he was getting ready to shoot.
Then one of the young rams dropped and rest left, watched him walk up to his sheep. Strange thing is a few years later a buddy was watching some rams on the same ridge the
largest was 3/4 curl this being a full curl area and same thing happens sees a hunter sneaking along and bang the one ram drops over the edge of a bluff and hangs up half way down,
guy walks to edge looks over at it and leaves.

04-03-2022, 11:34 AM
I found an urn on a fly in hunting trip near the top of the mountain. Die hard sheep hunter I guess...

04-03-2022, 04:16 PM
Deer hunting near Chasm about 25 years ago saw a half dozen huge birds in a meadow that I swear were emus.

I saw an Emu about 10 days ago south of princegeorge along the highway. Not fenced in.

04-03-2022, 06:09 PM
Deer hunting near Chasm about 25 years ago saw a half dozen huge birds in a meadow that I swear were emus.

Probably sandhill cranes rather than emus.

04-03-2022, 06:43 PM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..

Dam, thats a bad scene Harry. I looked down once and saw a mosquito on my “helmet” …

My friends wisdom once shared came into my head. “ it only takes seeing a mosquito on your dick once to realize that not all problems need to be resolved with violence” lol
Couldn't imagine how that wasp bite felt.

04-03-2022, 07:09 PM
Was watching a bunch of sheep through the spotting scope one day ewes and lambs and a couple 2 to 3 year old banana horned rams, they were on the left side of a open ridge
then in the right corner seen a hunter sneaking up on them, this was when there was some ewe tags in the EK. He finally got close and could see he was getting ready to shoot.
Then one of the young rams dropped and rest left, watched him walk up to his sheep. Strange thing is a few years later a buddy was watching some rams on the same ridge the
largest was 3/4 curl this being a full curl area and same thing happens sees a hunter sneaking along and bang the one ram drops over the edge of a bluff and hangs up half way down,
guy walks to edge looks over at it and leaves.

Damn, that is disgusting. Why kill something if you're not going to recover it?

04-03-2022, 08:50 PM
Probably sandhill cranes rather than emus.

That would make a lot more sense, but these things were huge, bigger than any bird I had ever seen. I just figured they had escaped from someone's farm.

04-03-2022, 09:05 PM
While working on a wildlife survey (flying in a helicopter) I looked down and saw a small clearing that had what appeared to be 30 to 40 dead moose carcasses scattered about. I asked the helicopter pilot to circle down for a closer look and when we got closer I was able to confirm about 40 dead moose and in addition, what looked like a bank safe with its door wide open and documents scattered about. We landed to investigate. It turned out that the local Co-op store had been robbed the night before and the culprits had come to this remote spot to crack the safe. We reported the find to the RCMP and continued with our survey. With respect to the moose carcasses, it turned out this was a dump site for animals killed on the local highways...

04-03-2022, 10:43 PM
This is not exactly a ‘what I found in the bush story’ as a what I found in… I was in Australia travelling and got on a bus tour up north outside of Cairns. We were going to different rivers and waterfalls and swimming and diving. At one of them there were toilets and I went for a slash. A bunch of the guys were standing waiting to take a piss the urinals. I got there first, pulled out willie and screamed. ‘There’s a leach on my c0ck!!’ Never seen guys drop their pants so fast in my life. Bit of a stand by me moment. Thank god the leaches there are small.

04-03-2022, 10:58 PM
at first I saw the BR part of your name, and wondered if it was same as mine...then i reread the south okanagan part lol

years ago I was glassing a meadow from a ridge, I had bumped a nice mulie on my way up....semi popular area but hikers and cyclists die down by late summer....was a beautiful september day, unseasonably hot, scan to the right and bam, a group of ladies on horses were riding up the trail, all topless in jeans and boots, few stunners and then couple sets of nips were darn close to rubbing the reins lol.....I bushwacked down the backside and looped around to avoid the awkward encounter on the trail out.....

no trucks/trailers at the trail head, so maybe they looped in from elsewhere, or just didn't care who else was up there.....figured it was locals out to enjoy the last sun of summer, but was quite the mix of ladies to go on a ride like that haha

Wish I would encounter that, defineatley wouldn’t avoid them.

04-04-2022, 07:22 AM
Dam, thats a bad scene Harry. I looked down once and saw a mosquito on my “helmet” …

My friends wisdom once shared came into my head. “ it only takes seeing a mosquito on your dick once to realize that not all problems need to be resolved with violence” lol
Couldn't imagine how that wasp bite felt.
LOL your friend was very right my friend....ya it was a throbber for sure...whenever I think about it now though it sure makes me laugh....

