View Full Version : Finally bagged my elk

09-28-2020, 03:13 PM
This season I have been out pretty steady,not every day but lots.
I have been working over 3 seperate locations giving each spot a rest to keep my presents unknown to the critters that live there.
The first day of the season I'm sneaking along as quietly as possible.The bush is fairly thick.Most of the time I can only see about 50 yards,sometimes 75 on a narrow shooting lane.
I catch some movement.It's a big yellow bull maybe 40 yards from me.I can't count points in the trees as he is moving along feeding.
I try some calf calls as I sneak along.He makes 3 eeeoh calls.I locate him standing in a depression.He is looking for me and wants me to expose myself.He disappears.He was a big bull but even though my sight was on him I couldn't be sure he was a 6 pointer.
A great hunt and a good way to start the season.
I go back the next morning.No elk but a close encounter with a sow and 2 cubs.
The elk buggered off.
I try another location.I see a cow and a 4 pointer.Lots of fun,no dice.
A couple days later I return to the first spot.Did some bugles trying to locate a bull.No luck.
I get permission to hunt on some private land after being turned down on some other places.
In the morning I'm out at the head end of an island in the river.The river is low enough I can get on the island.There are a few cow tracks and looks like one bull.
I do a bugle and some calf talk.
Across the river from me a sow and cub black bear show up.They wonder up the river looking for some high bush cranberries to eat then disappear around the point.
I go down the island to the other end and sit for a while just watching this eagle.More calf calls then answers from a couple of woodpeckers across the river.A few more calls then this monster black bear boar shows up opposite me.He sits down and on his honches and is looking across the river in my direction.He has got to be all of 500 lbs.His ears are on the side of his head he is so big.I don't think I could wrap my arms around his head.
No elk so I head back to my truck.
A few days have passed so I go back where I saw the yellow bull.
I made one bugle.No answers.I found a good spot to sit where some trails meet.While there I got my little saw from my pack and cut a shooting lane and made a small blind.
It was a perfect morning.Dead still with a low fog from the previous rain the night before.I do a series of calf calls like a lost calf.
10 minutes later I hear a squirrel chattering away behind me up on a ridge.A good place for elk to bed down.A bit later another squirrel closer to me is chattering up a storm.Mmmm,something heading my way.
Another 10 minutes go by and this 3 pointer shows up.He comes close to me looking for a calf.I just watch him and he starts to eat some leaves 50 yards from me.
I'm looking up another trail to my right then again to my left and a 4 pointer slips onto the trail 40 yards from me.Not enough points.
Those two wonder off.I don't really want to do any more calling in case those young bulls come back and find my sitting spot.
Another 15 minutes goes by and the squirrels are telling me something else is coming my way.
Another bull shows up way down the trail in a low spot.I put my glasses on him.Hard to count points as he is moving around.Turns out he's a 5 pointer.
I'm thinking it is getting late in the morning but I should stay a little longer.Then a black bear cub shows up 30 feet from me.Then the sow and another cub.This is not good.The cub is coming my way.I stand up and rush the bears waving my rifle and hissing at them.They peel'er.Good thing.
I'm thinking it could have been a cat.
Time to leave,back to my truck.
Yesterday morning I was out again.Pretty windy.Nothin'.
Now this morning was nice and still and I'm back where I saw the cow and 4 pointer.There is a small meadow that the trees are taking over.It is just good shooting light.I walk up this trail from my parking spot and as I approach the meadow but still standing in the aspen trees I spot 2 mule deer does.I continue glassing and see a cow elk butt disappear into the bush across the meadow.
I wait a bit glassing some more.Using the spaced out trees for cover I work my way across the meadow to a trail in the bush the elk headed up.About 400 yards up the trail is another big meadow.As I approach the edge of the tree line but still back in the bush I start glassing.Sure enough there are 6 or 7 cows in the long grass feeding.They don't know I'm there but I can feel a little breeze pick up and the aspen leaves start to quiver.
There has got to be bull here and if there is I must take the first opprotunity for a shot I get.
The cows are spread out from 50 to 75 yards in front of me.Sure enough here comes this bull walking towards the cows.All I can see is 6 points and his neck and head above the brush.I'm probably 20 yards inside the trees.I lift my rifle to my shoulder and try to find a window to shoot.He walks into my shooting lane at about a hundreds yards.Doing an offhand shot with my sling wrapped around my arm I steady the crosshairs on his neck and start squeezing the trigger after letting out a little breath and ...Click Pow.Kersmack and down he goes.
The cows don't know where the shot came from and bunched up.I look back at my bull and he is fumbling around trying to get up.I find another shooting lane and wack,he is laying there again.The cows bugger off.I walk out to where I can get a better look but are still in the bush and can see him still trying to get his feet under him.He gets up but can't lift his head then falls over.I get out where I can see better now.He rolls over onto his feet again.
I decide to let him stand up so I can poke a hole through his lungs.He takes off with his head down near the ground all humped up.Another offhand shot as he is making his way to the bush.As he is going through the scrubby trees I send another bullet his way.He piled up in the bush.
Not exactly what I wanted but after all the shooting was done.2 bullets in the neck,one pierced his ear and the lung was ventilated.
Wow,that was a rush.It amazed me how tough an elk is and how calm I was when I was shooting.
No BS here,that is my elk hunting this season.
After all this writing I tried to get a picture happening but I can't seem to get it on here.

09-28-2020, 03:17 PM
Congratulations!!!!! Thanks for an awesome write-up!
Had me right there with you.

Let's see some pictures once you figure out the maze that
is posting pics here :)

The Hermit
09-28-2020, 03:28 PM
Congrats, send me the pics and I'll post them for you.

Weatherby Fan
09-28-2020, 03:34 PM
Congrats on your Bull, great writing as said above we were right there with you......lots of action for you, very cool.

09-28-2020, 04:49 PM
Elk can really soak up some hits. Congrats on your bull!

09-28-2020, 05:22 PM
See that square with the 4 black squares in the corner in the right hand white box, in the middle, in quick reply. Insert image, click on it. Click from computer, browse the images you have, select image, upload file.
Great write up.

09-28-2020, 06:23 PM
Awesome ! Congrats on a Good Hunt ! Should Have POPPED that Yogi too ! :wink: RJ

09-28-2020, 06:53 PM
Congrats on your elk. Looking fwd to the pics

09-28-2020, 07:04 PM
Congrats on your bull . Well done!

09-28-2020, 07:27 PM
Great story.

09-28-2020, 08:14 PM
Congrats that must have been pretty exciting

09-28-2020, 08:30 PM
Didn't happen no pics lol.

09-28-2020, 08:35 PM
Good writeup, congrats, look forward to the pics...

09-28-2020, 09:07 PM
Congrats on your elk!

09-28-2020, 09:53 PM
Thanks you guys.
A friend offered to help me get the elk out of the bush so I took him up on that and he took a couple of pictures with his cell phone and sent them to me.I have them downloaded now.
I also have some in my camera as I don't use a phone but I need to get them in this little folding computer.
The elk is now hanging in my shop quartered and clean as a whistle.Tomorrow morning I am taking it over to a friends place that has a cooler as it is too warm to hang.
I tried to slide a picture over to this site but it wouldn't let me.I am not the greatest at this computer stuff.file:///home/chronos/u-1b30f7187372816e49dd3de161b46f9f517c9db1/MyFiles/Downloads/IMG_1310.jpg
Yea ,I know what you mean.No pictures....No fun. Sorry I can't get it to work,bummer.

09-28-2020, 10:02 PM
This site sure sucks for pics! Really why not make it easy?

congrats on the elk!

09-28-2020, 10:07 PM
Great story and a terrific write-up - no pictures, not problem: you painted a great picture. For me, that was about 4 trips worth of hunting encounters - shows you I'm still "learning"

cheers, br

09-28-2020, 11:20 PM
Excellent write-up. I enjoyed that from start to finish.

I really liked the part about the squirrel. As much as people complain about being outed by squirrels, I think they are more useful than not.

"Click Pow.Kersmack" ... "wack" - am I the only person who was thinking of the old Batman and Robin films? :)

Wow what a story. Thank you for taking the time to post it up here.

09-29-2020, 06:53 AM

09-29-2020, 09:00 AM
won't work uploading directly off your computer and putting IMG on either side of it. Needs to be hosted online, such as the HBC gallery



09-29-2020, 09:24 AM
Congrats on your bull! :)

09-29-2020, 10:04 AM
I finally got a picture for you guys

09-29-2020, 10:06 AM

09-29-2020, 08:39 PM
Congrats on what appears to be a smasher bull...

09-30-2020, 07:17 AM
Congrats xlcc, beauty Elk and what a great write up.