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View Full Version : November Moose, tips or tactics?

10-20-2020, 10:23 AM
Got myself a late season draw this year, never spent much time hunting them later than October. Any good tricks for hunting them post rut? I hear hunting food sources is key...

10-20-2020, 02:02 PM
Reg 8 a couple years ago early November I watched/heard a cow moose bawling in heat and subsequently a big bull grunting back and going to tend to her...2nd rut...I wonder if they could still be rutting then where your draw is? They will also be going hard for food willow etc...this I know but I'm no moose expert like a lot of the other folk on this site....

10-20-2020, 02:02 PM
Doesn't hurt to try some calling.I saw 3 bulls scrapping in December when I was falling trees.

10-20-2020, 02:27 PM
Early November still possible rut activity due to second estrus. Cow calling, no bull calling. Big bulls for the most part will be holed up not moving much. Later in the month, food sources. Red willow is a favourite. Find the food, find the moose.


10-20-2020, 04:27 PM
I called in and killed a bull on a november draw before.

4 point
10-21-2020, 03:34 PM
After the rut the bulls seek cover, good food & water. Find areas like that and hunt it.

10-22-2020, 07:06 AM
Getting late now but go out scouting prior. You still have over a week still until draw starts. We had a Nov draw last year, got 2 bulls in the first 2 days. If it was not for our scouting, I am confident we would not have been so lucky. If nothing else, it helps you focus where there is sign or lack of sign. Also helps to get to know the areas well if you don’t already.

find snow if possible, focus on areas with good feed, good thick hiding/bedding areas and a water source nearby. Don’t sleep in, be out at first light and out until last light.

Hope you tag one.

Arctic Lake
10-22-2020, 07:47 AM
My thoughts are as long as there are cows in heat there will be a bull to breed her .
Arctic Lake

10-22-2020, 08:13 AM
November moose hunting is excellent. Sure the odd guy will tell you he got a response that time of year but I say don't waste your time calling.
The key is find their food. Specifically willows. They chow down on these in November. If you find good willow patches have a walk through and see how much sign is around. Good luck and enjoy your draw

Arctic Lake
10-22-2020, 06:31 PM
Yes they need to eat . A moose needs to eat approx. 40 pounds of feed a day !
Arctic Lake

10-29-2020, 05:11 PM
Don’t sleep in, be out at first light and out until last light.

Are moose active much during the day?

10-29-2020, 06:44 PM
Hmm some great advice..food..40 pounds per day think wheel barrows..first thing am along treeline first light = warm up..short distance from thick treed bedding areas..think 300 yards or less.. to the red willow during day go into thick treed timber into wind slowly..SLOWLY..
Depends on temp food they will make daylight foraging trip..
Bedding area just inside treeline..points..makes multiple escape routes..your not the only predator.
Bedding WON'T be in wet..slightly higher..must be dry.
Red= willow..food.
Blue = shadows from tracks in snow. .will use same trail repeatedly
Looking along edge of timber bedding areas..moose literally warming frost off their hides mind in neutral.

10-30-2020, 11:38 AM
I was driving on a backroad out to a hunting spot one beautiful morning in november with 4 inches of snow on the ground and a light snow fall. I was hunting deer with a rifle when i came across 5 moose - 2 cows, 1 calf, and two bulls. I watched them for a few minutes from the truck and also noticed a couple trees freshly destroyed. I then heard what sounded like a cow call but actually it was coming from the bull followed by a very quiet grunts. The moose started moving and the bulls positioned themselves on either side of the cow following her. This looked like a second estrus to me.

The kicker is that after driving another few minutes i was hit by a thunderbolt!!!!! any bull moose for archery was open!! This year i will bring my bow when out deer hunting on those dates!!