04-04-2022, 07:30 AM
A wasp that liked to land on penises and sting them... he landed on mine while I was taking a piss while glassing elk, and proceeded to sting my d**k right at the tip, it started bleeding and it throbbed the entire day and night...that wasp was a real dick..

Memories, I was hunting squirrels with the 177 and started feeling this very painful sting in my pants, after a few minutes it was unbearable so I had to investigate...I unzipped and pulled out this huge zipper snake [embellished story] I found a red ant that was mad at me, it was biting me right on the tip of my tally wacker! I killed it on the spot as you can well imagine.

04-04-2022, 09:33 AM
Damn, that is disgusting. Why kill something if you're not going to recover it?

True but also why even shoot it when its not even close to being legal.

04-04-2022, 09:43 AM
Went goat hunting with some friends took them to a spot i like looked like some one had driving up the road the day before. We got to where we start hiking and made our
way to first basin but no goats crossed into second basin still no goats I thought weird maybe others had been in the day before. I said we can check out the next ridge and
see, its a wide open shale spot that drops to some trees along the bluffs, as we get to it can see a goat through the trees at top of bluffs I say we will drop down and around
to get a look, as we can see more I say we can quit sneaking around the goat is all ready dead. We walk up to the dead goat a nice nanny, can see it had been shot the day before.
We look around and find boot tracks and follow them up the hill can see where they had sat and shot from. Strange thing 2 different caliber shell casings laying there.

04-04-2022, 10:05 AM
While working on a wildlife survey (flying in a helicopter) I looked down and saw a small clearing that had what appeared to be 30 to 40 dead moose carcasses scattered about. With respect to the moose carcasses, it turned out this was a dump site for animals killed on the local highways...

Guessing you were flying just east of Hixon, BC ?

04-04-2022, 02:07 PM
The Booby thing reminded me of this fun time...

A Buddy & I were canoe adventure guides on the Churchill River in Northern Saskatchewan when we were young. The task we were are at was to explore and develop a new route, investigate the required portages, and rate the loop as for required experience to handle it.

We were a couple days in when we heard some merry singing, and watched as three canoes slid around the corner in the lake we were on. Turned out those three canoes were "manned" by two gals in each, wearing nothing but sandals and bikini bottoms. They were entirely unabashed and did not cover anything when we approached.

It turned out they were all some kind of girl guide adventure leaders, doing pretty much what we were, We suggested we might all benefit from sharing our knowledge and resources together, to which they smilingly agreed.

The next five days were really Interesting...

Oh to be that damn young & fit again... :wink:


04-04-2022, 03:53 PM
Wish I would encounter that, defineatley wouldn’t avoid them.

I was happily attached at the time, but perhaps when I'm old and telling stories in the retirement home I'll juice up the details a bit lol

and I mean, not everybody needed a closer look....I was a young man back then, was not used to seeing em with that mileage....

it was a very interesting mix of ladies, birthday party, bachelorette party maybe, no clue how that comes together

04-09-2022, 06:35 PM
hmmm for someone today it was the STOLEN rescue truck out of Williams Lake...
hmm but dont despair....the INTERLAKES HWY24 rescue truck..also BRAND NEW was stolen and is still MIA..so there is still time for discoveries while assholes walk among us .
no news yet on damage..missing gear..or where it was found.

04-25-2022, 10:19 AM
What a little prick........ that wasp was.

04-25-2022, 10:23 AM
Mapping the area for their superiors back in communist China.

04-25-2022, 08:14 PM
hmmm for someone today it was the STOLEN rescue truck out of Williams Lake...
hmm but dont despair....the INTERLAKES HWY24 rescue truck..also BRAND NEW was stolen and is still MIA..so there is still time for discoveries while assholes walk among us .
no news yet on damage..missing gear..or where it was found.

West of town of course.

05-04-2022, 10:46 AM
While set up in my blind a few years back, i had an outdoor enthusiast (not a hunter) strip naked in front of me (~50 m). Older fat *******, good for him enjoying the sun, but why couldn't it be a hot, young gal. An awkward session for me, but he didn't linger for long.

05-04-2022, 02:43 PM
While set up in my blind a few years back, i had an outdoor enthusiast (not a hunter) strip naked in front of me (~50 m). Older fat *******, good for him enjoying the sun, but why couldn't it be a hot, young gal. An awkward session for me, but he didn't linger for long.

That sure wouldn't make your day! LOL .

05-05-2022, 07:21 PM
My buddy and I one night in the late 70's decided to cut thru Central Park in Burnaby coming from a party. In middle of park we came upon a big group of cloaked, weirdos in a circle and some along the path just standing there. We ran like hell and got outa there. Freaky.

