View Full Version : Wildlife, and Habitat in British Columbia Leads to the Formation of a New Coalition

Bugle M In
05-12-2021, 06:03 PM
Dire Situation for Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat in British Columbia Leads to the Formation of a New Coalition Calling for Change
New Coalition Calls on Government to Re-establish B.C. as a World Leader in Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Management
A new province-wide coalition is calling on the government to re-establish the province as a world leader in fish, wildlife, and habitat management. The Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition represents a diverse array of interests that all share common concerns about the decline of fish, wildlife, and habitat including environmental and conservation organizations, hunting and angling guides, wildlife viewing, ecotourism, naturalists, hunters, anglers, and trappers. Together, the group is seeking a commitment from the province to invest in healthy landscapes, waters, and fish and wildlife stewardship, in partnership with First Nations and communities. The Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition recognizes and respects the constitutionally protected rights of Indigenous peoples and the collective commitment to advancing reconciliation.
The Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition will work to promote solutions guided by science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for improved management of species and habitat in B.C. These will include:

Creating legislation that protects fish, wildlife, and habitat;
Integrating the needs of fish, wildlife, and habitat into new and existing
Increasing funding and creating a new governance model for fish, wildlife, and habitat management.

By championing solutions for conservation including management, restoration, and protection, the Coalition aims to help B.C. strengthen its communities and economy. These outcomes will be based on healthy and resilient ecosystems and abundant fish and wildlife with self-sustaining populations.
Quotes from reps:
A wide variety of often adversarial groups from across the province that share a common interest in fish and wildlife ecology are requesting that the Government place a higher value on fish, wildlife and habitat. The "FWH Coalition" represents the urgency for the government to make change to address the steep decline of wildlife populations. Our fish and wildlife resource requires funding, balanced landscape planning and regional on the ground projects to support habitat management. If we want to hunt or trap, we need sustainable populations, good habitat and evidence-based landscape planning.
-Jim Turner, President, United Bowhunters of BC

The cumulative effects on biodiversity and ecosystems throughout the province have taken their toll and there is a crisis situation facing fish, wildlife and habitat in the province. Serious changes are needed in current practices and legislation if we want sustainable populations of fish, wildlife and the habitat to support them. This diverse group of organizations have set aside any differences they may have to focus attention on this common concern. I am optimistic that this group will raise awareness and work together to influence positive changes.
- Alan Duffy, Chair, British Columbia Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

I am happy to work together with this broad based coalition for the future of fish and wildlife in British Columbia. Wildlife are in crisis across the province after years of government legislation and practices that prioritize resource extraction. It will take all of us to make sure fish, wildlife and habitat become a provincial priority in natural resource decisions and funding.
-John Bergenske, Conservation Director, Wildsight

Media Contacts:
Al Duffy, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (250) 421 8493 chair.bcbha@gmail.com (https://secure.wildsight.ca/civicrm/mailing/url?u=15097&qid=4000531)
Jim Turner, United Bowhunters of British Columbia (250) 417 4627jsturner@telus.net (https://secure.wildsight.ca/civicrm/mailing/url?u=15098&qid=4000531)
Louisi Pederson, Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (604) 873 5546
John Bergenske, Wildsight (250) 422 3566 john@wildsight.ca (https://secure.wildsight.ca/civicrm/mailing/url?u=15099&qid=4000531)

Context: British Columbia is known all over the world for its diverse landscapes and unparalleled biodiversity that once included plentiful populations of fish and wildlife.
However, a lack of investment in fish, wildlife, and habitat management, combined with the impacts of resource extraction and a growing human population has severely reduced the number of species and is jeopardizing the future of B.C.’s natural legacy.
Our mountains, rivers, lakes and forests are suffering from decades of mismanagement and unsustainable use.
Habitat degradation and loss have reduced our landscapes’ ability to produce and sustain abundant fish and wildlife as they once did. The abundance of fish and wildlife – creatures large and small; iconic and obscure; common and rare – that the province once had has dwindled to scarcity in less than a single person’s lifetime.
This is concerning for a wide range of people, including First Nations, butterfly enthusiasts, bird watchers, big game hunters, and wildlife viewers. We now have several red-listed species, record low salmon and moose populations, and declining mountain sheep and mule deer populations in parts of the province. This scarcity of fish and wildlife has increased social conflict and threatens food security and tourism-related jobs.

