View Full Version : Moose Dilemma!

12-29-2020, 10:33 AM
Don't we all love the antler point restrictions for moose in BC?

Take a watch and see if you would have pulled the trigger! (The bull at 4:30 of the video).


12-29-2020, 11:01 AM
Nope not on that one.

12-29-2020, 11:18 AM
Nope. I'm an antler point chicken. That's why I drive up to "Any bull" territory.

It is hard enough to count 6 points on a moving elk.

12-29-2020, 11:22 AM
Nope wouldn’t do it.

Arctic Lake
12-29-2020, 11:23 AM
I wonder how many animals are left to rot when a mistake is made !
Arctic Lake

12-29-2020, 11:30 AM
I wonder how many animals are left to rot when a mistake is made !
Arctic Lake

I have come across a few... and that’s a few too many.

12-29-2020, 12:28 PM
Not even close. Younger bull but I would have stuck around to watch him be a moose.

12-29-2020, 01:02 PM
Bang, Flop.

12-29-2020, 01:04 PM
Nope not a chance.

12-29-2020, 01:25 PM
Love the videos man ��

12-29-2020, 01:32 PM
Nope ... not there yet.

12-29-2020, 01:32 PM
Good Binoculars at the ready are the most important Tool. No question - Bang !


12-29-2020, 02:33 PM
Good Binoculars at the ready are the most important Tool. No question - Bang !


Really? I see 7x5 points and no definitive tripalm unless I'm missing something.

Definitely cool footage.

12-29-2020, 03:12 PM
even freezing at 6:44 its tough to tell if that point is in front or behind the split
No ground judging for me so I say Not

walks with deer
12-29-2020, 03:34 PM
i love antler restrictions... otherwise unless you had a draw you would not have been moose hunting..

12-29-2020, 07:21 PM
Having hunted these rules, i would take the 2/3/10 rule over LEH 7 days a week.

I would let this bull walk as I am not sure about left antler. As I am a look at brows first, then, if needed, try to count the points. On that bull, I cannot be sure so I would let it walk. Who is that hard up to kill a moose that they would shoot that bull?? Lots more in the bush that will make it easier to count and shoot.

I had a big bull in this year, 50+, that I called into 12 m in the thick stuff and he would have been an easy 12x13, but being a timber bull, he had worn off the top points of his top, so he came up as 9x9 with two on each brow. He might have been a 10pt on one side, but why chance it. Lots of moose around!



12-29-2020, 07:55 PM
Not a shooter to me. Looks like 2 on the brow and not a 10...so nope

12-29-2020, 08:20 PM
Looking at the brow tines on the left antler I see a clear three points separate from the main palm. He's legal I'd put him in freezer.

12-29-2020, 08:43 PM
Looking at the brow tines on the left antler I see a clear three points separate from the main palm. He's legal I'd put him in freezer.

You can't call that a tripalm until you put a tape on it. That is way to close to call. That third point could fall on either side. If your comfortable taking him you have more balls than I do haha.

Tripalm Bull - means a bull moose
having at least one antler with a brow palm
bearing three or more points (tines). The brow
palm is separated from the main palm by the
deepest antler bay. The deepest bay is the bay
whose vertex (deepest location) is the shortest
distance from the antler base, when measured
along the surface of the antler

Ride Red
12-29-2020, 08:56 PM
Imo, this bull doesn’t have the clear brow tine separation needed to be legal. I’m surprised at the ones who say they’d shoot it. Good luck facing a CO; again that’s my opinion.

12-29-2020, 09:14 PM
Imo, this bull doesn’t have the clear brow tine separation needed to be legal. I’m surprised at the ones who say they’d shoot it. Good luck facing a CO; again that’s my opinion.

I share this view.

12-29-2020, 09:34 PM
You can't call that a tripalm until you put a tape on it. That is way to close to call. That third point could fall on either side. If your comfortable taking him you have more balls than I do haha.

