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View Full Version : Wood stoves and wall tents

thompson steel
09-09-2020, 08:05 PM
We are getting a 12x14 wall tent made. I was wondering what is the the best placement would be for the wood stove? We ordered it with the stove at the back but have noticed the a large amount of wall tents have the stove placed either on one of the long sides or in a corner. We still have time to change the placement . What do those of you that use wall tents prefer for stove placement and why?

09-09-2020, 08:26 PM
Mine had it out the roof in the front corner. Having the stove near the door keeps the mess and wood close. I don't think there is any best.

09-09-2020, 08:31 PM
Mine is through the wall near the front door. Like downwind say, keeps the mess near the door.

09-09-2020, 08:33 PM
The stove should go front. The stove will be on when it is cold outside. The cold air will come threw the opening in the front. The air will warm up as it goes to the back. If the stove is placed in the back then the heat stays at the back and the cold stays at the front. The best item to get is a small fan that sit on top of the stove. The heat generated turns the fan. There is no motor. Most real hard wear should have them in stock. Stove pipe should go threw the roof with a cap on. If it rains with the cap off and fire goes out the stove will get water in it. This usually happens when out hunting. Not at night do to the beer trips. Been there done that.

09-10-2020, 09:47 AM
One trip I forgot the bag of stove pipes, so a quick trip to Peavey Mart. I ended up with a nice cap the swiveled in the wind. You also need a damper. Welded up stove pipe is a sturdier, it travels better.

09-10-2020, 10:35 AM
Stove should be one one side of the Entrance also Stovepipe should also come out of Entrance Flap. Store Wood just outside Entrance (more Room in Tent) and Stovepipe coming out of Entrance Flap instead of Roof allows you to put extra Tarp (Fly) over Tent.

Btw. Make your own or have a Damper made. The Cast Iron ones you can Buy in the Hardware Stores don't work too well.


09-10-2020, 11:31 AM
Back corner worked well for me. Ensure to get an eco fan. It keeps the temp even in the tent. Happen to notice them on sale today