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View Full Version : where to go for ducks / geese around osoyoos?

11-17-2007, 07:40 AM
Just looking for some public land that holds birds.. anyone have some areas?

11-17-2007, 01:56 PM
I was also looking for public land around ossoyoos and oliver area to hunt pheasant and quail. Hope you might know some spots wild.

11-18-2007, 11:06 AM
Good tread, I moved to the OK from the coast and have 6 dozen goose decoys collecting dust. Everyone I've ever asked has said NO! but like most people in the OK, if you don't know them you don't have a chance. I'm thinking about hitting the lake with a bunch of floaters and see what happens.

11-18-2007, 06:32 PM
There should be some puddle ponds out there. At least for ducks.

11-18-2007, 11:36 PM
well i guess there is a couple lakes west of osoyoos towards keremeos that have some ducks on them. I didnt even bother buying my migratory bird permit yet.

I was thinking that the marsh area at the north end of osoyoos lake would be huntable? its outside town limits and there is access by boat? Anyone have an idea on this? Ive also heard that the old and new canal trails are frequented by bird hunters... but I have yet to find a solid answer as to weather you can hunt off this trail. Some places im sure the houses are far enough away to do it legally.

Tons of geese around.. i counted at least 200 fly over me this afternoon when i was sittin in the back yard.

Got some quail when i was hunting in my backyard (10 acres)

Ruger .. i can ask my landlord if you can come blast away at some quail / pheasant on the 10 acres i live on. Hes 100% with me bowhunting it. Its outside town limits too.

Calamity Jane
11-21-2007, 10:52 AM
Got some quail when i was hunting in my backyard (10 acres)

FYI Wildfoot - you now have geese in the backyard as well! Just arrived this morning. You should get your butt back down here before I get em all! :biggrin:

If you look at the regs - There's some info on the oxbows (marsh north of town) on map I-1 on page 88...

12-27-2020, 07:58 PM
Just looking for some public land that holds birds.. anyone have some areas?

I know this is a super old thread, but I'm in the area for a few days and looking to confirm if you can shoot north of Osoyoos lake around road 21 and road 22 (Green area on ihunter map classified as South Okanagan Wildlife Management Area)?

The hunting regulations are a tad confusing for someone that's new to waterfowling this season.

On page 88 it has a map of the area I'm looking at and says:

"Osoyoos Oxbows Motor Vehicle Closed Area and No Shooting or Hunting Area (MU 8-1). The operation of vehicles is restricted to established roadways shown as
open lines. No shooting or hunting from Mar 1 - Sept 30, in the restricted area, including the roadways."

I think I'm good to go there as we are outside of Mar 1- Sept 30. My hesitation is above that it says No Shooting or Hunting Area.

I'm going to scout the area tomorrow morning and look for other hunters and see if this is viable without a dog/boat.

Confirmation/reassurance would be appreciated and thank you in advance!