View Full Version : Tahltan nation to hunt grizzlies and other predators to help ungulates

09-15-2020, 05:21 PM
At least that’s what they are saying. Just heard an interview on CBC radio with the president/chief. He said they will have some type of payment incentive for members that kill predators like grizzly, wolf and black bear. Someone tired of the provincial governments garbage politics. I really don’t know what to think of this actually.


09-15-2020, 05:27 PM
Just open it back up to LEH....please.

Ride Red
09-15-2020, 05:27 PM
Interesting read. Let’s see how the NDP and anti’s like this. Someone has to get the ball rolling, may as well be the Tahltan.

operator jon
09-15-2020, 06:30 PM
I think it's the best thing that has happened to the hunting community!!

09-15-2020, 06:44 PM
This should surprise nobody. I expect the Tahltans to start selling guided grizzly hunts too. Expect other bands (the ones that have their shit together, anyway) to start similar programs.

I'm looking forward to seeing some greenie heads explode. :)

09-15-2020, 08:08 PM
The funny thing is, they were always able to do this. Nothing new to see here folks.
I believe the end game for them is control of wildlife management in BC. With no access for non fn people unless you pay...

338win mag
09-15-2020, 08:14 PM
The funny thing is, they were always able to do this. Nothing new to see here folks.
I believe the end game for them is control of wildlife management in BC. With no access for non fn people unless you pay...Bingo.......

09-15-2020, 09:16 PM
I will NEVER accept any indian controlling my hunting and DO NOT accept any of their so-called "rights"!!!!!!!

09-15-2020, 09:44 PM
This should surprise nobody. I expect the Tahltans to start selling guided grizzly hunts too. Expect other bands (the ones that have their shit together, anyway) to start similar programs.

I'm looking forward to seeing some greenie heads explode. :)

Tahltan leadership have been clear to keep away from guided grizzly hunts. It would be clearly illegal and they would lose in a minute. Legal rights for First Nations to hunt cannot by definition include guiding non residents because a right has to be proven to have taken place before contact.

09-15-2020, 09:44 PM
The days of colonialism are gone.

338win mag
09-16-2020, 05:18 AM
The days of colonialism are gone.
Then the King will not offer the safety and prosperity as he has done since contact?

09-16-2020, 05:39 AM
Part of me wonders if they, a strong indigenous community, may actually be able to do a better job than our current wildlife management strategy (bogged down by politics). The Tahltan leader has said that he wants to work with non-indigenous people to manage game in a sustainable way, which includes hunting grizzlys. I suggest people listen to the Hunter Conservationist Podcast podcast on this issue. I felt really hopeful after hearing him speak about their desire to manage game within their territory. I feel much better about what they are saying then our politicians

Stone Sheep Steve
09-16-2020, 06:24 AM
Grizzlies would be much easier to manage than wolves.
If they want to manage wolves in a large roadless landscape, then there are only two methods that would be effective....poison and aerial gunning. One of those methods is expensive.


09-16-2020, 08:43 AM
The days of colonialism are gone.

So too are the days when the FN were the only people here.

09-16-2020, 08:45 AM
Interesting read. Let’s see how the NDP and anti’s like this. Someone has to get the ball rolling, may as well be the Tahltan.
Let's see what happens when a social justice warrior has to choose between being anti hunting and denying first nations proposals. To their own people the SJW's will either be pro hunting or racist.

09-16-2020, 08:47 AM
Part of me wonders if they, a strong indigenous community, may actually be able to do a better job than our current wildlife management strategy (bogged down by politics). The Tahltan leader has said that he wants to work with non-indigenous people to manage game in a sustainable way, which includes hunting grizzlys. I suggest people listen to the Hunter Conservationist Podcast podcast on this issue. I felt really hopeful after hearing him speak about their desire to manage game within their territory. I feel much better about what they are saying then our politicians

As long as their management program is not focused on excluding other BC residents, I am sure they would do a better job than our government, as they are not beholden to urban voters

09-16-2020, 08:47 AM
Grizzlies would be much easier to manage than wolves.
If they want to manage wolves in a large roadless landscape, then there are only two methods that would be effective....poison and aerial gunning. One of those methods is expensive.