About the Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Coalition: Partners from 25 organizations, representing a total of more than 273,000 British Columbians and more than 900 businesses across B.C.
Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Coalition members include:

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers British Columbia
BC Federation of Fly Fishers
BC Fishing Tourism Association
BC Trappers Association
B.C. Wildlife Federation
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - BC Chapter
Fraser Valley Angling Guides Association
Fraser Valley Salmon Society
Georgia Strait Alliance
Commercial Bear Viewing Association of BC
Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative
British Columbia Federation of Drift Fishers
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia
Outdoor Recreation Council of BC
Hunters for BC - SCI
The Steelhead Society of BC
Traditional Bowhunters British Columbia
United Bowhunters
Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia
Wilderness Tourism Association of BC
Wildlife Stewardship Council
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative


All photos credit: Doug Turner

05-12-2021, 06:20 PM
About time everyone banded together. Hope we get some traction with this

05-12-2021, 07:50 PM
This is a good step in the right direction.

Harvest the Land
05-12-2021, 08:12 PM
Strange no BCWF on that list ?

Take a second look.

Great news. I like the three clear, and concise, simple but crucial requests. Lets do this. There's strength in numbers

05-12-2021, 08:15 PM
Strange no BCWF on that list ?

5th one from the top on the list of 30 or so.


05-12-2021, 08:34 PM
Minute I saw Wildsight on the list you lost me.

05-12-2021, 08:37 PM
Minute I saw Wildsight on the list you lost me.

Yep, and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

05-12-2021, 09:15 PM
Take a second look.

Great news. I like the three clear, and concise, simple but crucial requests. Lets do this. There's strength in numbers
OOOPPPSSSS So sorry missed that egg on my face :(

05-12-2021, 09:27 PM
Does this new Coalition have the voice we need to not only prioritize wildlife in the eyes of govt but also protect the common BC citizens rights? Because that's what we need...

Harvest the Land
05-13-2021, 06:38 AM
Does this new Coalition have the voice we need to not only prioritize wildlife in the eyes of govt but also protect the common BC citizens rights? Because that's what we need...

Exactly. We're in a new reality now and the only path forward is to have a broader coalition that will include groups that might not be 100% aligned with hunting rights, but still share the ultimate goal of protecting/enhancing habitat and seeing more animals on the landscape.

Ride Red
05-13-2021, 06:50 AM
We are at a cross road and a huge collective voice is what’s needed now more than ever. The only way to drive government change is through court or mass of voters as they don’t care about the little guy. Hopefully this large representation can stick together and see positive change for all, not just one group.

05-13-2021, 08:08 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post this Andrew.

Minute I saw Wildsight on the list you lost me.

Yep, and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

I can understand the hesitation or opinion regarding 'strange bed fellows'. Having been involved in this process I can assure you, wildlife, fish (unless it pertains to water) and habitat is not at all on the radar of the current Government. With varying future objectives, I can tell you staying focused on 'what is best for fish and wildlife' to turn the declining populations around is a challenge. The meetings are often slow and feel like they don't make progress.

At the end of the day, only one thing matters. That Government realize there are a lot of voters outside of the major population areas, who have strong opinions about the state of wildlife and these 'voters' are demanding action. Budget allocation, re organization, regional operations management, actual f-ing work on the ground. And being held accountable to the objective of healthier wildlife populations.

Having worked with some of these people that I know we tend to hesitate shaking hands with, they are good, well meaning people with the same agenda. More wildlife. We can fight about what to do with more wildlife once we see some populations turn around.

Arctic Lake
05-13-2021, 08:40 AM
If this new coalition increases wildlife and more opportunities for hunting in the future I’m for it !
Arctic Lake

05-13-2021, 08:46 AM
Maybe this bunch can fight the government and timber companies to change their practices.
Bring fish and wildlife to the forefront.

05-13-2021, 11:18 AM
"The Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition recognizes and respects the constitutionally protected rights of Indigenous peoples and the collective commitment to advancing reconciliation."
I guess without this announciation you can not start/decide/announce anything these days, is this some kind of new religion that everybody have to kowtow?
Not a word about protecting the rights and access to natural resources for the rest of the population.
In my books reconciliation has to work both ways!

05-13-2021, 11:25 AM
Get the bear viewing people out of this. These people are huge enemies of hunting and hunters. These people think anyone who wishes to ever experience seeing a grizzly bear or any bear have to go through them.

05-13-2021, 11:27 AM
First step is eradicate the NDP and have a majority Conservative government in BC. Don't ever allow socialist rainbow losers to control our fate in BC again.

