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View Full Version : Grizzly attack at Spruce Lake

08-17-2020, 01:55 AM
I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later and I think we will see it more frequently as well.

A man is recovering after being attacked by a grizzly bear in a remote area of B.C. Sunday afternoon.

The man and his wife were out mountain biking near Spruce Lake north of the small community of Gold Bridge, about two hours northwest of Lillooet.

BC Emergency Health Services tell Global News that they received a call at 4:10 p.m. for a grizzly bear attack at Spruce Lake, north of Gold Bridge B.C.
RCMP say the grizzly was with her cubs, and it's believed she acted defensively when she attacked the man and bit his groin.

The man's wife sprayed the sow with bear spray, and the animal let go.
Read more: Rare white grizzly bear captured on camera in B.C. park

The couple was found by search and rescue teams, and the man was taken to hospital by air ambulance in serious condition.

08-17-2020, 04:46 AM
There will be more of this as heli-biking continues to develop everywhere

Hunter gatherer
08-17-2020, 05:32 AM
Lots of bears in the area it was only a matter of time,hope he recovers. The mountain biking up in that area is getting ridiculously popular.

08-17-2020, 06:40 AM
We camped up there in June and the bumbling fools on bikes were everywhere. At least the fishing was good.

I don’t think I’d like a grizzly biting me “in the groin”!

Ride Red
08-17-2020, 06:49 AM
With less free space and an increasing bear population, these stories will become commonplace. We’re seeing bear sign in areas that didn’t show previously and more encounters too. No hunting equals no fear of man.

08-17-2020, 07:59 AM
It's the wilderness folks! Expect bears, wolves, cougars! Everything is a meal to a grizzly bear, they are the top of the food chain in the wilderness!! moosin

Weatherby Fan
08-17-2020, 08:05 AM
Last time I was up hunting just south of there I seen one of the largest sows Ive ever seen with 3 2nd year cubs, she was massive.

I definitely would not like to be bitten anywhere by one of those things, and from what Ive seen Im thinking this will be a regular occurrence.

08-17-2020, 08:13 AM
Bumped into much more gbears than usual on the last sheep hunt. Usually 1-2, this year 8. One charged us after catching our wind. Probably isn’t going to get better anytime soon.

08-17-2020, 08:31 AM
I spent weeks in that area a number of times in the late 1960's and we never encountered any grizzly's at all, many deer, marmots and grouse and a few black bears and lynx but absolutely no grizzly's ever. So while not scientific at all, and not to say they were not in the area but no sign of them in our travels so anecdotal evidence is grizzly populations do not seem endangered at all...

08-17-2020, 09:07 AM
Those Mountain Bikers come quiet & fast, often not enough time for a Bear to get out the way. Mountain Biking by use of Ski lifts and or Helicopter should not be legal.

Just my opinion of course !


The Hermit
08-17-2020, 10:11 AM
I am a keen mountain biker but mostly keep to the local designated Mnt bike park. I think with the advent of AWESOME new electric full suspension mountain bikes, we will see a growing number of people riding up the logging roads and skidder trails seeking sweet downhill challenges. More riders + more bears = more attacks.

08-17-2020, 10:39 AM
That's gotta hurt

08-17-2020, 12:08 PM
Full body armor ? Wear a cup at least , dont want no bear biting yer gronicles

08-17-2020, 12:18 PM
Anyone else bugged by the fact that all these other user groups aren’t required to pay anything towards conservation? Hikers and bikers absolutely impact the environment and should have to pay their fair share

08-17-2020, 12:19 PM
I can't imagine a worse fate than having an enraged G-Bear clamp down on my man parts and shake me like a rag doll. Bet that Dude will have nightmares for the balance of his life.

08-17-2020, 12:19 PM
Used to go to tyax on tyaugton lake yearly, which is just near there even while grizzly hunting was aloud it was always "watch for bears" seems to be quite a lot of them up that way

08-17-2020, 01:03 PM
Anyone else bugged by the fact that all these other user groups aren’t required to pay anything towards conservation? Hikers and bikers absolutely impact the environment and should have to pay their fair share

They pay income tax and having just ordered a new mountain bike they pay a awe full lot of sales tax. Mountain bikers being attacked by bears is a very rare occurance in BC way more hunters and fisherman get attacked and there is alot more mountain bikers than hunters in BC

08-17-2020, 01:18 PM
I am a keen mountain biker but mostly keep to the local designated Mnt bike park. I think with the advent of AWESOME new electric full suspension mountain bikes, we will see a growing number of people riding up the logging roads and skidder trails seeking sweet downhill challenges. More riders + more bears = more attacks.

The e-bike thing is growing and people that would normally be unable to hit some of the higher trails are turning up there now. Even trails that prohibit e-bike access seem to be getting pressure, ie long, hard rides like Lord of the Squirrels in Whistler. I am in the "earn your turns" camp, with the exception of those who may be handicapped and need e-bike assistance.

