View Full Version : Another Youth Hunt

10-01-2020, 09:19 PM
It’s been a while since I’ve posted but had to share this experience I had with my boy this weekend.
He 12 and loves hunting, been coming with us since he was 5. Got his license when he was 10, shot a spike first day, last year a nice 2 point on the 2nd day.
He plays hockey so cant get out hunting as much as he’d like so before the schedules set I take him out to get him a buck. This year we spent the long weekend in region 3 , had slow hunting but found a small spike, he didn’t want to waste his tag on it so we kept looking but came home empty handed, that ended up being a wise decision.
This last weekend is going to be hard to beat for him, Saturday they had the last ice time for try outs then the cuts, he got his spot on the A1 team which he wanted bad so was over the moon already. I took Monday off so we could go out early Sunday morning and get in a 2 day hunt. We left the house early at 4:00 , 4 hours later dropped the trailer off at camp and went out for the late morning hunt.
I’ve gone to this spot twice in the last 5 years, think most hunters drive by it because it looks over grown and difficult , my buddy found it 5 years ago and was hunting a group of 4 good bucks so has always been on my list. it’s over 1600 meters so September before the any buck crowd shows up it seemed like a good choice.
We hiked in through the trees to the first tier then it starts opening up, then up on the 2nd tier the bowl opens up with some rocky mounds to glass from, it has good cover with thin replants 4 to 6 feet. We sat down and 15 min in I see a good size buck at about 150 across the bowl feeding in the trees, maybe a 2 or 3 year old. Wind was perfect, I had the angle so took his rifle and rested it on a stump, lining up the deer , it was broad side, signal him to get behind the gun. In the process one of us rolled over a rock and instantly the deer snapped its head over. My boy was looking though the scope as I glassed. Don’t know why it was so cagey but it quickly started heading out only showing it’s ass, then we see another much larger one with heavy red antlers to the right but they were quickly behind the right tree line. We were starting to deflate then we see them at the back tree line top of the hill about 200 heading along it to the left. Told him to keep the gun on them as they usually stop to take a look, not these 2 they booked it hard over the ridge out of sight at about 350.
There we were completely deflated, but he was pretty excited at the action we just had and wanted to chase after them. I never like doing that so suggested to not stink up the block and charge after them but that we should back out and go down out of sight along the bottom head that direction and get up on a ridge and glass the far treed ridges and these rocky treed mounds that pepper the area.
Maybe 20 min later we are rounding the center ridge on the low side in the replant and stopped so I could glass this rock mount that’s at 170 yards. it’s covered in standing dead with blow downs all around. Instantly see a buck broad side in the standing dead, clearly not one of the other 2 deer.
Over the years hunting these replants learned it’s almost impossible to get a good rest and the shots can be longer so started using the African style shooting sticks, in the summer we practice shooting with them this was a perfect time to have them along. I reload and his rifle shoots really well shooting a 7mm-08 with 140g accubonds, we make a point of shooting a lot in August and any time we’re out.

I set up the sticks , he tries to find the deer with his binos then he sees it , I saw that look come over him, absolutely no buck fever , kind of the opposite actually saw that change in his face as he zoned in. I was a bit nervous with the shot because of the distance off sticks but he’s practiced it.
At the shot we heard the hit but the buck hunched over with that arch in his back and didn’t move just stood there, 2nd shot, I heard it hit but the buck didn’t flinch at all so wasn’t sure if the hit was it hitting the hill in the back ground, he reloaded, 3rd shot click…WTF, his Browning is a great rifle but the clip is a PS , jack the bolt open poke at the bullet to get the round in position chamber it , we look up… no buck.
I’m thinking 1 hit probably to far back, hopefully liver.. shit , so we go up there. What a blow down nest this guy was in, we climbed over and under logs to get up rock bands just a hell hole. Got to the spot and there he was piled up in the dead fall, fell over dead when we were messing with the clip. First shot was centered barley touched the diaphragm and grenaded the liver, 2nd shot double lung with the bullet under the skin on the far side.
What a highlight sharing that with him, lots of yelling, fist pumping and hugs.
After pictures the job of getting it off that hill and to the truck started. Found a little slot off this 10 foot rock band to let gravity do the work then we could pull him under some blow downs to the block. Showed him how to take the time to plan out a drag route to the road so we didn’t get trapped in some hell hole. An hour later we had moved the truck and were back at the deer, cut it in half he took the hinds and I took the front. It was almost a kilometer but steep down hill so wasn’t that bad, with lots of rests we had it to the road a couple hours later. We were quite ruined that night back at camp but still buzzing.



