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View Full Version : three strikes... but not ``out''

11-05-2007, 11:38 AM
So I offered to take mattysco out to share my very very meager knowledge of this sport...

We went out last Wednesday at dawn to Boundary Bay and found the tide *way* too low... Had about a thousand ducks fly over us five minutes before legal shooting and put down about a mile off-shore where the water was.

Oh, well. Went out Saturday afternoon at high tide to the Brunswick Foreshore. Found out that some of the puddles are in fact deep channels and falling into them isn't the best way to keep your waders dry. Also found that polypro and wool will keep me reasonably warm even if I'm soaked and sloshing from the knees down :) Had about ten thousand snowgeese fly over us just at dusk, but they were all way too high up.

So we went out Sunday afternoon at high tide to Boundary Bay, but found even then the tide wasn't *quite* high enough. Also, there were no ducks. Well, two did fly by, probably within range, but both of us were looking the wrong way at the time and didn't see them until it was too late :evil: And then 10 minutes after legal shooting, we did see a few dozen, but nothing like the ``normal'' (in my very limited experience) night flight.

Oh, well. I guess we'll wait for a higher tide, and some stormy weather, and try our luck again... I should also have an Air Lucky to add to my dozen duck dekes by the end of this week.

I'd post pictures, but apparently falling into brackish swamp water also isn't a good way to keep one's camera working.

11-05-2007, 08:56 PM
Part of finding out how to hunt ducks is finding out what won't work or isn't right.
Hunting the tidal areas is tough at times because you only get a small window to hunt and it doesn't always fit in with your free time. Stick with it, if you have birds in the area like you described, you'll get everything right and get some birds.

Ian F.
11-05-2007, 10:58 PM
This site will help with the tides, then you just have to learn what certain numbers mean as far as hunting goes.


11-06-2007, 10:53 AM
Yeah, I have the prediction engine from
bookmarked, loaded as a desktop widget, and running locally under X11 :) And now I have a better idea what the numbers mean on the ground, so early next week should be a better tide to go out on.