11-01-2022, 10:05 PM
A 2018 BMW I-7 with bald all season tires stuffed in the ditch, idling in reverse 86K up Hilltout FSR (middle of nowhere is an understatement closest landmark is Nadina Lake)
No driver to be found. The tracks in 4" of snow leading from the vehicle where snowed in and headed UP the road about 3K until they made an abrupt right turn down a old overgrown road.

That's not the strange part...

We did find the driver on the next road network over. Approximately 8-10K from the vehicle.

He was wearing sneakers, pyjama bottoms and a bath robe with the gangsta gold chain and ball cap at 1/4 lock (no shirt or socks) Apparently he had been stuck since 9:00pm or so the night previous.

Edit: to 4" snow from 6"

11-01-2022, 10:20 PM
My buddy and I one night in the late 70's decided to cut thru Central Park in Burnaby coming from a party. In middle of park we came upon a big group of cloaked, weirdos in a circle and some along the path just standing there. We ran like hell and got outa there. Freaky.

They do it in cliff park in Maple Ridge too writing symbolism on the paths.

Some weird satanic/occult/cult stuff, my buddy ran when he came across them too

250 sav
11-02-2022, 04:28 AM
Deer hunting near Chasm about 25 years ago saw a half dozen huge birds in a meadow that I swear were emus.

There was some emus east of chasm at that time. Buddy saw them I thought BS then I saw them a few days later.

11-02-2022, 07:39 PM
Not so much something weird ive seen but its what i heard.... Let me tell you i was sh!tting bricks! Cold night in November about 2 or 3 years back an there was a wind storm, i was in Reg 2-8 an heard this unearthly sound that shook me an my buddies up, we've searched ever since then for answers to what it was but no avail.

https://youtu.be/FHi6LjKuNl4 This sound is 100% what we heard.
There was nothing around us for over 30kms so what was it?

Anyone else here ever hear this sound?

I drove home that night at 4 in the morning still shaking. hahhaha i know what a whimp right!

11-02-2022, 08:24 PM
Not so much something weird ive seen but its what i heard.... Let me tell you i was sh!tting bricks! Cold night in November about 2 or 3 years back an there was a wind storm, i was in Reg 2-8 an heard this unearthly sound that shook me an my buddies up, we've searched ever since then for answers to what it was but no avail.

https://youtu.be/FHi6LjKuNl4 This sound is 100% what we heard.
There was nothing around us for over 30kms so what was it?

Anyone else here ever hear this sound?

I drove home that night at 4 in the morning still shaking. hahhaha i know what a whimp right!

crazy! Massive bull elk?

11-02-2022, 08:29 PM
Not so much something weird ive seen but its what i heard.... Let me tell you i was sh!tting bricks! Cold night in November about 2 or 3 years back an there was a wind storm, i was in Reg 2-8 an heard this unearthly sound that shook me an my buddies up, we've searched ever since then for answers to what it was but no avail.

https://youtu.be/FHi6LjKuNl4 This sound is 100% what we heard.
There was nothing around us for over 30kms so what was it?

Anyone else here ever hear this sound?

I drove home that night at 4 in the morning still shaking. hahhaha i know what a whimp right!

Just watched the video, thats a f***in weird sound dude!

Maybe it was some weird HAARP/weather mod noises.

Or a sasquatch, even though I have never seen or heard anything that would even slightly indicate to me they exist. But a lot of people swear they do that spend more time in the bush than me and I spend quite a bit, would you say it was something with lungs making it? Or some sound from the storm, or mechanical?

11-02-2022, 08:59 PM
Way out in the bush with nothing and nobody around it can not be a train or some other big equipment.
Steve how to hunt channel on youtube talks about sasquatch and other weird creatures, so who knows?

11-02-2022, 09:03 PM
Listening to that actually gave me goose bumps/made my hair stand a bit, thats a weird f***in sound dude!

11-02-2022, 09:10 PM
Way out in the bush with nothing and nobody around it can not be a train or some other big equipment.
Steve how to hunt channel on youtube talks about sasquatch and other weird creatures, so who knows?

Only equipment I could think of is if they were heli logging somewhere? But not sure if they do that that close to roads instead of just making a road

11-02-2022, 09:40 PM
Lol my Dad says "its a sasquatch on mushrooms because its not a f***ing moose"

11-02-2022, 10:58 PM
Only equipment I could think of is if they were heli logging somewhere? But not sure if they do that that close to roads instead of just making a road

I can't imagine heli logging making that kind of sound.
When I worked at Canadian Helicopters most of the choppers used were the Sikorsky S61, we had to repair them many times and I know what they sound.
Dragging a chain, or rope across rocks or logs don't make that kind of noise.

