View Full Version : Who’s getting mountain ready?

03-17-2022, 09:41 AM
This winter has been hard on me. I have to get 15 covid pounds off before summer, but it’s just not working. I’ve been running 3 times a week and I seem to just keep putting pounds on instead of off. I’m going to have to start adding some squats and leg exercises to my off running days but I don’t want to add too much too fast. I’ll be 40 this year and my body is starting to not like that kind of abuse.

Id like to head out for a few day backcountry fishing trip in June and a family trip for 3-4 in jasper somewhere in July and sheep in august/September.

Who else is gearing up for some multi day trips into the backcountry?

03-17-2022, 10:08 AM
Family bear hunt planned for the end of May and a fly in up north for caribou/sheep in August. Then hopefully our annual family moose hunt if LEH is kind to us.
I didn't have the winter I was hoping for in regard to outdoor rec and ended up not snow shoeing as much as I would have liked so I feel a little behind in the fitness department.
I'm 42 with 2 knee replacements in the last two years so I try my best to keep the weight down though this last winter was a bit tougher for that. I try to put an hour on the stationary bike every day or so and lift weights every second day.
I have some good motivation though as one of the guys I'm doing the caribou hunt with is a little animal when it comes to hiking and packing and I definitely want to try and one up him this year.

walks with deer
03-17-2022, 10:28 AM
Family bear hunt planned for the end of May and a fly in up north for caribou/sheep in August. Then hopefully our annual family moose hunt if LEH is kind to us.
I didn't have the winter I was hoping for in regard to outdoor rec and ended up not snow shoeing as much as I would have liked so I feel a little behind in the fitness department.
I'm 42 with 2 knee replacements in the last two years so I try my best to keep the weight down though this last winter was a bit tougher for that. I try to put an hour on the stationary bike every day or so and lift weights every second day.
I have some good motivation though as one of the guys I'm doing the caribou hunt with is a little animal when it comes to hiking and packing and I definitely want to try and one up him this year.

Have you sent emails to mlas and gone online for the proposals.. if you havent you might aswell cancel the caribou part of your plans..

03-17-2022, 10:32 AM
Yes I have.

Have you sent emails to mlas and gone online for the proposals.. if you havent you might aswell cancel the caribou part of your plans..

03-17-2022, 10:36 AM
This winter has been hard on me. I have to get 15 covid pounds off before summer, but it’s just not working. I’ve been running 3 times a week and I seem to just keep putting pounds on instead of off. I’m going to have to start adding some squats and leg exercises to my off running days but I don’t want to add too much too fast. I’ll be 40 this year and my body is starting to not like that kind of abuse.

Id like to head out for a few day backcountry fishing trip in June and a family trip for 3-4 in jasper somewhere in July and sheep in august/September.

Who else is gearing up for some multi day trips into the backcountry?

Exercise definitely helps but what one eats & when he/she eats is most important in losing fat & keeping trim.

I would highly recommend a healthy Ketogenic Diet for good as it quickly gets rid of excess & visceral fat & keeps it off!

Personally I've almost totally avoided processed sugar in any form & simple carbs since a teen & don't have any weight or health problems.

As for alcoholic beverage I only drink dry red wine late at night.

Stay away from beer.

I also haven't eaten breakfast for over 50 years.

03-17-2022, 10:51 AM
This winter has been hard on me. I have to get 15 covid pounds off before summer, but it’s just not working. I’ve been running 3 times a week and I seem to just keep putting pounds on instead of off. I’m going to have to start adding some squats and leg exercises to my off running days but I don’t want to add too much too fast. I’ll be 40 this year and my body is starting to not like that kind of abuse.

Id like to head out for a few day backcountry fishing trip in June and a family trip for 3-4 in jasper somewhere in July and sheep in august/September.

Who else is gearing up for some multi day trips into the backcountry?

40! You're still young. I'm 62 and training up for fifth consecutive sheep hunt. 144 days to go ...

03-17-2022, 10:56 AM
When my efforts to lose weight by running, there was a belief my workouts were such that extra food was required.
The problem was solved when a bike ride before supper which causes some shrinkage of the stomach and rather than using a dinner plate, I was full with a meal on a lunch plate.
No sense feeding fat . . . every pound of body fat requires a lot of arteries and veins to serve it which aggravates heart health.

03-17-2022, 11:01 AM
Check out Mtntough fitness lab. Everything is tailored to backcountry hunters. Numerous different programs, some require a gym membership, unless you got your own gym. Or if you rather just workout at home with minimal equipment, There is body weight programs, heavy pack programs, where you just use your hunting pack, and they also have a course on eating properly. It’s Worth every penny. Backcountry hunting is just as much a mental game as it is physical, there programs will get you dialed in.

