View Full Version : 6-20 and 6-26 shut down by FN due to COVID

07-29-2020, 09:39 AM
Seems the Tahltan will be blocking access points in these 2 MU's. There was a post from TCH (Tahltan Central Government) online stating they will be closing all resident hunting of these two MU's. They cited COVID-19 issues. I have shots of the post but loading them on here is a pain.

Gonna suck for you Spatsizi hunters. I'm sorry for everyone. Truly.

07-29-2020, 09:52 AM
More than Spatsizi...6-20 through 6-26 apparently.

Dear Tahltan Nation and BC’s Resident Hunter Community,
The Tahltan Nation, led by the Tahltan Central Government (TCG) and its Wildlife Department, are shutting down several hunting and recreational activity access points, including the Stikine Bridge. These areas will be under robust video surveillance and will have gatekeepers on-site. Several other popular access roads are no longer functional following various natural causes (ie. landslides). Everything north of the Bob Quinn area (110km south of Iskut), including hunting zones 6-20 to 6-26, are off limits to visitors during the hunting season.
The Tahltan Nation is expecting the Province to provide additional RCMP and Conservation Officers throughout Tahltan Territory so we can avoid unnecessary confrontations with others. Prior to making these decisions, I spoke to members of the Province, British Columbia Wildlife Federation, neighbouring First Nations, local business owners and others. These actions taken by the TCG should not come as a surprise to anyone; our messaging regarding COVID-19 has been consistent for several months. We have a responsibility to keep our people and communities safe during these unprecedented times.
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the Tahltan Nation and the TCG have worked to keep non-locals, including Tahltan members, away from our communities of Dease Lake, Iskut, and Telegraph Creek and the surrounding areas. We have gated our communities, continuously communicated our policies and restrictions publicly, supported programs to encourage Tahltans to refrain from returning to our homelands for fish camp, and worked diligently with the Province, Industry partners and others to keep our communities and people safe.
Sadly, we have also cancelled all our cultural and political gatherings and have not been able to come together in times of celebration or grieving when we have lost our loved ones. This has been particularly difficult on everyone.
Unfortunately, many individuals from various jurisdictions, including some urban Tahltan members, have ignored our respectful requests and they continue to unnecessarily put our local Tahltan communities at risk. The Province has supported us in the background, but they have failed to put the necessary enforcement measures in place to keep our communities safe. We have limited healthcare infrastructure throughout Tahltan Territory and, even worse, the Province has a terrible track record with emergency medical evacuations from Tahltan Territory. In fact, recently - in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic - one of our Elders had to be driven by family members to Prince Rupert (10 hour drive from Telegraph Creek) for an emergency surgery because the Province was unable to secure a timely evacuation. People with serious medical issues have died due to our isolation and inadequate medical support. We have had enough with this negligence and it has to be addressed immediately, both for locals and those that visit and travel through Tahltan Territory.
I will appreciate those who share this Facebook post and, more importantly, please be mindful and respectful of the requests of the TCG and the Tahltan Nation. Many of us enjoy recreation, hunting and fishing, but this year we must focus on safety and the well being of others. Thank you to all those individuals and partners that continue to support the Tahltan Nation, and to everyone throughout British Columbia, Canada and the World who continue to put themselves at risk to help our society function and get through these challenging times. We love you and appreciate you so much

07-29-2020, 09:56 AM
Thx Limp. Couldnt figure it out.

07-29-2020, 10:00 AM
There's more, but that's the important part...guess I'll be calling BCYukon air to see what's up. Was flying out the 16th.

07-29-2020, 10:33 AM
I wouldn’t be changing any of my plans... no point folding like a cheap lawn chair. Can’t stop a Canadian from moving freely through Canada.

07-29-2020, 10:42 AM
Not changing anything yet. Just want to see what BCYukon's take on it is.

I wouldn’t be changing any of my plans... no point folding like a cheap lawn chair. Can’t stop a Canadian from moving freely through Canada.

