View Full Version : Deer Euro Mount

Arctic Lake
11-05-2020, 10:55 PM
Could someone give me a rough idea on how much it costs to have a deer euro mount done ?
Also is it an easy process to do it yourself ?
Arctic Lake

11-05-2020, 11:01 PM
I believe I paid $250 to get a euro done. I would have done it myself but just don’t have the time.

11-05-2020, 11:07 PM
I charge $175, I find it ranges from $100-250ish. Beetles, boiling, nasal cavity in vs pressure washed, etc, etc.

I simmer, degrease, and keep all nasal bones in tact. Could do it cheaper/quicker without nasal bones but I prefer to do it a bit higher quality product in the end.

Its an easy enough process to tinker with for sure. Lots of instruction out there as well.

11-05-2020, 11:15 PM
I charge $175, I find it ranges from $100-250ish. Beetles, boiling, nasal cavity in vs pressure washed, etc, etc.

I simmer, degrease, and keep all nasal bones in tact. Could do it cheaper/quicker without nasal bones but I prefer to do it a bit higher quality product in the end.

Its an easy enough process to tinker with for sure. Lots of instruction out there as well.

Thats a good deal. I have done 5 on my own now. Takes a while. I simmer in dish soap, power wash gently, scrape all the remaining crap off then simmer in oxy clean and brush on hair grade peroxide. Then rinse after a day. Turns out great but takes me a whole day. **lots of beer breaks involved**

280 77
11-06-2020, 06:39 AM
I believe Hunters Union in Salmon Arm is about $160.00 if you've done a good initial cleanup job. First class people with a first class outfit . They do an awesome job.

11-06-2020, 07:01 AM
In the process of doing my first one. It is coming along well and is pretty straight forward, lots of Youtube vids/forum posts etc for assistance.

11-06-2020, 07:25 AM
$150 +/-

I did one myself. I wouldnt do it again. The pressure washing of the skull makes a bigger mess than I want to clean up again.

It's a job I can do myself but one I've realized I would just rather pay for.

11-06-2020, 07:26 AM
We just finished one,,,, Youtube will give you more ideas than you need. The simmering time directions vary, I think we went too long but were having trouble getting the last of the meat out. Be careful with the bottom of the nose it is very easily broken.


11-06-2020, 07:35 AM
Could someone give me a rough idea on how much it costs to have a deer euro mount done ?
Also is it an easy process to do it yourself ?
Arctic Lake
It's tedious but not bad to do yourself - youtube....c'mon post your buck already lol...alot of us on here have been wishing you harvest success..

11-06-2020, 07:57 AM
I only charge $100 for deer..

Maybe i need to get a bit more expensive..

11-06-2020, 08:10 AM
I only charge $100 for deer..

Maybe i need to get a bit more expensive..

Is that done with beetles?

Arctic Lake
11-06-2020, 08:27 AM
Hi Harry. Thanks for the nice words . I’m trying to get my gear cleaned up and catch up on some work for others Will make effort in the next day or so .Thank You Again !
Arctic Lake
It's tedious but not bad to do yourself - youtube....c'mon post your buck already lol...alot of us on here have been wishing you harvest success..

11-06-2020, 09:38 AM
Is that done with beetles?

$150 with bugs, degrease and whiten.

11-06-2020, 10:24 AM
It's a messy job but not hard. After boiling in soap, I took the skull to the carwash and power prayed it. I ended up covered in chunks of flesh,(cooked at least). As mentioned above, be gentle with it. They look better with the nose bones in place.

One tip I got was after boiling put a piece of coat hanger wire in a drill and bend the end. Stick that in the hole at the back of the skull and spin what's left of the brain matter out.

11-06-2020, 10:16 PM
I've done a few myself, both simmering and letting rot in Bucket. The later method takes weeks but the results are much better, the fragile Nasal Cavities are left intact, this method requires a strong Stomach.

11-06-2020, 11:05 PM
Wrap antlers if you want to preserve color / moss etc. Pressure washer is your friend but like it has been said be careful around nasal cavity / teeth can go flying. Cover skull in 40vol peroxide soaked paper towel or cheesecloth for that bright white finish. Congrats!!

11-06-2020, 11:09 PM
I have done 2. Time consuming but satisfying. That being said, $150 seems like a great deal considering the time involved. I boiled, picked, scraped, boiled again, pressure washed, boiled and whitened with peroxide.

11-06-2020, 11:26 PM
Use dishwasher tabs and simmer - do not boil! Boiling will loosen teeth and you will need to glue them back in. As in anything, prep work is key. Clean the skull as best you can before you start. Keep the antlers out of the pot ( I use aluminum foil and a roasting pan) and out of your peroxide. Paper towel laid over the head will wick up the peroxide and keep it from bleaching the antlers. The only way to keep the skull white is to paint it as it will yellow (patina) over time. Hard to do? No. Will it take some work? Yes. Use an outdoor burner if possible, otherwise wait until all the ladies have left thd building.

11-07-2020, 04:26 PM
Speaking of Glue.......what kinda Glue to Glue Teeth back in?

11-07-2020, 06:09 PM
Speaking of Glue.......what kinda Glue to Glue Teeth back in?

I use clear superglue. Just on the roots, so the glue cant be seen

11-07-2020, 07:22 PM
Use the side burner on bbq w large canning pot to save from being swatted w broom trying to boil them inside on the stove. �� I’m thinking you could Re peroxide after a few years to get that bright white back or maybe I’ll try painting some day of the dead style?!?!

11-07-2020, 08:15 PM
Let's have a look at your buck, arctic.

11-07-2020, 08:34 PM
Use the side burner on bbq w large canning pot to save from being swatted w broom trying to boil them inside on the stove. 😂 I’m thinking you could Re bleach after a few years to get that bright white back or maybe I’ll try painting some day of the dead style?!?!

Not bleach. It erodes bone, peroxide does not

11-07-2020, 08:46 PM
Right. Lazy typing on that one. *40 vol peroxide. Thank you for the correction on that.

Beaver Skin
11-09-2020, 09:23 PM
And you can get the 40 peroxide paste from Sally Beauty (chain store). It was funny when I called asking for it - they knew right away it was for a Euro and said they get a lot of guys buying a gallon at this time of year. I walked in and the girl at the the front took one look at me, smiled, and pointed me towards the peroxide without me having to ask!

I'm far from an expert as I've only done one but I found the using the peroxide in paste form was easy. It half way stayed where you brushed it.

11-10-2020, 11:59 PM
Lots of good info on here so far. I might add that using a bit of borax in the water when you are simmering the skull helps with getting the tougher gristle to let go and it also helps to degrease.

Big things to watch out for have been mentioned...simmer, don't boil the skull, and do not do this for too long either. Just long enough to get all the tissue off. Even at a simmer, if you over "cook" the skull you can find you have a skull that wants to fall apart. Don't use bleach.

Another thing I have been told works well for degreasing a skull is naptha. I received the info from a taxidermist and have not tried it yet. He uses it to degrease bear skulls. Perhaps someone else on here has used it.

I have done many dozens of skulls over the years...bear, moose, elk, bison and lots of deer. Some things I learned the hard way. In years gone by taxidermists were not big on giving out info that would take business away. Not so much these days as most good taxidermists are way to busy and don't mind if you do your own Euro mounts as they can be rather time consuming things to do with a rather low profit margin. Truthfully I enjoy doing my own Euro mounts as it adds another layer of satisfaction to a successful hunt.

11-11-2020, 05:25 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?155401-Let%92s-do-a-euro-mount&highlight=Let%92s+euro+mount Try above link to step by step I posted last season . Works out pretty good every time.