03-17-2022, 11:10 AM
Exercise definitely helps but what one eats & when he/she eats is most important in losing fat & keeping trim.

I would highly recommend a healthy Ketogenic Diet for good as it quickly gets rid of excess & visceral fat & keeps it off!

Personally I've almost totally avoided processed sugar in any form & simple carbs since a teen & don't have any weight or health problems.

As for alcoholic beverage I only drink dry red wine late at night.

Stay away from beer.

I also haven't eaten breakfast for over 50 years.
I actually eat pretty well, just too much. I stay away from bread and potatoes, mostly meat and vegetables, but I do like my sauces and dips.

I don’t drink beer, only because I don’t like it. I was actually completely sober since December until a few days ago.

I find the diet has to change with the exertion level. Cutting calories helps lose weight, but leaves me short on energy to really giver.

03-17-2022, 11:13 AM
40! You're still young. I'm 62 and training up for fifth consecutive sheep hunt. 144 days to go ...
It’s guys like you who inspire me to stay at it.

Last year I added too much to my routine too quickly and ended up with a tight muscle in my leg. I actually needed a bit of a break last fall so it was kind of good that I took a rest, because it’s feeling much better now. Last summer was seeing a physiotherapist and massage therapist for a bit.

03-17-2022, 11:13 AM
It doesn’t matter how much cardio or lifting you’re doing. If you’re eating in a caloric surplus you will keep gaining weight. Weight loss is simple math, calories in vs calories out.

I used to be a competitive bodybuilder, current goal is to downsize a bit on muscle mass and work on becoming more athletic and flexible with better endurance for hiking ect. Can’t wait to get out for spring bear and hopefully tag my first big game animal as well as using the opportunity to put in the miles hiking in the woods.

03-17-2022, 11:14 AM
I'm gearing up for the backcountry year round, work out religiously 4 days a week plus hikes/snowshoeing when I can around my work/on call schedule..

For some people, including myself to a limited extent, you can gain weight when you don't want to but it doesn't mean your not having success in becoming more fit: gauge your success by how you feel, the gain in weight could be from muscle. ..

Squats are the#1 exercise when it comes to your body producing testosterone, and you have the right idea that you don't want to add too much too fast, and ensure you're using proper form or you could end up injuring yourself...

One exercise I really enjoy is squats with lower weight and shoulder presses combined..I only use about 115 lbs but rep the $hit out of it on the squats and shoulder presses...let me know if you want details of other workouts that work for me, or you could always PM me..

03-17-2022, 11:23 AM
I switched from jogging to biking at your age as it is way easier on the body (when you stay upright that is...heheh).
This winter has been hard on me. I have to get 15 covid pounds off before summer, but it’s just not working. I’ve been running 3 times a week and I seem to just keep putting pounds on instead of off. I’m going to have to start adding some squats and leg exercises to my off running days but I don’t want to add too much too fast. I’ll be 40 this year and my body is starting to not like that kind of abuse.

Id like to head out for a few day backcountry fishing trip in June and a family trip for 3-4 in jasper somewhere in July and sheep in august/September.

Who else is gearing up for some multi day trips into the backcountry?

03-17-2022, 11:27 AM
I actually eat pretty well, just too much. I stay away from bread and potatoes, mostly meat and vegetables, but I do like my sauces and dips.

I don’t drink beer, only because I don’t like it.

Its those sauces and dips that are killing you. If they are home made, you have a better situation since you control what goes in. I make my own salsa, tzatziki and hummus. Packed with flavor and zero sugar. I have a bit of a sweet tooth, and love beer (I keep it to one good German Pilsner every other day or so), so I have to battle it. I’m 53 and probably could lose 15 lbs to be at my best weight. At 40, I easily dropped that much in a month by dropping booze and sugar and eating a quasi keto diet of protein and veg. Now, after 50, it’s 10x harder to drop the weight.

03-17-2022, 11:31 AM
I switched from jogging to biking at your age as it is way easier on the body (when you stay upright that is...heheh).

My mountain bike is in getting new brakes as I type this. Haven’t ridden in a few years, and I can tell. Knees are sore, etc etc. And I won’t be riding too many log obstacles or trials parks like I did in the past. At 50, I spun out cresting a log A-frame obstacle and fell about 15’ to the ground. I’m not keen to test my bone strength like that anymore.

03-17-2022, 11:33 AM
Oh, and great thread Bustercluck! I’m getting tired of all the doom and gloom on here. I know it’s vital to get the info out on some of these threads so we can keep the fight up, but it’s nice to see some more “looking forward to” type threads.

