View Full Version : O'Tool now supports Trudeau's gun ban!

09-03-2021, 10:41 AM
That's right hardcore Conservatives, your man O'Toole now is supporting the Liberals gun ban. Now what are your opinions of the All Mighty Conservatives that can do no wrong because they are pro guns? Personally, I think all the choices suck but this will get some voters squirming for sure.

09-03-2021, 10:46 AM
That's right hardcore Conservatives, your man O'Toole now is supporting the Liberals gun ban. Now what are your opinions of the All Mighty Conservatives that can do no wrong because they are pro guns? Personally, I think all the choices suck but this will get some voters squirming for sure.

Liberal is as liberal does. This is not unexpected by me. ****ing lefties.

09-03-2021, 10:48 AM
This is not true, what he said was he would maintain the bans from 1977

09-03-2021, 10:49 AM
Fuuu*k, this can not behappening!!!!!!!!!

09-03-2021, 10:49 AM
Jesus guys, assault rifles were banned 30 years ago....jokers all of you!!!

09-03-2021, 10:57 AM
Lol. His comments are enough to make you think what his agenda will actually be. Gauging how bad the blowback will be. He won't change a thing about the ban imo.

09-03-2021, 11:07 AM
This is not true, what he said was he would maintain the bans from 1977

So he plans to rewind the gun control movement to 1977? Don't see that mentioned anywhere but did see this.

But O'Toole, who has previously spoken out against the ban, including during his run for the Conservative leadership last year, told reporters in Montreal on Friday: "We will maintain the ban on assault weapons."

09-03-2021, 11:37 AM
How many seats is the maverick party projected to win?

09-03-2021, 11:45 AM
How many seats is the maverick party projected to win?

Your guess is as good as mine.

09-03-2021, 11:51 AM
Very misleading headline and story. Some folks might want to do some reading before going off the deep end.

09-03-2021, 11:53 AM
I’m worried about guntechs vote, maybe it was too soon

09-03-2021, 11:55 AM
Very misleading headline and story. Some folks might want to do some reading before going off the deep end.

Don't know exactly what's misleading? Either you're in support of gun control and bans or you're not. It appears that he is.

09-03-2021, 11:58 AM
He means the ban from 1977

walks with deer
09-03-2021, 12:01 PM
Hell i voted today poles are open in kamloops i saw rj there casting his ndp vote so i did the same

09-03-2021, 12:03 PM
Hell i voted today poles are open in kamloops i saw rj there casting his ndp vote so i did the same

That weird he told me go green or go home.

09-03-2021, 12:16 PM
I'm unsure but it seems to me he says we will maintain the liberal gun ban. Maybe he's confused. Could be a language barrier and he's speaking liberal gibberish.


I'm sure it's a honest mistake. Be confident that he only wants some of your guns not all of them.

09-03-2021, 12:23 PM
Good grief….don’t get your panties in a knot.

He is referring to assault weapons….not “assault-style” weapons. Y’all need to remember he has to choose his wording carefully to win over Quebec.

A vote for anyone other than O’Toole is a vote for more of the same with Trudeau.

09-03-2021, 12:25 PM
Your guess is as good as mine.

Projected equals ZERO last I checked.

09-03-2021, 12:25 PM
Good grief….don’t get your panties in a knot.

He is referring to assault weapons….not “assault-style” weapons. Y’all need to remember he has to choose his wording carefully to win over Quebec.

A vote for anyone other than O’Toole is a vote for more of the same with Trudeau.

Sure thing. I'm glad you're a believer.

09-03-2021, 12:27 PM
17 more days of rhetoric .... O'toole will reverse the OIC :)

Harvest the Land
09-03-2021, 12:28 PM
Good grief….don’t get your panties in a knot.

He is referring to assault weapons….not “assault-style” weapons. Y’all need to remember he has to choose his wording carefully to win over Quebec.

A vote for anyone other than O’Toole is a vote for more of the same with Trudeau.

Thats right - thanks for pointing out that very important distinction

09-03-2021, 12:29 PM
O'toole will restart the Canadian energy industry :)

09-03-2021, 12:29 PM
Projected equals ZERO last I checked.

