View Full Version : Elk Draw in 7-33

01-25-2021, 08:49 PM
Hello fellow hunters. This year myself and two buddies were fortunate to have drawn 3 cow elk LEH for MU 7-33. I had a couple farms lined up where I know in past they have had an abundance of elk. Fast forward...the weather up that way has been unseasonably warm and there's virtually no snow. The elk are nowhere around the places I know. Could really use some local knowledge help on this one. I've contacted COs, hunting stores, etc., no luck so far. If you have some intel you don't mind sharing with three ethical, courteous hunters could you PM me? You'd be helping 3 families fill some empty freezers. We are planning on being up in Dawson Creek around February 2nd for a week or so. Much appreciated in advance.