03-17-2022, 11:49 AM
4 laps up Grouse every Monday and one or 2 later in the week works a treat. All year round. Few 5-10 k inbetween works a treat!

03-17-2022, 11:49 AM
I am not as savvy in the backcountry when it comes to hunting as many on this forum. I've only been hunting 4 years, so I still consider myself a noob and probably always will.
Exercise I focus on going to the gym 3 days per week, cardio with some high rep low weights as I am not trying to build muscle. I also like to do hot yoga a couple days per week, which I am looking at getting back into now that restrictions are lifting.
Eating I have started getting Good Food deliveries 3-4 days per week, to reduce our shopping needs and make good quick dinners nightly. Weekends is where I cook my wild game and spend a lot more time in the kitchen.
Intermittent fasting is awesome. I don't eat anything before noon and nothing after 8pm. I usually eat a lunch and dinner, that is it. This has really helped with weight control.
Alcohol is the killer. Beer is my nemesis and I go through phases which translates to positive changes in my weight. I will usually take a couple months off every year from any drinking and lose 15-20lbs during that time.
I am turning 45 years old this year and am 6'0 200lbs. I am hoping by summer to be down to 190lbs which is my ideal weight. I plan to take April off of drinking which will help.
End of May will be bear hunting but that doesn't require a high level of fitness from my experience.
Summer we are going to build a couple permanent tree stands in an area with a lot of BT's from past camera's, in hopes of getting my first 4 point BT!
Good luck to others, as hunting is a year round project whether painting decoys, scouting or just simply getting outdoors!!

03-17-2022, 12:11 PM
I will echo what some others have said. Eat clean and healthy, avoid excess sugar and carbs and drink lots of water. Intermittent fasting is also good. Beer too is my nemesis...

I try and run 5-7k 3x a week, do a weighted 50lb hike once a week and fill in the other days with bodyweight exercises or a kettlebell workout. I'm 33 years young, 5'10 and fluctuate between 195-205.

03-17-2022, 12:17 PM
I'm gearing up for the backcountry year round, work out religiously 4 days a week plus hikes/snowshoeing when I can around my work/on call schedule..

For some people, including myself to a limited extent, you can gain weight when you don't want to but it doesn't mean your not having success in becoming more fit: gauge your success by how you feel, the gain in weight could be from muscle. ..

Squats are the#1 exercise when it comes to your body producing testosterone, and you have the right idea that you don't want to add too much too fast, and ensure you're using proper form or you could end up injuring yourself...

One exercise I really enjoy is squats with lower weight and shoulder presses combined..I only use about 115 lbs but rep the $hit out of it on the squats and shoulder presses...let me know if you want details of other workouts that work for me, or you could always PM me..
Please share away. That’s one of the reasons I started this thread. Encourage each other to get out and get it done as well as share the workouts that work for you so I can try them too.

I ride mountain bike quite a bit too. Last year I really started mixing it up with the indoor running for an hour or so and hopping on the bike for another hour. Two hours running on concrete is hard on the joints.

03-17-2022, 01:16 PM
I'm starting my daily hikes with 25 pounds on my back and will up the weight gradually till my august sheep hunt. 3 weeks of sheep hunting for me this year.

03-17-2022, 01:59 PM
Please share away. That’s one of the reasons I started this thread. Encourage each other to get out and get it done as well as share the workouts that work for you so I can try them too.

I ride mountain bike quite a bit too. Last year I really started mixing it up with the indoor running for an hour or so and hopping on the bike for another hour. Two hours running on concrete is hard on the joints.

My favorite workouts:

Squats and shoulder presses, I go about 115 lbs, sets of 20-25 squats, then take a quick breather with the weight still on my shoulders then pump out 10-12 reps of shoulder presses, Usually do around 160 ish squats and just over 90 shoulder presses with that weight, after air squat/push ups for warm up..

Push-ups and jump squat workout: 10-12 jump squats per set, followed shortly after each set of jump squats with 25-30 push ups..totalling 90-100 jump squats and 240-250 pushups...

Chin ups and jump squats: sets of these, I try to attain about 100 of each in a workout...

Weighted berpeez: once you've gained enough stamina and strength with regular burpees, try them with weights in each hand...for me, I like the lighter weight more reps so I'll do 100-110 usually with 20 lb dumbells in each hand, then finish with 40 or so with 30 each hand...this volume broken into sets..

Triple exercise in each set: I'll combine jump squats, followed shortly by bench press, followed by bent over rows, in a combo set, really gets the blood moving, totalling 80-90 jump squats, 175-180 shoulder presses, about 120 bent over rows. For me, I use the same lower weight bar that I have setup for the squats, 115 lbs. My theory is the lower weight, high reps preps you better for mountain hiking and hunting..

