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View Full Version : O'Toole now saying he plans to keep OIC till a full review is done

09-05-2021, 01:57 PM
Hey everyone i know this new news may have some people shaking in their boots. hold firm and keep your vote with O'toole. the simplified classification system will prevail and we will once again get our guns back. he needs to do this to save face and from being bombarded by reporters for the next 2 weeks trying to mislead joe public. Hes taking the advice of the national post and kicking the can down the line. he will hold his word once the dust settles.

09-05-2021, 02:18 PM
I trust him as much as I trust Kim Jong-Justin. Conservatives are just Liberal-lite

09-05-2021, 02:45 PM
Your not wrong but we have no other option. max didn't even show up for c-71 vote and the maverick party doesnt have enough traction. not saying its an enjoyable situation but lets face the reality at hand. Conservatives have been the only ones to repeal att's long gun registry etc. give them some credit where its due. and some faith.

09-05-2021, 02:45 PM
i wouldnt worry about it. its just politicking

Arctic Lake
09-05-2021, 02:55 PM
In this case it is better to go with a bit of twist in the old saying “ Better we go with the devil we don’t know than the one we do know ! “
Arctic Lake

09-05-2021, 02:59 PM
It's unfortunate and I was surprised this happened. However, he must have seen that the Liberal scare tactics were having an effect in the cities and so he has to put off changes until after he forms a new government. He can be right and lose or he can fight that battle another day after he wins. If he doesn't form the next government, the Liberals have already promised worse things for gun owners.

PPC can stick to their 'guns' as much as they can; they weren't ever going to take voters away from the Liberals or NDP. They are only going to take votes away from the Conservatives. If the PPC ends up costing the Conservatives a seat or two, that is damage that cannot be undone. If gun owners want to vote against the Conservatives it will be like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

09-05-2021, 03:14 PM
They're coming out of the woodwork...lol

09-05-2021, 03:16 PM
Just had a conversation on the phone with my conservative MP to get clarification. He is an ipsc shooter and very pro firearm owner, and was pushing the Harper government to address the classification system a decade ago.
He told me internal polls for Ontario were not looking good after the gun issue popped up following the french debate and they needed to keep the media at bay concerning the issue. From my understanding of his explanation; a public and transparent review of the classification system would eliminate what methods the Liberals used to created the OIC ban. That changes to the classification system do not have to be done through legislation but can also be put in place via an OIC, so a minority would suffice in making the changes.
He said ideally after the changes a ruler and mechanism would be the only consideration for classification.

09-05-2021, 04:22 PM
It's unfortunate and I was surprised this happened. However, he must have seen that the Liberal scare tactics were having an effect in the cities and so he has to put off changes until after he forms a new government. He can be right and lose or he can fight that battle another day after he wins. If he doesn't form the next government, the Liberals have already promised worse things for gun owners.

PPC can stick to their 'guns' as much as they can; they weren't ever going to take voters away from the Liberals or NDP. They are only going to take votes away from the Conservatives. If the PPC ends up costing the Conservatives a seat or two, that is damage that cannot be undone. If gun owners want to vote against the Conservatives it will be like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

This is exactly how it is, must vote conservative this time round.

09-05-2021, 04:26 PM
Hey everyone i know this new news may have some people shaking in their boots. hold firm and keep your vote with O'toole. the simplified classification system will prevail and we will once again get our guns back. he needs to do this to save face and from being bombarded by reporters for the next 2 weeks trying to mislead joe public. Hes taking the advice of the national post and kicking the can down the line. he will hold his word once the dust settles.

Hard to admit that the Conservative leader just stuck it to the Conservative sheep. This guy is a Tool. He broke away from his party's platform because he has no idea, plans or concepts on what he will do as leader. Sounds like a liar to me.

09-05-2021, 05:35 PM
Hard to admit that the Conservative leader just stuck it to the Conservative sheep. This guy is a Tool. He broke away from his party's platform because he has no idea, plans or concepts on what he will do as leader. Sounds like a liar to me.

