View Full Version : Successful BT 2021 Region 2

11-12-2021, 09:11 PM
Hey everyone. First post here on HBC. Big thank you to fuzzybiscuit for the thread on posting images to the site - much appreciated!

My family and I moved to the BC coast in Spring 2020. Due to not being a resident for sufficient time, I was not legal to hunt until the 2021 season. Having dropped into a completely new area, getting used to the different provincial hunting regulations, as well as having no experience hunting in wet rainforest, I was not expecting the result that I'll get to below!

I have been studying the Region 2 synopsis and the main BC regulations like crazy as there are lots of mapped areas that do not permit hunting. I kept on looking for that dream hunt: something close to home where nobody else was hunting! I decided I would be day-hunting from home, so packed only the essentials. On Nov 8th, I began hiking into the coastal rain forest shortly after sunrise as this was the first time I'd ever set off marked trails into the forest. Having grown up on bald ass prairie, the dark and wet forests are completely mesmerizing to me...and a bit eery at times.

Sometimes I would forget that I was hunting: I was just enjoying the peace and serenity of being alone in the forest. When hunting in prairie forests, I got in the habit of marking creeks or water sources on my GPS in case I needed to supplement. I started doing this same thing, but quickly realized that water was frickin everywhere (in the rainy season at least)!! It was really cool to be hunting in November and not freezing my butt off in negative temperatures. I had a couple laughs at how nice the winter temperatures were. I've also learned that the intermittent showers, humidity, and wind can quickly produce similar results!

https://i.postimg.cc/gjGD2mcD/IMG-0289.png (https://postimg.cc/ftgXH49t)

After walking a couple of hours and glassing every 10-15 meters, I stopped for a snack. This was the point where I realized that I had forgotten my ear plugs in my excitement to get out of the house. But, based on reading many HBC threads on blacktail hunting, I figured it was pretty darn unlikely that I'd find a buck anyway.

I continued heading toward a chosen destination and happened upon an animal trail on roughly the same route. After following the trail and glassing constantly, the trail turned into a small creek. I was walking with one foot on either side of the creek when the path made a turn into an open valley of white barked trees. Quite sure it would hold my weight, I stepped up onto a 4" diameter branch laying across the trail at knee height. CRACK! It broke in half and echoed one of those noises through the forest that makes everything in earshot jump. As I laughed at my mistake, I raised my head to see a deer's hind legs executing a jump uphill! I swore I could see antlers on it too! (It was approx 50 meters away.)

I figured the deer was long gone, but lots of the HBC threads had mentioned that black tail deer might not actually run that far away after being surprised...or so I hoped. I dropped to one knee and ran the binos over every damn inch of the forest in that area, but couldn't see anything. Feeling a bit dejected, I was determined to follow and see how it would turn out. I took one step sideways and saw a beautiful, white haired face looking directly at me. I couldn't believe it. A million thoughts in a quarter second. I raised the binos and it was clearly an antlered black tail deer. I tried to move slowly in pulling my rifle off of my backpack harness, but struggled with the damn release. Something that should take no time at all now seemed like it was destroying my opportunity... Eventually, I got the rifle off and readied for a standing shot.

This was the first time I had hunted with my new CA Ridgeline 6.5 PRC rifle since purchasing in Dec 2019. It is nice and light, evenly balanced and handles quite nicely (although I don't have a ton of experience using many rifles.) I placed the crosshairs broadside and slowly squeezed. Wow was it loud - too much adrenaline to really notice, but definitely different than my previous rifle (7 Rem Mag). The deer moved uphill slowly and went down quite quickly. I couldn't believe it!

https://i.postimg.cc/Y0yQWq4f/IMG-0223.png (https://postimg.cc/V0nSywWd)

Upon walking up to the beautiful buck, I was just awe struck by the whole experience. What a beautiful place. What a lovely animal. What a gift to be able to hunt in such an awesome place!

https://i.postimg.cc/QdzM24wt/IMG-0246.png (https://postimg.cc/yDFB9PV4)
https://i.postimg.cc/13xrcBRk/IMG-0269.png (https://postimg.cc/HV2MTQyz)

Field dressing this deer was a challenge on the slope...but mainly because I was so rusty. I finally got everything into game bags. Loaded up half of the deer into my backpack, and carried the other half (in bags) about 100 m away to hang in a tree. I didn't do a great job of this as I was sore and tired from the processing. I managed to hang the bags about a meter off the ground near a running creek bed.

By the time I started hiking the first load to the truck, it was about 2 hours until dark. I planned to get both loads out that night, so made the wise decision to just head to the nearest road via...bushwhacking! Genius. It was really hard going at first as the ground was very uneven, which you could only tell by stepping as the heavy fern cover obscured where you placed your foot anyway! I eventually wound up in a swamp, completely surrounded by spiky vines snagging each step, waist, etc. Man it was tiring and I was frustrated as hell. After getting both feet wet and a crap ton of scratches on my hands and arms (no time to put the gloves on - gotta get going!), I finally emerged on a nearby right of way. Holy crap thank goodness. Hike to the truck was so much more pleasant, even with a heavy load and tired muscles.