03-17-2022, 02:02 PM
I'm starting my daily hikes with 25 pounds on my back and will up the weight gradually till my august sheep hunt. 3 weeks of sheep hunting for me this year.

Wow 3 weeks is a grind, you're a beast!

03-17-2022, 02:06 PM
Exercise definitely helps but what one eats & when he/she eats is most important in losing fat & keeping trim.
I would highly recommend a healthy Ketogenic Diet for good as it quickly gets rid of excess & visceral fat & keeps it off!
Personally I've almost totally avoided processed sugar in any form & simple carbs . . .

Diet is how you lose weight. Dump the carbs/sugar and if you can . . . two meals per day.
Rather than run . . . . a brisk walk will do, and it's easier on your bones. Leash and dog . . . . away you go.
Keto is the way to do it.

03-17-2022, 02:13 PM
Wow 3 weeks is a grind, you're a beast!
I was thinking the same thing. I’m pretty nomadic. I usually never sleep in the same spot twice and doing so I usually start burning out after six days or so. Lol. This year I’m planning on staying in one spot and doing day trips without packing all my gear around.

03-17-2022, 02:25 PM
Second vote for mtn tough. Started the 30-30 body weight program last year and it’s amazing if you stick to it. Had some setbacks with some injuries along the way (unrelated to working out) but it’s been a very good program.

I would substitute the friday ruck with a run and then hike on the weekends. Always hike with my hunting pack and some extra weight so when the season comes it’s normal.

I hate going to the gym and prefer fitness by doing activities. The mtn tough at home program was a good fit

03-17-2022, 02:28 PM
Try Atomic Athlete on youtube.

03-17-2022, 02:34 PM
Second vote for mtn tough. Started the 30-30 body weight program last year and it’s amazing if you stick to it. Had some setbacks with some injuries along the way (unrelated to working out) but it’s been a very good program.

I would substitute the friday ruck with a run and then hike on the weekends. Always hike with my hunting pack and some extra weight so when the season comes it’s normal.

I hate going to the gym and prefer fitness by doing activities. The mtn tough at home program was a good fit
One of the other issues I have is shift work. I leave for work at 6:20 and get home at 8:20 for 3 days and then 3 nights of the opposite. A lot of the Monday to Friday routines are impossible so I try and do a 12 day rotation as best I can.

03-17-2022, 04:46 PM
Wow 3 weeks is a grind, you're a beast!

Hi Thanks for the response. Ive been hunting sheep for 50 years with my pack horses, plane or hiking. down to my last few years of hunting stones. ive spent more time and less than 3 weeks in the mountains. Always had a passion for sheep hunting. Usually come out at least 15 lol lighter lol.

03-17-2022, 06:37 PM
I leave for work at 6:20 and get home at 8:20 for 3 days and then 3 nights of the opposite.

Thats a grim schedule. I hope you love what you do!? (And what do you do?)

03-17-2022, 08:24 PM
My favorite workouts:

Squats and shoulder presses, I go about 115 lbs, sets of 20-25 squats, then take a quick breather with the weight still on my shoulders then pump out 10-12 reps of shoulder presses, Usually do around 160 ish squats and just over 90 shoulder presses with that weight, after air squat/push ups for warm up..

Push-ups and jump squat workout: 10-12 jump squats per set, followed shortly after each set of jump squats with 25-30 push ups..totalling 90-100 jump squats and 240-250 pushups...

Chin ups and jump squats: sets of these, I try to attain about 100 of each in a workout...

Weighted berpeez: once you've gained enough stamina and strength with regular burpees, try them with weights in each hand...for me, I like the lighter weight more reps so I'll do 100-110 usually with 20 lb dumbells in each hand, then finish with 40 or so with 30 each hand...this volume broken into sets..

Triple exercise in each set: I'll combine jump squats, followed shortly by bench press, followed by bent over rows, in a combo set, really gets the blood moving, totalling 80-90 jump squats, 175-180 shoulder presses, about 120 bent over rows. For me, I use the same lower weight bar that I have setup for the squats, 115 lbs. My theory is the lower weight, high reps preps you better for mountain hiking and hunting..

Thats an awesome workout, I wish I could do that much, I would have to be 20 years younger.
I don't need to lose weight, just get stronger. I have been snowshoeing all winter and in the summer I want to do a bunch of hiking and ride my bike.
Maybe I can try one more goat hunt.