07-29-2020, 11:29 AM
People with serious medical issues have died due to our isolation and inadequate medical support. We have had enough with this negligence and it has to be addressed immediately

Whats wrong with traditional medicine?

07-29-2020, 11:30 AM
people with serious medical issues have died due to our isolation and inadequate medical support. We have had enough with this negligence and it has to be addressed immediately

whats wrong with traditional medicine?

loooool! :d

07-29-2020, 11:31 AM
"Can’t stop a Canadian from moving freely through Canada. "

It's like FN now means Foreign Nation

07-29-2020, 11:41 AM
Hmm seems not many will be entering oNE of the rez" flying into a remote lake to harvest a BC moose, ram etc will not affect any of their folks..zero chance of interactions at these remote lakes.
I DO agree that they have the right to protect their members on their reserves..not many hunters entering their reserves

07-29-2020, 11:46 AM
They post the same thing almost every year. We will see them in a couple days and set up camp right beside them if need be until authorities show up.... assuming authorities do what’s right.

The only thing that worries me, is how it will impact my 7 year old towards FN, if we get turned around from her very first sheep hunt (which she’s super excited about). I had to talk her through once already on “why they blocked the road”, which I had no answer for (neither did FN, go figure). It’s hard to keep our youth in check with “being the better person”, when the “other people” get free reins.

07-29-2020, 11:52 AM
If it's reservation land sure . Go ahead shut it down all you want there's no animals left there from the lack of wildlife management anyways . If it's crown but claimed as traditional . Good ****ing luck blocking that off to the tax payers.

07-29-2020, 11:57 AM
Where did you find this press release? Wondering if this is old news or something new? Alpine air said they were flying last time I spoke with them?

07-29-2020, 12:03 PM
Tahltan Central Government FB page....https://www.facebook.com/pg/tahltangovernment/posts/?ref=page_internal. I'd still take it with a grain of salt as they said the same thing more or less during the 2018 fires. Heard from BCYukon air 5 minutes ago and they said everything was still open but they'd keep me posted with any changes.

Where did you find this press release? Wondering if this is old news or something new? Alpine air said they were flying last time I spoke with them?

07-29-2020, 12:08 PM
We talked to BC yukon a week ago and they said they were good to run there operation. Alpine lakes air also said they were approved to run there operations from the Talthan. They are likely trying to block hunters that are headed to there favored hunting areas off the highway as they try to do every year.

Interesting that they focus on hunters as the issue with covid. What about all the hikers and campers that are rolling through and going to the provincial parks, rec sites etc.. no mention of that...

07-29-2020, 12:18 PM
Would these kind of rules not have to come from the province? We were planning on heading up there in August

07-29-2020, 12:23 PM
If they do go ahead, I wonder if the police will sit on their hands as they did previously?

07-29-2020, 12:40 PM
They should be more worried about their own people bringing in the Covid-19 than hunters. Look at the Queen Charlotte island out break. Try as the did to blame old Whitety it was one of their own that brought it in.

07-29-2020, 12:54 PM

07-29-2020, 01:31 PM
The letter says "zone 20 to 26", not 20 and 26. That's zones 20, 21, 22,23,24,25,26.

07-29-2020, 01:44 PM
Where would they block the road? Just south of Dease? That would stop everyone from flying out and also the ATV hunters going to telegraph.

07-29-2020, 01:44 PM
I'm flying out Aug 21, It's a long bloody drive to turn around

07-29-2020, 01:52 PM
The letter says "zone 20 to 26", not 20 and 26. That's zones 20, 21, 22,23,24,25,26.

"including hunting zones 6-19 to 6-26"

07-29-2020, 02:41 PM
Where would they block the road? Just south of Dease? That would stop everyone from flying out and also the ATV hunters going to telegraph.

https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Bob+Quinn+Lake,+BC/@57.0251045,-130.2423942,12.17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x54082d147b86a18b:0xcb83b247014fd 430!8m2!3d56.972222!4d-130.247222

07-29-2020, 04:14 PM
A hint of what to expect in the future on a wider scale. But no worries, I am sure the provincial govt will step in to straighten things out.

