View Full Version : Coquihalla/Merritt

11-02-2021, 10:45 AM
Thought my season was done but as luck would have it I got the day off tomorrow. I wanted to explore some new (to me) area, so was thinking about trying around Kingsvale/Fig Lake/Brookmere for some small game (grouse, snowshoe hare, maybe even jump shoot some ducks?).

I’ve been combing through forums during breaks today and not finding much. Basically just wanted to ask if there’s any small game around that zone or if I’m on the totally wrong track. Regardless it will be a good day exploring.

I’m going to leave the deer gun at home, I’ve had a fortunate year and the freezer is full so would be nice to try something new with small game.

Thanks in advance. I’ll keep looking through old forums posts and if I see some good info I’ll delete this one.

11-02-2021, 10:56 AM
I would check out this map, as lots of that area is closed to motor vehicle access due to the fires:


I was up there recently and the fires have done a number on that area. I've been there before the fires and there was no sign of small game that I saw. I think it might be too much elevation?

11-02-2021, 10:59 AM
This year fires have blazed through Brookmere area.
I'd stay home and learn something new.
For example how to cure meat with salt.

11-02-2021, 11:04 AM
Pretty much everywhere you listed is closed, or the access point to the area is closed so.. I’d enjoy the day off and stay home or hunt locally. Go shoot a black tail that’s something for you to learn… for the next decade lol

11-02-2021, 11:05 AM
I would really check for closures. I received a letter on Friday from Ministry of Land and Forests reminding me of closed areas in Reg 3 and 8 regarding my LEH draw for November 1. I was told and read somewhere that the fire restrictions for my area were lifted as of October 15 but this letter states otherwise. Nice of the Ministry to send out a letter to be received 3 days prior to the hunt.

11-02-2021, 11:07 AM
Thought my season was done but as luck would have it I got the day off tomorrow. I wanted to explore some new (to me) area, so was thinking about trying around Kingsvale/Fig Lake/Brookmere for some small game (grouse, snowshoe hare, maybe even jump shoot some ducks?).

I’ve been combing through forums during breaks today and not finding much. Basically just wanted to ask if there’s any small game around that zone or if I’m on the totally wrong track. Regardless it will be a good day exploring.

I’m going to leave the deer gun at home, I’ve had a fortunate year and the freezer is full so would be nice to try something new with small game.

Thanks in advance. I’ll keep looking through old forums posts and if I see some good info I’ll delete this one.

Adding to what the others have written re: access closures - there was a foot of snow on the ground last weekend when I was up top the Coquihalla in areas adjacent to the ones you’ve mentioned. Rabbits clearly are active, but the ducks would be ice cubes and grouse were not around.

11-02-2021, 12:19 PM
Really appreciate the quick responses from everyone. In my head I had thought all of the fire closures had ended Oct. 15, so obviously will need to remember to double check next time.

Sames14, that’s unfortunate to hear. Do you have the moose or mule deer draw?

i’ll take have another look at iHunter and see if I can find a different area at lower elevation. Will report back if there’s any interesting findings.

Thanks again for the info everybody.

Iron Glove
11-02-2021, 03:36 PM
Suggest you try a bit further South, closer to the Tulameen area, maybe access via Princeton.
Not as affected by the fires, I left there 3 days ago, no snow at lower levels, saw lots of grouse, not many bunnies.

11-02-2021, 08:02 PM
Brookemere Rd is open, been on it a couple times recently,

just don’t go anywhere north of the road.

Also, head to Boston Bar, take the Uztlius Creek FSR to the right just before town.

You can find your way over to the Coldwater turn off on the Coq.

Once you get on top, lots of Bunnies!

11-02-2021, 08:34 PM
Looks like the Coq and anything mid to high elevation could be a mess over the next week or two, potentially 50-100cm snow in the next few days.

I'm worried about getting shut down from mid elevation Reg 2 areas. Either going to be a lot of snow or a mix of snow, rain, flooding and washouts.

Hoping for the best but mentally preparing for getting shut down out of my spots and having to scout around other areas.

If you hit the Coq or head up Boston Bar, be prepared with chains and such. Set the alarm a few times and check for now throughout the night. I was up Boston bar a few weeks ago, checked the mtn forecast on the inreach and it seemed like possible light dusting. I was way up a goat trail sketchy to drive up high and dry, fell asleep a few hours and woke up to 6 inches. Driving down the next day, every tight cliff edge switch back had a come to jesus moment. Tough to see where the road even was. Everything looked like ski slopes.

11-02-2021, 09:05 PM
Looks like the Coq and anything mid to high elevation could be a mess over the next week or two, potentially 50-100cm snow in the next few days.

I'm worried about getting shut down from mid elevation Reg 2 areas. Either going to be a lot of snow or a mix of snow, rain, flooding and washouts.

Hoping for the best but mentally preparing for getting shut down out of my spots and having to scout around other areas.

If you hit the Coq or head up Boston Bar, be prepared with chains and such. Set the alarm a few times and check for now throughout the night. I was up Boston bar a few weeks ago, checked the mtn forecast on the inreach and it seemed like possible light dusting. I was way up a goat trail sketchy to drive up high and dry, fell asleep a few hours and woke up to 6 inches. Driving down the next day, every tight cliff edge switch back had a come to jesus moment. Tough to see where the road even was. Everything looked like ski slopes.

Yea, heading down the Q FSR into Boston Bar is no joke!

I have V-Bar chains for all 4. Highly recommend if you want

to extend your season

11-03-2021, 12:46 PM
Yea, heading down the Q FSR into Boston Bar is no joke!

