View Full Version : Any tips for WT archery?

12-06-2020, 11:48 PM
I'm going to try and get a few days off work in the next week or two and head out for WT in 8-12. I don't know much about WT other than getting into a spot before it's light out and waiting. I'm good shooting out to 60 yds but that looks a little long for WT. If you're 40 yards and under, where do you aim? Does it change for does or bucks? How much do you take into account the jumping of the string? I need some meat so if you have honey hole, I won't be upset if you share it ;)

12-07-2020, 04:42 AM
If there is snow look for wt tracks find out there travel route to there bedding areas make sure wind is blowing the right direction so they won't smell you
be there before sunrise and be there just before sunset you might get lucky shot placement behind the shoulder when sideways or quartering away from you at 40 yards or less,,good luck..

12-07-2020, 07:30 AM
Waiting is the most efficient, but I have spot and stalk still hunted to within 60 yards of WT many times so that is possible, depending on wind and ground noise...

12-07-2020, 09:24 AM
If you're 40 yards and under, where do you aim? Does it change for does or bucks? How much do you take into account the jumping of the string?

I mean this in a nice way so please don’t get too upset, but if you are asking these types of questions, I don’t think you’re ready to be hunting live animals with a bow. Take your rifle, or if it’s archery only in the area you are looking at, spend the time off practicing and be ready for next year. Just because you are allowed to use a bow, doesn’t mean you should...

12-07-2020, 10:05 AM
I guess I should be more specific. I know exactly where the kill zone is and I can hit a softball at 60 yards consistently. I see a lot of comments about white tails jumping the string, if you are shooting at them 40 yards or less, are you aiming at the bottom half of the kill zone to take this into account or still shooting at the centre of the kill zone?

12-07-2020, 10:06 AM
Also curious if anyone knows what the snow levels are in the hills around rock creek?

12-07-2020, 10:33 AM
My experience is that the “crouch” when you release can be variable, but more dramatic with whitetail than with mule deer....just what I’ve observed. Not sure if you’re in a tree or not, but if you are, don’t forget to think exit wound more than entrance wound when you aim. Not real specific I know....sorry, again my experience is they crouch more than mules, so at 40 yards this will be a factor....if you’re inside 30, less so depending on bow speed....I’m at about 345fps and account for crouch always, but more so beyond 30.

12-07-2020, 11:20 AM
My experience is that the “crouch” when you release can be variable, but more dramatic with whitetail than with mule deer....just what I’ve observed. Not sure if you’re in a tree or not, but if you are, don’t forget to think exit wound more than entrance wound when you aim. Not real specific I know....sorry, again my experience is they crouch more than mules, so at 40 yards this will be a factor....if you’re inside 30, less so depending on bow speed....I’m at about 345fps and account for crouch always, but more so beyond 30.

I'll second the crouch. Had a little basket buck duck the string a couple of years back on a hunt in Montana.
I was at 40 yards, he was completely broadside, but knew I was there. My shot was a touch higher than it should have been but would have been deadly had the buck not dropped a solid 12 inches at the shot, according to my brother and our guide, who were watching from about 50 yards behind me.

Maybe he didn't actually drop that much, maybe he did.
All I know for sure is he did duck the shot and I did miss!

In this case, I believe the critical factor was that he was already on alert before I took the shot.

Hope that helps!

12-07-2020, 06:49 PM
Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it!

12-07-2020, 08:18 PM
I guess I should be more specific. I know exactly where the kill zone is and I can hit a softball at 60 yards consistently. I see a lot of comments about white tails jumping the string, if you are shooting at them 40 yards or less, are you aiming at the bottom half of the kill zone to take this into account or still shooting at the centre of the kill zone?

Awesome. I hope I didn’t come across as a jerk, I’ve just seen way too many people get in to archery that aren’t ready yet. I’m one of those guys. I’d love to be able to archery hunt, but I have shoulder and elbow injuries that won’t let me be confident in my ability to cleanly kill that way. Best of luck on your hunt. PM me if you want some general area intel...

12-07-2020, 08:50 PM
Not to much snow in 8-12 at the moment. The numbers of WT are down so don’t be surprised if the hunting is slow. Less than a foot of snow Below 5000feet at the moment

12-11-2020, 09:12 PM
Try to set up where they come through a funnel or have to through alley I prefer a quartering away shot. Their head is forward and they are less likely to crouch or jump. Slide it through the lungs and hopefully heart pinning the quarter away shoulder With the new speeds and super broad heads you can drop em cold
DO NOT release if it isn’t perfect. I’ve let lots of them walk Patience. You’ll know when 40 yards is far for animals. Shouldn’t have to be that far. I like 20 to 30 and set up on that premises
Most of the deer are on the winter slopes from what I’ve seen in the past couple weeks. Isn’t much snow on those faces Not the best for patterning movement in a new area
Bucks are moving so first light last light isn’t quite as important. I’ve been very successful walking in a little later There’s more noise in the forest when everything’s awake. I love setting up fake scrapes
if you can get a good ozone device. They work. I also sent my boots and use a drag sock on my walks in and out
Enjoy your time. It’s one of my favourite hunts Absolute magic when it comes together. Remember to bring out the hocks too. They make a great stew

12-11-2020, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the advice, I’m heading out Sunday. Only have until Wednesday so fingers crossed.

12-11-2020, 09:55 PM
I forgot to ask, is rattling something that works this time of year?

12-11-2020, 10:20 PM
Yes, whitetails do jump the string. But not always. It depends on whether or not they see the movement on release, or hear the sound of the bow. Their reaction to either can cause them to bolt, to get away from any perceived danger. The crouching action is them getting into position to propel themselves.

If you can hit a softball-sized target, imaging that target being at the bottom of the vitals. Shoot for it. If the deer ends up not crouching, the arrow will hit the lower part of the chest cavity, and if it does, it should hit the upper part. It sounds like you are a very good shot, so as long as you're certain of the range, it should work out. Good luck.

I guess I should be more specific. I know exactly where the kill zone is and I can hit a softball at 60 yards consistently. I see a lot of comments about white tails jumping the string, if you are shooting at them 40 yards or less, are you aiming at the bottom half of the kill zone to take this into account or still shooting at the centre of the kill zone?

12-11-2020, 11:04 PM
Personally, I've never had any luck with rattling. What has worked particularly well for me has been watching a well used trail from a tree stand. Have it positioned somewhere before the bedding area, and quietly get into it at least 20 minutes before light. Then stay there for as long as you can. A tree stand is probably 10 times more effective than being ion the ground. In my experience, that's by far the best way to get a WT, especially with a bow.

[QUOTE=KBC;2216308]I forgot to ask, is rattling something that works this time of year?[/QUOTE

12-11-2020, 11:17 PM
[QUOTE=wiggy;2216302]Try to set up where they come through a funnel or have to through alley I prefer a quartering away shot. Their head is forward and they are less likely to crouch or jump. Slide it through the lungs and hopefully heart pinning the quarter away shoulder With the new speeds and super broad heads you can drop em cold
DO NOT release if it isn’t perfect. I’ve let lots of them walk Patience. You’ll know when 40 yards is far for animals. Shouldn’t have to be that far. I like 20 to 30 and set up on that premises

This exactly. All about finding a pinch point with sign and committing to it. I prefer max 20 yard shot and with the right tree and lane this is totally possible. Good luck