08-17-2020, 02:06 PM
You should see it on the eastern slopes in Alberta. It is a friggin zoo with 'treckers' and 'mountain bikers'...all of whom complain about the people with horses and hunters. Way too many people in the back country in AB and BC is going to get the same, only difference is we have way more mountainous country, but the closer to Vancouver you get the worse it will be in the long run.

As for the attacks, heck my dogs HATE mountain bikers as they come out of nowhere going like a bat out of hell and well....I don't blame a grizzly for getting rattled and attacking really.

Rob Chipman
08-17-2020, 02:54 PM
Anyone else bugged by the fact that all these other user groups aren’t required to pay anything towards conservation? Hikers and bikers absolutely impact the environment and should have to pay their fair share

There is a thought that all land user groups should pay a fee for usage. That's great from a revenue generating POV, but consider: if a mountain bike group raises a significant amount of money as a result of using an area, how would you feel if they said "Hey, we really should make these trails a no- shooting area 400 meters each side, and since we pay $xxxx we think we have a right to make the demand" ?

The other side of that is that if we depend on user groups to pay 1) who gets the money and who administers it, 2) does it let government off the hook for funding and 3) will it generate enough to do the job?

08-17-2020, 03:19 PM
There is a thought that all land user groups should pay a fee for usage. That's great from a revenue generating POV, but consider: if a mountain bike group raises a significant amount of money as a result of using an area, how would you feel if they said "Hey, we really should make these trails a no- shooting area 400 meters each side, and since we pay $xxxx we think we have a right to make the demand" ?

The other side of that is that if we depend on user groups to pay 1) who gets the money and who administers it, 2) does it let government off the hook for funding and 3) will it generate enough to do the job?

It would be a Total CLUSTER Phuck to manage this undertaking - RJ

Rob Chipman
08-17-2020, 04:06 PM
^^^^^ Going out on a limb there, aren't you? :-D

08-17-2020, 04:54 PM
Yeah let’s all pay more for recreation opportunities and how about more licensing too? F$&@ sakes boys

08-17-2020, 04:59 PM
Duplicate post

08-17-2020, 05:00 PM
To me, its irrelevant what activity he was participating in. Cyclists have as much right to the backcountry as the rest of us.

Glad to hear he survived and by the sounds of it bear spray may have made the difference in this particular case.

Hope he recovers.

Oh, and hats off to the wife!!!

08-17-2020, 05:27 PM
Hopefully the Poor Bugger recovers fully ! RJ

08-17-2020, 06:02 PM
Protect your nuts. GD

08-17-2020, 10:37 PM
UPDATE: Grizzly bear will not be captured after the attack!

The man has injuries to his stomach and leg, but his head was protected even though the bear bit right through his helmet. The helmet probably saved his life.

A conservation officer shows a pieces of a helmet broken by a grizzly bear. Check the teeth marks.


Hunter gatherer
08-18-2020, 04:54 AM
Anyone else bugged by the fact that all these other user groups aren’t required to pay anything towards conservation? Hikers and bikers absolutely impact the environment and should have to pay their fair share
Pay to what hike on a trail. The government pisses away enough of our dollars don't need to make up any more taxes.

Jack Russell
08-18-2020, 06:29 AM
Pay to what hike on a trail. The government pisses away enough of our dollars don't need to make up any more taxes.

Don't worry about the Govt. charging backcountry access fees. FN will be doing the money collecting.

Elephant hill - morels - FN charging "mushroom permits" - CO service enforcing it.

Lets wait and see how responsible E-bikers are to the environment.

338win mag
08-18-2020, 07:12 AM
Protect your nuts. GD
Or a wife who cares enough about them to do that for you.

08-18-2020, 09:52 AM
I'm heading up there in a few weeks... great now I have a grizzly who likes the taste of human. Hope that man recovers fully.

08-18-2020, 11:51 AM
I have been in that area alot. Was also planning on heading in there in Sept. There have always been lots of grizzlies in there. I had a buddy who bumped a huge sow and two cubs not far from there a couple weeks ago. I wonder if it was the same bear.

Stay vigilant and be smart. Chances are you will be good.

08-18-2020, 12:34 PM
Hey, you're inbox says it's full so my reply won't go through until you clear some space.

As for the grizzlies, we will be ultra careful. I'm also bringing up some lights to setup around camp so at night if anything comes in we wont be blinded by trying to use our flashlight from the tent.

I have been in that area alot. Was also planning on heading in there in Sept. There have always been lots of grizzlies in there. I had a buddy who bumped a huge sow and two cubs not far from there a couple weeks ago. I wonder if it was the same bear.

Stay vigilant and be smart. Chances are you will be good.

08-18-2020, 01:47 PM
It's been quite the year for grizzly encounters for me so far, real up close and personal.
I was at this location twice this year where the attack happened on Castle Pass trail and both times big fresh bear poop on the trail.

1st encounter was at the Paradise Valley trailhead in June.
I was scouting the crossing of Lindsey creek, crossed the creek back to the near side where my jeep was parked, look back and a huge bear is sitting where I was just standing 30 yards away. We were close enough that he was bothered at first, about to retreat but then he kept feeding while we watched him for a good 15 minutes.
I was being nonchalant about my little walk and had nothing on me for defense even though I was within 50 yards of the vehicle the whole time.