07-29-2020, 04:42 PM
I had a feeling this would happen, covid gives people an undisputed power..if it saves just one life..

07-29-2020, 04:57 PM
This is just another tactic to close the area to no FN hunters,,Im not buying the COVID BS,,,if they are afraid of COVID they shuld stay out of the bush,,,problem solved

07-29-2020, 05:09 PM
The problem is the BC NDP gov and the RCMP will support the FUC*ing Natives ! We are all screwed ! :mad: RJ

07-29-2020, 05:13 PM
Shure block huge areas because of COVID, do they think we swallow this bull$hit?
What a crock...
I am hoping many who were sympathetic towards them will change their mind and turn against them.

07-29-2020, 06:02 PM
The problem is the BC NDP gov and the RCMP will support the FUC*ing Natives ! We are all screwed ! :mad: RJ Yep. The NDP sure panders to this hypocritical band of parasites! Sure don't see any of the 10 Billion Dollar Provincial Deficit being repaid by this group. News flash for the NDP, there ain't no bridge toll to remove this time around to buy an election victory.

07-29-2020, 08:23 PM
Why they worried about Covid ? Between the spirits and medicine men there covered I’d say.

07-29-2020, 09:35 PM
spoke to the cos out that way...hwy they cant close. Logging roads is another thing.... advised travellers not to wear camo and wear a mask in the stores etc

07-29-2020, 10:09 PM
Time for us to start a road block right in front of theirs. Sorry we are now protecting our kids and elders from you.
But we need food and booze, sorry check mate.

07-29-2020, 10:28 PM
Form up a convey just below their road block. See if the attitude of the Reserve Rangers changes when confronted by numbers equal or larger than theirs, Pretty easy to try to threaten and intimidate a couple guys in a pick up. Try that with a dozen guys tired from travelling and with no tolerance for this crap. No road blocks in the 1980s. Some of us would have gone to jail and some would have gone to the hospital. Actually there was sort of a road block back then, in the Tanzilla Pub. As I recall they talked tuff, got pushy and backed down real quick when you were only to happy to oblige them. To be twenty again!

07-30-2020, 07:55 AM
A lot of it is just noise at this point but I have buddy that spoke with a member of the band and he said they will be at the gas stations to decide if you are hunting or not. Hunting? No fuel. And they will be blocking as many FSR's as possible.

07-30-2020, 08:08 AM
A lot of it is just noise at this point but I have buddy that spoke with a member of the band and he said they will be at the gas stations to decide if you are hunting or not. Hunting? No fuel. And they will be blocking as many FSR's as possible.

Because Covid spreads like wildfire out on those FSR's.....

07-30-2020, 09:21 AM
Because Covid spreads like wildfire out on those FSR's.....

Exactly. It's a complete joke. Most people hunting are completely self sufficient other than fuel. Just be respectful at gas stations and follow social distancing and there shouldn't be a problem. I don't get how blocking the back country is going to help.

07-30-2020, 10:06 AM
They're seeing how far they can push the envelope. I'm willing to join that convoy if others are.

07-30-2020, 10:12 AM
Everyone knows this has SFA to do with Covid. Its just an excuse to keep non FN out.

I doubt that RCMP will do anything beyond monitor and respond to threats or violence. They dont want to get involved with these types of roadblocks or the politics behind them.

Good luck to everyone heading up that way. Be safe and record everything.

338win mag
07-30-2020, 10:27 AM
This government and others wont do anything but come and arrest you, which isn't all that bad if your trying to make a point.
This is exactly what happens when you give someone abit of governance, who has zero experience with governing.
The varying bands are run by people who have a mental illness that really needs to be addressed if this province has any future at all, in any way moving forward.
Investment? who is stupid enough to invest in the gong show we have here in BC, with all the little ego's running the show.

Covid....someone should just go and cough on them.

07-30-2020, 10:28 AM
There's more, but that's the important part...guess I'll be calling BCYukon air to see what's up. Was flying out the 16th.