11-03-2022, 06:11 AM
I can't imagine heli logging making that kind of sound.
When I worked at Canadian Helicopters most of the choppers used were the Sikorsky S61, we had to repair them many times and I know what they sound.
Dragging a chain, or rope across rocks or logs don't make that kind of noise.

No definitely wouldn't be a noise like that, that is weird

11-03-2022, 07:18 AM
Noise was confirmed, it was a grader scraping the blade in a parking lot. Dense cloud cover and mountains assisted in making the noise.

11-03-2022, 07:28 AM
I was going to guess a drunk neighbor running his Theremin through a stadium sized amp… But having scraped asphalt with a big excavator with a clean up bucket on, I can agree 100% with the grader comment. Hardened steel being dragged across pavement can make some crazy noises. But 30 km from paved roads? Not sure what to think there. Maybe someone cleaning rock off for blasting drill?

11-03-2022, 07:42 AM
Noise was confirmed, it was a grader scraping the blade in a parking lot. Dense cloud cover and mountains assisted in making the noise.
Definately a metallic sound , this sounds plausible . The video clearly shows asphalt so the 30 km from pavement statement would be false .

11-03-2022, 09:41 PM
The video clearly shows asphalt so the 30 km from pavement statement would be false .

Bentwrench said that the video depicts the SAME sound, not that it was his video. He clearly states that they heard the noise in region 2-8 (Vancouver to Squamish and over to Harrison/Stave area) in November of 2019 or 2020. The video clearly shows it was filmed in Terrace in August of 2013, so there is no point in saying there is pavement in the video.

Given the area covered by 2-8, there is a crap ton of logging going on. I’m still betting it was an excavator scraping rock for blasting. Those machines have lights, and if a road building contract was behind schedule, an operator could easily be burning the midnight oil. That type of noise would travel a lot farther than the engine noise or lights of a hoe.

11-04-2022, 09:31 AM
I keep taking pix of weird shit I find to put up on this post - but then I forget to post them. Besides, posting pix on here sucks for me.

I found a tampon last year - up on a ridge....

This year I found a needle for a syringe. Huge gauge - still in the protective plastic sleeve. This one was near the road but still in the woods.

Arctic Lake
11-04-2022, 10:00 AM
Could have been a female hiker lost a spare ! Someone using one to put game sent on . Like to see some of your weird pictures . If I can post pictures ANYONE CAN ! I am probably the least tech savvy person on HBC !
Arctic Lake
I keep taking pix of weird shit I find to put up on this post - but then I forget to post them. Besides, posting pix on here sucks for me.

I found a tampon last year - up on a ridge....

This year I found a needle for a syringe. Huge gauge - still in the protective plastic sleeve. This one was near the road but still in the woods.

11-04-2022, 07:57 PM
x2 on the tampons for scent.

11-05-2022, 08:15 AM
Posting pix on here sucks for me.

I found a tampon last year - up on a ridge....

Open up https://postimages.org/ then click “choose images”, then (obviously) choose your image from your photos. It will upload and give you a list of options. 3rd from the bottom is “hot link for forums”. Click the blue icon at the far right of that choice and then paste in your post here.

Please don’t post photos of tampons… :p

Bus below is fairly close to a road, so not really “in the woods” but there is no easy way to have gotten it where it is, so I’ll post it as an example of how easy it is to put up photos.

https://i.postimg.cc/tT8yq71G/64-F29-E7-B-4-CFD-4-D09-ADF6-849-FC7-E26099.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7G1jXHMK)

11-05-2022, 07:38 PM
A jade claim hole.
https://i.postimg.cc/8zqd1jNX/A21-P8796-1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Arctic Lake
11-05-2022, 07:57 PM
That cribbing looks like it’s on its last legs . Is there any money in Jade ? Do you need a prospecting license ?Arctic Lake
A jade claim hole.
https://i.postimg.cc/8zqd1jNX/A21-P8796-1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

11-05-2022, 09:06 PM
https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/bb50/horseman23729/IMG_20180417_144535.jpeg?width=960&height=720&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/bb50/horseman23729/IMG_20180417_144535.jpeg?width=960&height=720&fit=bounds)

This buck was taken with a bow by a friend a few years ago.
It is not possible to be officially scored.
This was an old buck and the hormones were such the previous years antlers could not be shed.

11-06-2022, 12:21 PM
Hunting in Sooke many years ago came across a set of false teeth sitting on a stump, made me laugh. Somewhere someone was likely questioning their spouse, (where's my teeth)?

