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05-15-2021, 07:40 AM
If this doesn’t show you how f’d and anti-steelhead the DFO is I don’t know what will...

Ride Red
05-15-2021, 08:24 AM
Story only available to subscribers. Can you cut and paste it.

Don’t worry, it opened the third time I tried.

05-15-2021, 08:28 AM
Oh really? Weird I was able to read and am not a subscriber. Let me see if I can get the whole thing pasted

05-15-2021, 08:35 AM
DFO is a garbage dump. We need to defund it and take ownership of all resources provincially!

Ride Red
05-15-2021, 09:01 AM
DFO has been a shit show for better than 30 years and aren’t worthy of our tax payer dollars. All our fishing should be controlled by a provincial entity only. It’s beyond disgusting that the ones in power that continually preach what we can and can’t do are the worst offenders of our fish and wildlife.

05-15-2021, 09:20 AM
It's a tragedy, no doubt about that. The biggest problem for society is what happens after they are declared a Species at Risk. How many really understand what that would mean to any kind of industry(logging, mining,ranching, farming to name a few), development, sport or commercial fishery. The level of oversight that would take place in the whole Fraser system because of a SARA designation would be huge. DFO knows this and are not prepared. Is it time? Yes but be prepared for what will be coming. Once it is enacted they MUST act, think Southern Resident Killer Whale. ANY activity within in the Fraser system will be reviewed with those fish in mind. It's long overdue but there are huge consequences.

Jack Russell
05-15-2021, 10:43 AM
I cannot equate the value to taxpayers, residents, anglers and businesses to the funding provided to Federal and Provincial fish and wildlife branches. Its a big nothing-burger from both levels of government, never mind the deals made behind closed doors that are a disservice to residents.

Shameful meddling by Government. The Gov't has forgotten who they "work" for.

Bugle M In
05-15-2021, 11:53 AM
Story only available to subscribers. Can you cut and paste it.

Don’t worry, it opened the third time I tried.
Yup, same issue here unless i "sign up" and I dont want to.
Copy and paste would be nice.

But yes, if someone thinks the FN are an issue, they better wake up and realize the DFO are worse:shock:

05-15-2021, 12:40 PM
DFO told salmon farmers about mouth infestation virus but not first nations.


05-15-2021, 01:10 PM
Here’s a version that is not behind a paywall:

05-15-2021, 04:32 PM
It's a tragedy, no doubt about that. The biggest problem for society is what happens after they are declared a Species at Risk. How many really understand what that would mean to any kind of industry(logging, mining,ranching, farming to name a few), development, sport or commercial fishery. The level of oversight that would take place in the whole Fraser system because of a SARA designation would be huge. DFO knows this and are not prepared. Is it time? Yes but be prepared for what will be coming. Once it is enacted they MUST act, think Southern Resident Killer Whale. ANY activity within in the Fraser system will be reviewed with those fish in mind. It's long overdue but there are huge consequences.

True, but the alternative is extinction. There is something perverse about a designation that is intended to protect an endangered species that we are too scared to use because of the broader implications and the failure to do so then results in the extinction of the species the designation was supposed to protect in the first place. This country has adopted a pathetic "can't do" mindset and the willingness to let these fish disappear because it is a hassle to protect them is all the evidence needed to confirm this. There is no good reason to let this happen beyond a dysfunctional and incompetent bureaucracy. DFO is a disgrace.

05-16-2021, 10:57 AM
Canada has adopted a WSP, Wild Salmon Policy.....
It may very well be the end of our Iconic Salmon Runs.
It's Policy attempts to make everything natural again, back to the pre industrial world. Not possible actually. Not any more.
We're surrounded by California, Oregon, Washington to the south that help their runs with hatchery programs, to the North Alaska is farming Salmon in the open ocean, no pens..... We farm here with Atlantic Salmon, in Pens . Not even native to our coast, in pathways of migrating wild Salmon. Destroying them as Smolts and invasion of sea lice.
Way to go Top Brass of DFO and government past and present.
They lie, they use smoke and mirrors to appear they are doing something. It's obviously not working.
They don't even follow recommendations from their own Biologists.
Think of the Cowen commission years ago. NOTHING has been done.
Heads of DFO could care less. If it's gone for good, they have nothing to manage. No more headaches, but what's left will be ALL for the FNs.......
Time to rid this coastline of DFO and their Pathetic Management along with the Political BS that goes with it.

Bugle M In
05-17-2021, 07:06 PM
Again, i have to wonder what is really going on behind closed doors back east.
Yes, to protect the steelhead, it would mean reviewing everything that can interfere with the steelhead and its survival.
Yes, could mean the end of much of the commercial sector possibly.
Although, i would like to know how much of the commercial fisherman actually catch steelhead as a by-catch.
As for the sportsman, with a line a barbless hook, a catch and release policy, i have issue seeing how they could be shut down
if the steelhead are running at the same time they are salmon running.