Tripalm Bull - means a bull moose
having at least one antler with a brow palm
bearing three or more points (tines). The brow
palm is separated from the main palm by the
deepest antler bay. The deepest bay is the bay
whose vertex (deepest location) is the shortest
distance from the antler base, when measured
along the surface of the antler

My thoughts exactly. The idea of walking up on a moose on the ground with a tape measure in hand wasn’t real appealing.

12-29-2020, 10:08 PM
Tri palm was always nonsense. It does look legal if you can get the right frame. But in the real world, you'd have to pass him up.

12-29-2020, 11:08 PM
Not a chance!!!

12-29-2020, 11:11 PM
No dilemma there, not definitive from that video so no shot. We have found several moose that were shot and left likely due to shoot now confirm later philosophy.

12-29-2020, 11:46 PM
That bull is legal as long as you don't go through a roadblock on the way home.

12-30-2020, 08:24 AM
Imo, this bull doesn’t have the clear brow tine separation needed to be legal. I’m surprised at the ones who say they’d shoot it. Good luck facing a CO; again that’s my opinion.

Yep, agreed and that's why I said Nope not this one...:)

12-30-2020, 08:50 AM
​Look for him next year . . . . he's not legal this year.

12-30-2020, 03:33 PM
This Thread is probably part of the 10 best Treads ever on Hunting BC thank you !

Measly 28 reply's in 3 Days tell the real Story, which is most Hunters here would not have been sure one way or another.

What that really means is this regulation Stinks and is entirely the fault of the F&W Managers letting it stand.

Have they ever done a study of how many Moose get shot and left to rot because of poorly thought out regulations.
Funny, Fish get tagged with invisible radio Transmitters why not do this with Moose in heavily hunted areas. Once the transmitter tells the Computer the Animal is dead, send someone out immediately to location to see if the Hunter made a legal kill or not or worse left the Moose to rot.


12-30-2020, 06:12 PM
This Thread is probably part of the 10 best Treads ever on Hunting BC thank you !

Measly 28 reply's in 3 Days tell the real Story, which is most Hunters here would not have been sure one way or another.

What that really means is this regulation Stinks and is entirely the fault of the F&W Managers letting it stand.

Have they ever done a study of how many Moose get shot and left to rot because of poorly thought out regulations.
Funny, Fish get tagged with invisible radio Transmitters why not do this with Moose in heavily hunted areas. Once the transmitter tells the Computer the Animal is dead, send someone out immediately to location to see if the Hunter made a legal kill or not or worse left the Moose to rot.


Downtown, actually the vast majority stated they would not shoot it as it was too close to call. I'd let him walk also. Not worth it to lose the ability to hunt for a period as well as the public embarrassment, etc. If it's too close to call, let it walk and keep on hunting.

I don't believe the regulation stinks. It is what it is so you must be sure that one of the 3 criteria are met. Again if you can't be sure then don't shoot. I don't blame the regulations for animals being shot illegally. I blame the hunter that mistakenly shoots an illegal animal. No animals will be left to rot if you and I have properly identified it before pulling the trigger. There are no excuses.

I believe that most hunters being charged with such an offence are reported by other hunters in the area. The public is a huge help to the CO's in this regard, thankfully.

12-30-2020, 06:18 PM
This Thread is probably part of the 10 best Treads ever on Hunting BC thank you !

Measly 28 reply's in 3 Days tell the real Story, which is most Hunters here would not have been sure one way or another.

What that really means is this regulation Stinks and is entirely the fault of the F&W Managers letting it stand.

Have they ever done a study of how many Moose get shot and left to rot because of poorly thought out regulations.
Funny, Fish get tagged with invisible radio Transmitters why not do this with Moose in heavily hunted areas. Once the transmitter tells the Computer the Animal is dead, send someone out immediately to location to see if the Hunter made a legal kill or not or worse left the Moose to rot.


I totally get your point however this one is a pretty easy call in my book. If its too close to call then walk away.

Can't really blame the regulation here. It's the hunters responsibility to identify legal game. Take sheep hunting for example. Would you risk shooting a 7 year old ram if you couldn't clearly get that last ring? Or maybe he just barely breaks the nose? Worth the risk?