03-17-2022, 08:38 PM
This winter has been hard on me. I have to get 15 covid pounds off before summer, but it’s just not working. I’ve been running 3 times a week and I seem to just keep putting pounds on instead of off. I’m going to have to start adding some squats and leg exercises to my off running days but I don’t want to add too much too fast. I’ll be 40 this year and my body is starting to not like that kind of abuse.

Id like to head out for a few day backcountry fishing trip in June and a family trip for 3-4 in jasper somewhere in July and sheep in august/September.

Who else is gearing up for some multi day trips into the backcountry?

Welcome to middle aged. Good luck. Lol

03-17-2022, 08:40 PM
Thats a grim schedule. I hope you love what you do!? (And what do you do?)
I’m a heavy duty mechanic. I actually love my job, it’s probably the best mechanic job you’d ever find. I run around the mine doing breakdown work on big haul trucks, cat 797 liebherr t282 and Komatsu 930.

It’s actually a good schedule. I get all of my work out of the way in six days and then have six days off. I rarely go anywhere on a day trip these days, it’s usually 2-3 nights minimum. I spend way more time outdoors than I would working Monday to Friday.

03-17-2022, 09:15 PM
The woman that owned the gym/boxing club told me that the muscle you have when you're 60 +- you will be able to keep if you continue working out.
She said that it's very hard to build muscle as you age past 60.
She was a competitive body builder . . . . she'd do a workout and go outside for a cigarette.
Eating clean, drinking enough water, and fresh air will help with your fitness regime.
I would load an old Trapper Nelson with smooth rocks and fast walk to get the heart rate up. My mountain pack would feel like heaven after the Trapper Nelson.
Good luck .

03-17-2022, 09:36 PM
Thats an awesome workout, I wish I could do that much, I would have to be 20 years younger.
I don't need to lose weight, just get stronger. I have been snowshoeing all winter and in the summer I want to do a bunch of hiking and ride my bike.
Maybe I can try one more goat hunt.

Thanks buddy...it gets the blood going..

03-18-2022, 07:37 AM
I would load an old Trapper Nelson with smooth rocks and fast walk to get the heart rate up.

Ahh, the old Torture Nelson... I carried one on many a multi-day hike as a kid. Today, they would call that child abuse. If you were a real man, you’d load that sucker up with POINTY rocks! :mrgreen:

03-18-2022, 07:45 AM
Ahh, the old Torture Nelson... I carried one on many a multi-day hike as a kid. Today, they would call that child abuse. If you were a real man, you’d load that sucker up with POINTY rocks! :mrgreen:

Have three Trapper Nelson boards . . . two #3's with bags, and a #2 with bag . . . . Packed lots of meat/bear hides with the #3's. Misery board. Added a fitted curved cross member at the bottom of a #3 . . . added a hip belt. Much better with the heavy loads.

03-18-2022, 11:36 AM
After having to be sedentary last year and all the other group activities being offline, I got an extra 20lbs and my cardio is trash. My recovery is still okay... but I intend on doing a lot more hiking for spring bears. Plus I'm a lot more confident with my archery setup, will be back to packin sticks.

03-18-2022, 11:46 AM
Have three Trapper Nelson boards . . . two #3's with bags, and a #2 with bag . . . . Packed lots of meat/bear hides with the #3's. Misery board. Added a fitted curved cross member at the bottom of a #3 . . . added a hip belt. Much better with the heavy loads.
My first goat hunt was with an old aluminum framed pack with a half bag on top and a place to store your sleeping bag and gear on the bottom at the ripe age of 14. I remember packing cans of stew and wearing a pair of my uncles steel toed boots.

We’ve sure gotten soft over the years.

03-20-2022, 08:15 PM
I wish I started sheep hunting 25 years ago. I lived in the NWT for a long time but ever went for a Dall's. My ass is sore from kicking myself so hard about that. In prep for my 2021 solo hunt, I logged 300 kms and over 12,000 metres of elevation with my pack. Started out with 25 lbs in Feb., worked up to 50 lbs for the last couple weeks of July, then took a 10-day break before hitting the mountain. I'm already well ahead of last year's pace - aiming for at least 350 kms and 2,500 metres. I anticipate much more hiking this year on the hunt.

03-20-2022, 09:59 PM
The woman that owned the gym/boxing club told me that the muscle you have when you're 60 +- you will be able to keep if you continue working out.
She said that it's very hard to build muscle as you age past 60.
She was a competitive body builder . . . . she'd do a workout and go outside for a cigarette.
Eating clean, drinking enough water, and fresh air will help with your fitness regime.
I would load an old Trapper Nelson with smooth rocks and fast walk to get the heart rate up. My mountain pack would feel like heaven after the Trapper Nelson.
Good luck .