11-11-2022, 03:53 PM
Wasp musta thought it was a caterpiller

high horse Hal
11-11-2022, 06:15 PM
Bentwrench said that the video depicts the SAME sound, not that it was his video. He clearly states that they heard the noise in region 2-8 (Vancouver to Squamish and over to Harrison/Stave area) in November of 2019 or 2020. The video clearly shows it was filmed in Terrace in August of 2013, so there is no point in saying there is pavement in the video.

Given the area covered by 2-8, there is a crap ton of logging going on. I’m still betting it was an excavator scraping rock for blasting. Those machines have lights, and if a road building contract was behind schedule, an operator could easily be burning the midnight oil. That type of noise would travel a lot farther than the engine noise or lights of a hoe.i'm going to go with a grader scraping hard surface, maybe frozen or concrete or?
As soon as I heard it, I thought of the sound a snowcat blade makes when scraping an ice road. Usually a serated cutting edge but when the ice is cold and hard and at slow speed trying to plane things smooth, the blade sets up a similar howling sound, just the right harmonics and it is loud. Think of a 4 meter tuning fork

11-11-2022, 07:13 PM
i'm going to go with a grader scraping hard surface, maybe frozen or concrete or?
As soon as I heard it, I thought of the sound a snowcat blade makes when scraping an ice road. Usually a serated cutting edge but when the ice is cold and hard and at slow speed trying to plane things smooth, the blade sets up a similar howling sound, just the right harmonics and it is loud. Think of a 4 meter tuning fork

I have close to 20,000 hours in snow cats (started running Thiokols and LMCs 34 years ago) and I’ve never heard a sound like that come off a cat blade. Where do you run cats? Must be some crazy ass snow conditions!

11-13-2022, 01:48 PM
Lots of cars in places I have no idea how they even got there. Once I found a tent that had a burn hole through it still smoking. I ran up yelling fire and asking if they were ok. No one was around and then I noticed kids toys and stuffed animals in a circle around a stump. This was 20-30 km up the bush and then down a deer trail. No one was there.

11-13-2022, 09:33 PM
I have close to 20,000 hours in snow cats (started running Thiokols and LMCs 34 years ago) and I’ve never heard a sound like that come off a cat blade. Where do you run cats? Must be some crazy ass snow conditions!

Snowcats? Bit different than a grader.

11-13-2022, 09:45 PM
and that there is why I like spiders...heheh

11-13-2022, 10:26 PM
So much stuff. Steam donkeys on the central coast, an old paddle wheeler in a lake in the central coast, 100 year old cabins build by Norwegian utopiasts in Drainey inlet, fallen totem poles, old leg hold traps, old trappers cabins literally in the middle of nowhere (Tweedsmuir Park). Crummies hurried in the bush on Vanc. Isl. Lots of old logging railways. So much stuff left out there. Some of it disappears real fast and other stuff lasts an eternity.

11-13-2022, 11:20 PM
Not so strange except that it was still there.

On Easter weekend 1970, in the last standing building of the WWII RADAR station at Cape Scott, in a tiny rat-ridden little cabin, under a bed spring I found a Lee Enfield No.5 Mk 1 Jungle Carbine.

I supose some backwoods survivalist or temporary bush dweller left it in case a shipwrecked or hungry fisherman needed it. I left it where it was.

11-14-2022, 12:14 AM
not that strange but...on my moose trip near horsefly last week I tracked for about 1 km or so to catch up to a pony...

the lady that owned it was looking for it up by a road to a local lake the evening before when we were doing a little exploring in the area.. she said her recently aquired pony "poe" had run off and might be in the area...2 of our group decided to hunt close to camp.and 2 of us would go back to the area the next morning as we had gotten a bit of snow...I had walked about 1km when I could.see some tracks on the road ahead......also, at first glance, what appeared to be beds....I am not sure how far I would have followed those tracks before noticing a track without snow falling into it showing a round toe if I didn't already known a pony was in the area..heheh..

.I quickly noticed that what looked like beds were actually where the pony was digging at the snow to get to the grass...so I decided to see if I could find poe...after I caught up.to him I talked nicely but he wouldn't let me.get to within 50 feet...(apparently he was a bit spirited...heheheh)...so I turned back and got to the truck...then I drove up the other fork in the road where my buddy was walking and grabbed him...we went to the ladies place (she told us the km marker her farm was when we saw her the previous night)..to let her know where her pony was....she thanked us and we left....

Lobot Doog
11-14-2022, 10:37 AM
Noise was confirmed, it was a grader scraping the blade in a parking lot. Dense cloud cover and mountains assisted in making the noise.

This is definitely NOT what that noise is. It was heard all over the world around that time. Exact same noise. Some weird stuff.


11-14-2022, 09:05 PM
Snowcats? Bit different than a grader.