05-13-2021, 12:18 PM
If this new coalition increases wildlife and more opportunities for hunting in the future I’m for it !
Arctic Lake

I see a token funding increase for habitat improvements and wildlife monitoring.
I doubt there will be more hunting opportunities for the majority of us. Maybe even less...

05-13-2021, 12:48 PM
Exactly. We're in a new reality now and the only path forward is to have a broader coalition that will include groups that might not be 100% aligned with hunting rights, but still share the ultimate goal of protecting/enhancing habitat and seeing more animals on the landscape.
Yup...we need to put aside our differences, educate the majority including bear viewers as Deer Slayer alluded to that hunters are important in conservation, & work together & band together for a stronger, more influential voice...Now that coalition I would put $ toward, as I am sure every hunter on here would..

05-13-2021, 04:22 PM
Yup...we need to put aside our differences, educate the majority including bear viewers as Deer Slayer alluded to that hunters are important in conservation, & work together & band together for a stronger, more influential voice...Now that coalition I would put $ toward, as I am sure every hunter on here would..

You got to be kidding, the "bear viewers" will always be anti-hunting.

05-13-2021, 04:43 PM
Thanks for taking the time to post this Andrew.

I can understand the hesitation or opinion regarding 'strange bed fellows'. Having been involved in this process I can assure you, wildlife, fish (unless it pertains to water) and habitat is not at all on the radar of the current Government. With varying future objectives, I can tell you staying focused on 'what is best for fish and wildlife' to turn the declining populations around is a challenge. The meetings are often slow and feel like they don't make progress.

At the end of the day, only one thing matters. That Government realize there are a lot of voters outside of the major population areas, who have strong opinions about the state of wildlife and these 'voters' are demanding action. Budget allocation, re organization, regional operations management, actual f-ing work on the ground. And being held accountable to the objective of healthier wildlife populations.

Having worked with some of these people that I know we tend to hesitate shaking hands with, they are good, well meaning people with the same agenda. More wildlife. We can fight about what to do with more wildlife once we see some populations turn around.

If is actually about more wildlife as you say and not just ungulates then it may be good.

05-13-2021, 05:25 PM
Jesse Zeman interview...

05-13-2021, 08:36 PM
You got to be kidding, the "bear viewers" will always be anti-hunting.
Ya I don't know about these types of ppl I have no experience with them, but what do you believe is our best course of action then?

Bugle M In
05-13-2021, 08:41 PM
Look Folks,

If there is no wildlife (or lets say too little), THEN, there is NO HUNTING OPPURTUNITIES!!!!
So, you want to hunt, YOU NEED THE WILDLIFE!!
Its pretty simple.

Now, as JT has said, when and if this coalition gets traction, and government listens......
THEN we can figure out who gets what and where we can hunt.

And, if we do get more wildlife, and yet we lose more opportunity .....
Well, then i propose we burn down the parliament house with the politicians in it :-?
French Style you could say!


05-13-2021, 08:44 PM
Look Folks,

If there is no wildlife (or lets say too little), THEN, there is NO HUNTING OPPURTUNITIES!!!!
So, you want to hunt, YOU NEED THE WILDLIFE!!
Its pretty simple.

Now, as JT has said, when and if this coalition gets traction, and government listens......
THEN we can figure out who gets what and where we can hunt.

And, if we do get more wildlife, and yet we lose more opportunity .....
Well, then i propose we burn down the parliament house with the politicians in it :-?
French Style you could say!

Well said! At this point we are squabbling over the last crumbs. We need to put the cookie back together before we can work out who gets what

05-13-2021, 08:49 PM
Ya I don't know about these types of ppl I have no experience with them, but what do you believe is our best course of action then?

I wish I had the answer, most of the organizations on the list are alright, but the ones that
want conservation only, wilderness tourism and wildlife viewing outfits are usually against hunting.

05-13-2021, 09:02 PM
I wish I had the answer, most of the organizations on the list are alright, but the ones that
want conservation only, wilderness tourism and wildlife viewing outfits are usually against hunting.

Well i can understand having reservations but if we are all at the table we may learn a thing or 2 about each other. They may be surprised how passionate hunters can be about wildlife. Because of where we are at I'm willing to give it a shot. We need voices and voters to turn things around.

05-13-2021, 09:13 PM
Well i can understand having reservations but if we are all at the table we may learn a thing or 2 about each other. They may be surprised how passionate hunters can be about wildlife. Because of where we are at I'm willing to give it a shot. We need voices and voters to turn things around.

