View Full Version : Bear calling fail

03-23-2021, 10:58 PM
I tried calling bears last spring with no action at all.

I tried a cottontail call, a Haydel bear call, and a fawn bleat. Nothing responded despite being in a location laden with bear scat.

On one trip, on my way through Manning Park I saw three grazing together in a field near the road so I pulled off and blew the rabbit call. Only one of the three even bothered to look up.

What's up with that?

03-24-2021, 05:10 AM
They're like people, some will come running some bail. I've had them come in like a Ferrari and yet others never saw them just know they were exiting FRN! Watch for muile does in the spring. I've had them so close and pissed off I had to throw rocks at their feet to get them to leave.

Harvest the Land
03-24-2021, 05:28 AM
How long did you try calling for in a given calling session?

03-24-2021, 06:29 AM
I tried calling bears last spring with no action at all.

I tried a cottontail call, a Haydel bear call, and a fawn bleat. Nothing responded despite being in a location laden with bear scat.

On one trip, on my way through Manning Park I saw three grazing together in a field near the road so I pulled off and blew the rabbit call. Only one of the three even bothered to look up.

What's up with that?

Bears know that humans use the road. How many times do you think a bear hears a car stop and then hears someone trying out their Cabellas bear call. You did get the response - at least one was curious enough to look in the direction of the call. Maybe your truck didn't look like a rabbit. lol. Maybe it was more than he could chew.

I've never tried calling in a bear - I've always tried to be quiet with spot and stalk. A distress call might put an interesting spin on things and I think I'll pick one up for experimenting with. Never know, might call in dogs or cats or other hunters. Thanks.

03-24-2021, 06:52 AM
I guess your element of surprise was ruined by sitting off a busy highway in your truck

03-24-2021, 07:34 AM
Your percentage sounds about right. I would be surprised if I had more than a 30% response rate. And by response, I mean anything from a bear lifting its head to look to a full on freight train run at the caller.

Also, bears on good feed where they are eating fast and hard are pretty unlikely to leave that unless you sound really appetizing.

03-24-2021, 07:41 AM
I call for bears every year and it's so hit or miss I can't say with any certainty what will work from one situation to the next. More often then not, I get no reaction to the call or the bear takes off.

But I did shoot a decent bear about 7 years back that my buddy called back into range after we had spooked it off while driving an old logging road. I was shooting my grandpas old lever action 303 savage with open sights and wanted him no farther than 75 yards. The bear had saw us, buggered off and when my buddy started squealing at him he stopped came straight back at us like he was on a rope. You never know!!!

I always like to share this photo when the topic of bear calling comes up. I had been calling to a bear in a cutblock (with no luck) and heard something. Turned around and this guy was there. Watch your 6!!!!!


03-24-2021, 09:24 AM
I call for bears every year and it's so hit or miss I can't say with any certainty what will work from one situation to the next. More often then not, I get no reaction to the call or the bear takes off.

But I did shoot a decent bear about 7 years back that my buddy called back into range after we had spooked it off while driving an old logging road. I was shooting my grandpas old lever action 303 savage with open sights and wanted him no farther than 75 yards. The bear had saw us, buggered off and when my buddy started squealing at him he stopped came straight back at us like he was on a rope. You never know!!!

I always like to share this photo when the topic of bear calling comes up. I had been calling to a bear in a cutblock (with no luck) and heard something. Turned around and this guy was there. Watch your 6!!!!!

Yep, sounds about right, all of it.

Had more bears than I can count just appear startlingly close in behind me before I started hanging a white cloth from a branch 10 or 15 yards out. For whatever reason they really seem to key in on that. They'll appear next to it if they sneak in, but they will keep looking in your direction when you are calling.

To be fair though, even when they pop up behind you they generally look more confused than anything when you aren't a tiny little bunny. Not much consolation though when the hair on your neck stands up and you swivel your head around and make eye contact with a bear that has his head stretched out as far as he can to get a good sniff of you, and then he spins around to blow out of there and you get splattered with scared bear shit.

Not sure if anyone else has done this, but we used to call to bears that we could see, specifically sows with cubs. Sows with little cubs usually ran them up trees, and then come in hot, huffing and popping and breaking brush. Boars more often than not came in quietly.

03-24-2021, 09:36 AM
Yep, sounds about right, all of it.

Not sure if anyone else has done this, but we used to call to bears that we could see, specifically sows with cubs. Sows with little cubs usually ran them up trees, and then come in hot, huffing and popping and breaking brush. Boars more often than not came in quietly.

I was wondering about if calling would be better or worse for targeting boars rather than sows with cubs. A sow that trees its cubs and then comes in on a rope seems like a less than ideal scenario for making sure you're shooting the right bear. Interesting feedback.

03-24-2021, 10:25 AM
We had the same concern, especially considering sometimes they are too close to judge and it can happen fast. I was a bit curious if there was any differences in how they approached the call, which is why we started calling to the ones we knew were sows.

Wasn't always the case, that sows made lots of noise, but more often than not that is how they came in, trying to push a threat away.

03-24-2021, 10:35 AM
How long did you try calling for in a given calling session?

Sometimes over a couple hours, a log way off any busy roads, at the ends of small deactivated logging roads.

03-24-2021, 10:53 AM
Definitely hit or miss. To the point that unless I come across some hot sh*t I won’t even bother. 3 experiences stand out for me, first was actually my first time bear hunting. We were driving past a cut block and saw a bear rip off towards the trees so we got out and started calling. Turned him around and brought him back to within 20 yards. Nice red colour phase bear. Didn’t shoot cuz of buck (or is it bear) fever and couldn’t settle cross hairs.

Second experience was calling and watching a nice bear take off like it’s ass was on fire.

Third was coming across some real fresh crap and slowly walking up an old road calling every 15 yards. Bear came in through the thick stuff no more then 10 yards out but took off as soon as my buddy worked the action on his rifle.

these are the only 3 times calling has worked for me and all 3 of them I either saw the bear before hand and was trying to turn them around or I knew they were close due to the sign.

high and to the right
03-24-2021, 11:19 AM
I've never called in a bear but I've had them stop and become curious when I called. I just about had my head ripped off when I was sitting in a small bluff of shrubs using a rabbit call and I heard a loud 'swoosh' sound behind me. I turned around and ducked as an eagle almost knocked my hat off.

03-24-2021, 12:35 PM
I've called in bear numerous time with a rabbit call...4 key points though, 1st, you have to be within their ear range(they have to hear you)...2nd, they can't be educated to the call (as in an area with lots of human activity ... 3rd, you need to be patient (it may take quite some time before they show up) and 4th, likely from the down wind side.
If they wind you, chances are you ain't going to see them.

05-02-2021, 10:08 AM
I had a monstrosity of a black bear come charging and foaming at mouth to my cow elk chirp. I was NOT trying to call in bear! That put an end to my bow hunting on the ground career! They will come. Probably works best if you have spotted a bear first. Carry a few different calls. Subtle little squeaks like a field mouse will get their attention for sure.

.330 Dakota
05-02-2021, 04:30 PM
I found that cow calls for moose in the Tumbler Ridge area brings the grizzlies in on the run, everytime,,blacks, not so much...lol