View Full Version : StratoSpire 2 li?sheep hunting tent

03-07-2021, 10:05 PM
Does anyone use this tent? Looking for some real world experience . The weight for it is excellent and the dyneama fabric with a full liner is appealing. I’m a tall guy, 6’5”. Am wondering if it’s just to short.

if anyone in the Fraser valley has one, I’d bring you Starbucks/beer if you’d let me set it up and take a look at it .


03-09-2021, 06:44 PM
Yes. Live in Surrey. Bought mine about 7 years ago. Love it. Excellent piece of Kit. Lots of time spent in it over the years. Including weathered in for a couple days at 6000'. I'm a short shit so it's palatial to me but tallest guy I've had sleeping with me in it, was a 10 day trip into tatshenshini with my 6"4 brother enlaw. He had no complaints.https://i.imgur.com/fb8hgwq.jpg?1