You got a good point:D
Maybe they can be educate about hunting.

Stone Sheep Steve
05-14-2021, 05:08 AM
Shane Mahoney has been preaching this for a while.
We may not like strange bedfellows like CPAWS, Y2K...etc but we are getting no where separately. By putting our differences aside and focusing on our similarities we may have a chance to get our government to finally make fish and wildlife a priority.


05-14-2021, 05:21 AM
You got a good point:D
Maybe they can be educate about hunting.

And maybe some hunters can be educated about wildlife and conservation.

Jack Russell
05-14-2021, 06:36 AM
I wish I had the answer, most of the organizations on the list are alright, but the ones that
want conservation only, wilderness tourism and wildlife viewing outfits are usually against hunting.
there’s nothing wrong with conservation or conservationists.
it’s the preservationists you need to keep an eye on
2 completely differing views

05-14-2021, 06:43 AM
I agree with many comments above.

I have hesitation with some of these groups, mostly from 2nd opinions and no direct experience.

I'm a passionate hunter, it's the closest thing I've found to meaning, purpose, a link to my past. But above hunting, I want to have a BC where I can turn off my TV, step outside and see a moose, sheep, or caribou. If the worst case scenario is I lose my hunting rights (which might be a lost cause at this point anyways), I at least want to have wild game to enjoy now and future generations to come.

It would be a shame to be the hunter that shoots BC's last big game animal because we kept the right to hunt but lost the animals in the process...

05-14-2021, 09:22 AM
Well i can understand having reservations but if we are all at the table we may learn a thing or 2 about each other. They may be surprised how passionate hunters can be about wildlife. Because of where we are at I'm willing to give it a shot. We need voices and voters to turn things around.

This rings true. The fact that the “anti” organizations are willing to join with the hunt and fish organizations (by which they are significantly outnumbered), is in my mind, a step in the right direction. We just need to show them that we are not all a bunch of blood thirsty lunatics. I see more and more people starting to get in to hunting and fishing from the ethical food sourcing side of things. That is a great gateway to convince nonaligned people that hunting is a good thing.

05-14-2021, 10:27 AM
Jesse Zeman interview...
https://bcwf.bc.ca/jesse-zeman-on-radio-nl-news-kamloops/"We need a plan"
There have been plans in the past which were not acted on, now with enough entities involved, hopefully ideas will move forward
The fire has to be hot

Rob Chipman
05-14-2021, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the link, Boxhitch/Huntingfamily.

It's a good interview. Couple takeaways at least - 274,000 members in these organizations, for one. For two, when you have Kathy McRae from the Commercial Bear Viewing Association and BCWF (which is full of bear shooters) coming to gather to break the government's balls you know that we're getting to a critical mass of people who want the problem solved. People who want to watch bears and people who want to shoot bears have one thing in common: they both need bears.

I have worked with some wildlife people who started as rabidly anti-hunting and who, with education, progressed to being non-hunting but not anti-hunting through to getting their CORE and PAL. It can happen. An awful lot of those groups, whether you personally hate them or not, are already meeting regularly with government and influencing them. It's way better if we get them influencing government on issues we all have in common.

Plans are great. You know what we really need? People who will spread the message and make sure politicians get it. I just booked a meeting with my MLA. I told her I'd be ranting about predator control and science. She's an NDP urban MLA. Guess what the response was?

" I will just preface things by saying we have had much more constituents here recommending following the science than going the other way, so North Vancouver Seymour, it seems, does agree with you."

How many comments on here write off influencing any NDP MLA? Happens all the time, right?

Looks to me like the letter writing campaign by WSS and BCWF worked and changed a few perspectives.. If we could scale that and have it come from more people and more organizations? It could only be more effective. If you live in Region 2 and are willing to meet with MLAs, contact me and I'll help. Building off the bear derby idea - there will be prizes for participants. (Those of you who have contacted, keep an eye out for details - I'll send them shortly).

05-14-2021, 08:48 PM
This is a great idea.....but i think it is too late.

The Gov has UNDRIP, closed door agreements and who knows what else with the one group that is not on that list....First Nations. They are the ONLY group that is sitting at the Government table day after day.

It will be great to see a fish and wildlife coalition and they hopefully will be given a voice. But it will be too late to stop the UNDRIP train.....



05-14-2021, 09:35 PM
This is a great idea.....but i think it is too late.