Ok butt plug why were you asking if you knew?

09-03-2021, 12:30 PM
Sure thing. I'm glad you're a believer.

He’s not stupid….he knows you don’t shit where you eat.

09-03-2021, 12:32 PM
O'toole will secure an affordable future :)

09-03-2021, 12:34 PM
Ok butt plug why were you asking if you knew?

So you do know BUTT it just doesn't fit your narrative... carry on! :)

09-03-2021, 12:40 PM
He’s not stupid….he knows you don’t shit where you eat.

I'm sure he isn't but then again if that's the case he isn't being honest. He could be taking a page of the medias book and decepting the public about his stance on guns and controlling them with a play on words. Seems pretty straight forward from what I read. I suppose with alberta appointing it's own CFO it might not matter much to us what his stance is and only if it'll be enforced here.

09-03-2021, 12:41 PM
So you do know BUTT it just doesn't fit your narrative... carry on! :)

Thank you.

09-03-2021, 01:14 PM
CBC corrected their article.


This story has been updated from an earlier version that incorrectly stated that Erin O'Toole promised to maintain Trudeau's ban on assault weapons. In fact, O'Toole would repeal Liberal changes that banned 'assault-style' firearms while maintaining a 1970s-era ban on assault weapons.
Sep 03, 2021 11:37 AM ET

09-03-2021, 01:20 PM
And that is what he said, the ban that has been in place since 77, not the OIC.
There is a discussion thread on Gunnutz about it.

09-03-2021, 01:23 PM
It is all about word manipulation and reading between the lines. First comes a softening on a stance to guage the backlash. Politicians are obviously all about getting votes so they like to appeal to as many people as possible. Most people (except on HBC) think guns are negative so how else would a party get back into power besides joining the majority? Maybe O'Toole could bring back talk of listening inside our vehicles like Harper pushed for. He might change a few minor things but I doubt it all gets reversed. The media backlash alone would seal his fate. Get ready for another Liberal minority with more NDP than in recent elections. Pretty Boy and his lying, corrupt Defense Minister will still be standing, just not as tall.

09-03-2021, 01:55 PM
Seems pretty wishy washy

09-03-2021, 01:59 PM
CBC corrected their article.


This story has been updated from an earlier version that incorrectly stated that Erin O'Toole promised to maintain Trudeau's ban on assault weapons. In fact, O'Toole would repeal Liberal changes that banned 'assault-style' firearms while maintaining a 1970s-era ban on assault weapons.
Sep 03, 2021 11:37 AM ET

Well that's good news.

09-03-2021, 02:02 PM
Seems pretty wishy washy

That's what I thought but cbc says it's not so, but it sounded to me like he said. One of the perks of being deaf in one ear and not being able to hear out of the other I guess is being able to differentiate bullshit form horseshit.

09-03-2021, 02:05 PM
It is all about word manipulation and reading between the lines. First comes a softening on a stance to guage the backlash. Politicians are obviously all about getting votes so they like to appeal to as many people as possible. Most people (except on HBC) think guns are negative so how else would a party get back into power besides joining the majority? Maybe O'Toole could bring back talk of listening inside our vehicles like Harper pushed for. He might change a few minor things but I doubt it all gets reversed. The media backlash alone would seal his fate. Get ready for another Liberal minority with more NDP than in recent elections. Pretty Boy and his lying, corrupt Defense Minister will still be standing, just not as tall.

LoL….negative much or what. Who was better to gun owners….Harper or Trudeau? Cons are your friend….Libs are not. Nuff said. Poles been trending in O’Toole’s favour not JT….time for optimism…fingers crossed.

09-03-2021, 02:07 PM
LoL….negative much or what. Who was better to gun owners….Harper or Trudeau? Cons are your friend….Libs are not. Nuff said

Both are advocates of gun control to different degrees. Yes the cons are better at this time but they are not that far apart.

09-03-2021, 02:25 PM
Seems pretty wishy washy

“And when pressed by Global News, his team would not explain what assault rifle ban the Conservative leader was talking about. However, a spokeswoman for the party confirmed to The Canadian Press that O’Toole was referring not to the May 2020 ban but the prohibition of full-fledged “assault weapons” decades ago.”