I am wondering how much of this has to do with "interfering with the FN" and their NETS.
Nets both commercial and on the rivers is where i see the big hits happening for steelhead survival.
Especially nets on a river, as everything has to go up a single little hwy.
Where as on the ocean, different species may be using different routes, so you may not always be catching steelhead just
because a net is out there.

Its disgusting to see that we will eliminate a species.
It also makes me think it is a expensive "lawsuit", BUT, i wonder if it would be money worth spending to get "everyone" on the same page, using the same equipment only and stopping with "special rights".

So much for laws to protect a species if the Feds and politicians try to bury the truth.
That is a lawsuit if there ever was one.

05-17-2021, 08:51 PM
True, but the alternative is extinction. There is something perverse about a designation that is intended to protect an endangered species that we are too scared to use because of the broader implications and the failure to do so then results in the extinction of the species the designation was supposed to protect in the first place. This country has adopted a pathetic "can't do" mindset and the willingness to let these fish disappear because it is a hassle to protect them is all the evidence needed to confirm this. There is no good reason to let this happen beyond a dysfunctional and incompetent bureaucracy. DFO is a disgrace.

Absolutely agree, it's ridiculous. I have to think that the biggest cause for hesitancy on their part is that they would have to deal with the in river native fishery.

05-17-2021, 08:58 PM
Again, i have to wonder what is really going on behind closed doors back east.
Yes, to protect the steelhead, it would mean reviewing everything that can interfere with the steelhead and its survival.
Yes, could mean the end of much of the commercial sector possibly.
Although, i would like to know how much of the commercial fisherman actually catch steelhead as a by-catch.
As for the sportsman, with a line a barbless hook, a catch and release policy, i have issue seeing how they could be shut down
if the steelhead are running at the same time they are salmon running.

I am wondering how much of this has to do with "interfering with the FN" and their NETS.
Nets both commercial and on the rivers is where i see the big hits happening for steelhead survival.
Especially nets on a river, as everything has to go up a single little hwy.
Where as on the ocean, different species may be using different routes, so you may not always be catching steelhead just
because a net is out there.

Its disgusting to see that we will eliminate a species.
It also makes me think it is a expensive "lawsuit", BUT, i wonder if it would be money worth spending to get "everyone" on the same page, using the same equipment only and stopping with "special rights".

So much for laws to protect a species if the Feds and politicians try to bury the truth.
That is a lawsuit if there ever was one.

Bugle be ready. There will be no where or group to hide behind or that can expect a pass because of how they fish. They will not be able to justify closing the native fishery until all others are closed. People might not like to hear it but that will be the reality. DFO knows this and is why they don't want SAR put on any Fraser run of salmon even though it's needed.

05-17-2021, 09:53 PM
I've said this before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again I'm sure.

The DFO is the most poorly governed, most mismanaged, and incompetent federal government department in history.

Doesn't matter if it's the east coast cod fishery, west coast salmon fisheries, shellfish, native "fisheries", steelhead, enforcement, enhancement... You name it. If they've touched or even had their smell near it, they've f**cked it up.

I'm sure there are some good people in the DFO, but few and far between I'm thinking...

Surrey Boy
05-17-2021, 10:25 PM
"OMG, a government agency is lying to us again."

Are you all new to this country?

05-17-2021, 10:58 PM
Absolutely agree, it's ridiculous. I have to think that the biggest cause for hesitancy on their part is that they would have to deal with the in river native fishery.

Yes, agreed. But even so this is not an insurmountable issue with some political will involved. Will everyone really just shrug and pretend these fish never existed? I simply can’t wrap my head around the cynicism and hypocrisy of all parties that would allow this to happen. We have created a system that destroys what it was intended to protect.

05-18-2021, 08:39 AM
BCWF on Global News speaking out against Steelhead management
DFO accused of risking B.C. steelhead extinction

The federal government is being accused of risking the extinction of B.C steelhead runs by not listening to the advice of its own scientists. That’s the claim of the BC Wildlife Federation. It’s obtained DFO documents which raise some serious questions about how the resource is being managed. Linda Aylesworth reports.



05-18-2021, 08:42 AM
The only comment from DFO about the news was that they are looking after it
and trying to change the by-catch numbers

which will never happen when killer gill nets are in the rivers.

05-18-2021, 08:57 AM
From dec 2019
Thompson steelhead and Chilcotin steelhead are also listed as endangered (https://registrelep-sararegistry.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=837ED793-1) by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). The agency says the species have declined 79 per cent and 81 per cent respectively over the last three generations.

Anglers and conservationists are sounding the alarm over the health of one of B.C’s iconic fish species.

https://d21y75miwcfqoq.cloudfront.net/70c8fc80 Steelhead trout are renowned to fishers as the “fish of a thousand casts,” due to their wiles and tenacious fight.
“Royalty come here to B.C. to fish for steelhead,” David Suzuki Foundation science adviser and longtime catch-and-release fisher John Werring told Global News.