You gotta prove what doesn’t work before you move to plan B, C or D.

09-16-2020, 09:04 AM
Let's see what happens when a social justice warrior has to choose between being anti hunting and denying first nations proposals. To their own people the SJW's will either be pro hunting or racist.

I can see the heads exploding now, hahahahaha.....

09-16-2020, 09:27 AM
I'm for pro resident hunter rights as the next person in this community. But I still recognize the harm that was done to folks that were here first.
Safety and Prosperity. I'm not blind to the facts that FN and other races experienced racism and exclusion in this Country. There were laws against people owning land and other unfair practices. I wouldn't want to experience what they went through. Just talk to older generation of people of minority groups. They often have stories of how they were spat on, threatened, bullied etc.

Just in case people forget their high school social studies:

Our own goverment and corporations have not had the greatest track record in the past regarding the enviroment which affected hunting and fishing (Housing Development, overfishing, mining and Forestry to name a few.
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.

09-16-2020, 09:55 AM
I second listening to the podcast, i am not sure where i sit on it all but it was refreshing listening to someone talk as apposed to a dam press release.

09-16-2020, 10:00 AM
I'm for pro resident hunter rights as the next person in this community. But I still recognize the harm that was done to folks that were here first.
Safety and Prosperity. I'm not blind to the facts that FN and other races experienced racism and exclusion in this Country. There were laws against people owning land and other unfair practices. I wouldn't want to experience what they went through. Just talk to older generation of people of minority groups. They often have stories of how they were spat on, threatened, bullied etc.

Just in case people forget their high school social studies:

Our own goverment and corporations have not had the greatest track record in the past regarding the enviroment which affected hunting and fishing (Housing Development, overfishing, mining and Forestry to name a few.
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.

Blah blah blah, show me one group of people on this planet who hasn't been beat down and conquered at one point or another. Bullied, hell enough non FN's were bullied all the way through school and adult life throughout history. Those arguments are pointless and non-sequiter. Just because they have history here doesn't give them some magical knowledge on dealing with anything other than the subsistence living they embraced.

One law to rule the land is the only way to have any kind of cohesive and successful country. Continual splintering by special interests groups isn't advancing anything other than pitting groups against each other.

09-16-2020, 10:22 AM
Well, I guess if they can do it so can WE!

When the rule of law is not followed and applied equally to ALL, anarchy will soon ensue!!!!

09-16-2020, 11:27 AM
Blah blah blah, show me one group of people on this planet who hasn't been beat down and conquered at one point or another. Bullied, hell enough non FN's were bullied all the way through school and adult life throughout history. Those arguments are pointless and non-sequiter. Just because they have history here doesn't give them some magical knowledge on dealing with anything other than the subsistence living they embraced.

One law to rule the land is the only way to have any kind of cohesive and successful country. Continual splintering by special interests groups isn't advancing anything other than pitting groups against each other.

I agree with you with one law for the land. But they didn't agree with it, they were forced into it.
I had the opportunity to work with a lot of FN communities with work projects. Sometimes it helps to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Maybe the world would be a better place. The argument isn't pointless but its pointless to try to change someone's perspective on these types of forums so I'll stop.

"Blah Blah Blah "
Thats why most people stereotype hunters.
Not arguing with anyone here. Not sure why the original poster posted knowing the types of responses that would be posted :P

09-16-2020, 11:34 AM
There's laws that I don't agree with but I'm forced into following...but I get over it.

Rob Chipman
09-16-2020, 11:53 AM
The Cutbanks Conversations podcast with President Day is a great one, and one that people should listen to, but I've got a few comments. The Cutbanks hosts aren't professional interviewers, let alone professional political interviewers.

