View Full Version : FSRs around Eastgate

Would Rather Be Fishing
01-20-2022, 02:58 PM

Anyone past through Eastgate recently and can comment on the condition of the FSRs in the area? Pasayten, Placer, etc? Need to get out and thought about doing some hare hunting, but would be a long drive only to find out they are completely snowed in, closed off, etc....

Thx for any intel

01-20-2022, 03:24 PM
From the Ministries site, Pasayten and Placer were closed in Aug 21 due to fires, and no notice that they've been re-opened. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/natural-resource-use/resource-roads/local-road-safety-information/cascades-road-safety-information

01-20-2022, 03:46 PM
Placer was definitely open after aug 21

01-20-2022, 04:00 PM
There was a plow sitting just down off the hairpin at Placer. Road looked bare from the highway (this was last Sunday) and the guy looked like he was gonna be heading down further. From my understanding, that road is maintained pretty well year round..someone correct me if that is wrong please!

walks with deer
01-20-2022, 06:59 PM
Hmmm well if its not and keep heading east find coyotes and shoot...hare population is still at a low cycle at least around here...

01-20-2022, 10:58 PM
There was a plow sitting just down off the hairpin at Placer. Road looked bare from the highway (this was last Sunday) and the guy looked like he was gonna be heading down further. From my understanding, that road is maintained pretty well year round..someone correct me if that is wrong please!

Interesting. There are no ranches down there and it isn't a thru road. What would be the reason for keeping it open all year?

01-21-2022, 09:21 AM
Interesting. There are no ranches down there and it isn't a thru road. What would be the reason for keeping it open all year?
That is just what I have heard/thought I heard? Maybe I am getting it mixed up with somewhere else. The entrance sure looked inviting and clear. Maybe they plow just to the river below? But what would be the point in clearing it a few hundred meters and then stopping..

Iron Glove
01-21-2022, 11:19 AM
Planning on heading to the Tulameen cabin next week, probably meet up with Son who is pretty familiar with the area. If he has anything to offer I'll post it.

01-21-2022, 12:00 PM
I was just up there the PASAYTEN road is posted.Only open to a logging operation, no vehicle traffic, quads or snowmobiles.They were logging 24-7 when I was there as I could here trucks thru the night and early morning.North of the highway is closed to vehicle traffic due to the fire closure and is not plowed.

Iron Glove
01-21-2022, 02:32 PM
I was just up there the road is posted.Only open to a logging operation, no vehicle traffic, quads or snowmobiles.They were logging 24-7 when I was there as I could here trucks thru the night and early morning.North of the highway is closed to vehicle traffic due to the fire closure and is not plowed.

Just got off the 'phone with my Princeton kid and that's basically what he said except that a few km from the start of Placer there is a mushroom manure and some sort of a waste place that are operating there. Lots of logging in the whole area due to the fires last year.

01-22-2022, 09:20 AM
You mean the mushroom plant where they dumped all the dead hog carcusses from the Fraservalley that are leaching into the SAMILKAMEEN.Made global news!

Iron Glove
01-22-2022, 10:19 AM
You mean the mushroom plant where they dumped all the dead hog carcusses from the Fraservalley that are leaching into the SAMILKAMEEN.Made global news!

I believe that they are two different facilities - one produces mushroom manure, the other is a "bio" place.