View Full Version : Snow on Indian River FSR

11-09-2021, 06:29 AM
Yesterday I attempted to drive the Indian River FSR in my F150. I have never been along this route in the winter and did not know what to expect. The snow started around the 4km marker. Upon reaching the 7km I began to get stuck. I was alone and really did not want to risk getting into a pickle. It was annoying as I know the elevation starts to decrease a little further. I'm hoping people get through and establish some tracks when I try again.

11-09-2021, 08:22 AM
The freezing level has been very low the last few days and the mountains in the region have been getting dumped on with snow so this is not a big surprise

11-09-2021, 11:42 AM
Yeah, that pass at the height of land before it drops down again gets tons of snow. It stays well into May too some years.

11-09-2021, 12:13 PM
If anyone else goes today or tomorrow please advise as a few of us are attempting to fill some elk tags. In fact if any bored squamish guys wanna go for a drive it may save us a long drive...could be a bottle in it for ya.

11-09-2021, 01:15 PM
I ll double that bottle count.

11-09-2021, 04:35 PM
Sorry guys, I'm headed in the opposite direction or would gladly have taken a ride up that way.

FWIW, the snow line is getting really low on the mountains I can see from my yard. That Indian River FSR is absolutely getting snowed on.

Remember, when you get stuck with chains on all four wheels you are REALLY stuck.

11-09-2021, 05:11 PM
We just need to make it over the pass. The rest will be a piece of cake

high and to the right
11-09-2021, 08:40 PM
Unless they need to get into the area for a power line emergency or an issue somewhere, the road will be snowed in until spring. Closer to the end of May is the usual time for the peak to thaw but some times it's into June. But every now and then there's a crazy spring warm spell and it's open a lot earlier. If you have access to a boat that can haul an ATV, you can go up the arm and use the dock. If you're getting stuck at 7k, there's no way you will get to the summit unless you have a plow or vehicle mounted snow blower. That's real tough luck if you have the elk draw and can't get in.

11-09-2021, 08:42 PM
Yes, but you still need to make it back.

11-09-2021, 10:37 PM
Mattracks only $7000 paddy cash for some.

11-10-2021, 10:32 AM
Last chance !!! Anyone wanna go for a drive. Would love to see what the road looks like. Considering driving up quickly from surrey before i load up the rig just to be turned down. Certainly some elk meat coming your way if we are successful. Please take a few pics and let me know how it looks. 6045511994

Cheers Nate

11-16-2021, 12:49 PM
Anyone wanna check it out after that last down poor???

11-16-2021, 01:18 PM
Anyone wanna check it out after that last down poor???

I'd bet there are some spectacular new gorges across the road where there were none before.

11-16-2021, 01:24 PM
I tried to go in early Sunday morning, got turned around at 8.5km due to the 5" of slush that fell before it started raining, there was a set of tracks that looked like it would have made the summit, but there was 3' of slush outside the tracks, was by myself and some of those tracks were getting uncomfortably close to the downward edge on a couple corners with a pretty healthy side grade on the road. There was a LOT of water coming down the rivers already, I bet a couple of those creek crossings after the summit may be chasm's now.