Yes it's true, but the good news there is something that will help it's called HMB or Hydroxymethylbutyrate works real well with Vitamin D3.

Here is one guy's personal experience really worth watching: https://www2.muscledefense.com/video220202a_ap?business_unit=a000h00000xpkqeqag&n=dbtcr&utm_campaign=pwl-db-hip-conqueringcancer-all-ded-220320-ki-smp&utm_campaign_id=7013w000002HBWVAA4&utm_source=dbtcr&sessionid=352728705002&uid=db_hipp_vs_220104&dsid=a0v3w00000LIJNJAA5&step=1

03-21-2022, 07:14 AM
I wish I started sheep hunting 25 years ago. I lived in the NWT for a long time but ever went for a Dall's. My ass is sore from kicking myself so hard about that. In prep for my 2021 solo hunt, I logged 300 kms and over 12,000 metres of elevation with my pack. Started out with 25 lbs in Feb., worked up to 50 lbs for the last couple weeks of July, then took a 10-day break before hitting the mountain. I'm already well ahead of last year's pace - aiming for at least 350 kms and 2,500 metres. I anticipate much more hiking this year on the hunt.
Very impressive progress, well done..

03-21-2022, 01:19 PM
I’m 47 years old. I’m 5’ 7” 172 lbs. My fitness is good. Cross-country skiing on the weekends with the family in winter then switch to hiking in the mountains as soon as the snow is gone. I have no formal workout regime and never have. I spent 20 years working in the bush which made me tough as nails. Not many easy steps in that life. When I’m hurting on a big hike I’ve always been able to dig deep and push through. For me it as much of a mind over matter thing as it is fitness.
My wife makes sure I eat well. No processed food, but lots meat and vegetables. Mostly wild game. Fats, protein and carbs all in moderation and balanced. I have a big appetite, but my metabolism burns it off.
All the guys I hunt with are younger than me which helps push me, but then I have an excuse when I don’t make it to the top of the mountain first.

Rob Chipman
03-21-2022, 01:25 PM
No processed food, but lots meat and vegetables. Mostly wild game. Fats, protein and carbs all in moderation and balanced. I have a big appetite, but my metabolism burns it off.
All the guys I hunt with are younger than me which helps push me, but then I have an excuse when I don’t make it to the top of the mountain first.

That's the sweet spot right there and I think you can follow it all the way to the finish line.

03-21-2022, 02:47 PM
I meant to say "an additional 2,500 metres." Oh, and did I mention my hunting partner is 20 years younger than me?

03-21-2022, 03:09 PM
I did the MtnTough program last year and really liked it, it was great to build strength and cardio at the same time. I actually really like the efficient HIIT gym workouts. The Murph workout is another good testing block for overall fitness. After finishing 3 months of MtnTough I knocked 9 minutes off my Murph time.

Have always been into endurance sports, ski-touring and ice-climbing in the winter; hiking, climbing and running in the non-snow months. I used to mountain bike regularly until a couple years ago but lost interest in it and found that biking doesn't translate over that well into being strong in the mountains. Going on 45 this year and taking care of the body is becoming more and more important to stave off little injuries and aches and pains.

Will be training again this year, just to stay fit and strong, maybe help a friend find a ram in the mountains.

03-21-2022, 05:33 PM
Great to see other hunters over 40 hunting sheep!! Im creeping in on 70 and still got a few years of sheep hunting left. Been hunting sheep for 50 years and I may be a bit slower but the inner drive is still strong lol. Looking forward to this years hunt getting dropped off by plane then back packing in. Planning for three weeks.

03-21-2022, 11:02 PM
Day off today so drove out into the bush with the girlfriend and shot a few rounds of the 7mm rem mag, then had lunch and hit the gym. Ordered my license and bear tag online as well. April 1st is coming quick!

03-22-2022, 06:08 AM
I'm mountain ready year round now took last 2 weeks of August off for goats then last week of Sept and first week of October incase I didn't get my goat in August

03-22-2022, 06:35 PM
I’m starting 30 days of yoga today. Hopefully I can stick to it.

I’ve done a bunch of these videos with Adrienne before. Here’s a link for anyone who wants to give it a go.


03-22-2022, 08:52 PM
Great to see other hunters over 40 hunting sheep!! Im creeping in on 70 and still got a few years of sheep hunting left. Been hunting sheep for 50 years and I may be a bit slower but the inner drive is still strong lol. Looking forward to this years hunt getting dropped off by plane then back packing in. Planning for three weeks.