CO's have been contacted, no highway road block will be permitted by authorities. I wouldn't be too concerned for most of the areas...don't let them stop you, no violence, just push through even if you need a chainsaw

07-30-2020, 12:16 PM
..........all recreational activity access points will be blocked with gates and monitored..........
...The nation says the RCMP is co-operating and is working with the province to get additional police and conservation officer support.....


07-30-2020, 01:21 PM
That's fine...no highway trucks from down south bringing gas and groceries, if the covid risk is too great from a hunter passing through, it's most certainly too great from a truckload of products from all over.
What's that you say? Ole gramma and your babies are hungry? And your truck has no fuel??
.....TOO BAD!!! live with the consequences of the choices you're making.

I dearly wish rail and trucking companies would boycott these "nations" when they pull shit like this...but they wont unfortunately. Short term greed wins out.

07-30-2020, 02:24 PM
Is there only the 1 gas station up there? Is it owned by the band? If it isn't I'd sure be 1 pissed off business owner if the FN were turning away paying customers.

This is getting out of control, this "Nation" stuff is laughable. I wonder how they'd fare if proper border stops were set up, duties paid on goods coming/going, restrictions on travel/work outside the "nation", no other countries (Canada) giving you handouts, take care of your own healthcare/infrastructure/etc. It's shocking that this population has such power when the BC/Fed governments could make them say no mas in about 2 days if they had the balls, no violence required.

07-30-2020, 07:50 PM
Our plan is travel by night, take the AK Hwy and contact RCMP in the spots we re going through to get a pulse of the mood..

07-30-2020, 08:35 PM
Unless this shutdown is mandated by our government I wouldn't be too worried and carry on..^^^and the idea above is good to avoid conflict....

07-30-2020, 10:57 PM
Any attempt to block highway 37 should be viewed as an act of terrorism and should be deal with accordingly. But let's remember the only more two face gutless government in Canada than our Provincal Government is our Federal Government. I say convoy up and take lots of movie cameras.

Walking Buffalo
07-30-2020, 11:19 PM
Please pay attention to this.
The stakeholders better make use of this nugget.
Educate the RCMP....

The BC Government has already declared Hunting and Fishing as Essential Services under the designation of Food and Agricultural Service providers, specifically as Food cultivation.

A release from BCWF on the designation.

I hope non-Indigenous BC hunters and fishers recognize the legal potential with this designation.
Finally, here is a government order than can be used in court to enhance non-Indian subsistence rights.

Stand up for your Natural Born Rights!

07-31-2020, 06:33 AM
^^^^right on, thank you Walking Buffalo....

07-31-2020, 07:45 AM
Please pay attention to this.
The stakeholders better make use of this nugget.
Educate the RCMP....

The BC Government has already declared Hunting and Fishing as Essential Services under the designation of Food and Agricultural Service providers, specifically as Food cultivation.

A release from BCWF on the designation.

I hope non-Indigenous BC hunters and fishers recognize the legal potential with this designation.
Finally, here is a government order than can be used in court to enhance non-Indian subsistence rights.

Stand up for your Natural Born Rights!

Wondering if anyone has actually read the BCWF info graphic? "Stay Local" "Expect Closures"?

07-31-2020, 09:12 AM
Wondering if anyone has actually read the BCWF info graphic? "Stay Local" "Expect Closures"?

I would assume they are talking about government sanctioned closures like parks etc. Not this FN crap.

07-31-2020, 09:17 AM
COs said they are putting gates on the Stakine boat launch and other popular roads in that area and will be manned 24/7 By moose opener. Would love for this to not be true but that's what I was told.

07-31-2020, 09:29 AM
Wondering if anyone has actually read the BCWF info graphic? "Stay Local" "Expect Closures"?

I wonder what the definition of local is??? 1 hr drive from your home, 2 hours, 3 hours? Within the Region you live in? Within the MU you live in?

07-31-2020, 09:47 AM
Everyone knows this has SFA to do with Covid. Its just an excuse to keep non FN out.

Any excuse to keep resident hunters out is one that will be used. Seeing that more and more.