Pretty clear to me.

09-03-2021, 02:30 PM
“And when pressed by Global News, his team would not explain what assault rifle ban the Conservative leader was talking about. However, a spokeswoman for the party confirmed to The Canadian Press that O’Toole was referring not to the May 2020 ban but the prohibition of full-fledged “assault weapons” decades ago.”

Pretty clear to me.

Did you listen to him. Seems two different things. Mind you I got no doubt the media was cherry picking and not showing the whole speech or the context.

09-03-2021, 02:34 PM
“And when pressed by Global News, his team would not explain what assault rifle ban the Conservative leader was talking about. However, a spokeswoman for the party confirmed to The Canadian Press that O’Toole was referring not to the May 2020 ban but the prohibition of full-fledged “assault weapons” decades ago.”

Pretty clear to me.

Why would any politician be referring to any gun control from the 70's? Lol. He has no clue on his party's platform. So, it is clear that his spokeswoman understands his platform better than the leadership candidate. That is what is clear. He was pressed multiple times and for someone to think he was referring to 1970's gun control is a joke.

09-03-2021, 02:43 PM
LoL….negative much or what. Who was better to gun owners….Harper or Trudeau? Cons are your friend….Libs are not. Nuff said. Poles been trending in O’Toole’s favour not JT….time for optimism…fingers crossed.

No question at the time,Harper was more a positive for gun owners. It was too bad that he turned into such a control freak on everything else. Hence why he had his ass handed to him. I enjoy a good political debate and am open minded. My main passion involves firearms but doesn't mean my life and my life decisions revolve around every aspect of it. I don't like any of the candidates but I still believe that voting is important.

09-03-2021, 03:08 PM
LoL….negative much or what. Who was better to gun owners….Harper or Trudeau? Cons are your friend….Libs are not. Nuff said. Poles been trending in O’Toole’s favour not JT….time for optimism…fingers crossed.

Another question. Why settle for what is better? What about what is best? I know that cons are better then libs and libs are better then dips when it comes to gun control but is any of them really that good? Sure the cons let me own a ar 15 but why couldn't I own a 30 rounder for it? Sure the cons took away the gun registration but I'm still registered as a gun owner. Why can't I have a baby browning or shoot my ar on private property? Both libs and cons have made advancements on gun control that has done little to protect the gun owner or enable him/her to own whatever gun they want. Gun control measures have changed lots over the life span of canada. I'm sure some old timers remember prior to the FAC days. I remember the FAC days when I went to the cop shop and got one and could go anywhere and buy a gun then i bitched whined moaned and dripped when the PAL/POL came out and I had to take a course to legally own the guns I'd had for 20 years. Now we got the new generation of gun owners that think the PAL is a normal way of doing things with little regard to how things have changed over the decades of gun control. The government of the day took all these privileges inch by inch and we let them. It didn't matter what party was holding the throne they still took it.

09-03-2021, 03:20 PM
Why would any politician be referring to any gun control from the 70's? Lol. He has no clue on his party's platform. So, it is clear that his spokeswoman understands his platform better than the leadership candidate. That is what is clear. He was pressed multiple times and for someone to think he was referring to 1970's gun control is a joke.
It obviously went way over your head. It was a play on words to make fun of the Liberals over used of the term “assault weapons” and the May 2020 OIC “assault style weapon ban”. O’Toole said “of course, I have no intention of reversing the assault weapon ban (*cough, the real assault weapon ban from 1977,*cough). It’s right in his platform that he plans on repealing the OIC.

09-03-2021, 03:33 PM
No question at the time,Harper was more a positive for gun owners. It was too bad that he turned into such a control freak on everything else. Hence why he had his ass handed to him. I enjoy a good political debate and am open minded. My main passion involves firearms but doesn't mean my life and my life decisions revolve around every aspect of it. I don't like any of the candidates but I still believe that voting is important.

Agreed..…Cons still best option and Libs need to go.