Went home to recover and headed out the next morning to recover the four quarters. I used iHunter and google earth to find that a creek from the right of way pretty much would take me directly into the region I needed to be in. Luckily, the game bags were undisturbed and I loaded them up quickly while whistling and calling out to make sure anything at the nearby kill site was aware that I was in the area (I had bear spray and my rifle with me). Walked back out on the creek in, no word of a lie, a tenth the time it took the afternoon prior! All smiles.

https://i.postimg.cc/SRsZXf7n/IMG-0281.png (https://postimg.cc/ygMht9GK)

Just finishing processing it all at home. This BT will be much appreciated by my family. Plus, the kids and their friends get to see and learn about black tailed deer up close. Thanks for reading.

Big thanks to Caddisguy for his informative posts on black tail hunting!!!

11-12-2021, 09:21 PM
hmmm wonderful buck...very healthy looking...congrads on your success...and WELCOME...

11-12-2021, 09:23 PM
What a beauty buck. I’ve been chasing blacktail 30 years and never have connected on a deer suck as yours. Congratulations.

11-12-2021, 09:42 PM
That's a beauty! Good job!!

11-12-2021, 09:46 PM
You should get that buck scored. Hard to tell from the pics, but in a couple of the angles he looks like he might break 115" and make the record book!

11-12-2021, 09:47 PM
That’s a great first blacktail. They don’t always come that easy though! Haha. I have been chasing them for the last 5 years and have only harvested small to medium sized ones. They are a ton of fun to hunt but boy are they frustrating!

Harvest the Land
11-12-2021, 10:04 PM
That is one trophy of a blacktail! Fantastic work and thanks for telling a great story. Looks like you got it figured out pretty quickly

11-12-2021, 10:06 PM
Aww that was exciting to read. Congratulations to you sir! And thank you for sharing a cool story

11-12-2021, 10:12 PM
oh yes by the way..most exellent photos too..

11-12-2021, 10:30 PM
Beauty write up of your adventure.
What a Beauty of a BT Buck !

11-12-2021, 10:45 PM
Very nice BT indeed congrats!

11-12-2021, 10:46 PM
Great story and pics!

Sometimes in the coastal jungle, bushwacking isnt as fast as the longer but easier game trail. :)

Very happy you got your first BC buck, he's a beauty!

11-13-2021, 06:25 AM
Great write up. Thanks for sharing.

Ride Red
11-13-2021, 07:23 AM
Great story, awesome buck. Bushwhacking here can be a tedious affair thinking you’ve covered miles only to find out you’ve just made the next ridge.

11-13-2021, 10:04 AM
Aah, the infamous shortcut through the bush. I have learned (and relearned) this lesson more times than I want to admit.
Great buck and write up as well.

11-13-2021, 10:10 AM
Awesome buck great story

11-13-2021, 11:37 AM
Fine looking buck on your first foray in west coast woods, congrats.

Great pics you posted, well done!

11-13-2021, 11:51 AM
That is one hell of a fine "first" Blacktail!! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Pozitive.gif
Most will hunt years before even seeing one that good.

Also a great tale and excellent pictures!
Well Done all round!
And of course Congrats!


11-13-2021, 12:09 PM
Good buck and good write up. You did it right, doing your homework and executing a plan. As others have said, you will work long and hard to shoot a better buck. Well done.

11-13-2021, 03:55 PM
Awesome write up and pics,
and one trophy Blacktail,
Thanks Sprocket

Rob Chipman
11-13-2021, 05:38 PM
Great looking buck. BT beams can be really impressive. Nice work!

11-13-2021, 06:31 PM
That’s a dandy Blacktail! 4pt to boot, great job and welcome to BC!

11-14-2021, 07:22 AM
Great read and great buck congrats!

nature girl
11-14-2021, 10:49 AM
Wow that is a very nice blacktail deer you shot. Congradulations.

11-14-2021, 11:53 AM
Amazing. Great hunting on your part. I have hunted blacktails since 1970 and have only got three comparable to your first one. Good going and an excellent first post too!

11-14-2021, 02:29 PM
Thank you everyone for the comments. Although I was in an area that most people don't seem to go, luck definitely played an outsized part in the final outcome. Now I just need to find a taxidermist on or near the Sunshine Coast...

11-14-2021, 02:57 PM
great story... beautiful buck...awesome experience...those trailing blackberries can be nasty in the slash...as a wise man once said "a shortcut is the slowest way to get from one place to another..."...heheh..but I too always look for them in the bush....I can't help myself...

11-14-2021, 03:03 PM
Congrats! That's a solid buck.

The Hermit
11-14-2021, 03:06 PM
REALLY nice buck! Congrats!