I won't go so far as to say they treated President Day with kid gloves, but there was certainly an opportunity for some pushback which they didn't take advantage of. That's not a knock on the Cutbanks' hosts - first, it's a conservation/hunting podcast, not a political podcast, and second, I'm not sure any pushback from them would have been particularly constructive.

President Day is a politician, as he often admits. Politicians tailor their messages to their audiences. Sometimes people hear a few things that a politician says and decide "This guy is speaking my language!"

Be careful with that. Tahltan territory, roughly 11% of the province, is shut down to DIY resident hunters. There are plenty of justifications for this and I won't get into them, but....it's not shut down to all hunters. There is a thread on this forum about a successful caribou hunt in Tahltan territory that confirms that. It's possible (and I'm going way out on a limb here, I know) that President Day says some things to other audiences that won't especially please some of the people commenting on this thread. Do your research. I'm not pointing to anything that isn't already public on the web.

In fact, many FNs are pretty open and honest about their positions on things, which is both commendable and refreshing. You don't need a lot of FOI requests. This is a link to the actual Tahltan Predator Plan announcement is an example of Tahltan transparency:


A lot of guys who want predator control will like the idea. Guys who are fine with predator control but really want scientific management of wildlife will have some obvious questions.

Above all, I think it's fair to say this plan is political first, and motivated by conservation second. We can argue that all day long (Which I won't - draw your own conclusions) but pay close attention to these sorts of developments. There's lots under the surface.

I will say this: props to Chad Day for going up against the provincial government and doing so in broad daylight like a full grown man. Love him or hate him, he's demonstrating that he's rocking some cojones.

09-16-2020, 12:47 PM
If you guys think that the Tahltan would have our interest in looking after game management think again there all for themselves , i've been up there enough times to know , Tahltan people have told me many times they don't want the the whiteman there and want to close hunting to us . might as well vote the NDP in again as well , because we all will be screwed

09-16-2020, 03:28 PM
They've always been hunting predators, including g-bears. They aren't doing anything different now than they were doing before.
Does anyone think they were not hunting grizz because the ndp banned it for bc residents?

Btw, who is 'President' Day?

09-16-2020, 03:46 PM
So here's the real question, how are they going to stop armed hunters that are determined to hunt where they want?

Rob Chipman
09-16-2020, 04:03 PM
Btw, who is 'President' Day?

Just trying to be polite :-)

In case the question was for real, Chad Day is president of the Tahltan Central Government.

09-16-2020, 04:51 PM
Somewhat off topic here, there is a caste system in most FN societies. This goes back to slavery and raiding parties, stealing children etc.

I have had this explained to me from FN people, it’s interesting that they know where the slavery lines are to this day.

Its not all love and peace.

My sincerest apology for the derailment.

338win mag
09-16-2020, 06:44 PM
I'm for pro resident hunter rights as the next person in this community. But I still recognize the harm that was done to folks that were here first.
Safety and Prosperity. I'm not blind to the facts that FN and other races experienced racism and exclusion in this Country. There were laws against people owning land and other unfair practices. I wouldn't want to experience what they went through. Just talk to older generation of people of minority groups. They often have stories of how they were spat on, threatened, bullied etc.

Just in case people forget their high school social studies:

Our own goverment and corporations have not had the greatest track record in the past regarding the enviroment which affected hunting and fishing (Housing Development, overfishing, mining and Forestry to name a few.
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.
In the USA there are "white' people who speak up for the black man, they are called "wiggers".
In Canada there are "white" people who speak up for Indians, they are called "windians".
All these people do is cycle the same old same old....none of the current issue's in BC have anything to do with how someone was treated in the past, k.

If it were not for Colonialism, the Tahltan would be speaking Spanish or Russian, or likely wiped out completely.
It gets tiring listening to parroted nonsense about how bad the Crown, queen, King, treated its Native people.