Or try 4 point mule deer season. What if you are on a small crab claw buck and you aren't sure if the 4th point is over an inch. Do you risk it?

I do agree with you that it is an absolute shame when any game is left in the woods to rot due to terrible judgement. But I am not sure if a regulation change is the answer. Maybe further hunter education is?

It is a conversation worth having. How do we try and limit such mistakes?

12-30-2020, 06:28 PM
What that really means is this regulation Stinks and is entirely the fault of the F&W Managers letting it stand.

Have they ever done a study of how many Moose get shot and left to rot because of poorly thought out regulations.
Funny, Fish get tagged with invisible radio Transmitters why not do this with Moose in heavily hunted areas.
Once the transmitter tells the Computer the Animal is dead, send someone out immediately to location to see if the Hunter made a legal kill or not . . .

​It still is up to the hunter to make a judgement call on the legality of the game animal. The horn restriction does work . . . you just have to do your part.

12-30-2020, 08:48 PM
As I have said before, I like the regulation if we have to have one. Much better than LEH. I get to hunt every year.

Hunters who shoot first and look later are not hunters, they are poachers.

As others have said, this is no different than sheep, deer, elk or measuring fish. Hunters have to make sure before shooting, pretty simple.

How about this one....Would YOU shoot? Legal?

https://i.postimg.cc/66F0Kk3b/moose-antler.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CdHDH6bb)

I have a bunch more



walks with deer
12-30-2020, 11:00 PM
i couldnt shoot the one in the video or the one sitkaspruce posted under those regs..

12-31-2020, 12:47 AM
Yeah I wouldn't shoot that one either.

Ride Red
12-31-2020, 08:33 AM
As I have said before, I like the regulation if we have to have one. Much better than LEH. I get to hunt every year.

Hunters who shoot first and look later are not hunters, they are poachers.

As others have said, this is no different than sheep, deer, elk or measuring fish. Hunters have to make sure before shooting, pretty simple.

How about this one....Would YOU shoot? Legal?

https://i.postimg.cc/66F0Kk3b/moose-antler.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CdHDH6bb)

I have a bunch more



Moose - Tripalm Bull - means a bull moose having at least one antler with a brow palm bearing three or more points (tines).The brow palm is separated from the main palm by the deepest antler bay.The deepest bay is the bay whose vertex (deepest location) is the shortest distance from the antler base, when measured along the surface of the antler.

This bull meets the requirements of the regulation. Being able to see it well enough to verify it’s legality is the question. In a tree stand or any ground height advantage, verification would be easier, but a straight on look at distance or heavy cover would be tough. I’ve let many walk away as I just wasn’t sure. Good example SS.

12-31-2020, 08:49 AM
In the example SS provided, the shortest distance to the base of the antler could be the bay between the first and 2nd tine. Too close to call by my eye, it would need to be taped.

12-31-2020, 12:08 PM
Why are they trying to save the two tine moose?
This is a genetics thing, the area I have hunted for over 30 years has lots of two brow tiners no mater how old the moose is. I have found many very large sheds that are only two bt's. I have a 64" rack that was shot before this two tine nonsense, in the record books as the largest taken in BC in '77, he would never have grew another brow tine had he lived another 10 years!
I quit hunting that area due to not being able to find 3 tiners, but lately they have brought in the two tines or 10 point overall system. And I still have not been able to find a three tiner in that area but have taken lots with the 10 count.
Makes no sense to me why they want to save the two tiners.

12-31-2020, 12:14 PM
... Makes no sense to me why they want to save the two tiners.

They don't. Nor do they want to "save" 9 all round moose.
It is simply a method to delay shooting (as most struggle to get an accurate count) by ethical hunters until the moose can escape. Of course with those not so ethical, poachers and FN's, the point is moot (pun intended).


