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View Full Version : Predator hunting, science vs emotion based decision making.

04-27-2021, 09:36 AM
If a populous, growingly detached from it’s natural roots, feels strongly on any particular subject, should it manage it’s natural resources based on an emotional response while openly disregarding and discounting any contrary opinion even if that opinion is based in science? Should a social licence to operate be valued higher than a pragmatic and scientific wildlife management solution even if it means the extirpation of a species?

Tough questions and an important discussion on how to have a conversation pertaining to properly valuing and considering all aspects of wildlife management when making decisions that will have ripple effects for centuries to come.

Is the question, should we or shouldn't we, or is the question how do we decide whether we should or shouldn't?

Did we make any headway on this conversation or did we miss the mark entirely?

Listen here: https://link.chtbl.com/act-now


Rob Chipman
04-28-2021, 04:09 PM
Just finished it.

Good podcast. Don't tell Hamiton I said this, but he's actually pretty smart. :-)

And yes, you made some headway. It's a marathon, not a sprint, but we're getting clear and clearer on what we're up against. Good work.