The solution to some people seems to make it right by....one group of people lording over another by way of race.
This is alot bigger than the Tahltan.

Walking Buffalo
09-17-2020, 07:50 AM
If it were not for (British) Colonialism, the Tahltan would be speaking Spanish or Russian, or likely wiped out completely.

Or speaking French to their French Slaves. ;)

This perspective is critical when reminiscing potential alternative history.

First Nations in Canada are Lucky that they even still exist.
Damn lucky that they exist with enough power to still fight for independence.

Imagine North America today if the USA didn't buy Alaska from Russia 150 years ago....

09-17-2020, 07:59 AM
Or speaking French to their French Slaves. ;)

This perspective is critical when reminiscing potential alternative history.

First Nations in Canada are Lucky that they even still exist.
Damn lucky that they exist with enough power to still fight for independence.

Imagine North America today if the USA didn't buy Alaska from Russia 150 years ago....

Or...here is a thought. Speaking Tahltan? Another potential alternative history!

Walking Buffalo
09-17-2020, 08:13 AM
Or...here is a thought. Speaking Tahltan? Another potential alternative history!

Pretty much what I said in the first line.... ;)

elch jager
09-17-2020, 08:39 AM
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.


I suggest you read some of Dr. Valerius Geist's work... or listen to the podcast he made with Steve Rinella. As I understand it, the natives decimated the wildlife population in North America as they razed the land and burned forests to support their agricultural needs. They did not consciously manage anything... this whole premise that the first nation somehow knows best through some spiritual connection to the land and the wildlife is utter BS... it just kind of happened and they are as guilty of exploitation as any other population on the globe.

Guardians of the land... nonsense. First in line with their hand out for pretty much everything. But as long as our government is pandering to their cries, the rest of us may as well support their willingness to do something constructive and try to manage their territory responsibly. The North American Wildlife model as described by Geist WORKS! If they can implement that and permit controlled hunting as well as predator de-population, they have my support. Just don't try to exclude the other residents of this great land.

09-17-2020, 08:46 AM

I suggest you read some of Dr. Valerius Geist's work... or listen to the podcast he made with Steve Rinella. As I understand it, the natives decimated the wildlife population in North America as they razed the land and burned forests to support their agricultural needs. They did not consciously manage anything... this whole premise that the first nation somehow knows best through some spiritual connection to the land and the wildlife is utter BS... it just kind of happened and they are as guilty of exploitation as any other population on the globe.

Guardians of the land... nonsense. First in line with their hand out for pretty much everything. But as long as our government is pandering to their cries, the rest of us may as well support their willingness to do something constructive and try to manage their territory responsibly. The North American Wildlife model as described by Geist WORKS! If they can implement that and permit controlled hunting as well as predator de-population, they have my support. Just don't try to exclude the other residents of this great land.

Excellent post.

09-17-2020, 09:57 AM
And the truth shall set you free

338win mag
09-17-2020, 11:37 AM

I suggest you read some of Dr. Valerius Geist's work... or listen to the podcast he made with Steve Rinella. As I understand it, the natives decimated the wildlife population in North America as they razed the land and burned forests to support their agricultural needs. They did not consciously manage anything... this whole premise that the first nation somehow knows best through some spiritual connection to the land and the wildlife is utter BS... it just kind of happened and they are as guilty of exploitation as any other population on the globe.

Guardians of the land... nonsense. First in line with their hand out for pretty much everything. But as long as our government is pandering to their cries, the rest of us may as well support their willingness to do something constructive and try to manage their territory responsibly. The North American Wildlife model as described by Geist WORKS! If they can implement that and permit controlled hunting as well as predator de-population, they have my support. Just don't try to exclude the other residents of this great land.
There is no integrity in any history when its convoluted with lies, and its best to keep it real. This and pretty much every level of government are going to spoon feed us the social justice bs heavy now as they inch their agenda forward into every area of this Province, and the windians make me wanna puke.