2nd was up Hope Creek in the alpine. Glassed a grizzly up on the hillside feeding, not far from where we stayed a couple of nights.
Watched him for a good while then headed down to our tent. Was able to sleep ok.

3rd was in Chilcotin Paradise valley this time we were heading up the mountain in the middle fork to gain the ridge.

We were slowly walking up through sub alpine with scrub pines around, not the best sight lines.
Came across a grizzly bed with bear scat and tracks all around. Soon after coming to a gully we saw a baby cub dart across the other side 20-30 yards.
And then the deep HUUGHHFFF HUUGHHFFF sound. Holy fack she's coming in hot and I can't see her.
Within seconds she appeared around a corner less than 10 yards and when she saw both of us she suddenly veered off. Lots of adrenaline from that one.
It happened just like Meat Eater's episode getting charged by a sow. Exact same terrain. Same huffing sound. Same veering off from the charge.
Except in our case there was no warning, just immediate charge.
Lots of self reflection after that one. Notice how long it takes Steve Rinella to get his rifle ready to shoot. And he has full advance warning.
I'm definitely rethinking that for sudden up close situations bear spray will be what I go for first even though I also carry a Canuck Defender.
You've read it lots and it's true, it happens really fast while you're tripping over everything with spiking adrenaline.

4th after deciding to leave that drainage, we headed up the other side where it is more open to a glassing knob. Within an hour of the last encounter I spotted in the valley a VERY big sow with two yearlings.
Down a few hundred yards from them was our tent. That’s five grizzlies in an hour. We watched them feed up from the valley bottom to mid mountain.
Later that night falling asleep was difficult.

Then I get back from the Chilcotins and learn that a grizzly walked right through the Tenquille Lake campground, went for a dip in the lake and then disappeared into the bush.
That same evening I also read reports that there's another grizzly spotted at Rainbow lake in Whistler.

I've learned that hiking the coast mountains in non-grizzly terrain I've picked up some bad habits, like always being quiet trying to see wildlife.
Hiking off trail with bad sightlines in grizzly terrain is not something to take lightly. Needless to say we made lots of noise the rest of that trip.

Wishing a speedy recovery to the mountain biker and hope everyone is safe while having fun out there!
And just like Whitlers said, stay vigilant and be smart.

08-18-2020, 02:50 PM
To me, its irrelevant what activity he was participating in. Cyclists have as much right to the backcountry as the rest of us.

Glad to hear he survived and by the sounds of it bear spray may have made the difference in this particular case.

Hope he recovers.

Oh, and hats off to the wife!!!

x 2 on that...is a slippery slope if hunters start the stakeholder comparisons, or user pay systems...we just don't have the numbers against any other usergroup...Rob Chipman makes some good points there

that area has been a popular destination for mountain bikers for a long time, and no shortage of bears there, there is a rich history of near misses and similar exciting stories....I think this incident as an isolated event, wrong place wrong time....I don't think it has anything to do with closing the g bear hunt

hopefully the guy recovers fast, bet he's happy he was wearing a helmet, and his wife is a quick draw with the bear spray lol

08-18-2020, 08:21 PM
Those Mountain Bikers come quiet & fast, often not enough time for a Bear to get out the way. Mountain Biking by use of Ski lifts and or Helicopter should not be legal.

Just my opinion of course !

I do agree with you, but how about the stipulation that they can ride down, after they ride "UP"! All these guys are adrenalin junkies that are riding in the Alpine, the trill is in the down hill speed but they don't even think about all the erosion that they are causing. From what I'v seen on these mountain bike trails it's a crazy amount of erosion. Maybe it's time to do the same thing to these trails as what's happened to of a lot of forest service roads, cross-ditch the hell out of them to stop the erosion!

08-18-2020, 09:11 PM
x 2 on that...is a slippery slope if hunters start the stakeholder comparisons, or user pay systems...we just don't have the numbers against any other usergroup...Rob Chipman makes some good points there

that area has been a popular destination for mountain bikers for a long time, and no shortage of bears there, there is a rich history of near misses and similar exciting stories....I think this incident as an isolated event, wrong place wrong time....I don't think it has anything to do with closing the g bear hunt

hopefully the guy recovers fast, bet he's happy he was wearing a helmet, and his wife is a quick draw with the bear spray lol

agreed. Sow and cubs in close quarters like that is an incident waiting to happen. That being said, reading previous posts and seeing the grizz pics in the hope area... we need that grizz hunt back,popular opinion be damned,give me my grizz hunt

08-18-2020, 10:56 PM
Hey, you're inbox says it's full so my reply won't go through until you clear some space.

As for the grizzlies, we will be ultra careful. I'm also bringing up some lights to setup around camp so at night if anything comes in we wont be blinded by trying to use our flashlight from the tent.

Sorry I will clear it out.

08-18-2020, 10:59 PM
Too bad Horgan wasn’t on the bike, he would change his mind so quick!