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View Full Version : I can't see a thing through my binos, sometimes!

05-24-2021, 05:57 PM
I have Vortex Diamondbacks that I bought 2 years ago. They are ok on nice weather days, but the eyepieces fog up whenever it's raining. I use a bino harness where the binos are not in a case - they're on my chest with the harness elastics and have covers over eyepieces. When I want to use them, I take off the covers. I don't have covers over the objective lenses (they broke off, but they don't seem to fog up too bad anyway), but they don't really fog up on the objective lenses anyway. It's really the eyepieces. So I'm wondering, do people coat their eyepieces with some type of anti fog solution or do they keep their binos in a case and it's not an issue or is the binos themselves in which case better binos wouldn't fog up or it could be using windex and kleenex to clean the eyepieces has removed any coating (but I'm in the bush hunting and they have to get clean somehow - I may get lectured for this?) or maybe everyone's binos fog up when it's rainy and that's just life or maybe something else...

05-24-2021, 06:43 PM
Same thing here, only reverse its the objective that is fogging not the eye piece. Just this spring, never happened before, going to give them a call.

05-24-2021, 06:52 PM
I use anti fog spray on my lenses. It helps but doesnt eliminate it totally. When fogging is a problem I hold my binos away from my face a bit

05-24-2021, 07:29 PM
Warranty issue, unless you are breathing on the eye pieces and the temperature difference is causing the fogging. I have had that issue in the really cold weather had to hold my breath and if wearing a ball cap tip it up to let heat out while scanning with the binos.

05-24-2021, 08:30 PM
If the fogging is on the outside it is not warranty related. If it's on the inside it is. Any glass can fog. Breathing can cause it but also just cold glass coming up to your warm face especially if you are sweating at all. Be sure there is nothing deflecting your breath back towards the binos, eye covers will do this. I have for lack of a better description wet eyes that are worse in cold or windy weather and I'm constantly wiping my Leica binos. As the glass and body temperature get closer together it gets better. One thing that helps is to not use the eye cups, this allows airflow. I have just dealt with it over 40 years of hunting but if someone has any suggestions I'm all eyes.

05-24-2021, 08:51 PM
use optical grade glass wipes for eyeglasses/binoculars/telescopes to clean lenses, not windex. Windex damages the coatings.

05-24-2021, 09:55 PM
To clarify, the fog is on the outside and I hold my breath when I take off the covers and raise it to my eyes (otherwise my breath fogs them up even more). I try to keep them away from my face when I'm hot as that fogs them up faster. Seems the fog really comes when it's raining out - damp and humid I guess. I'm wondering if a "high performance" or "expensive" pair will not fog up.

05-24-2021, 10:05 PM
Look into the Bushnells with the exo barrier. They work great in the rain and the price tag won’t make you cringe

05-24-2021, 10:06 PM
no, they will all fog. it's condensation. keep them as dry as possible, use the covers, and carry something to dry them with like lens cloth or something more absorbent that wont scratch the lenses. shamwow.. hehe.
key is to do yer best to keep em dry.

05-25-2021, 11:08 AM
Are they fogging up inside or on the outside of the lens?
If its inside send them in for warranty.
If it is just the outside, there are many anti fog products on the market.
The best and cheapest is what I used to do on motorcycle helmet visor, rub a fine cloth
on a bar of soap and rub it on the lens that fogs up. There shouldn't be a visible film
left on the lens when done. It works great.

05-25-2021, 11:31 AM
They fog on the outside. I've never heard of the soap trick. I'll give that a try, thanks!

05-25-2021, 03:21 PM
Then take your mask off when using them!!
The stuff I buy for welding lenses would work. Same with gun scopes, try not to breath on them when bringing it up to position.
I'll try and find the brand name.

Harvest the Land
05-26-2021, 05:40 AM
Then take your mask off when using them!!
The stuff I buy for welding lenses would work. Same with gun scopes, try not to breath on them when bringing it up to position.
I'll try and find the brand name.

This is what I was going to say and its good advice. Practice getting into the habit of not breathing on them when you're bringing them up to your face. It takes practice but eventually it will become habitual

05-26-2021, 08:23 AM
Thanks. Last year, I started holding my breath when I take off the bino covers and raise it to my eyes as a few times, I noticed when I breathed on them, it made them fog up more. I also try to keep them away from my eyes sometimes when I'm hot as this makes them fog quicker.

.330 Dakota
05-26-2021, 08:25 AM

Jack Russell
05-26-2021, 09:04 AM
To clarify, the fog is on the outside and I hold my breath when I take off the covers and raise it to my eyes (otherwise my breath fogs them up even more). I try to keep them away from my face when I'm hot as that fogs them up faster. Seems the fog really comes when it's raining out - damp and humid I guess. I'm wondering if a "high performance" or "expensive" pair will not fog up.

No, this result will not change no matter how expensive the binos are. This is just cold versus warm and damp. The heat from your face and hands, plus your breath will fog them up. There are a number of coatings to reduce fogging, but results vary on weather, etc.

Use a soft clean wipe to clear off fog.

.330 Dakota
05-26-2021, 02:56 PM
No, this result will not change no matter how expensive the binos are. This is just cold versus warm and damp. The heat from your face and hands, plus your breath will fog them up. There are a number of coatings to reduce fogging, but results vary on weather, etc.

Use a soft clean wipe to clear off fog.

Actually, external fogging can be curbed a great deal with Rain-X spray/cleaner. I use it religiously, works great, and the rain beads right off,,,Canadian Tire has it