09-17-2020, 11:48 AM
The funny thing is, they were always able to do this. Nothing new to see here folks.
I believe the end game for them is control of wildlife management in BC. With no access for non fn people unless you pay...

Yes -- this comment is spot on.

09-17-2020, 04:29 PM
Let's see what happens when a social justice warrior has to choose between being anti hunting and denying first nations proposals. To their own people the SJW's will either be pro hunting or racist.

It won't matter to them...most of them are not there for a specific cause anyway. Thy are mostly just bored college age white kids waiting for their parents to send them their next tuition cheque...the other half are just scumbags who don't have a cause other than scoring a bowl of rice and maybe some sense "comraderie" hanging in a group.

Surrey Boy
10-08-2020, 12:50 PM
If you guys think that the Tahltan would have our interest in looking after game management think again there all for themselves , i've been up there enough times to know , Tahltan people have told me many times they don't want the the whiteman there and want to close hunting to us . might as well vote the NDP in again as well , because we all will be screwed

Funby how few hunters appreciate this.

Some groups are fundamentally our enemies, not just as hunters, but as ethnic Europeans. They want us all gone.

10-08-2020, 01:13 PM

yuppers! not about reopening a hunt, its about Tahltan. Non Fn will not be a part or reap the benefits of this......The tahltans are blocking roads to all Non Band members to hunt moose in their territory......... This president is taking an opportunity and exploiting it in order to provide an economic boost for his people. Their "exclusivity" will be the meal ticket to financial gains and he will fight to make sure it remains FN only.

10-08-2020, 01:13 PM
Funby how few hunters appreciate this.

Some groups are fundamentally our enemies, not just as hunters, but as ethnic Europeans. They want us all gone.

Couldn't agree more.....

10-08-2020, 07:08 PM
And our present government keeps giving them more and more. Control of the BC fisheries is on the block now.

10-08-2020, 07:20 PM
If Horgan gets in with a majority we are going to pay dearly for it. Unfortunately, I think it is the most likely outcome from this looming election. The NDP seem intent on selling out rural BC and there is nothing we can do about it as they do not listen, nor care about anything outside of the LML and the southern part of the Island. I do wonder however, where is the tax revenue going to come from once they have wiped out the logging, mining and handed the majority of the rural land base over to the FN? Also, let's not foget all of these moves are also going to nuke tourism.

Maybe that is why there has been piss all for help to the tourism sector from both the federal and provincial government. Not as expensive to buy out tourism businesses that are barely functioning and no expense required for those that have gone under. Would not put it past them.

338win mag
10-08-2020, 07:35 PM
I question the legitimacy of the entire treaty process, and the blind acceptance of UNDRIP. To think that there isn't any nefarious people involved in the decision making process is ludicrous.
Whenever I hear any FN speaking about any contemporary topic in BC, the end game is about a self serving agenda, always.

10-08-2020, 08:01 PM
As usual, your comments on this sad issue are accurate, timely and I completely agree.

10-08-2020, 08:46 PM
I will NEVER accept any indian controlling my hunting and DO NOT accept any of their so-called "rights"!!!!!!!

Gotta AGREE with you Dewey ! RJ

10-08-2020, 09:22 PM
Glad that it will will display to the greenies and the latte sipping hippies that maybe hunting preds isn't as barbaric as they think if the 'iconic FNs' are doing it...but, I don't like the fact that Tahltan have an apparent agenda, and it doesn't include us regular whities as having any hunting privileges...and our ballless govt continues to give them more power....everyone remember to get out and vote for the BC Liberals later this month..