12-31-2020, 04:08 PM
I stoped at a hunting camp with antlers onnthe ground to show my boys what a ‘legal immature’ antler was...except when I got right up to it,it wasn’t...a small ‘point’ that I could not see from 25 ‘ away made it illegal...fortionaltly the hunter had a LEH ‘any bull tag’ but he thought it was a ‘legal immature’ when he shot it ...would have made me sick if I had shot that bull

12-31-2020, 09:17 PM
Why are they trying to save the two tine moose?
This is a genetics thing, the area I have hunted for over 30 years has lots of two brow tiners no mater how old the moose is. I have found many very large sheds that are only two bt's. I have a 64" rack that was shot before this two tine nonsense, in the record books as the largest taken in BC in '77, he would never have grew another brow tine had he lived another 10 years!
I quit hunting that area due to not being able to find 3 tiners, but lately they have brought in the two tines or 10 point overall system. And I still have not been able to find a three tiner in that area but have taken lots with the 10 count.
Makes no sense to me why they want to save the two tiners.

It is a regulation used in Alaska to allow hunters to still hunt and not go to a draw; BC incorporated it at first as a 2/3 rule and the bulls we used to let walk because of the 2 point brows drove us nuts; Big bulls. But we still killed moose. Then they brought in the 10 point to allow more success.

It has nothing to do with genetics as half a calf moose's genes comes from the cow and there is no cow season up here for licensed hunters. Genetics are not a worry. We see lots of younger bulls every year (5x5 to 9x9) and a few legal ones to keep things interesting and fun! The old days of moose hunting are long gone and we have to accept the 2/3/10 rule for the Peace.

With the wolf control working, the moose are stable.

But sadly, rumor has it that a certain group is pushing for more areas to be closed for the rut, no more early season and going to LEH. Less areas to hunt, going to draw and closing areas from Oct 1-15 for rifle will result in no benefit to resident hunters of BC or moose.



The Donald
01-01-2021, 11:11 AM
Well said Sitka

Arctic Lake
01-01-2021, 11:53 AM
Never hunted mature moose in an area that you had to be so diligent with counting points . I would hate to make a mistake . As it is I lost an animal once and that was bad enough ,felt sick about it !
Arctic Lake

01-01-2021, 03:19 PM
I'll buy beef, I'd let the moose in the video walk! moosin

01-01-2021, 11:25 PM
That bull is legal as long as you don't go through a roadblock on the way home.

Well wouldn't that be fun, not so sure about that either,

01-02-2021, 08:07 PM
As I have said before, I like the regulation if we have to have one. Much better than LEH. I get to hunt every year.

Hunters who shoot first and look later are not hunters, they are poachers.

As others have said, this is no different than sheep, deer, elk or measuring fish. Hunters have to make sure before shooting, pretty simple.

How about this one....Would YOU shoot? Legal?

https://i.postimg.cc/66F0Kk3b/moose-antler.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CdHDH6bb)

I have a bunch more



This bull was legal by 1 cm.....1 little CM.....way too close to count. Very lucky hunter!!



01-03-2021, 07:13 PM
Pretty sure it's legal based on the bay depth but you'd need some serious stones to take that shot. That's why I married an Indian.

01-03-2021, 07:27 PM
Pretty sure it's legal based on the bay depth but you'd need some serious stones to take that shot. That's why I married an Indian.

so he can do all the hunting for you while you sit at home and kick your feet up?

01-04-2021, 08:02 PM
It's all to do with genetics if a cow isn't mated with a bull that dose not throw a three tine or more antler and she only mates with two tiners well guess what she is only gonna have two tiners.

01-07-2021, 11:14 AM
so he can do all the hunting for you while you sit at home and kick your feet up?

The Indian is my wife and she's a hell of a shot. Find one to pack in your beer and pack put your deer and you'll never have to ask to go hunting again.

01-07-2021, 12:26 PM
The Indian is my wife and she's a hell of a shot. Find one to pack in your beer and pack put your deer and you'll never have to ask to go hunting again.

Yeah, told the wife some time ago, if we get divorced my next one will be a Native girl...:)