View Full Version : Black bear hunting in BC. How much longer?

01-29-2021, 09:44 AM

01-29-2021, 12:35 PM
Good Luck with that...

01-29-2021, 01:57 PM
Wouldn't be the smartest idea

01-29-2021, 02:00 PM
Sure hope not but these days you never know....black bear meat is so damn tasty!

01-29-2021, 02:24 PM
with the population of bears in the province especially on VI there would be no end of problems with bears after a few years.
Just look at Ontario a few years back when they stopped the spring hunt.

01-29-2021, 02:37 PM
market it as a trophy hunt, poll some granola munchers from europe, ...let mainstream media do the rest

01-29-2021, 02:50 PM
^^^^exactly, that's been their strategy and thus far it's working....

01-29-2021, 02:52 PM
market it as a trophy hunt, poll some granola munchers from europe, ...let mainstream media do the rest

John? John H is that you?!

01-29-2021, 03:01 PM
Some random guy talking about a proposed bill in California, whoopty doo. California's gonna be California. IF their bill goes through it doesn't affect anything to do with bear hunting in BC. We have real things to worry about this isn't one of them.

01-29-2021, 03:53 PM
heheheh...you think that was a disaster you should have seen when they fenced all the garbage dumps....the year after they did that I was visiting my folks in Ontario when I saw a bear trying to get into my parents garbage bin box ..he lifted the plywood lid and was holding it up when I yelled at it to get lost (ok maybe there were some other words perhaps...heheh..as it took off down the back lane I could see a half a dozen kids playing street hockey in the lane the next block over...I yelled to them BEAR....headed your way ….I fully expected them to move their nets and let it run by (like a car) or at least back off the laneway...but no!!!! as soon as they saw the bear headed their way they all raised up their hockey sticks and started chasing it through yards.....all I could do was laugh as the bear hi-tailed it out of there...
with the population of bears in the province especially on VI there would be no end of problems with bears after a few years.
Just look at Ontario a few years back when they stopped the spring hunt.

01-29-2021, 06:19 PM
Some random guy talking about a proposed bill in California, whoopty doo. California's gonna be California. IF their bill goes through it doesn't affect anything to do with bear hunting in BC. We have real things to worry about this isn't one of them.

Ya he talked a bit about Cali. Did you watch all of it or just that piece?
It's not a matter of if, rather it's when. The message is about being proactive. But we are dealing with the ndp here that love listening to NGO's and green factions.

Or we can keep our heads buried in the sand and see how that works out for us...

01-29-2021, 08:02 PM
The Antis have made it no secret that black bears are the next target on getting hunting closed down.

They have been building up some BS about every black bear carries the Kermode bear gene, especially on the coast and they are looking to name colour phased bears something and the FN's are involved.

We hunters are complacent....again and we will get beat again. Listen to what Mark Hall has to say, its good info!

Grizzly down, Black Bears next, then the cats....like peeling a banana

And they have the Government to do it.
