View Full Version : I love this site, except that pictures and videos can't be loaded or loaded easily

05-17-2021, 10:30 PM
It's 2021. This is a hunting website. Everyone wants to see pictures and videos. I have some cool videos (at least I think so) that I'd like to share. But I'm not going to post on YouTube, then add a link. I'm not posting on Facebook, then adding a link. I would post here for other fellow hunters, but since videos can't be posted.... And people wonder why people aren't posting more images. I think I'll buy some VHS tapes and cassette tapes to go along with the Hunting BC website.

05-17-2021, 10:35 PM
Agree . . . . really a stoneage procedure to post pics here.

05-17-2021, 10:38 PM
It's 2021. This is a hunting website. Everyone wants to see pictures and videos. I have some cool videos (at least I think so) that I'd like to share. But I'm not going to post on YouTube, then add a link. I'm not posting on Facebook, then adding a link. I would post here for other fellow hunters, but since videos can't be posted.... And people wonder why people aren't posting more images. I think I'll buy some VHS tapes and cassette tapes to go along with the Hunting BC website.

lol, I’ve been saying that for years, I’ve tried and tried but just gave up trying...too bad the owner doesn’t step up or if it’s a cash issue I’m sure many would donate?

05-17-2021, 10:57 PM
I use imgur.

can only use it with my macbook that doesn't charge properly anymore tho. Can't figure it out with my phone

I agree with the OP

05-17-2021, 11:27 PM
To clarify, I'm not disparaging the site. I appreciate all the work that goes into it by the people behind the scenes. I know porting all this content to another site would be extremely difficult and probably costly. I'm sure most people on here would be happy to pay (me included). Maybe just a new site without historical content? I'll be happy to start a new thread like, "Best binos under $500". Or info on various hunting areas. Who really cares about the moose population from zone X in 2008 anyway?

05-17-2021, 11:44 PM
I use imgur.

can only use it with my macbook that doesn't charge properly anymore tho. Can't figure it out with my phone

I agree with the OP

1-Post your pics on the imgur app
2-go to imgur.com
3-click the two Aa at the top left in the address bar
4-request desktop site
5- click the bubble in the top right with your letter name in it
6- click images
7- double click the image you want
8- when a larger image pops up with links on the right side. Copy bbc code.
9- paste to huntingbc

It may seem like a lot, but it’s actually really easy and quick. I made a thread on this recently and it got swept away pretty quickly.

No videos though. I think YouTube might be the only answer for that

05-17-2021, 11:45 PM
It's not hard to use other platforms to post vids / pics and link them in.

What other "Forums" are easier to post / pics vids in? Tech giants aside (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc) are there other forums where you can have an app and just upload or drag / drop stuff?

You are onto something with regard to the cost. If you took all the pics / vids linked on here, it would be many TB worth of data to store, let alone be backed up. I work in the hosting industry, so I know the price tag on that... between the storage, backup, bandwidth, etc. You're talking several thousand dollars a month.

Perhaps if people who want such things banded together than contributed the money to pay the ongoing expense, things could be slightly different with direct uploads, at least with pics. Video formats get complicated to be able to support all formats... licenses likely needed for software too.

Personally I like HBC more than the tech giant platforms because it is story centric. FB/IG just seems like too many here today gone tomorrow posts chalk full of pics, vids and no stories, like "hey everyone. shot this guy around 7pm yesterday, hope I get likes of likes" ... I just scroll on by thinking "uhh yeah ok, seen more than a few dead bears.... that all it's about now? dead bear pics and likes? story would be nice?"

Sure could also toss this site and move it over to a Facebook group or something, but that's already saturated with dozens of hunting related groups of the low attention span variety and the censorship is off the charts... talk about guns, censored/banned, people are even getting sent to facebook jail for saying things like "holy, that's one fat sow" (in reference to a large female bear) and getting their posts deleted by the censors. That's why I like HBC. It's not part of all hardcore / mainstream social media stuff designed by tech giants to cater to attention spans of fruit flies.

HBC is the real meat and potatoes of hunting relating content and most importantly "thought" content in BC and I respect it by taking the extra 5 seconds to upload the pic/vid on imgur / youtube and just post the link. Seems to work just fine. Lots of members have IG / YouTube feeds and post pics/vids there, share them here. Super easy.