Please tell us who you trust more than O'Toole AND has a
chance of getting the Turd out of power.
Vote conservative as it is our ONLY hope!

09-05-2021, 05:37 PM
I just emailed my local (Conservative) MP to say I will not be voting for him this election. PPC for me. I have had it with the Cons....

09-05-2021, 05:38 PM
This belongs in "Politics and debates."

09-05-2021, 05:47 PM
Hard to admit that the Conservative leader just stuck it to the Conservative sheep. This guy is a Tool. He broke away from his party's platform because he has no idea, plans or concepts on what he will do as leader. Sounds like a liar to me.

I know you are probably just trolling here, but your comments on this post and a couple of others do nothing to help reverse the affects of C71 or the OIC. On the other hand if you truly believe what you have posted then you are politically naive. There are only two parties who will form Government in this country. Either the Liberals or the Conservatives. The Liberals have shown you their intentions already. The Conservatives have a better way forward, but have to be careful how they deliver their message. This election will be won or lost in eastern Canada ( Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes). You don't have to like it, but you have to live with the result. Eastern Canada does not like fringe parties like the PPC or Maverick party and therefore neither will ever form Government in this country. Voting for either of these parties is akin to voting for the Liberals and erodes the support needed by the Conservatives. If you are a conservative, then vote for the party that has a chance of forming government. Remember that what gets stated on the campaign trail and what actually happens once in power are two totally different things. Just look at the Liberals past promises, they never delivered on. You may not like the Conservative party, but if you are a firearms owner and want to keep your firearms, you only have one choice - Conservative.

The Hermit
09-05-2021, 06:00 PM
I know you are probably just trolling here, but your comments on this post and a couple of others do nothing to help reverse the affects of C71 or the OIC. On the other hand if you truly believe what you have posted then you are politically naive. There are only two parties who will form Government in this country. Either the Liberals or the Conservatives. The Liberals have shown you their intentions already. The Conservatives have a better way forward, but have to be careful how they deliver their message. This election will be won or lost in eastern Canada ( Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes). You don't have to like it, but you have to live with the result. Eastern Canada does not like fringe parties like the PPC or Maverick party and therefore neither will ever form Government in this country. Voting for either of these parties is akin to voting for the Liberals and erodes the support needed by the Conservatives. If you are a conservative, then vote for the party that has a chance of forming government. Remember that what gets stated on the campaign trail and what actually happens once in power are two totally different things. Just look at the Liberals past promises, they never delivered on. You may not like the Conservative party, but if you are a firearms owner and want to keep your firearms, you only have one choice - Conservative.

Exactly ^^^

I really hate the politicking BS around firearms especially BUT I'd rather a punch me in the face than evisceration. VOTE CONSERVATIVE!!!

09-05-2021, 07:04 PM
I am ok with him stating he would review it... then make an informed decision to withdraw it. Get some liberal votes who would not take kindly to a blatant removal of the system, but a logical look and removal will work. ��

Arctic Lake
09-05-2021, 07:25 PM
What VLD has said ! The Conservatives need to be careful how they present during the campaign to the antis .That’s just my opinion though !
Arctic Lake
I know you are probably just trolling here, but your comments on this post and a couple of others do nothing to help reverse the affects of C71 or the OIC. On the other hand if you truly believe what you have posted then you are politically naive. There are only two parties who will form Government in this country. Either the Liberals or the Conservatives. The Liberals have shown you their intentions already. The Conservatives have a better way forward, but have to be careful how they deliver their message. This election will be won or lost in eastern Canada ( Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes). You don't have to like it, but you have to live with the result. Eastern Canada does not like fringe parties like the PPC or Maverick party and therefore neither will ever form Government in this country. Voting for either of these parties is akin to voting for the Liberals and erodes the support needed by the Conservatives. If you are a conservative, then vote for the party that has a chance of forming government. Remember that what gets stated on the campaign trail and what actually happens once in power are two totally different things. Just look at the Liberals past promises, they never delivered on. You may not like the Conservative party, but if you are a firearms owner and want to keep your firearms, you only have one choice - Conservative.