Obviously. Maybe read the post I quoted where the guy said graders sounded like snowcats????

11-14-2022, 10:01 PM
Obviously. Maybe read the post I quoted where the guy said graders sounded like snowcats????

Smoke another and re read what you posted.

11-14-2022, 10:24 PM
Found some old machinery that wasn't so strange the other day. What was strange was the assortment of sporting goods someone had left on top of it...




11-15-2022, 04:12 PM
There have been many...

An Inuit (Inuvialuit actually) Buddy and I were exploring the Richardson Mountains North & West of Aklavik, NWT.
We wandered into a basin that was quite large, with a raised hump near the center of it which divided the stream running the valley length.
We parked our snow machines, and went up on the hump to have a boo,
I quickly saw signs of a very old camp, including remnants of a log structure and a few old tins.

My Partner had wandered to the side of the bluff that was a natural overlook of the valley both above & below.
Hey! He yelled, Come up here man...
When I got there he pointed to an ancient rifle leaning against a tree, right where a fellow might have sat to gaze across the surrounding vistas.
My Partner was (is) rather superstitious, so asked me to pick it up and have a boo. The metal was somewhat rusted, the stock dried right out and weathered, but still largely there. It was a Winchester Model 1873.

After I had handled it my Partner suggested it potential Bad JuuJuu was gone, so I handed it over to him.
He had it restored, and it still hangs over the fireplace at his home in the bush outside of Akalavik by 40 miles or so.

Always wondered just what the hell would make a man wander off from his rifle in that kind of setting...


Unreal find! Strange that someone would leave a rifle behind!!

11-15-2022, 04:43 PM
Found some old machinery that wasn't so strange the other day. What was strange was the assortment of sporting goods someone had left on top of it...




Thats pretty strange! Golf clubs?

11-15-2022, 07:06 PM
Smoke another and re read what you posted.

Maybe you should STOP SMOKING it and reread everything. Nothing wrong with what I posted. I said I’ve run cats for a very long time and never heard a cat blade make a noise like that in response to the previously quoted post saying that his snowcat made noises like that. Sorry if comprehension is difficult for you…

11-15-2022, 07:07 PM
i'm going to go with a grader scraping hard surface, maybe frozen or concrete or?

As soon as I heard it, I thought of the sound a snowcat blade makes when scraping an ice road. Usually a serated cutting edge but when the ice is cold and hard and at slow speed trying to plane things smooth, the blade sets up a similar howling sound, just the right harmonics and it is loud. Think of a 4 meter tuning fork

I re-quoted Hal’s post to save you some gray matter teevee.

11-15-2022, 07:27 PM
Maybe you should STOP SMOKING it and reread everything. Nothing wrong with what I posted. I said I’ve run cats for a very long time and never heard a cat blade make a noise like that in response to the previously quoted post saying that his snowcat made noises like that. Sorry if comprehension is difficult for you…
You said you've run a snowcat for years I get it...Not here to prove a point. I have 3 graders and 3 dozers that I deal with...like I said roll another.

11-15-2022, 07:58 PM
I saw a black hornet take a big horse fly out of the air like a fighter jet, after a very brief struggle to kill it the hornet flew up to branch with it and hung upside down by 1 leg and ate half of it and then flew away. Wish I was that tough!

Had a bad winter for winter ticks on moose this year and I saw a murder of ravines absolutely trying to bombard a live yearling moose while an adult moose tried violently to chase them off as they ran from them through a farm field. Pretty sad. Came across a few significant scab/ hair/ blood clumps in moose beds this spring, so disgusting and so sad. What a way to go.

high horse Hal
11-15-2022, 09:07 PM
I saw a black hornet take a big horse fly out of the air like a fighter jet, after a very brief struggle to kill it the hornet flew up to branch with it and hung upside down by 1 leg and ate half of it and then flew away. Wish I was that tough!

cabin entertainment is rich sometimes. We were in a cabin with 2 translucent panels in the roof for light, horseflies used to group up there trying to get out. On occasion a wasp would fly in through the door and grab one out of the air, then perch and proceed to field dress it we called it, bite off the head, wings and legs before flying off with the body

high horse Hal
11-15-2022, 09:11 PM
KBC, is that a homemade crawler or skidder of some sort ?

11-15-2022, 09:28 PM
It wouldn’t surprise me if it was. There were what looked like trailer tires to run the tracks and I could just see the top of an old school metal jerry can that was bolted down through the ice in the cab area. It looked like it was there as maybe an oil reservoir or something. I’m going to go back next year after the snow is gone to take a look.
It was in the woods about 100 yards from a fresh cut block in a gated area at the end of an old trail I found with lots of collapsed small hiking bridges.