Walking Buffalo
07-31-2020, 10:04 AM
Wondering if anyone has actually read the BCWF info graphic? "Stay Local" "Expect Closures"?

And this is the attitude that allows our rights to be taken away.

The government acknowledged that non-Treaty people hunt and fish for subsistence, and that it is essential to allow them to do so.
The government even issues area specific permission (a licence) for individuals to practice this right.
The purpose of this area specific permission ( licence) is not to decide who has the right to hunt these animals, but as a means to protect specific wildlife from overharvest, as demanded by the Province's obligation upon Its accepting the responsibility of holding Wildlife in trust for the People , and agreed to by the People.

As an essential service, hunting and fishing when and where authorized by government permission ( the licence), cannot be restricted by contradictory government orders such as "stay local".

07-31-2020, 10:10 AM
We as a group need to stop complaining to each other in our little bubbles. We all agree this is wrong, everyone where I work agrees this is wrong, everyone who I hunt with agrees this is wrong....and on and on. But until we start talking to our local MLA's and MP's nothing is going to happen.
Oh well this BS government wont do anything... well maybe not but if we don't stand up and start voicing our concerns as voting tax payers nothing will change.

This area of the province is MLA Doug Donaldson his phone number is 250 842-6338. Call him each and everyone of you. I did and will email him also.
I live in Prince George and contacted my local MLA who is Shirley Bond and my MP who is Todd Doherty. Today I spoke to both of them. They need to hear from us.
If this doesn't affect you now IT WILL. ALL THE PLACES YOU LOVE ARE NEXT. This is a test case. Speak up now

07-31-2020, 10:28 AM
Myself and a buddy have a shared bull on the klappan☹️. They negotiated with the province and had restrictions or LEH applied to the easy access areas. They got what they wanted, now they’re after more. Blocking access to crown land is illegal. The crown should have the blockades taken down.

07-31-2020, 11:04 AM
The Canadian ''SPEC-OPS'' troops should be used to clean this mess up, permanently. This would entail some expenditures on ammo, etc., but, it is the right way to go.

07-31-2020, 11:36 AM
And this is the attitude that allows our rights to be taken away.

The government acknowledged that non-Treaty people hunt and fish for subsistence, and that it is essential to allow them to do so.
The government even issues area specific permission (a licence) for individuals to practice this right.
The purpose of this area specific permission ( licence) is not to decide who has the right to hunt these animals, but as a means to protect specific wildlife from overharvest, as demanded by the Province's obligation upon Its accepting the responsibility of holding Wildlife in trust for the People , and agreed to by the People.

As an essential service, hunting and fishing when and where authorized by government permission ( the licence), cannot be restricted by contradictory government orders such as "stay local".

My attitude or the BCWF attitude? I was just asking a question as I would assume the BCWF is the leading advocate for hunting in BC, and was successful in advocating that hunting and fishing be recognized as an essential service. BCWF acknowledged not just the BC Gov. Covid Info on Hunting and Fishing as an essential service, but also local governments, First Nations etc responsibility to protect their communities. Regarding your observations re. government acknowledgement of non-Treaty people hunting and issuing licenses etc. You are sadly misinformed. But that is not the conversation here. The issue is how to address the concerns of remote communities FN and Non-First Nation alike while maintaining an opportunity to get out and salvage hunting plans. Further as we all know this issue really should have been presented a month or more ago, and I am tending to side with majority that there is an underlying issue. Which may be to address the lack of essential resources within the region, such as medical transport and pharmacy outlets etc. which has been mentioned in the reports a number of times. It looks like Doug Donaldson and the Province has their work cut out for them over the next few days to address the concerns.

07-31-2020, 11:46 AM
I called and emailed the Stikine MLA.

07-31-2020, 12:04 PM
I called and emailed the Stikine MLA.

and ALL is GOOD Now ? :razz: RJ

07-31-2020, 12:15 PM
Seems the Tahltan will be ........ closing all resident hunting of these two MU's. They cited COVID-19 issues.