10-01-2020, 10:19 PM
Good job, a moment that is forever etched in his memory and he will be telling his son the story one day.

10-02-2020, 12:02 AM
what a great experience to have with your son! He'll be telling your grandkids some day!

10-02-2020, 05:10 AM
Congrats to you both beautiful looking buck

10-02-2020, 05:32 AM
Way to go!!! Fantastic!!! Massive body on that old boy.

10-02-2020, 05:50 AM
That is amazing! Way to go man

10-02-2020, 06:11 AM
Hell of a buck! Congrats!

10-02-2020, 06:11 AM
Congratulations,what a buck!

Ride Red
10-02-2020, 06:12 AM
Congrats to you and your son Nimrod. Beautiful buck and another priceless memory:)

10-02-2020, 07:35 AM
Great lookin deer, and well done getting your boy in the mix like that. Taking mine (he’s 6) out next week!!

10-02-2020, 08:03 AM
Great read!

Heck of a buck for anyone!

Congrats to your son....now a hunter for his lifetime! ;)

10-02-2020, 09:29 AM
Jayzus, that buck is a stud.

Congrats to you and your son, nice going!

10-02-2020, 09:48 AM
Hecks yeahwhat a toad!

10-02-2020, 09:52 AM
Yes, that is a hell of a buck! Congrats to your son. I've got a 12 year old hockey playing son too, so can definitely relate! Congratulations!

10-02-2020, 10:38 AM
Damn! That’s an awesome buck. Congrats!

10-02-2020, 11:20 AM
Wee ll done...that is a wicked buck for sure...awesome that you are teaching him the proper skills...

10-02-2020, 11:32 AM
Heck yeah!! Cheers for the write up!

Weatherby Fan
10-02-2020, 01:17 PM
Oh hell yeh the smile says it all, congrats young fella, beautiful Buck for sure.
Thanks for sharing your story and posting pictures.

10-02-2020, 01:29 PM
Sweet... that is a keeper... congrats to your boy

10-02-2020, 01:30 PM
Awesome Buck that Young MAN shot ! Great Job ! Thks for sharing the story and pictures ! :wink: RJ

10-02-2020, 01:41 PM
awesome great buck

10-02-2020, 01:43 PM
DAMN, that smile won't soon fade. Congrats to both of you. It's a great feeling isn't it Dad!!

10-02-2020, 02:46 PM
one heck of a week for the kid, congrats on making the cut and congrats on the buck!

going to clean the skull up, or considering shoulder mount?

10-02-2020, 04:10 PM
awesome stuff, congrats

10-02-2020, 04:59 PM
Great heavy buck! Way to go!

10-02-2020, 05:22 PM
one heck of a week for the kid, congrats on making the cut and congrats on the buck!

going to clean the skull up, or considering shoulder mount?
He asked me for a shoulder mount right away but that wasn't in the extraction plan, I didn't expect to come across a deer of that quality, was kicking myself for not putting the back pack and meat bags in the truck or I would have considered it.
he's happy with a euro mount for his room

10-04-2020, 11:49 AM
Set the bar pretty high with that buck......congrats to your son

The Hermit
10-04-2020, 12:31 PM
Toad!! Way to go man, brings a tear to the eye!

My grandson turns 4 next month and I can hardly wait till he can come along. He asked me a couple days ago if I would take him hunting! His mother wasn't too happy but I said "You bet yer britches" picked him up gave him a hug and said "I can hardly wait till you are old enough". He was so happy! Mom just shook her head... LOL

10-04-2020, 12:38 PM
Awesome buck! good for you guys