View Full Version : Spotted an elusive spike fork. Will he be there in 2 weeks?

10-18-2021, 10:08 AM
As the title states, I spotted an elusive spike fork moose while out whitetail hunting. I was working the edges of a clearcut and came around a corner and there he was, along with another moose who was barely more than a forkie himself. 40 yds or less, but not yet in season.
My question is, do you think I could expect to find him in the same general area, or is it likely he will have moved by a large distance over the next week or two?
Curious what others have experienced regarding moose movement and range, and chances of re-finding a previously spotted moose.


10-18-2021, 10:13 AM
Better odds buying a 6/49 ticket .......
Moose being moose is a total crap shoot .
Put your time in at were you last seen him and best of luck .

10-18-2021, 11:04 AM
So you're telling me there IS a chance.........

10-18-2021, 12:20 PM
If there isnt snow or preds pushing him around I would be he will be in the area...now that will be a few square kms of area but probably not far from where you saw him. As long as he has good food, cover and not getting pushed out. Good luck

10-18-2021, 12:28 PM
Sit call and findout no other option spray down set lure and try before its not an opyion Ide suggest take advantage of tech well its an option lure and call for a few days pm if you want help

10-18-2021, 12:32 PM
When does the season open? My experience has been they tend to move and get together with other moose near the end of October. I’ve been out scouting moose in October and seen moose and lots of sign to go back November 1 and there’s nothing at all. Most of the guys I know who bag moose in the late season tend to see more than one when they see them.

10-18-2021, 02:42 PM
Find the lake their both flirting with, might be another 1/2 mile back of the clear cut.

Found and bagged my Unicorn 3 years ago the same way, caught them play fighting on the edge of the harvested land and followed them back to a tiny lake about 2 miles from

the cut, hung out there every morning during the season and got lucky (10th day 7:45am misty and cold region 8)

Good luck

ps the only calling i did was smashing trees and ripping the undergrowth with an old paddle i had (inspired by Shockey lol)

10-24-2021, 08:34 PM
You go there and cow call and it just might show up. When the season opens.