View Full Version : Chinook sizes

09-17-2021, 02:39 PM
Ok this is getting stupid ! I fish the tyee pool landed one tyee this year I figure I rowed close to 300 hrs with two rods in the water. All over the internet people go off about how important it is to letbig fish go and how they let big fish go , yet you look at there face book feeds with dead fish after dead fish posted in the teen feeder stages . News flash goof balls that tyee I got was a teenager once ! Stop harping on my ass about killing one fish that made 16 pints of canned yummy .

09-17-2021, 03:21 PM
No ones harping on you.
rowing for salmon is redic dedication, props.
I’ll continue sitting on the shore and save my energy for hunting aha
congrats on the tyee !

09-17-2021, 03:44 PM
BT1 you lucky Bugger. Rowing the pool . Good on you. That's on my bucket list for sure. Those that comment negatively of the harvests of fishing The Pool, clearly have no clue of the history of these Chinook, some yes Tyee, and or the CARETAKERS, those that have dedicated thousands of hours volunteering in the hatchery that make it all possible. Without these people there would likely be few to catch , it's a good example of a HATCHERY program that works and benefits thousands of people, including many FN families.

09-17-2021, 04:20 PM
everyones out there with jigs and spoons and they make fun of me and my fly rod. who catches one first? me thats who. go suck on your jigs lol

Bugle M In
09-17-2021, 04:24 PM
You shouldn't feel bad for keeping a Tyee.
If you don't keep it, it will probably end up in a net anyways.
When i talked on my thread, i felt good about keeping it because i knew my chinook was a hatchery and clipped.
What is needed is a fully 100% clipped hatchery program in place.
Than we all can distinguish between hatchery and wild.
And then if one catches a Wild, they know it is 100% legit wild and can than decide whether to keep or release.
Right now, probably 50% of the salmon caught that are unclipped are not wild.
And we are all starting to hear the debate over that, that hatchery salmon aren't as hardy as the wild.
Not going to start that debate.

But it would be nice to see genetic wild chinook in the tyee class be able to regenerate.
But again, that doesn't happen unless the nets get pulled also.
So, it is up to the individual what they want to do.
But you aren't doing anything wrong, and don't ever let anyone tell you different.
As it stands right now, many things have to change and be implemented before we can talk about releasing tyee size salmon.

If we can get the natives to give up the nets, and run wheels where each fish caught is accounted for and can be released
unharmed if not a target species etc, and maybe one day also only harvest hatchery only, then maybe we can get somewhere.
Than we can talk about releasing wild tyee.

A lot has to change everywhere however by everyone.

09-17-2021, 08:22 PM
You shouldn't feel bad for keeping a Tyee.
If you don't keep it, it will probably end up in a net anyways.
When i talked on my thread, i felt good about keeping it because i knew my chinook was a hatchery and clipped.
What is needed is a fully 100% clipped hatchery program in place.
Than we all can distinguish between hatchery and wild.
And then if one catches a Wild, they know it is 100% legit wild and can than decide whether to keep or release.
Right now, probably 50% of the salmon caught that are unclipped are not wild.
And we are all starting to hear the debate over that, that hatchery salmon aren't as hardy as the wild.
Not going to start that debate.

But it would be nice to see genetic wild chinook in the tyee class be able to regenerate.
But again, that doesn't happen unless the nets get pulled also.
So, it is up to the individual what they want to do.
But you aren't doing anything wrong, and don't ever let anyone tell you different.
As it stands right now, many things have to change and be implemented before we can talk about releasing tyee size salmon.

If we can get the natives to give up the nets, and run wheels where each fish caught is accounted for and can be released
unharmed if not a target species etc, and maybe one day also only harvest hatchery only, then maybe we can get somewhere.
Than we can talk about releasing wild tyee.

A lot has to change everywhere however by everyone. the Campbell river fish are forgive me if the term is wrong “ odolouse” marked meaning they shock eggs at a point and it leaves a growth ring in the ear bone or something. They can tell if they are net pen , main stream Campbell incubator or Quinsam hatchery fish . I believe it’s high 90% hatchery fish taken in the pool. My point wasn’t just about the pool though it just bugs me that people harp on people catching bigger fish when they club out teenage feeder like gang busters . If it’s legal have it it but don’t go getting a god complex cause you let go a tired big fish for a seal to eat.

09-17-2021, 08:25 PM
I’m not saying anyone on here was harping on me I was more venting on the whole internet bull crap I read that makes my face look like a tomato.

09-17-2021, 08:58 PM
Be proud you managed to row a Tyee and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It’s quite an accomplishment.

I rowed 5 in the 4 years I fished for them….and every one of them got bonked.

Now, let’s see some pictures!!

09-17-2021, 09:07 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/1zKjzGSg/5-DB26-A62-8-BF8-42-DB-8811-78-D2-AD82257-D.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wt7Vfs7H) here ya go ! 31lb wife on the rod .

09-17-2021, 09:09 PM
And I never feel bad about it , hell it’s zero emissions fishing in the day of the leaf licker . I’m proud of the fish we row.

09-17-2021, 09:11 PM
That’s a nice clean fish.

Congrats to both of you.

09-17-2021, 10:24 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/1zKjzGSg/5-DB26-A62-8-BF8-42-DB-8811-78-D2-AD82257-D.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wt7Vfs7H) here ya go ! 31lb wife on the rod .

Is that a bulldog?

09-17-2021, 10:28 PM

(https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=1MmvYPnW&id=531EEEC0FC8655F11140ED1C966F7E1775F8D36F&thid=OIP.1MmvYPnWqtMCUZppeRTyqwHaEr&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fcdn.britannica.com%2f86%2f4 086-004-EA855487%2fvestibular-system-labyrinth-balance-organs-cristae-maculae.jpg&exph=440&expw=696&q=otolith++anatomy&simid=608022255404845750&ck=5E107623ED3B90C2F411ABB98DB2F840&selectedIndex=7&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0)
A small particle, comprised mainly of calcium carbonate, found in the inner ear of vertebrates, being part of the balance sense.

09-17-2021, 10:34 PM
Is that a bulldog?
Haha yes that’s Garth
https://i.postimg.cc/GtqRs4yK/8-F11-A17-B-9-E7-B-400-F-A66-A-645-E61-E1599-C.png (https://postimg.cc/sGQqkDKG)

Bugle M In
09-17-2021, 11:22 PM
Nice!!! good job.

This season i got out a few times.
The whole salmon sportfishing scenario these days sure has me scratching my head as well.
We had a heck of a time finding 1 salmon that fits the "slot limit" at times.
Salmon that were 82 cm, 2 cm too long, and having to throw them back.
And then come September, i can keep a 100cm, and 2.

For most of us, taking a large salmon is not a daily occurrence anyways.
We are far from the reality of the real issue/s that are truly affecting them.
Enjoy what you accomplished.

09-18-2021, 07:07 AM
Haha yes that’s Garth
https://i.postimg.cc/GtqRs4yK/8-F11-A17-B-9-E7-B-400-F-A66-A-645-E61-E1599-C.png (https://postimg.cc/sGQqkDKG)

I like garth lol I have a Lola