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View Full Version : Conversation with CO

10-12-2020, 11:56 AM
While hunting south of Chetwynd ran into a CO and a person who is like a creel monitor at the gut station while fishing, don't know what her title is.

Apparently she drives into the area I was hunting about two times a week and records what other hunters see/shoot and what she sees. She told us that there were at least five adult griz in the area. She said that the CO and her were recommending a griz hunt as they were decimating the moose and elk calf population in that area. Clamed that moose/elk populations were way down due to predation. But as you all know politics plays a big part as to what happens.

A couple young guys and an old fart had set up their tent and the old guy saw a griz outside the tent, apparently he got into the truck and wouldn't come out again. The youngsters called the CO and he responded to the bear call...what was he gonna do give the bear a warning or a trespassing ticket? They packed up their camp and left. LOL

10-12-2020, 01:07 PM
There should be 1 less Grizz in that area after that encounter.

Bugle M In
10-12-2020, 01:20 PM
When you listen to some of the folks on here over the years, guys who hunt as often as they can and know their areas well, all have
seen the #'s of whatever they hunt go way down, they all say the same thing, that pred #'s are way up, or that wolves have come
into the area where they never were, or were limited, cats an bears as well.

These folks cant all be wrong.
And yes, these preds move around, hitting a valley for a time, then moving to the next, eventually doing big loops.
Repeating the cycle until a lot of game is gone or scared shitless to come out, so stressed to the max.

Cant see a benefit in that, and even the CO's who hunt on the personal time generally get it.
But they don't set the policies we have in place right now.

10-12-2020, 09:02 PM
Yup. All the COs I’ve met are/were hunters before they took the job. Most know what we know, but the dumbazz’s in Victoria don’t give a chit what they say. It’s all about what East Van and the West End says. Remember we have an election coming (right in the middle of GOS, as if we wouldn’t vote!)... Vote early, vote often!

Arctic Lake
10-12-2020, 09:18 PM
I will ask this again. Is there something that can be done when you encounter a Grizz near your camp so they will think next time about coming around . Legally of course !
Arctic Lake

10-12-2020, 09:31 PM
Arctic lake.....you could try scaring it off by firing warning shots, bear bangers or anything else but there is no guarantee that the bear won’t come back. More than likely, Bears that come into camps have been chased away multiple times only to come back into the same camp or a different one.

friend of mine had to shoot a griz a few weeks ago, She came in to his cow calls. She poked her hear out of the alders at 10yds and got a bullet between here eyes. CO’s came and did their thing and told him that it was a justified shooting.

Arctic Lake
10-12-2020, 10:08 PM
I hear you !
Arctic Lake

Arctic lake.....you could try scaring it off by firing warning shots, bear bangers or anything else but there is no guarantee that the bear won’t come back. More than likely, Bears that come into camps have been chased away multiple times only to come back into the same camp or a different one.

friend of mine had to shoot a griz a few weeks ago, She came in to his cow calls. She poked her hear out of the alders at 10yds and got a bullet between here eyes. CO’s came and did their thing and told him that it was a justified shooting.

10-13-2020, 09:16 AM
Wow sounds like quit the trip you had this year, someone trying to steal your trailer, people in your spot and bears in the woods.

10-13-2020, 09:17 AM
Do g bears taste good? Asking for a friend. 5 sighted in the last three weeks.

10-18-2020, 07:30 AM
Poor CO’s have had their budget stripped bad, spoke with two of them on the weekend and they were with two RCMP as they were sharing the boat and beater Nissan truck(boat access only), really nice encounter.