05-18-2021, 06:09 AM
I use PostImage to upload and post pictures. It takes less than a minute and is free. There are other platforms out there that are just as easy.


I’ve never understood the issue people have with posting pictures. Maybe it’s just a test to see if you are worthy of having the power...

05-18-2021, 06:18 AM
I don't know much about the topic other than I use the same method to post pics and videos here that I do at CGN which is the only other forum I really participate in.

The process is pretty straightforward I think. Upload pics to a hosting site or the HBC gallery, click the "insert image" button and paste the link. I've even uploaded directly from my phone to a thread although the image quality isn't as good.

05-18-2021, 06:30 AM
Amen to that, you look far enough back you see some posts on Noah building the ark.
I also want to put a pic up as well,
I put the cat in self defence post up yesterday and wanted to share a couple of pics, but it’s bloody impossible.


It's 2021. This is a hunting website. Everyone wants to see pictures and videos. I have some cool videos (at least I think so) that I'd like to share. But I'm not going to post on YouTube, then add a link. I'm not posting on Facebook, then adding a link. I would post here for other fellow hunters, but since videos can't be posted.... And people wonder why people aren't posting more images. I think I'll buy some VHS tapes and cassette tapes to go along with the Hunting BC website.

05-18-2021, 06:53 AM

Uploaded via Itelephone

Small image and not super quality but it's possible.

05-18-2021, 08:03 AM
Is there a sticky or a thread somewhere with step by step instructions to try?
I too have tried a few times but gave up...

Arctic Lake
05-18-2021, 08:10 AM
Hi all
Im probably one of the least tech savvy guys on here and I’m being serious . With help from fellow members I have been able to post pictures using Imgur and also link YouTube videos with an actual picture of the video not just the text link.
Ask for help and members will come through for you . Also have a look at the Glitches Forum there are directions there as well.
Keep Trying !
Arctic Lake

05-18-2021, 08:20 AM
Posted this a while ago, some of the details may have changed, but this is an easy way to post high res pics here or on other websites.


05-18-2021, 08:24 AM
Why should anyone put the extra effort into posting pictures? Why not make it so photos could be uploaded directly from devices? I have better things to do with my life than dickin around trying to figure out an outdated, cumbersome uploading process.

Many of us have libraries full of cool hunting photos and stories to go along with them but who wants to waste their time going through the convoluted process required to post them on this site.

There is lots being missed here because the site owners are too cheap or too lazy to upgrade.

Small wonder that site participation has dropped dramatically over the past years.......

05-18-2021, 08:26 AM
HBC is that 55 year old dude rockin the same hair cut since he was 23

05-18-2021, 08:40 AM
I posted this awhile ago. This is the easiest I’ve found

I found an easy way to post pics from my iPhone so I thought I’d share. I add my pics to imgur on the app, because I have the app and it’s super easy, but I’m sure you can do it through imgur.com as well

Step 1- upload pics

Step 2- Go to imgur.com. If you’re prompted to go to the app decline and stay with safari. Click on the two upper case AA I’m the top left corner and request desktop site.

Step 3- Click on the bubble in the top right with your symbol in it and select images

Step 4- Select the image you want to add to hbc by double clicking it. Highlight the code to the right that says bbcode and copy it.

Step 5- Paste to hbc.

05-18-2021, 08:43 AM
I bet HBC would get back to a hunting forum if pictures and videos were easier…..we’ve all seen the instructions and…..nah.

05-18-2021, 09:08 AM
Jumping in again. I guess what started this was I had a few short videos of when I called in some moose (like 10 second clips), and wanted to share them. Then was thinking of the issues I had in the past regarding posting pics. Even though I am part of some facebook groups (hunting) and can easily post there, I don't want to. For some reason, I only want to share on this site. Also, once again, just to clarify, I'm not talking bad about this site, it's owners, admin, etc. as I know that there would be costs associated with a new/upgrade site. I guess sometimes it's a just a little bit of frustration when I want to post a pic quickly or video (that we can't). And I think pictures and videos would go great with nice stories.