I'm over 70 and still would like to go sheep hunting and maybe one more goat hunt.:lol:

03-22-2022, 09:02 PM
Great to see other hunters over 40 hunting sheep!! Im creeping in on 70 and still got a few years of sheep hunting left. Been hunting sheep for 50 years and I may be a bit slower but the inner drive is still strong lol. Looking forward to this years hunt getting dropped off by plane then back packing in. Planning for three weeks.

Best do it as quick as you can , beat within the next few years our wonderful NDP will put all sheep and goat on a very small LEH based quota . Just to keep the FN's happy and in control .

03-23-2022, 07:23 AM
I did the MtnTough program last year and really liked it, it was great to build strength and cardio at the same time. I actually really like the efficient HIIT gym workouts. The Murph workout is another good testing block for overall fitness. After finishing 3 months of MtnTough I knocked 9 minutes off my Murph time.

Have always been into endurance sports, ski-touring and ice-climbing in the winter; hiking, climbing and running in the non-snow months. I used to mountain bike regularly until a couple years ago but lost interest in it and found that biking doesn't translate over that well into being strong in the mountains. Going on 45 this year and taking care of the body is becoming more and more important to stave off little injuries and aches and pains.

Will be training again this year, just to stay fit and strong, maybe help a friend find a ram in the mountains.
Sounds like a great program, mind posting a description of a workout or two? Thanks...

03-23-2022, 07:43 AM
Ok what about someone who works 13 hr graveyards. Makes it a bitch to not eat breakfast/dinner before bed after the gym at 6am . When you go to bed at 8am sucks.

04-05-2022, 08:18 PM
Here’s a touch of inspiration to get out there and get ready….


04-05-2022, 08:35 PM
Wow beauty pics Buster...

04-05-2022, 09:42 PM
Wow beauty pics Buster...
I wish I had taken them, but my brother in law sent them from Fort Nelson today.

04-06-2022, 07:21 AM
^^^^still nice pics, thanks for sharing...

04-07-2022, 02:11 PM
Started really kicking it into gear this Monday. 5 days a week though intensity interval training to start with to drop 15lbs

I'm not a sheep hunter, but elk hunting last year kicked my ass and I didn't even have to pack one out

04-07-2022, 06:08 PM
I will be goat hunting the last 2 weeks of August planned on goat as the main target anyways may be looking for a few other that may be interested always liked hunting in 2-3s makes it alot safer ect.and with the cost of fuel ect can split costs

04-07-2022, 10:12 PM
Increasing weight in my pack going from 25 lbs to 30 lbs and more bushwacking. looking forward to my hunt in august!

04-07-2022, 11:21 PM
Brought my bike out for the first time since Christmas today. Me and the wife went for a leisurely 1 hour ride, then I put 50 pounds in my pack and did 100 steps, 20 squats and 20 calf raises with bag on. I wanted to do more reps, but I’d better go slow

04-10-2022, 04:32 PM
Will be starting shortly, having a buddy up for a special guided caribou at the beginning of August, then off sheep hunting 2nd week. Pretty grateful to have 500m elevation change out my back door.

04-10-2022, 08:57 PM
Brought my bike out for the first time since Christmas today. Me and the wife went for a leisurely 1 hour ride, then I put 50 pounds in my pack and did 100 steps, 20 squats and 20 calf raises with bag on. I wanted to do more reps, but I’d better go slow

Ya if your starting out again, definitely wise to start slow..

04-11-2022, 02:25 PM
I sprang my ankle playing soccer two weeks ago. Hoping next week will allow me to get back to 3+ 5k runs a week and backpacking during the summer !

04-16-2022, 09:41 AM
75 and have not missed many since 1977!

04-22-2022, 07:19 PM
It says mountain biking, but it was a run. First real run outside this year.


high horse Hal
04-23-2022, 08:07 AM
Anyone following the Beyond the Kill killer workout ?
have been trying to follow the routine at a far lesser intensity level just as a guide line, have been progressing without killing myself


04-23-2022, 02:34 PM
My favorite workouts:

Squats and shoulder presses, I go about 115 lbs, sets of 20-25 squats, then take a quick breather with the weight still on my shoulders then pump out 10-12 reps of shoulder presses, Usually do around 160 ish squats and just over 90 shoulder presses with that weight, after air squat/push ups for warm up..

Push-ups and jump squat workout: 10-12 jump squats per set, followed shortly after each set of jump squats with 25-30 push ups..totalling 90-100 jump squats and 240-250 pushups...

Chin ups and jump squats: sets of these, I try to attain about 100 of each in a workout...

Weighted berpeez: once you've gained enough stamina and strength with regular burpees, try them with weights in each hand...for me, I like the lighter weight more reps so I'll do 100-110 usually with 20 lb dumbells in each hand, then finish with 40 or so with 30 each hand...this volume broken into sets..