09-03-2021, 03:36 PM
It obviously went way over your head. It was a play on words to make fun of the Liberals over used of the term “assault weapons” and the May 2020 OIC “assault style weapon ban”. O’Toole said “of course, I have no intention of reversing the assault weapon ban (*cough, the real assault weapon ban from 1977,*cough). It’s right in his platform that he plans on repealing the OIC.

Definitely went over my head. Lol. If only I was a Conservative sheep, I could have put a positive spin on him not being able to answer properly not once but twice. If in fact that was his humor shining through, he will be nominating the next Conservative leader sooner than later. People want answers. This guy talks a lot of shit with no plan on how to get there. He has no answers. Like I said before, firearms isn't the only thing that I think about. Maybe since they are so pro guns as people think, they could allow us to bring handguns into the bush while hunting? For a party so pro guns, they don't do anything above and beyond on the matter. Canceling the registry has done little to help the average gun owner out. As much as I hated the registry and happy it is "gone", removing it hasn't changed much for me.

09-03-2021, 03:37 PM
For the kids and those that vote for which is better.


You can use the googler to figure out what party and pm was in power by yourself.

09-03-2021, 03:39 PM
Another question. Why settle for what is better? What about what is best? I know that cons are better then libs and libs are better then dips when it comes to gun control but is any of them really that good? Sure the cons let me own a ar 15 but why couldn't I own a 30 rounder for it? Sure the cons took away the gun registration but I'm still registered as a gun owner. Why can't I have a baby browning or shoot my ar on private property? Both libs and cons have made advancements on gun control that has done little to protect the gun owner or enable him/her to own whatever gun they want. Gun control measures have changed lots over the life span of canada. I'm sure some old timers remember prior to the FAC days. I remember the FAC days when I went to the cop shop and got one and could go anywhere and buy a gun then i bitched whined moaned and dripped when the PAL/POL came out and I had to take a course to legally own the guns I'd had for 20 years. Now we got the new generation of gun owners that think the PAL is a normal way of doing things with little regard to how things have changed over the decades of gun control. The government of the day took all these privileges inch by inch and we let them. It didn't matter what party was holding the throne they still took it.

Sometimes some amount of compromise is necessary…a means to an end. Likely why I’m still married ;)

09-03-2021, 03:52 PM
Sometimes some amount of compromise is necessary…a means to an end. Likely why I’m still married ;)

I tried compromise but got divorced. Now I do as I'm told and it's worked for 25 years. Lol. I think it has anyways or so I'm told.

I have a hard time with compromise. With compromise comes the give a inch but they take a foot. Gun owners are just one group of many that make compromise only to get shafted in the end.

09-03-2021, 03:58 PM
Every gray hair and wrinkle I get makes me want to not compromise that much more. Gun control, landowner rights, covid vaccines the list grows daily to things I've had enough of compromising about. Lol. I've turned into my dad.

09-03-2021, 04:26 PM
That's right hardcore Conservatives, your man O'Toole now is supporting the Liberals gun ban. Now what are your opinions of the All Mighty Conservatives that can do no wrong because they are pro guns? Personally, I think all the choices suck but this will get some voters squirming for sure.
A vote for any of the Big Three is a vote for the UN.

09-03-2021, 09:46 PM
From August 18...


Vote Conservative!

09-03-2021, 11:31 PM
Castanet is the most ****ing useless and propagandist outlet for media in BC. It’s constantly pumping out drivel.


Like it or not, that is a fact. There might very well be way better choices out there than the CPC, but NONE OF THEM WILL GET ELECTED.

Cat catcher
09-04-2021, 06:25 AM
Why is this thread not deleted the title is totally false and it obvious someone just trying to get people wound up with false information.

09-04-2021, 06:44 AM
Well if what he said was incorrect you guys had better let global news know because the bottom news ticker says different.

09-04-2021, 06:55 AM
Why is this thread not deleted the title is totally false and it obvious someone just trying to get people wound up with false information.

Exactly, and it should be in the politics forum, not the hunting forum.

09-04-2021, 07:36 AM
This is fake news. O'Toole knows the difference between an actual "assault rifle" and an AR15. Assault rifles are select fire. Banned in 1977 in Canada. He's just screwing with Justin.

Also, this is the wrong forum for politics so the thread is locked.