10-27-2023, 08:29 PM
Bumping this one. Anyone got any odd stories this season? Heard a story about a guy who won’t venture in to an area of region 3 anymore because he saw what was described as a “portal” Wish it wasn’t a friend of a friend situation because I’d love to hear directly from the guy what he thinks he saw

10-27-2023, 11:57 PM
Strangest thing I have found is a small grave complete with decorative fencing around it. There was a small letter with his story and a picture. Apparently he loved hunting those hills as much as I did. That was a cool find.

The weirdest thing that has happened to me is a little bird landed on my head once. I was sitting very still by a stump. So still that the bird mistook my head for a stump. I could feel it’s little talons digging into my scalp.

10-28-2023, 12:06 AM
Bumping this one. Anyone got any odd stories this season? Heard a story about a guy who won’t venture in to an area of region 3 anymore because he saw what was described as a “portal” Wish it wasn’t a friend of a friend situation because I’d love to hear directly from the guy what he thinks he saw

I’m fixing to use that portal to go back in time and make sure Turdeau doesn’t get elected, and lock in my mortgage at 2.5%

Might choose some better lotto numbers too!

04-09-2024, 09:43 PM
years ago packing in wit

04-09-2024, 11:38 PM
https://images2.imgbox.com/50/17/SagDlDiM_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/SagDlDiM)

04-10-2024, 12:06 AM
More rocks https://images2.imgbox.com/7a/19/5ZFXtivS_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/5ZFXtivS) https://images2.imgbox.com/fc/51/WaVv1LPI_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/WaVv1LPI) https://images2.imgbox.com/4c/c8/a7t3Wix7_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/a7t3Wix7)

04-10-2024, 12:15 AM
This one isn’t really a find because it’s marked on a map, but it’s an old coal company exploration camp with a drill https://images2.imgbox.com/80/40/vQHCSVbN_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/vQHCSVbN) https://images2.imgbox.com/fd/0b/ikN5svzS_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/ikN5svzS) https://images2.imgbox.com/4f/d4/axBWufEo_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/axBWufEo)

04-10-2024, 04:35 AM
A few pics of some graves from out in the old danish settlement in cape Scott. https://images2.imgbox.com/9d/6e/vBa0Xzp3_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/vBa0Xzp3)

https://images2.imgbox.com/9f/97/Oqhz0UjM_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/Oqhz0UjM)

https://images2.imgbox.com/ca/18/YL4Sp9CY_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/YL4Sp9CY)

04-10-2024, 05:53 PM
cut a trail in to a lake and found a 8x8 bath house with windows?


04-11-2024, 09:02 AM
Now that bathhouse is an odd find, care to say which lake?

04-11-2024, 09:14 AM
I can’t figure out how to upload a photo, but once about 7 or 8km back in the bush in region 3, just sitting beside a game trail I found a full Corona. Didn’t taste half bad either!

04-11-2024, 11:10 AM
I found a deceased person. Way off the side of a mountain, far away from any trails. It was horrific. I called in SAR/RCMP, their best guess is the victim fell from the ridge above while taking a selfie.

04-11-2024, 12:35 PM
Now that bathhouse is an odd find, care to say which lake?
A no name lk, my partner calls it Sock lk, not too far from Great beaver lk.

pro 111
04-11-2024, 03:51 PM
You guys will all say whatever. But this is true.
a 200 pound plus beaver. On the banks of the Kechika just above tbe Tunagain. Sitting on tbe bank. I swear to god.
i thought it was a small bear until we got closer . It waddled into the water and dove. And never saw it again .
was gonna be my finest trophy of all time. Lol.

pro 111
04-11-2024, 03:54 PM
I have trapped many around the 70 pound mark. This one dwarfed all. I think honestly it musta had that giantism genetic that humans get. Or maybe this is common out there for them to grow like that. But i had never seen anything like it.

04-11-2024, 04:03 PM
Hey thats Barney the Be

pro 111
04-11-2024, 04:11 PM
Honestly i feel kinda sheepish telling the story to people. But sitting on the bank chewing a big log it had to sit four ft high and looked to be almost that wide. It was the most unusuall animal sighting i have ever seen by far.

pro 111
04-11-2024, 04:13 PM
This was about 24 years ago now.

04-11-2024, 05:18 PM
This was about 24 years ago now.

Well the thread is about the st

04-11-2024, 06:50 PM
You guys will all say whatever. But this is true.
a 200 pound plus beaver. On the banks of the Kechika just above tbe Tunagain. Sitting on tbe bank. I swear to god.
i thought it was a small bear until we got closer . It waddled into the water and dove. And never saw it again .
was gonna be my finest trophy of all time. Lol.