I wonder if it's being closed to outfitters as well? I heard some outfitters were still operating taking on Canadian Residents as clients at reduced rates....

07-31-2020, 12:22 PM
I also heard this from a guide I know.

I wonder if it's being closed to outfitters as well? I heard some outfitters were still operating taking on Canadian Residents as clients at reduced rates....

07-31-2020, 12:56 PM
So if they aren't letting us in, then maybe we should block the highways in and prevent supplies from coming in? Good ol' fashioned siege...

07-31-2020, 01:25 PM
Wouldn’t blocking a fsr to keep hunters out be the same as interfering with a legal hunt? I agree with comments about blocking the natives from getting off the reserve or getting food/gas. Give them a taste of their own medicine and see how long it takes for them to cave or the cops to come rescue them

07-31-2020, 10:26 PM
I’m sitting in Dease now. No roadblocks or picket lines. Business as usual.

07-31-2020, 11:50 PM
I’m sitting in Dease now. No roadblocks or picket lines. Business as usual.
Have a great trip look forward to your stories when you return.

08-01-2020, 04:44 AM
I’m sitting in Dease now. No roadblocks or picket lines. Business as usual.

Thanks for the reply that’s great news!!!

08-01-2020, 07:27 AM
COs said there are gates on the Stakine boat launch and other popular roads in that area now and are manned 24/7 as of now. Would love for this to not be true but that's what I was told.Can this be verified ?

08-01-2020, 07:37 AM
I have buddy’s in the Dease area as well no issues .

08-04-2020, 12:55 PM
Any other updates? I’m leaving in 2 weeks to fly out of dease

08-04-2020, 02:38 PM
The boys seen 7 rams none legal today lol

08-04-2020, 06:41 PM
Well, I'm heading to 6-20 on the 23rd...will see what happens...2 meters RIGHT????

08-04-2020, 07:36 PM
I heading that way on the 14th

08-04-2020, 08:04 PM
I just spoke with parks in Dease only boat launches and fsr are blocked. Gated. Highway isn’t can’t legAly. She said that the gas station is open and to her knowledge no one has been denied fuel. She said social distance and be diplomatic. She took my number and said she would call if anything changes. I leave myself at end of August so will call again closer for an update.

08-05-2020, 12:49 PM
I just spoke with parks in Dease only boat launches and fsr are blocked. Gated. Highway isn’t can’t legAly. She said that the gas station is open and to her knowledge no one has been denied fuel. She said social distance and be diplomatic. She took my number and said she would call if anything changes. I leave myself at end of August so will call again closer for an update.
Cant legally block fsr and boat launches either...

08-05-2020, 03:24 PM
I wondering how welcome i'll be in Atlin when i go for my caribou hunt in 6-25

08-05-2020, 05:30 PM
Is anything actually blocked yet?

08-05-2020, 06:07 PM
I wondering how welcome i'll be in Atlin when i go for my caribou hunt in 6-25


08-06-2020, 11:51 AM
well it doesn't say there blocking any roads yet ... just not welcome , i'll still be heading up there , see what happens

08-06-2020, 12:09 PM
Cant legally block fsr and boat launches either...
I am aware it isn't legal however it is an RCMP, C.O. and currently an NDP government issue to deal with. its been happening for far too long and I sure the hell ain't turning around when I get there....

08-07-2020, 08:26 AM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

08-07-2020, 09:20 AM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

coming from Someone who zero credibility, I would take the quote with a large grain of salt.

08-07-2020, 09:39 AM
coming from Someone who zero credibility, I would take the quote with a large grain of salt.

I liked that it was there first post. Haha

08-07-2020, 09:43 AM
Drove through yesterday. Only sign of anything was a gate at the Todagin trail. No one there. Wooden posts and steel gate. Could easily hike past it.

08-07-2020, 11:02 AM
We are not afraid of gates - have a master key from every gate.
Just wondering if Klappan Road really washed out ? Does anybody know ?

08-07-2020, 01:05 PM
We are not afraid of gates - have a master key from every gate.
Just wondering if Klappan Road really washed out ? Does anybody know ?

