View Full Version : Goats in 2-6?

08-11-2021, 08:36 AM
hi guys, I'm looking for some info about an up coming hunting trip and I though here would be the place to ask.

I'm just wondering if anyone has seen any goats in the 2-6 region as of lately, I've I have pics from 2010 that show them but I cant find any more recent pics or info.

Me and a friend are planning a 7 night trip into Exodus peak area and setting up our base camp near Blanca lake to do some Mule deer hunting below the tree line and some goat hunting above the tree line. it will be mid September

this is my and his first goat hunt and I'm perfectly fine with not getting a goat and just getting my boots on the ground and spend time in the wood but I would like to at least see one

really at this point I'm just wondering what my chances of seeing any is.

08-11-2021, 09:55 AM
PM sent. Call me if you want more info.

If memory serves, there is a nice Vortex spotter for sale in the classifieds too;-)

08-11-2021, 11:18 AM
cameron0518, I believe this is a General Open Season from sept 10 to sept 30, I hope I'm reading this correctly. this is the first time getting more then a small game license in BC

Albrovo2, thanks for the PM. and ill have to check out the classifieds, I wouldn't mind getting a better one, I have an old heavy kohi yama 20x60mm(missing the 40x and 60x eye pieces)

08-11-2021, 11:54 AM
You will have much better luck to even lay eyes on a goat by driving outta region. Don't needa go too far either some good spots you can get to within the day from LML, hiking up is a different story. Blanca is hit hard by hikers and locals. Spoke to a few last time I was there (last year). They haven't seen any wildlife since late 00s. maybe they weren't looking good enough lol. But from the 5 Days i spent there I didn't see shit. Blanca Lake is extremely beautiful though so hunting or not its worth it to check out

08-11-2021, 12:34 PM
You will have much better luck to even lay eyes on a goat by driving outta region. Don't needa go too far either some good spots you can get to within the day from LML, hiking up is a different story. Blanca is hit hard by hikers and locals. Spoke to a few last time I was there (last year). They haven't seen any wildlife since late 00s. maybe they weren't looking good enough lol. But from the 5 Days i spent there I didn't see shit. Blanca Lake is extremely beautiful though so hunting or not its worth it to check out

There are not many other places in Region 2 with a general open season on goats though. Guy can go to Jervis Inlet if he has two things; a boat and legs like a goat. Or Knight Inlet in Region 1.

08-11-2021, 12:44 PM
meant to say drive out of region 2

08-11-2021, 02:20 PM
I was looking at sheep hunting in region 3 and also goats or sheep in region 5 for the GOS but I figure a lot of the area in region 3 may be closed due to the fires and for region 5 I want a little more experience and do a big trip that way next year. more like a 10 or 12 day trip. I only have 7 nights this trip so I don't want to spend it all driving.

I've been up to Dease lake and telegraph creek last year fishing, id love to do another trip up there again

this trip is about a hour from home, I can drive quite far off the main road using the SR FSR and I'm just trying to gain experience in the mountains and see some cool stuff. seeing or shooting a goat would add to the trip for sure but I also like backpacking and camping. so this is a close trip to just get me out there

so i know there is better spots then 2-6 and this is simply the closest GOS goat location that has high mountain peaks. I can see 2-5 from a hill behind my house but looks like 2-6 is more mountainous and my car is on the main land already. so I picked this spot. now I'm wondering if there are any goats lol, ill also bring a black bear tag and black tail tag and my fishing rod so I have options

08-12-2021, 12:45 AM
dont wander into the protected area... go further up valley, pick a drainage with a nasty af bushwack and hike.
enjoy. talk to loggers/truckers as well, they see them when crossing the roads at the bottom of the valleys. have fun!
bring ropes and crampons.

08-12-2021, 09:55 AM
Thanks for in insight in the goats and the gear thoughts, I'm just putting together a list of stuff to bring now. its just over 4 weeks away and I live on an island with no mailing address so I cant order stuff on line so I need to get packing

08-12-2021, 10:20 AM
The below photo is of a pair of goats in 2-6 from December of 2011 (maybe 2012). They weren’t very accessible though and they were on the mountains west of the Elaho... There were a few more in the group. I had no interest in goat hunting at the time, so didn't try to distinguish billy vs. nanny.

08-15-2021, 05:27 PM
I’ve seen goats up the elaho a few times. Over the past 5 years they are there I usually see them closer to the river. In spring. But this year I didn’t see anything up squamish and elaho this spring and summer other then evo cars and a million people. Thank you covid. I used to take my kids up there a lot to see animal. I hope the zoo didn’t move them out.

09-03-2021, 08:54 PM
I am up in the Elaho quite a bit hunting in the spring and fall. I haven't seen any goats at all this year. Generally, when I have spotted them they've been west of the Squamish and the Elaho. Sims Creek and Amicus Mountain are two of the more common places I've encountered them.

09-04-2021, 11:15 PM
If you have seven nights, you’d greatly increase your odds by making 2 of those days “drive days” and heading out of region 2