View Full Version : Successful Sheep Hunt 2021

montec assassin
11-09-2021, 07:02 PM
Hey Gang, I'd like to share another 'proud dad day' that I had with my 12 year old son Mason. Mason completed his CORE this year and was excited to be eligible to apply for LEH. Well, the lucky bugger was awarded a ewe/lamb draw. Funny how that works, I have never been drawn for an LEH in all my years, but he got one on his first go around. His luck certainly made me smile and being that he was the only applicant who was issued a tag in his zone we knew that this was special in itself, let alone being for a beautiful bighorn sheep.

Mason harvested a buck during this years youth season, making an impressive shot on his first big game animal. He was excited to continue a successful season and we did so by putting in time at the range to maintain his marksmanship and scouting his sheep zone a number of times before the hunt dates.

Our first time hunting his zone was was on a school day. I don't have an issue pulling him out of school for the odd hunting adventure because I realize that he will learn more from a day in the woods than any day of school. Education does not stop outside of the classroom. With that being said, he had a unit test on Monday, so we delayed his hunt until Tuesday. Even at 12, there are responsibilities;). Tuesday's hunt did not result in a harvest. We would have to wait for the weekend.

montec assassin
11-09-2021, 07:24 PM
Sorry, having troubles with my new computer and this website. Will continue tonight.

11-09-2021, 09:37 PM
Looking forward to the rest of the story

11-09-2021, 10:30 PM
Yes. We need pics

Skeena Shooter
11-10-2021, 06:42 PM
Look forward to the story and pics!