Eastern Turkey
11-16-2021, 12:09 PM
Great story and congratulations on a beautiful buck! This is giving me quite a lot to look forward to for my first hunt as a BC resident next year.

11-16-2021, 01:43 PM
Yep great BT buck! Did you save the cape? I'd be putting that one on my wall, mounted or euro would look great! If you do euro try and preserve the antler color..BTs and Rosevelts have the coolest color antlers in my books.

11-16-2021, 09:20 PM
Nice buck, been a while since I have hunted them

11-16-2021, 10:03 PM
Welcome and great buck! I miss hunting blacktails. Love the coastal mountains and the thick bush so thanks for the pics. One thing you might notice in a few days is that your fingertips will start to hurt when you touch things. Don't panic, its just the thorns working their way out.

11-19-2021, 02:35 PM
"something close to home where nobody else was hunting!"

How can it possible to find such place where you just drive/hunt along the forest road with those power line poles. The road should be overcrowded by all kind of off road users.

11-19-2021, 02:59 PM
Oh wow! I missed this one!! Sorry, just saw your PM there Sprocket. Just trying to catch up on HBC a little now.

That is one heck of a beauty blacktail in it's natural rainforest habitat right there! You set the bar high! :)

Way to go! Congratulations and thank you for taking the time to write up the story.

I wonder if you would have spotted it if not for the stick snap? Might have been bedded and you made it stand up, or a the very least it moved and then you caught the movement. Sometimes a "mistake" isn't always a mistake. Who knows... maybe all that struggling to get the rifle ready projected neutral / non-predatory body language too.

11-19-2021, 03:28 PM
Congrats on a beauty BT buck! That will be a hard one to top! Cheers

11-19-2021, 10:55 PM
We’ll done! Classic thick timber black tail hunt love it

11-20-2021, 12:54 AM
Congrats! nice work

11-20-2021, 02:37 AM
Beauty buck! Congratulations

11-20-2021, 08:29 AM
Awesome buck!!
Thanks for sharing your adventure.

11-20-2021, 09:14 AM
great write up. thanks for posting

11-20-2021, 10:18 AM
Nice hunt. Well done.

11-21-2021, 11:24 AM
Congrats and welcome! Thanks for sharing your story.

11-21-2021, 02:00 PM
Oh wow! I missed this one!! Sorry, just saw your PM there Sprocket. Just trying to catch up on HBC a little now.

That is one heck of a beauty blacktail in it's natural rainforest habitat right there! You set the bar high! :)

Way to go! Congratulations and thank you for taking the time to write up the story.

I wonder if you would have spotted it if not for the stick snap? Might have been bedded and you made it stand up, or a the very least it moved and then you caught the movement. Sometimes a "mistake" isn't always a mistake. Who knows... maybe all that struggling to get the rifle ready projected neutral / non-predatory body language too.

It's funny you mentioned the non-predatory movements. I had watched a few videos that you had recommended, as well as read your posts where you suggested using your arm to "scratch your ears" while looking around slowly (vs. staring straight at the animal, not moving a muscle, as a predator might do). I actually did these movements after initially spotting the buck. No idea if it had an impact or not, but was happy to have had the chance!

11-21-2021, 07:31 PM
I was testing this out with two does. We were clearly busted but instead of doing the instant kneel down and don't move. I just grabbed some grass, pretended to eat it and look around and slowly moved like I was not a threat. The damn things came into 20 yards more curious the anything until they got whiff of us then booked it.

It's funny you mentioned the non-predatory movements. I had watched a few videos that you had recommended, as well as read your posts where you suggested using your arm to "scratch your ears" while looking around slowly (vs. staring straight at the animal, not moving a muscle, as a predator might do). I actually did these movements after initially spotting the buck. No idea if it had an impact or not, but was happy to have had the chance!

11-21-2021, 08:55 PM
I was testing this out with two does. We were clearly busted but instead of doing the instant kneel down and don't move. I just grabbed some grass, pretended to eat it and look around and slowly moved like I was not a threat. The damn things came into 20 yards more curious the anything until they got whiff of us then booked it.

Milage will vary but bow season last year I sat with (and talked to--human voice--a bedded doe 5 yards down wind from me) for about half an hour after sticking the buck 20 yards up the hill with an arrow. Sounds crazy but it's up there on video on the youtube.

That is probably outside the norm, but it's amazing what you can get away with by acting differently. I started experimenting with the body language a few years back when I started bow hunting. Would run into the all too common scenario where you would run into a doe and she would huff, go stiff, lift that leg and stomp. I've never had a doe huff or stomp at me ever since... that second I know I'm busted I just "out myself" completely.

That said, the last trip I hiked up into a bedding bench too fast, had to whizz and deer bounced out of it's bed. I would have thought my actions at that moment were non predatory :)

11-21-2021, 09:06 PM
Very nicely done, that's a bruiser buck.