01-08-2021, 08:19 AM
Yep! Well said! Being condescending won't get you anywhere. "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!" Regardless of a persons stance or opinion, the fact of the matter is 95% of BC is unceded, First Nations have never legally signed away their land, not like the rest of Canada. Here's the questions: Is it just, whether in the past or present to invade a country, land or nation without some kind of negotiations? Look up Royal Proclamation for more info. Things (or law) haven't changed since then, that's why we have the United Nations and NATO. We need to appreciate the securities and alliance we have.

I'm for pro resident hunter rights as the next person in this community. But I still recognize the harm that was done to folks that were here first.
Safety and Prosperity. I'm not blind to the facts that FN and other races experienced racism and exclusion in this Country. There were laws against people owning land and other unfair practices. I wouldn't want to experience what they went through. Just talk to older generation of people of minority groups. They often have stories of how they were spat on, threatened, bullied etc.

Just in case people forget their high school social studies:

Our own goverment and corporations have not had the greatest track record in the past regarding the enviroment which affected hunting and fishing (Housing Development, overfishing, mining and Forestry to name a few.
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.

.330 Dakota
01-08-2021, 09:19 AM
They will kill every G-Bear in their area,,sad but true,,and us whities will have no part in it,,illegal iradcation of a species in my opinion,,shitbags

01-08-2021, 10:14 AM
Good for the Tahltan. They are sick and tired of Gov't BS not supporting responsible wildlife management and letting industry run rampant with no regard for environmental values so, they're taking matters into their own hands. It's hypocritical of folks on these forums to voice unsupported claims the Tahltan are taking action for their own selfish reasons when the people making those claims about the Tahltan are themselves doing the same thing through a different lens.

The cooperation between FN, resident hunters and gov't is going to require compromise from ALL parties. The old way of stubborn, opinionated, my way or the highway school of thought hasn't worked and breeds separation and contempt.

And people can try and argue that every race/culture/creed whatever has faced some form of colonialism or takeover at some time, but in my opinion that's a moot point. Lot's of cultures have faced genocide (cultural genocide as well), slavery, "ethnic cleansing", etc. doesn't mean it was OK that it happened and that it should just be swept under the rug and forgotten about. That's what progress is about, learning from our past.

There are a lot of white people in Canada and on this forum that feel like their ways of life/belief are under siege from another belief system or culture. That's fair, I sometimes feel like that in regards to the FN, resident hunter, Gov't disinterest in rural BC, etc. too. But its pretty narrow minded to feel that way and not be empathetic and understand that the other side feels like that too (for good reason), and has for a VERY long time.

I don't intend to knock peoples beliefs or insult anyone here but I think it's time all groups regardless of race, religion or beliefs, decide to cooperate and work towards what's best for one of our mutual interests, the wildlife of BC and the places they live. We as hunters can do that and maybe then the general population will stop painting every hunter with the same "racist, redneck, murderer, etc." brush.

01-08-2021, 10:28 AM
JSaw : Re: Tahltan nation to hunt grizzlies and other predators to help ungulates

Good for the Tahltan. They are sick and tired of Gov't BS not supporting responsible wildlife management and letting industry run rampant with no regard for environmental values so, they're taking matters into their own hands. It's hypocritical of folks on these forums to voice unsupported claims the Tahltan are taking action for their own selfish reasons when the people making those claims about the Tahltan are themselves doing the same thing through a different lens.

REALLY. ! :shock: You Believe the Tahltan Band ? :-? All they want is ALL the Game to them selves - And NO Whities hunting in there area ! :mad:RJ

01-08-2021, 11:14 AM
The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to facilitating the strengthening of Indigenous Nationhood for the fulfillment of the Indigenous cultural responsibility to our lands, the emergence of new generations of Indigenous leaders, and helping communities develop the skills and capacity that they will need as they continue to become fully respected and equally treated partners in Canada’s system of governance and its economic and social growth.The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to advancing the role of Indigenous Nations in deciding the future of traditional territories. We are an Indigenous-led organization. Our Senior Leaders have decades of experience on the land, in Indigenous leadership and governance, in territorial and provincial government, in Parliament and federal cabinet, and in national commissions and international arena.


