View Full Version : Vernon and area

09-22-2020, 08:26 PM

I'm new to Vernon. Looking to hunt mule deer. Have been scouting around Kal Lake. Seems like the areas you can hunt within the park are the dank treed sections. Any recommendations for hunting spots around here?

Also, does anyone know what layers to use on iMapBC to find hunting spots? I thought you can hunt on Crown Land, and that Crown Land was one thing, but it seems like it's a million different things.


09-22-2020, 08:32 PM
Integrated Cadastral Fabric:
Land ownership
Private ownership

Lease tenures

Indian reservations

These will get you started in Imap. Private ownership requires you to be zoomed in quite closely for the layer to appear.

Dirty Steve
09-25-2020, 08:25 AM
Lumby, Cherryville... Lumby has good mix of Mulies and Whitetail, head up any of the FSR's up towards Aberdeen plateau. Cherryville has great population of White tails. Head up and over Trinity Valley to Mabel Lake. I know a guy that shot a ferile pig up there. Moose up there, mulies, white tail... Elk up towards the back side of Silver Star

09-25-2020, 07:02 PM
Kal Lake too close to town for sure. I've been in Vernon since 2004, hunting for about 5 years. Plenty of FSRs to explore once you get away from the city a bit. I see more mulies in my yard in Vernon than I have out in the wild, doh. Have yet to bag either a whitey or a mulie. Came close a few times, 1st year hunting ironically. Last few years I've had trouble even seeing a doe in the areas I hunt. Sign yes, but the critters elude me when I'm on crown land & armed. Always see a bunch in farmer's fields on the way home from being skunked. Good luck to you. One of the cool things about living here is you have options for Regions 8, 3 & 4 all within a few hours drive or less. The areas I usually hit are past Cherryville up in the Monashees, north of Falkland up Chase/Falkland road & the Thompson Plateau around Oyama Lake when I want to stay closer.

My yard is their personal playground....
https://0b3eyg.dm.files.1drv.com/y4mQeu9tdT6sCL9AfIwK_WEudrTicf8ckv-TZSHsJ3yll4AZ10HwtqDkmQiWM6E3usahU2p7LOMT38GcLmOwJ vuuhNqW7ZJlqFtIyQSbgbETtLhE1DL-cVwQnlgJYt3cdzDceV2a_5lQYUCdAAzaTGz3JEJIs-yjw7fRq7PUSUNtkWtXPDOOPZaUtW2NpuXRMBgA3TL5ZZtgf94t xnNoToklg?width=1024&height=1024&cropmode=none

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09-25-2020, 07:18 PM
Excellent, thank you!

09-26-2020, 06:44 AM
Nice yard mike31154! Top buck looks tired and bummed out. Must be hard to see that after a trip of seeing nothing.:sad: