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Arctic Lake
07-12-2021, 08:55 PM
So I would like to harvest most of the big game species B.C. has to offer . So far I have moose and 1 Mulie Buck under my belt . Given LEH draws etc. I wonder how realistic I’m being ? I’m 65 now , reasonably good health except for the bloody bunion . Let me know your thoughts on this ! Will it cost me a fortune to achieve this ? Tell me your story !
Thanks !
Arctic Lake

07-12-2021, 09:02 PM
So I would like to of the big game species B.C. has to offer . So far I have moose and 1 Mulie Buck under my belt . Given LEH draws etc. I wonder how realistic I’m being ? I’m 65 now , reasonably good health except for the bloody bunion . Let me know your thoughts on this ! Will it cost me a fortune to achieve this ? Tell me your story !
Thanks !
Arctic Lake

AL, I think you can do it but it will cost, as to get one of each you will (because of LEH for certain species) most likely need to hire a guide outfitter and operate under his license for a number of them. If you go through a reputable guide outfitter you may be able to get the entire scope as in a package deal.

07-13-2021, 05:09 AM
Are you after the full 18 list? or the shorter 1elk/1 moose/etc list?
Lofty goals are what keep us young

07-13-2021, 06:31 AM
So I would like to of the big game species B.C. has to offer .

I’m thinking there are a couple of words missing here, but like the others, presume you mean you would like to take one of each species.

If you are retired, or otherwise able to devote as much time to the quest as it needs, you have a good chance. Pick a species for each season and focus solely on that species for that season. If you decide “this year it’s X”, then spend your offseason scouting for, and learning about X. If you get one, next year reset for “Y”, and so on. As mentioned, if you are going for all the sub-species, unless you have LEH horseshoes up there, you may need to buy hunts.

I find that my biggest issue is not focusing in on one hunt. I’m also not likely to start doing that any time soon, so I will likely continue to not be as successful as I could be. But, I also love seeing new places, and just being “out there”. I have a short list of “target animals”, since I mainly hunt to fill the freezer. Mainly I’m after deer, and I do want an antelope at some point, but luckily I have a friend who is a very experienced guide/outfitter in Colorado who has offered to set up a hunt for me on antelope.

Weatherby Fan
07-13-2021, 08:00 AM
Don’t stress about being realistic or your end quest, pick a species and go hunting and have fun doing so, it’s entirely possible to knock 2 or 3 species in one season, focus in on one at a time and go from there.

07-13-2021, 08:34 AM
All depends what shape you are in physically, mentally and financially but at 65 you may want to give the physically more demanding Game like Goat and Sheep priority.

Good Luck

Arctic Lake
07-13-2021, 08:52 AM
Redthies Thanks for pointing out my typo mistake it is corrected ,I think .
Arctic Lake

07-13-2021, 10:07 AM
If thats the case, then at 65 you might want to focus on sheep. If your pockets are deep go with an outfitter for those as that will likely shorten up the time commitment by not having to work through the learning curve on how to hunt them. It’ll also put you in prime country with minimal effort.

07-13-2021, 10:15 AM
Speaking from experience, at your age you need to focus on sheep and goats!

07-13-2021, 10:30 AM
I'm a bucket list guy, so I understand your goals. For example, top of my list is to visit every continent...including Antarctica. When it comes to hunting, I've had the same goal of harvesting a new species every season. In my 3 years, I've been fortunate to harvest: blacktail deer, black bear, turkey, moose (group hunt, I didn't shoot so not sure it counts), duck, geese, grouse. This year I am targeting an elk. LEH plays a big factor and I'm only 44 years old, so I still have time for goats & sheep. I say you go for it, focus on a species and do everything you can to harvest it. Goats & sheep will definitely be the most physically demanding and would be hard without an LEH, so depending on budget an outfitter may be the way to go. Bison is pretty much LEH only, so that is another tough one without some luck or money. Anyways, I wish you luck on your quest!! The fun is in the journey :)

07-13-2021, 10:41 AM
Always good to have goals, giv 'er.

I'd say start with goat. Lots of GOS opportunities and some good odds LEH's. You can do it on your own and getting goat info out of HBCers isn't that hard!!!

I did some backpack goat hunts a few years back while I was in my mid - late 40's in the East Koots. A couple with my best friend and a couple solo hunts.
I trained very hard for them for months and months before the trip yet never felt like I was in good enough shape after a hunt. But those years were the best years of my life health wise as I was fit, focused and goal oriented.

IMHO, goat hunts are very hard on the body and it takes allot of mental toughness/stubborness whatever you want to call it to climb those mountains day after day after day. But it is all worth it and without a doubt the most rewarding hunts I've ever been on.

If my last goat hunt just so happened to be the last hunt I ever went on, I would of been a good way to end it (and I never even got a goat).


07-13-2021, 10:51 AM
Its one thing to hunt and kill, its another completely to practice catch and release
Anyone can go to the island and try to find a big Roosi and take pictures, the experience of the hunt would still be real

A good friend shot a toad of a bighorn by hiking in Simpson to Assiniboine, always wanted to re-enact that hunt

07-13-2021, 11:04 AM
Is there such a thing as the BC Grand Slam? Or BC 7 (like the African 5)

Black bear

plus the deers maybe?

07-13-2021, 11:08 PM
Redthies Thanks for pointing out my typo mistake it is corrected ,I think .
Arctic Lake

Happy to help! I agree if sheep and goats are on your list, I’d start there. The physical demands of those hunts will not get any easier. Good luck in your quest!

07-17-2021, 09:55 AM
No grizzly hunt in BC anymore. I think there’s GOS for all big game species in BC, although LEH definitely makes some of them easier. And I’m not sure about Roosevelt elk. What sub species of elk are on the charlottes?
Just go hunting and have fun. I’d still like to get a caribou, but with my knees and beer gut being the way they are I don’t know if that ever happen……

07-17-2021, 05:03 PM
Is there such a thing as the BC Grand Slam? Or BC 7 (like the African 5)

Black bear

plus the deers maybe?

There is the "Super Ten" of North America. Need goat, sheep, pronhorn, elk, moose, bear, cougar, bison, deer, caribou. Some variations in there but this is what it would look like for BC. All doable in BC with the exception of pronghorn which can be taken in AB.

07-17-2021, 06:48 PM
the "how" is easy, the where takes time!

07-18-2021, 08:19 AM
Is there such a thing as the BC Grand Slam? Or BC 7 (like the African 5)

Depending on how you split hairs, BC has 18 big game