05-18-2021, 09:31 AM
It's easy to upload pictures to this forum software.
Just click on Upload Image.
The problem is the limited space that the web server has so they only allow remote linking and upload images up to certain size.
To make things as easy as possible Marc would have to allow storing of pictures and videos we upload.
To do that, he would need extensible resources that cost money.
Backups, remote storage.
Terabytes cost money.
I don't know if there is a plugin for Amazon Web Services, or Google drive where one could buy space from them.

05-18-2021, 09:40 AM
I went to the forum "Website Donations & Support Auctions" and can't figure out how to make a donation to the site. If anyone knows how, maybe they can share.

05-18-2021, 09:44 AM
Jumping in again. I guess what started this was I had a few short videos of when I called in some moose (like 10 second clips), and wanted to share them. Then was thinking of the issues I had in the past regarding posting pics. Even though I am part of some facebook groups (hunting) and can easily post there, I don't want to. For some reason, I only want to share on this site. Also, once again, just to clarify, I'm not talking bad about this site, it's owners, admin, etc. as I know that there would be costs associated with a new/upgrade site. I guess sometimes it's a just a little bit of frustration when I want to post a pic quickly or video (that we can't). And I think pictures and videos would go great with nice stories.

Yeah I don't think there are any forums (hunting, fishing or any topic) out there that are easy to post on like Facebook/IG/YouTube. It's not just a matter of designing a new site/application, but the ongoing cost of storage/backup for all those pictures/videos would be several thousand a month.

05-18-2021, 09:48 AM
Yeah I don't think there are any forums (hunting, fishing or any topic) out there that are easy to post on like Facebook/IG/YouTube. It's not just a matter of designing a new site/application, but the ongoing cost of storage/backup for all those pictures/videos would be several thousand a month.

The Sportfishing BC site is very easy to post pics and it's hosted on a platform called Xenforo.

This version of VBulletin is quite old as current version release from October of last year is 5.6.4 and this is on 4.2.2.

05-18-2021, 09:49 AM
I am a member for the hunting truck and it's ridiculously easy.
Right in your reply box you can click on the camera icon, upload a file from your media and bam. It's posted THE ACTUAL picture to the thread.no link no hoo haw. The photo.
Its great. It's actually enjoyable to add pictures.
I don't even bother here. It's nuts

I should add only done this on my phone too.
Never tried a computer, which could only be easier

05-18-2021, 10:23 AM

Another pic straight from my phone. :)

05-18-2021, 01:38 PM

Another pic straight from my phone. :)

This is some type of black magic-sorcery... Way too many clicks, imagur or photoshop and links, why not just upgrade platform to click and post as many say the same thing? Sure be nice! :-P

05-18-2021, 02:15 PM

Another pic straight from my phone. :)

​Nice hamburger !

05-18-2021, 04:19 PM
Ok. Let's see the vidoes.

05-18-2021, 05:04 PM
Just a thought. Bc is one of the best places in the world for hunting big game. Maybe if the site was better, it would attract more people from outside of bc

05-18-2021, 05:13 PM
More hunting content and less bickering? Effortless picture posting…..

05-18-2021, 05:23 PM
Here...I’ve added step by step instructions for posting pics on here through postimage. Check it out. It’s actually very easy and only takes a minute once you get used to it.


05-18-2021, 05:27 PM
This is some type of black magic-sorcery... Way too many clicks, imagur or photoshop and links, why not just upgrade platform to click and post as many say the same thing? Sure be nice! :-P

Not my call and I don't really know much about it to be honest!

05-19-2021, 07:11 AM
I’m by no means a IT expert but I figured out how to post pictures on my own a few different ways very easily. Like life in general, some people choose to put a bit of effort in and some don’t. If a person doesn’t want to go to the effort to figure out how to post pictures then they probably don’t have a lot of good pics to post either, because that also takes effort.

05-19-2021, 07:26 AM
Here...I’ve added step by step instructions for posting pics on here through postimage. Check it out. It’s actually very easy and only takes a minute once you get used to it.


Thanks for that. Incredibly simple! Upload image, copy specified link and post direct to a HBC thread.

05-19-2021, 07:49 AM
I wish it were easier….I’m not going to get another membership for a hosting site and go here, go there, back again and spin in a circle. I know it’s not a solution, but neither is, “It’s not that hard”. The sentiment is that many folks would like this to get back to a hunting focused forum rather than political…..I think the easiest way to accomplish that would be to make posting pictures as simple as possible. Perhaps it already is…which is just unfortunate. Anyway…I wish it were easier….Many times I would’ve posted some.