The Gov has UNDRIP, closed door agreements and who knows what else with the one group that is not on that list....First Nations.
They are the ONLY group that is sitting at the Government table day after day.

It will be great to see a fish and wildlife coalition and they hopefully will be given a voice. But it will be too late to stop the UNDRIP train.....



They are the ones benefitting.
People can talk till blue in the face, but when it's all done we got nothing left for ourselves.

05-15-2021, 07:51 AM
This is a great idea.....but i think it is too late.

The Gov has UNDRIP, closed door agreements and who knows what else with the one group that is not on that list....First Nations. They are the ONLY group that is sitting at the Government table day after day.

It will be great to see a fish and wildlife coalition and they hopefully will be given a voice. But it will be too late to stop the UNDRIP train.....



Totally agree, that combined with loss of freedom of travel due to the latest flu or freedom of travel through FN owned areas plus weapon bans will make it very hard to hunt even if there are tons of animals.....we'll be lucky to have any freedom of speech left the way things are going.

Rob Chipman
05-15-2021, 09:18 AM
You three may be right. I'm still going to try to do something. The good news now is that there are a lot more people pushing on the same wheel and in the same direction.

05-15-2021, 09:48 AM
This is a great idea.....but i think it is too late.
The Gov has UNDRIP, closed door agreements and who knows what else with the one group that is not on that list....First Nations. They are the ONLY group that is sitting at the Government table day after day.
It will be great to see a fish and wildlife coalition and they hopefully will be given a voice. But it will be too late to stop the UNDRIP train.....
SSUNDRIP is an entirely different issue to wildlife and conservation. As BC fn's do not have a conservation 'group' to sit at the table, they are well represented as partners in several of the orgs that are

05-15-2021, 11:11 AM
You three may be right. I'm still going to try to do something. The good news now is that there are a lot more people pushing on the same wheel and in the same direction.

Doesnt Matter how many are Pushing the Wheel.
The FNs are driving the STEAMROLLER over that wheel and everyone behind it. Its ALL going to be FNs and a no go for everyone else. Matter fact the rest of us are the Suckers that will continue pay for it. The Common resident and tax payer. Its amuzing really how the 96 % of Canadians watch and sit on their hands, the 4% Run the show. Laughable.
Until there is ONE LAW for everyone, FNs will continue to TAKE it all. While the rest of Canadians quietly watch.
Governments past and present have created this shit show, the BC NDP and Fed Liberals are just signing away on everything.
Disgusted, 4% running, or should I say ruining the Country.

One Law for All. Until then, the Racism continues to grow.

Bugle M In
05-15-2021, 11:45 AM
Doesnt Matter how many are Pushing the Wheel.
The FNs are driving the STEAMROLLER over that wheel and everyone behind it. Its ALL going to be FNs and a no go for everyone else. Matter fact the rest of us are the Suckers that will continue pay for it. The Common resident and tax payer. Its amuzing really how the 96 % of Canadians watch and sit on their hands, the 4% Run the show. Laughable.
Until there is ONE LAW for everyone, FNs will continue to TAKE it all. While the rest of Canadians quietly watch.
Governments past and present have created this shit show, the BC NDP and Fed Liberals are just signing away on everything.
Disgusted, 4% running, or should I say ruining the Country.

One Law for All. Until then, the Racism continues to grow.
Look, i tend to feel the same way.
That what we do to try and help will fall in FN hands while we get nothing.
BUT, that has nothing to do with Wildlife "right now".

We have an issue with Wildlife #'s and its future that right now is only going to go down.
Lets deal with that.

We can deal with FN shit later and remind ourselves there are always going to me way more of us than them, so we can
"find our own ways" if need be, but hopefully change in government, change in some policies for BC Res Hunters and maybe
we can get our end rectified.
And, always remember (and i forget this too at times), it is not every FN or FN Band that there is an issue with.
Just some, and those are the ones to "stay focused on".

But, Hunter related issues are "SEPERATE" of Wildlife issues.
We have to remember that and remember just how much of a FAIL things have been up til now.
So yes, a "change was needed" and hopefully a coalition is the start.

05-15-2021, 12:33 PM
Might help if you look at the list of participants on the coalition and realize, Wildlife Stewardship Council, is the Indigenous voice on Provincial wildlife matters.

As well, the Together for Wildlife (T4W) initiative involves all stakeholders and an Indigenous council.

The Minister's Wildlife Advisory Council (MWAC) has a number of indigenous representatives on board.