View Full Version : Another checked box

09-20-2021, 07:48 PM
Hey all,
So I thought I'd share a bit of weekend trip that taught me a few valuable lessons
and left some memories to last.

Thursday the 9th early morning saw us packed up, the truck fueled and ready to go.
We hit the road early anticipating an early afternoon arrival at our planned spot to camp and still
have enough time to start picking apart the alpine and basins. We carried tags for Elk, Mule and Bear.

After a solid five hour drive we arrive at the area we had previously scouted in the late spring to a locked gate
and a brand spanking new sign at the side of the road stating "private property, trespassers will be shot and survivors will be shot again"
not wanting to test it we turned around, headed around the mountain range to access it from the other side.
And to our luck, another gate another sign this time from the ministry with a loud and clear "Road closed to high rockfall hazard" well that left us bummed.... the only way now would be rafting down (no raft along)
or hiking a good 30-35km along the river.

It was getting dark by that time so we called it, headed into the next town to eat and rethink our approach.
By that time we are already far into the Kootenays and decided to push in further. Do to family issues we were also made aware to return Saturday evening instead
of the planned Monday departure. This really limited us already as we lost the afternoon and a good chunk of Friday.
We finally arrive at spot "C" and after setting up camp head up into the sub alpine and sure enough, lots of bear sign some wolf and Elk!!
Plans were made to hike into the alpine in the early morning and after getting completely pissed on during the night (it literally came down in buckets) we set off.

All along our hike up we came across wolf sign, scat and tracks. That was quite dejecting but upon making it into the alpine there were abundant Elk tracks as well. Mostly right around the small lakes
so our very soggy spirits rose again. The weather turned out nice! It was crisp but cleared up and the fog rolled out for a solid hour which allowed us to pick apart the ridges, beds etc.
Nothing. Came across a good scatter of bones from a kill site and as a group we decided to haul up over the ridge into the next valley.
Our timeline was getting under a serious crunch and if we wanted to make it back home in time we had less than a two hour window to seal the deal and get going.
Picture three lakes spaced about 300-400 meters apart with little patches of forest between them, we just round around the first patch and I hear "shut up man there's a bear" a what? "A bear"
like a bear? "seriously? what do you think?"
Sure enough, a nice black bear is having the time of his life in the lake, I quickly range, 80 yards. But in the middle of a lake, in the alpine... heck naw.
So we wait a bit and while we settle in the bear also had it. Started swimming across and exited at 200 yards.
Crosshairs were on him the entire time and just as soon as he gave broadside, boom and he dropped immediately. The relief and excitement was just unreal. Sure, wasn't a big Mule or an Elk but
still, after all that went downhill on this trip to still be able to cut a tag and not head home empty was a phenomenal feeling.

We gave it time and then got to work. Opened it's stomach and the contents just looked like marmalade. That bear was gorged on berries, the fur on its ass-end was matted with berries
so that made us even more happy.
Got it quartered and packed it out... drive home was one just filled with "we need to get out tomorrow again" all the blisters, sores etc are forgotten in
a moment like that. Heck, I'd say they make the experience even better!
Now I can say, that bear tasted incredible!!!! Pulled it out of the traeger yesterday and the entire family is sold on it!

So overall my takeaway, don't give up, prepare for crap weather, find motivation in the journey not the result and cut a tag when you can.
Cheers for reading.
Being a first generation hunter this was an experience I will never forget!

09-20-2021, 07:50 PM

Ride Red
09-20-2021, 08:05 PM
Way to make it happen Jan, congrats.

09-20-2021, 08:16 PM
Awesome, good on you guys!

09-20-2021, 08:29 PM
Well done congrats...I too have harvested a fall berry alpine bear and they taste great indeed..

09-20-2021, 08:37 PM
attaboy!!! Well done.

09-20-2021, 08:54 PM
Well done, u certainly worked for it.

09-20-2021, 09:13 PM
Cheers gents!
really do appreciate the support! Still want to cut my WT and Mule tags so
a busy time coming up ��

09-21-2021, 10:46 AM
Enjoyed reading the story!

09-21-2021, 10:49 AM
congrats on a fun hunt. That's cool that your wife joins you!

09-21-2021, 11:26 AM
great job...nice berry bear

09-21-2021, 12:09 PM
Congratulations! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Pozitive.gif

Great write up, and that berry bear will be some uber fine grits!!

Well Done!