View Full Version : Archery Elk

07-18-2021, 12:31 PM
So after some wanglin and dangling I’ve got some time off of both work and family for a chance at archery elk in sept it’s only 5 days and I’ve got a location and am confident in my outdoor experience as far as deer hunting and archery, but I’ve never even smelled an elk in real life and would love the top 3 tips you guys got. Again not looking for spots. Just your best tricks lol. I’m decent at the diaphragm cow calls but I think still lacking a good bugle. Be gentle.

07-18-2021, 04:07 PM
Elk101 and the ElkNut app. The ElkNut app is pretty cheap for what you get.

07-18-2021, 04:44 PM
https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vSFNXMzQ2MDAxNj EwMQ/episode/MjVlY2UzNzItMWQ4NS00NWVkLTg0NmYtYWMyYjAwNGMzYjgy?s a=X&ved=0CAYQkfYCahcKEwiwurL15e3xAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ

07-18-2021, 10:49 PM
Listen to the 3 Rich Outdoors podcasts that featured Paul Medel.
Biggest mistake he said that most elk hunters make? Afraid to call.

07-18-2021, 10:57 PM
If you stick one, Take Your Time before you start tracking it. Elk are tough and you want them to bed down and bleed out. IF you bump them from their bed too early, they will go to the thickest nastiest shit until they fall over. And you might lose the blood trail before you catch up to them.
My biggest regret ever...

07-19-2021, 08:49 AM
are you solo hunting or can you get a caller? is it 6pt regs?

Practice calls as much as you can, easiest time to practice is while driving and no one else in car. I hunt in 6pt areas and my biggest lessons have been to find sign and stick to it, learn the patterns of movement, when to call and not to call and when to get aggressive. The resources others are posting are excellent. Learn before you go, find the sign, have confidence when you are there.

07-19-2021, 09:28 AM
be in your spot early early early. call early, don't be afraid to make noise, have your head on a swivel / bear spray accessible if you're in grizz country

07-19-2021, 10:27 AM
be in your spot early early early. call early, don't be afraid to make noise, have your head on a swivel / bear spray accessible if you're in grizz country

This is true but make sure you aren't early and then bumping them out of their feeding area in the dark.

Finding them early can also lead to you chasing the herd up a mtn haha.

So know your country and have an idea of bedding and feeding areas.

Nothing wrong with dogging the herd to their beds but you better be in good shape.

If you're dogging them you'll likely be bugling as you go and just know that with daylight comes more hunters and you may have just spent 2hrs hiking a someone drives in and hears your bull bugling.

Shit can go pear-shaped so be ready for some disappointed and confusing elk actions.

07-19-2021, 04:55 PM
I'll have a caller, potentially another friend but nobody with any serious mountain elk experience. I'm soaking as much in as I can. Even if I come out light, it's all gonna be lessons learned and earned. Thanks to everybody sharing so far. It's all seriously appreciated.

07-19-2021, 08:40 PM
The Rich Outdoors episodes with Paul Medel are:

I also liked his Montana hunt ‘live’ episode podcast #290, interesting to hear his hunt while it unfolds.