I heard they can get pretty big. I generally gave every beaver I saw over about 130lbs a pass but to each there own. Happy hunting

Walking Buffalo
04-11-2024, 07:56 PM
I heard they can get pretty big. I generally gave every beaver I saw over about 130lbs a pass but to each there own. Happy hunting

Beauty.... Lol...

You know it. Once they hit 140 and find a mate, the giantism genetics really kick in.

04-11-2024, 09:08 PM
Bentwrench me and my son heard pretty much the same sound hunting moose up around Mackenzie in 2016 , nothing around us for miles and then this weird noise midday , never ever figured out what it was.

04-12-2024, 02:26 AM
More rocks https://images2.imgbox.com/7a/19/5ZFXtivS_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/5ZFXtivS) https://images2.imgbox.com/fc/51/WaVv1LPI_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/WaVv1LPI) https://images2.imgbox.com/4c/c8/a7t3Wix7_o.jpeg (https://imgbox.com/a7t3Wix7)

Old sea bed and coral reef. I'd assume near the top of a mountain ridge. Found some almost identical fossils sheep hunting last year up north.

04-13-2024, 12:44 PM
Big event about to up lol

04-13-2024, 10:16 PM
^^^^ why are you derailing the thread??

04-13-2024, 10:33 PM
Old sea bed and coral reef. I'd assume near the top of a mountain ridge. Found some almost identical fossils sheep hunting last year up north.
Yup, I find the fossils closest to the big rocks coming off the mountains, if that makes sense, or in the middle of high bowls. I find it interesting to look at how the mountains are formed and the way the smaller rocks have rolled down off the big hill and how long that must’ve taken, especially knowing it all came up off the bottom of the ocean.

04-14-2024, 07:00 AM
Was up in sheep country and there was a big black dildo, more that a foot long easily… was really weird… had initials on the handle SRH? Must be the make or model?
definitely the strangest thing.

04-14-2024, 07:31 AM
Was up in sheep country and there was a big black dildo, more that a foot long easily… was really weird… had initials on the handle SRH? Must be the make or model?
definitely the strangest thing.
By any chance were you hunting Brokeback mountain?

04-14-2024, 08:08 AM
Was up in sheep country and there was a big black dildo, more that a foot long easily… was really weird… had initials on the handle SRH? Must be the make or model?
definitely the strangest thing.


04-14-2024, 08:30 AM
By any chance were you hunting Brokeback mountain?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

04-14-2024, 10:16 AM
Why does every thread on here have to turn into a bitch match? Getting tired of it

04-14-2024, 11:28 AM
Why does every thread on here have to turn into a bitch match? Getting tired of it

Juvenile mindsets.

I am with you on getting tired of it.

Wish the delinquents would go find another sandbox alright.


04-14-2024, 09:11 PM
By any chance were you hunting Brokeback mountain?

Apparently so I guess?

04-14-2024, 09:27 PM
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM funny where your mind goes brownnose lol obviously the male erotica is defiantly something you think of. But not to worry embrace it explore your homosexual fantasies. Even you can come out of the closet its okay in this day and age. To help you embrace your fascination donald trump is sellling a blow up sex doll of himself with a pull string that repeats "you so good you so good you so good .

Little strange there? Why would you go against what you believe in? Liberal/Democratic Party?
Just own it, that’s why you have false teeth!

04-14-2024, 09:36 PM

04-16-2024, 06:31 AM
We have a “hug room” now? Damn…

04-16-2024, 03:05 PM
Little plastic Hallowe'en skeletons hung from planted evergreen trees at the edge of a clearcut. I assume they were warnings from pot growers to leave the pot alone, not that saw any.

04-16-2024, 08:49 PM
Don't want to post my strangest thing in the bush right now but has anyone else heard about wendigos?

04-20-2024, 11:57 PM
Saw some people the other day, in the middle of nowhere while I was shed hunting

They had tight plastic clothes on, tiny backpack’s, bell’s jingling hanging off them and they we’re wearing surgical masks.

I found it very strange that they weren’t wearing helmets

04-21-2024, 08:08 AM
Don't want to post my strangest thing in the bush right now but has anyone else heard about wendigos?

Oh ya, for sure. Tell us all about it.

04-21-2024, 08:12 AM
I found a large bottle of pumpkin beer hanging in a tree, and it was full. Smelled like baby kaka so we just dumped it and took the bottle in for recycle. Who would want to drink pumpkin beer anyways? Gross.

04-21-2024, 08:15 AM
This tree was a bit strange….

04-21-2024, 08:24 AM
This one was really strange, its about 8ft tall, might make a good flower garden ornament?