Triple exercise in each set: I'll combine jump squats, followed shortly by bench press, followed by bent over rows, in a combo set, really gets the blood moving, totalling 80-90 jump squats, 175-180 shoulder presses, about 120 bent over rows. For me, I use the same lower weight bar that I have setup for the squats, 115 lbs. My theory is the lower weight, high reps preps you better for mountain hiking and hunting..

This program looks great, but always remember, nothing beats practicing the activity that you are actually planning on doing. Put some weight on your shoulders and climb some mountains, nothing better to prepare yourself.

04-23-2022, 09:39 PM
This program looks great, but always remember, nothing beats practicing the activity that you are actually planning on doing. Put some weight on your shoulders and climb some mountains, nothing better to prepare yourself.

Completely agree, I hike with my pack on, usually 40-50 lbs, whenever I can around work/on call schedule and family obligations...

04-24-2022, 11:21 AM
I'm usually mountain ready all year, but last couple I've been slacking off..... lost my mojo, need to get it back haha.https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4mnzwgPSgZW8l8XX9pvYygKMvsBui8Tw3cdGnX1mmhuTTT5S5 E6rVwU8MB0wCvTbOzkr4JxVPhF1LDCu0so6t4HeXmVDa0ysn_Y lZUdy9zjs7xxBgrOX6YqErnvNJ7cXqSVTKYi7gHphC7t0KUUZT O4PUVvb_VquCaHCdbfngHEBU470DpR2nzVwsNYrX5AIXk?widt h=1024&height=744&cropmode=none

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4mRCLahdsHDhOLjPJFzwDrbtz3caaBIFbAo5P5wtTyrg48WwU S3C4dJhym66K5slbGz7p4pfWamRB1P6HTx4BeQib1SQcmBsuHx 6iGE33-6QQSZ0UbwR54aek7w5HKDMhDOPzV7sx-S-zmuklm6Qax_rscgpbgKKGmrVukqKeNHyKIj2VZGzdqEVzkSTUn tn2t?width=1024&height=768&cropmode=none

https://dsm01pap004files.storage.live.com/y4mtr3ZRjE9XdgBmWAJ7HBSxHJ_3HOKniS59oXGi-dcr8T6Cdd1OueW0DnnHWCRPGxqyNdIkrA_YsYV0KYXt_tTZYUl 53jHefWu1Mt6s249InGmwhZ64MgBJQv4jIbf0cOHgtV4Ysf1tZ 3QWtpRGPxy05Etdh3o2bQbgxkqS3HHdDS-zw9HRl0yi2mefvzAs6DE?width=768&height=1024&cropmode=none

04-26-2022, 10:19 AM
I’m down over 10 pounds now and starting to feel pretty good. I shaved about 1.5 minutes off of my ten km running time today and tacked on 2 more kms. I’m hoping to be doing 20+ kms by June.


Would Rather Be Fishing
04-26-2022, 10:34 AM
Quite the achievement, good on you! Congrats!

04-26-2022, 11:00 AM
^^^good job you guys...

mikek blacktail
04-26-2022, 11:15 AM
I’m thinking about it and hoping I can get into shape in 95 days

04-26-2022, 11:19 AM
I’m thinking about it and hoping I can get into shape in 95 days
You’d better start now. Lol

04-26-2022, 02:21 PM
i like to do 1 decent hike a weekend on top of my other workouts.
I normally do them in the Fraser Valley if anyones interested in making plans.

Ive been riding the Peloton pretty much daily...and aiming for atleast a 6km hike with a pack

04-26-2022, 05:41 PM
All exercises are started with warm up of 240 jumping jacks and 20 burpees + 20 fully extended ab wheel

Off days 20 ab wheel, pull ups, chin ups and hanging leg lifts

Exercises rotate 1 week sets 15-20, 1 week 8-10, 1 week 3-5. Then take 1 week off or repeat and take 1 week off. All exercises have 3 sets.

Back squats
Bench press
Every 2nd week standing barbell shoulder press
Barbell rows

Barbell lunges
Sumo deadlifts
Dumbbell incline bench press
Dumbbell chainsaw rows

Front squats or box squats
Barbell step ups
Bench press
Barbell rows

This and my job and hiking scouting has got me in the best shape of my life with insane core strength. If you add running and stretching which I don't do lol, you would be ready for any hunt

04-26-2022, 05:43 PM
Very simple movements and it is a regimen I use and I never burn out from it. Change minor things here and there for a rotation then go back so the body doesn't get so accustomed

Skip rope is a good substitution for jumping jacks if you have one

I do all this at home + park