Bugle M In
05-18-2021, 10:58 AM
The only comment from DFO about the news was that they are looking after it
and trying to change the by-catch numbers

which will never happen when killer gill nets are in the rivers.
The only way to stop by-catch is from "banning the nets" on the river.
Which, are not "traditional" anyways!
And yes, that needs to be taken to court to make that a reality, because traditional rights does "not allow" to make a species
My understanding is, that it is during the Chum season that Steelhead are the by-catch.
(Maybe even the Coho, but not sure, who are also in trouble as far as Wild is concerned).

Either way, the nets could be dropped.
Natives could use a more by-product friendly catch device like a Fish Wheel.
Where it is "manned" and only used during daylight hours.
(I believe there is a politician here who has already asked that the same thing be used or at least that nets are dropped and there
is 24hr manning etc).

Fairly certain there is a law even for the FN to abide by should a species near extinction that makes their traditional rights null and

As for the sportfishing, if it needs to be shut down, i think that group would be okay with it.
Where they would "not be okay with it" is if the other group is "still allowed"!
Its the inequality and dishonesty that causes these issues.
And the last group that should be made to stop fishing the river is any person with line and hook.
And that "means" does not discriminate!
Anyone can do it, off all colors and all nationalities etc.

That way folks can still target Chum, and release accidental Steelhead catches.
I also think that even the sports fisherman should stop trying to catch steelhead at this time.
But like i said, that is an easier pill to swallow if "everyone has to stop" by any of the means.

Bugle M In
05-18-2021, 11:03 AM
Bugle be ready. There will be no where or group to hide behind or that can expect a pass because of how they fish. They will not be able to justify closing the native fishery until all others are closed. People might not like to hear it but that will be the reality. DFO knows this and is why they don't want SAR put on any Fraser run of salmon even though it's needed.
I think a true sportsman/woman is fine with giving it up.
They wont be happy about the mismanagement that has led to that result, thats for sure!
They have rung the alarm bell for over 20 years now.

What they wont be happy about is if the FN still are allowed to do so.
And thats understandable.
The FN are going to either use hook and line or a wheel or a scoop net for their Chum, otherwise it is game over.
And they are not allowed to kill off the remaining steelhead just to exercise their rights.

There are things that can be done differently.
And yes, probably a shut down for everyone.
But it better happen now.

05-18-2021, 11:46 AM
It is sport fisherman who have been raising the alarm for over 2 decades. I know many sportsfishers who quit fishing the Thompson years before the current regs were put into place because they could see what was happening. Trying to say they won't support it is pitiful, and anyone who doesn't isn't a true sports man. The "commercial fishing" the DFO wants to protect so dearly is the chum fishery. One guess which special group conducts 90% of that fishery. Then of course there was that one charming fellow who was proudly showing off all the steelhead he had snagged off of the Reds in sone the tributaries. (From what I could gather he was dealt with by his peers but not a single CO or DFO officer pursued it). The truly sad thing is, 98% of that group truly wants to see change and improvement. But that 2% make it damn near impossible. But it goes much broader than the Thompson steelhead.

And yes, mining and logging would be affected but not shut down. The SCC has ruled that conservation trumps ALL. No ifs ands or buts. But the second that is put into force it opens a whole new can of worms. Look at all the backcountry closures from the fires in the name of conservation. Certain groups are exempt. The second an actual ruling and law is passed that makes conservation trump all suddenly all those exemptions are questioned. This is an issue all across Canada, but the Thompson Steelhead may be the one who bring it to a head. So what happens when an area is closed for conservation and a group challenges it should be closed to all. There may be attempts at appeals but the SCC ruling was pretty clear. It will cause massive confusion, anger, and possibly worse but that may

I have been involved in local salmon conservation for the past 15 or so years. Have seen and heard most of it before. But one speech is still fresh in my mind. 8 years ago at a conference a Local DFO representative was retiring after close to 40 years. He literally had 1 week to go and no F's to give. He called everyone out and said the new generation was no longer about the fish but rather about politics. We all knew it, but he actually called them out. Drinks were already "free" or he would if loved the opportunity to buy him one.

Bugle M In
05-18-2021, 12:27 PM
Well said!

Sport fishing would give up their opportunities to save a species.
All "ethical" ones anyways!

The issue is the "fairness" or the "inequality".
That is when no one wants to "throw down their swords".
In this case, "everyone" has to.

In play here is that certain devices just are not going to allow for a recovery.

And yes, the proper led "lawsuit" might put an end to not just the political bs that we see with the DFO "dancing around" the
political hot potato of FN and nets and steelhead.
It might actually bring an end to some of the other aspects where government dances around similar issues, and only closes
areas "for some" folks.
That when there is a closure for one, that it is for everyone because there "must be a concern" for the closure to begin with.