View Full Version : The dog that caught toe car: Spatsizi Moose/Caribou

06-22-2021, 04:47 PM
Like so many, each year I dutifully put in my LEH draws each spring. Sheep in Kamloops, Roosevelt Elk on the North Island, Bison in the Peace and, sure enough, every fall I enjoy some GOS hunting somewhere else. This has been a high productivity strategy in keeping hunting costs to a minimum, time away from work low and my vegetarian wife only modestly displeased with me while still giving me that faint glimmer of a hope for a mega hunt to dream about. Smart, right?

This year, while sat at my kitchen table in April, I thought "Hey, why don't I try my luck on something else? Variety is the spice of life."

Now if I had been a reasonable person who knows how to work a system, I might have said " Mountain Goat in 8-09 at 333:1. That looks like a winner to keep the no LEH streak alive." Heck if I had wanted to stretch, I could have said "Mulie Doe in Pemberton. Unlikely but we aren't into single digits. It will be okay."

Unfortunately, I was suffering from the COVID crazies and said "You know what? Let's put in for an LEH that is both physically demanding, expensive to pull off, in an area that I can barely spell, let alone know anything about and has odds under 5:1".

It worked out about how you would expect and I got a draw for the Moose/Caribou combo up in the Spatsizi.

At least I didn't YOLO my lifesavings into Dogecoin.

06-22-2021, 04:48 PM
In other news, if anybody has any tips for hunting around that area, I am all ears...

06-22-2021, 05:08 PM
PM Steve aka SRUPP

You're Welcome ;)

06-22-2021, 07:54 PM
Oh crap, is that what I’m doing wrong?? I should be putting in for things I DON’T actually want??? Ohhhhhhhh. Now I see how it’s done...