I have V-Bar chains for all 4. Highly recommend if you want

to extend your season

I was way up a power line trail around 1400-1500M. It was sketchy going up with out snow. I was already a bit anxious about going down before I woke up to a bunch of snow LOL

I should definitely upgrade to vbar chains. Right now all I have is cables for all 4. They help a little bit sometimes :)

11-04-2021, 09:59 PM
I was way up a power line trail around 1400-1500M. It was sketchy going up with out snow. I was already a bit anxious about going down before I woke up to a bunch of snow LOL

I should definitely upgrade to vbar chains. Right now all I have is cables for all 4. They help a little bit sometimes :)

Encountering icy conditions,

with no way to deal with it,

is an awful feeling!:p

11-04-2021, 10:13 PM
Encountering icy conditions,

with no way to deal with it,

is an awful feeling!:p

Lol yeah it gave me anxiety. I was good about waking up every hour or two to snow check. I guess it dumped from 2-4am (but the sky was full of stars?!)

It was a balance between trying to ride the brakes vs building up momentum and not being about to corner the tight switchback corners that were straight drop off.

I never did slide even once, but I had to let off the brake a few times because the rear wheels were off the ground making the jeep wanting to summer salt off the mtn instead of sledding off. Was fine when half way back down to Utilius mainline. Would have been dodgy even without snow. I shouldn't have climbed it up there in the first place, snow or not... wasn't jeep friendly... longer wheel base wouldn't have had as much trouble.

I am probably about to repeat such mistakes right here locally over the next couple weeks with any combination of snow, ice, flooding and washouts. I'm overdue for a predicament :D

Wonder if we've ever crossed paths up there? You bumping into wolves yet? Saw a huge one last trip.

11-04-2021, 10:52 PM
wasn't jeep friendly... longer wheel base wouldn't have had as much trouble.

not often you hear that lol. i thought jeeps could go "anywhere."

I am probably about to repeat such mistakes right here locally over the next couple weeks with any combination of snow, ice, flooding and washouts. I'm overdue for a predicament :D

ya got that blacktail fever, eh? see ya out there.

11-04-2021, 11:40 PM
not often you hear that lol. i thought jeeps could go "anywhere."

ya got that blacktail fever, eh? see ya out there.

Some jeepers are religious about the capabilities but their most challenging obstacle was a crosswalk mall parking lot speed bump.

The short narrow wheel base is good to avoid high center and make tight maneuvers, get turned around etc.

It's not stable though... nothing goes sideways faster than a little square box on wheels. Longer wheelbase can get the front end passed BS and have stability to bring up/down the rest as long as high center isnt an issue and you can back out if you want. Short wheel base in the same BS, you often find your fully in it and committed... terrain and gravity is less forgiving. OH! And if you ever have to back down something steep and bumpy in a jeep, your front end wants to lift in the air and backflip, same as down steep trying to control speed. When the tires lift off the ground all you can do is let it roll, but you still need to control momentum or you will flip when you do need to slow down fast or stop. Only real advantages are less likely to high center and dont have a front or rear that sticks out too much that you'll smack your rear or have a head on collision with the ground and your air bag deploy on a deep cross ditch. It's like a 3800lb ATV and drives/handles as such.

Heck yeah blacktail fever! Hey if you stumble on our camp or see us driving, stop on by or flash (especially if I'm upside down with my hazard lights blinkin lol)

11-05-2021, 12:07 PM
Some jeepers are religious about the capabilities but their most challenging obstacle was a crosswalk mall parking lot speed bump.

The short narrow wheel base is good to avoid high center and make tight maneuvers, get turned around etc.

It's not stable though... nothing goes sideways faster than a little square box on wheels.

Man, this debate was playing through my head a lot yesterday. I was sooooo wishing my Frontier didn't have 3-4 feet hanging out past the rears yesterday as I wiggled through about the 10th fresh cross ditch past where I really should have turned around. With the 2 inch level I can normally jump cross ditches but the hoe operator that pulled this road wanted to make a point I guess. Bottomed out on the trailer hitch lots and my trailer plug that I craftily mounted beside but above the hitch finally got nailed by a rogue rock I guess and broken :( I did find some great intel tho. But next time I'll walk the last stretch!

But. The crew cab 6 foot box is like you suggest steady as all get out compared to a jeep or other short WB rig. In 4 low I just let it idle down anything I've been able to climb without a worry in the world, snow, mud, whatever. Nice on the highway in a snow storm too. Trade offs. I think my short term plan is cut a hole in the bumper with a hole saw and mount the plug IN the damn bumper. The hitch looks like its up for a few thousand more bottom outs before there's any worry there :) Just got to make damn sure not to get too crazy and high centered with the back wheels no touchy the ground and stuck there. Or maybe I'll get a horse.

11-05-2021, 08:59 PM
Lol yeah it gave me anxiety. I was good about waking up every hour or two to snow check. I guess it dumped from 2-4am (but the sky was full of stars?!)

It was a balance between trying to ride the brakes vs building up momentum and not being about to corner the tight switchback corners that were straight drop off.

I never did slide even once, but I had to let off the brake a few times because the rear wheels were off the ground making the jeep wanting to summer salt off the mtn instead of sledding off. Was fine when half way back down to Utilius mainline. Would have been dodgy even without snow. I shouldn't have climbed it up there in the first place, snow or not... wasn't jeep friendly... longer wheel base wouldn't have had as much trouble.

I am probably about to repeat such mistakes right here locally over the next couple weeks with any combination of snow, ice, flooding and washouts. I'm overdue for a predicament :D

Wonder if we've ever crossed paths up there? You bumping into wolves yet? Saw a huge one last trip.

I use it to extend the fun of being, off road, and look for ditch chickens etc..

One of my setups is just east of Coalmont rd, via Brookemere