View Full Version : Camp etiquette

08-16-2021, 08:26 PM
Hi all,

I have a quick question on campsite etiquette. To preface, I am fairly new to hunting with less than a year under my belt. This summer I have been scouting an area that I am interested in hunting this fall. Last trip out, I found what appeared to be an excellent campsite. It was flat, there were no fire-rings or meat hanging poles but there was a stack of recently cut rounds of wood. There was no signage but it dawned on me that someone, maybe a guide, might be setting this camp up for the fall. The area was a very long hike in and I am thinking that in order to have brought a chainsaw in there, they must have packed it in by horse. I have heard rumours, on this forum and even from a CO, that people (especially guides) can get fairly angry with others in "their area".

My question is: If I go there in the fall and it is vacant would it be ethical to camp there. If so, what are your thoughts should someone turn up and claim that it is their camp?

Obviously, if I got there and it was occupied I would move along and give whoever was there first space.


chilcotin hillbilly
08-16-2021, 09:09 PM
As a guide , I would have no problem with you being there if you found the spot before I showed up. I might just join you at the campfire and set up a tent as well. I enjoy meeting people from all over BC.
That being said you should replace any fire wood you use, or cut your own. If someone has gone to that effort you should respect that.
If the wood appears to have been there for several years. I would go right a head and use it up. In this case it appears to have been cut this year.
Good luck on your hunt.

08-16-2021, 09:50 PM
As a guide , I would have no problem with you being there if you found the spot before I showed up. I might just join you at the campfire and set up a tent as well. I enjoy meeting people from all over BC.
That being said you should replace any fire wood you use, or cut your own. If someone has gone to that effort you should respect that.
If the wood appears to have been there for several years. I would go right a head and use it up. In this case it appears to have been cut this year.
Good luck on your hunt.
I realize the OP has every right to camp/hunt on crown land, but very classy response by you. My hats off to you.

08-16-2021, 10:12 PM
I agree with Hillbilly with one small exception. If I leave firewood at a camp when I head out I have no expectation that it will be replaced by the next user. I usually cut more than I need because I hate to run out and it is just a small courtesy to the next folks that happen along.

MikeSlayer, good on you for asking the question. We can use more responsible hunters that worry about old fashioned things like etiquette.

08-16-2021, 10:38 PM
AS the others have stated for useage ! - NOT Hard to tell if Horses have being in there as THEY leave tracks and SHIT everwhere ! :grin: RJ

08-17-2021, 07:36 AM
If it’s crown land and unoccupied you have just as much right as the next guy to use it, provided you are respectful and leave it as you found it.
The only thing I’d mention is that there will often be spots near the road that are cleared and set up for ranchers for rounding up their cattle in the fall (often lower down at the start of fsr’s) or new areas cleared for machinery for a new cut block/forestry. Best to leave those spots for those who are working in the area unless you’re sure they’re done for the season.

08-17-2021, 07:59 AM
Camp away

Someone has precut the wood to keep quiet during hunting season, how easy is it to replace...is there lots of dead and dry around? Maybe do the same, doesn't have to be rounds, what would you have burned if the rounds weren't there?

08-17-2021, 08:02 AM
Campsites are first come first serve.
While I typically would go elsewhere if I find someone at the spot I planned to use, I never turned away anyone who wanted to join our camp.
The more the merrier.
Reasonable people always find a way.

08-17-2021, 09:23 AM
Crown land is limited to a duration of 2 week stay by law and then must be vacated for 48 hours before the cycle restarts.

Talk to a Resource Officer, they will fill you in on the fine details.

08-17-2021, 09:31 AM
Crown land is limited to a duration of 2 week stay by law and then must be vacated for 48 hours before the cycle restarts.

Talk to a Resource Officer, they will fill you in on the fine details.

It makes you wonder why these homeless camps are allowed to exist when they are willing to harass outdoorsman that have no intention of living at wilderness locations permanently. Seems the way to go is just ignore the laws and the enforcers and go full anarchist to be treated equally in this unjust world we are being forced to live in.

08-17-2021, 11:23 AM
It makes you wonder why these homeless camps are allowed to exist when they are willing to harass outdoorsman that have no intention of living at wilderness locations permanently. Seems the way to go is just ignore the laws and the enforcers and go full anarchist to be treated equally in this unjust world we are being forced to live in.

Yeppers, and then you also get the Jack Azz's who set their hunting camps on a road blocking access to hunting areas....must suck to be that desperate to get an animal.

Groups of 2 or 3 trailers, half a dozen pick-ups and ATV's hunting a area for a few weeks and they get one moose and then they brag "WE" got one!

Oh well, everyone experiences life on a personal level and who is to say who is right or wrong.

08-17-2021, 12:48 PM
Usually its first come first serve but if you setup near a Guide-Outfitter Camp just remember the Guide is restricted to Guide to his Territory whereas the Resident Hunter can hunt in all Guides Territory,s and may have a much easier time to move his Camp.


08-18-2021, 06:30 AM
Thanks everyone who chimed in. Based on the responses and as it is Crown land, I will definitely plan around camping there if it is vacant. Good comments about the balance of the right to be there versus the Guides ability to go elsewhere.

Thanks all!

08-24-2021, 08:59 PM
Lol "their area" 🤣

Bugle M In
08-27-2021, 11:28 AM
As far a the campsite, unless it is private property, its for whoever wants to use it.
And yes, been hunting and camped at one site for 30 years +, and 2 years back pulled in late evening and some clown runs over
to us and says they are hunting the area.
Like give me a break!
We just said so are we, like we have for all these years on this week of the calendar.
Always amazed at some folks in our hunting community!!????

As for the wood, i know that is a hard one.
Some folks cut too much and leave it, and i know i have and we wont be back anymore that year.
Sometimes i have seen non hunters from the local town leave the wood as they like to come in on weekends and just hang out.
And yes, sometimes it belongs to someone coming back.

To be honest, if i am coming back and i want my wood to stay put, i guess i have to hide it.
If it is on crown land, there is no rules imo.
It is what you feel comfortable with.
IF you know it is a GO outpost, then i would leave it.
Although i seen a few folks last year use up some GO wood at a similar spot.
They weren't allowed to be in there, imo, as i think they were hunting, not just camping.

08-27-2021, 03:47 PM
Usually you will find that most Hunting camps or areas will have the same groups in them at the same time every year. A good rule of hunting usage , in my opinion would be the game pole.
As " Bugle M in" said if the wood is hidden it is probably being saved for another time. If its in the open , it was probably left over. Personally our group always brings enough with us to supply the first day, then we cut more as needed. ( and leave what we don't need).

08-27-2021, 04:33 PM
Sounds like this potential camp site is on crown land. If that’s the case then who ever gets their first gets the site. As for the wood.....obviously no one owns it so use it if you want to. Ya some yahoo might come along and get pissy because your using “ their “ campsite and burning “ their “ wood, just remind them that it’s crown land.

When I had my bison tag I found a camping spot where someone had recently vacated. After setting up camp I went and explored the tree line. Once I got to the trees I found a path( 8-12” of snow in the trees ) which led to a make shift out house. On the way back to the wall tent I discovered a case of beer mostly buried in the snow. 2 days later when no one came back looking for the beer......it got put to good use.
People should remember that some things( like alcohol, fire wood ) that get left in the bush might not be there when they return.

08-27-2021, 04:40 PM
hawk-i (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/member.php?14543-hawk-i)

Yeppers, and then you also get the Jack Azz's who set their hunting camps on a road blocking access to hunting areas....

Was talking to a CO about another matter and he said ((a road cannot be blocked if it interrupts a lawful hunt.))