01-08-2021, 02:28 PM
look at the history of immigrants here...in fact maybe look into why they wanted to come here in the first place....I did some reading about Icelandic settlers in Manitoba...they were also shunned by some of the early Canadian people...most forget it was a very small select group of the elite that were abusing everyone else including their own poorer people...revisionist history or cherry picking facts does not paint a complete picture of how society used to "function"

I'm for pro resident hunter rights as the next person in this community. But I still recognize the harm that was done to folks that were here first.
Safety and Prosperity. I'm not blind to the facts that FN and other races experienced racism and exclusion in this Country. There were laws against people owning land and other unfair practices. I wouldn't want to experience what they went through. Just talk to older generation of people of minority groups. They often have stories of how they were spat on, threatened, bullied etc.

Just in case people forget their high school social studies:

Our own goverment and corporations have not had the greatest track record in the past regarding the enviroment which affected hunting and fishing (Housing Development, overfishing, mining and Forestry to name a few.
Hunters profess to know whats best because we're out there and value the resource. Why do we put down other allies we have against those who would ban hunting altogether? They had thousands of years of living with the land in a much less disruptive way than we do now.

01-08-2021, 03:13 PM
BC is in a real pickle being that 95% of the land is unceded (see previous post). Treaties in BC should have been negotiated before confederation. Now it's a mess and it going to continue to be a mess until treaties are worked out similar to what the Nishga'a did. Until BC clears up this big issue, white and indigenous (hunting & fishing) rights will continue to be a bone of contention. Thousand of years of environmental management by First Nations has to account for something. Right? The climate, environment and nature is on a collision with human kind. First Nation have always been considerate of the generation coming after them and which I might add still exists to this day.

The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to facilitating the strengthening of Indigenous Nationhood for the fulfillment of the Indigenous cultural responsibility to our lands, the emergence of new generations of Indigenous leaders, and helping communities develop the skills and capacity that they will need as they continue to become fully respected and equally treated partners in Canada’s system of governance and its economic and social growth.

The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to advancing the role of Indigenous Nations in deciding the future of traditional territories. We are an Indigenous-led organization. Our Senior Leaders have decades of experience on the land, in Indigenous leadership and governance, in territorial and provincial government, in Parliament and federal cabinet, and in national commissions and international arena.


01-08-2021, 03:27 PM
What management was needed in pre-contact times? Likely none, as long as they could manage to find food for the winter for the kids and the dogs.
They managed to travel and follow food as needed.
Pre-medicine, pre-firearms, pre-trading posts, life and needs were pretty simple to support the small populations.

01-11-2021, 03:25 PM
BC is in a real pickle being that 95% of the land is unceded (see previous post). Treaties in BC should have been negotiated before confederation. Now it's a mess and it going to continue to be a mess until treaties are worked out similar to what the Nishga'a did. Until BC clears up this big issue, white and indigenous (hunting & fishing) rights will continue to be a bone of contention. Thousand of years of environmental management by First Nations has to account for something. Right? The climate, environment and nature is on a collision with human kind. First Nation have always been considerate of the generation coming after them and which I might add still exists to this day.

Yes, I witness their management techniques nearly every week. A few take what they need and a few more kill up to 70 moose a year to sell for booze and drugs. Many on the local band would like to stop the poachers but chief and council seem to have no inclination to move on the issue.

Walking Buffalo
01-14-2021, 11:23 AM
Yes, I witness their management techniques nearly every week. A few take what they need and a few more kill up to 70 moose a year to sell for booze and drugs. Many on the local band would like to stop the poachers but chief and council seem to have no inclination to move on the issue.

Chief and councils have limited ability to deal with individuals.

The Charter gives Individual Indians legal protection of Natural harvest rights.

It won't be long now (decades) and Individual Indians will be taking their Nations to court over harvesting rights.