05-19-2021, 08:03 AM
This pic I loaded direct from my computer. Just clicked the IMAGE icon at the top of the post then chose the file and uploaded it. Is this too difficult?

I assume everyone can see the whole picture and not just the thumbnail?


05-19-2021, 08:04 AM
If this postimage works, THANKS..
https://i.postimg.cc/Cxdn87cV/P1050087.jpg (https://postimg.cc/JsVhVNwT)

05-19-2021, 08:20 AM
Nice rack ...

05-19-2021, 08:22 AM
This pic I loaded direct from my computer. Just clicked the IMAGE icon at the top of the post then chose the file and uploaded it. Is this too difficult?

I assume everyone can see the whole picture and not just the thumbnail?

That’s never worked for me on an iOS device (telling me the image is too large), so yeah…..just like a bunch of people are saying…..it’s too difficult.

05-19-2021, 09:30 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/4NZt9Z67/38138-F42-3657-477-B-B24-B-2-F4-E35-EA71-FE.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LhChcc02)

Here...I’ve added step by step instructions for posting pics on here through postimage. Check it out. It’s actually very easy and only takes a minute once you get used to it.


Thanks for that fuzzybiscuit. Very easy.

I set up a postimage account

Uploaded a pic from my phone to postimage

Clicked the copy to forum icon

Posted a pic to HBC. So even though it wasn't a direct to HBC upload, it is basically one extra click on my phone to post a pic.

05-19-2021, 09:53 AM
Gotta give this a try, I was using the thumbnails from post image, never knew about the hot link for full size photo.

And hot daym, it worked. Now if videos were that easy.
https://i.postimg.cc/bv3sbz5Q/8-CA13-B73-E000-468-F-9-CEF-086198947-E48.jpg (https://postimg.cc/674WxNt3)

05-19-2021, 10:04 AM

05-19-2021, 10:04 AM
Only certain sized photos allowed?

05-19-2021, 10:29 AM
Only certain sized photos allowed?

I’ve been able to post any pic I take through my iPhone or iPad using PostImage.

05-19-2021, 11:36 AM
Only certain sized photos allowed?

Are you posting direct from your phone? I found that when posting direct to HBC from my phone I had to use the "medium" or "large" size for the picture. Using the original pic is too large.

05-19-2021, 11:38 AM
Gotta give this a try, I was using the thumbnails from post image, never knew about the hot link for full size photo.

And hot daym, it worked. Now if videos were that easy.
https://i.postimg.cc/bv3sbz5Q/8-CA13-B73-E000-468-F-9-CEF-086198947-E48.jpg (https://postimg.cc/674WxNt3)

Yeah, it's super easy!

I think videos are going to have to be hosted on youtube still. But most people that are into making videos have a youtube channel anyway. Cool goat pic! :)

05-19-2021, 11:59 AM
Are you posting direct from your phone? I found that when posting direct to HBC from my phone I had to use the "medium" or "large" size for the picture. Using the original pic is too large.

No, was from my PC using the "insert image" button

05-19-2021, 12:04 PM
No, was from my PC using the "insert image" button

Maybe it's the size of that actual picture? I loaded the AR shooting one direct from computer and it's full size.

05-20-2021, 08:40 AM
Maybe it's the size of that actual picture? I loaded the AR shooting one direct from computer and it's full size.

Picture was 394KB, site said that the "image exceeds my quota by 57.7KB"...........

05-22-2021, 06:26 AM
Here...I’ve added step by step instructions for posting pics on here through postimage. Check it out. It’s actually very easy and only takes a minute once you get used to it.


Thanks for the tips. That really wasn't that hard. In fact you don't need an account if you just want to do a one off. Here's my test pic...
https://i.postimg.cc/gJB1BTXf/20210514-212051.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ftmHV5vK)

05-22-2021, 10:05 AM
Yeah I don't think there are any forums (hunting, fishing or any topic) out there that are easy to post on like Facebook/IG/YouTube. It's not just a matter of designing a new site/application, but the ongoing cost of storage/backup for all those pictures/videos would be several thousand a month.

It’s extremely easy to post pics/videos on Snowest.