Just got an email from government :
The Klappan Rail Grade (also known as the Ealue Lake Road), 143 km in total, is the primary road access to Management Unit 6-20 and recent heavy rain events and a road failure has made the road impassable to all motor vehicles (including ATVs) beyond the 28 km mark. Access into the area is still available by water or air. Please take this information in to consideration while planning a hunt in this area. See below for a map of the impacted area.

LEH authorizations for these areas are still valid and the hunting seasons remain open and unchanged. LEH authorizations are not transferable and can not be deferred to other times.

Hunters are reminded to be aware of COVID 19 precautions and restrictions. Please visit https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/fishing-hunting/fishing-and-hunting-covid-19-updates for more information.

Please contact fishandwildlife@gov.bc.ca if you have any questions.

08-07-2020, 01:07 PM
Spoke to a CO from the Terrace office today...They are in discussion with the higher ups as to who they are going to support on this issue of access closures.

Everyone needs to call in and leave a complaint of possibility of interference of legal hunt...last I checked this is still Canada!

08-07-2020, 01:39 PM
I call bullshit
atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The co agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home i feel

08-07-2020, 03:12 PM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

Ya right, first post on this site with that handle?? LOL. Good try

08-07-2020, 04:28 PM
phoned atlin inn...pubs closed restaurant is closed , other than that business as as usual..

08-08-2020, 08:31 AM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

TELL us More ! Who are you ? You have Heard ?? ONLY so you don't really know ? Trolling ?? RJ

08-08-2020, 08:57 AM
Went through Hwy 37 on the 30th, no signs of any blocks, on the Hwy or in the place we hunted. Road check (Non FN) at the 37/Alaska Hwy junction yesterday , only asking where we were going. Not sure if things have changed On Hwy 37 since the 30th though.

08-08-2020, 11:42 AM
It seems like all you guys know better anyway.
Well, you will find out soon enough.
It's not worth my time arguing with you.
All I wanted to do was give a heads up on the current situation.

08-08-2020, 01:03 PM
We are not afraid of gates - have a master key from every gate.
Just wondering if Klappan Road really washed out ? Does anybody know ?

I know that Ive been there every year, spring and fall for the last 5 years, and that it washes out every year,,,FN usually fixes it,,but maybe they arent going to this year

08-08-2020, 01:04 PM
It seems like all you guys know better anyway.
Well, you will find out soon enough.
It's not worth my time arguing with you.
All I wanted to do was give a heads up on the current situation.

That was Very Thoughtfull of you ! Thks ! :wink: RJ

08-08-2020, 04:30 PM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

Ahhh the internet where anything is possible lol

08-08-2020, 06:08 PM
Sure nice of ya to join in Aug and spew what appears to be some BS. SO much of this these days online with fishing, hunting, hiking etc. Just general fear mongering.

Good on ElectricDyck for making a real life PHONECALL and getting some accurate info.

It seems like all you guys know better anyway.
Well, you will find out soon enough.
It's not worth my time arguing with you.
All I wanted to do was give a heads up on the current situation.

Foxton Gundogs
08-08-2020, 07:02 PM
It seems like all you guys know better anyway.
Well, you will find out soon enough.
It's not worth my time arguing with you.
All I wanted to do was give a heads up on the current situation.

No you just wanted to stir the pot, I, may not know better but my friends that live in that area probably do. ElectricDick and Decker have it about bang on.

08-08-2020, 07:56 PM
Atlin is closed. The main roads into the bush have road blocks, chains and are manned.
It seems like they taking this very serious.
I heard that they made people turn around.
It says they have the right if the province is in emergency mode.
The CO agrees with this.
It's going to be a long drive back home I feel

Complete bullshit ... Ironically enough your from atlin , just became a member and oh so conveniently your handle is named after the place ... Oh and trying to be a hero by giving a heads up ?!!! Lmao funny guy ..

Everyone ..let's pack up and hit Atlin area . Be sure to get there a week or two early just incase . Strength in numbers .. . Not that we will need it. But hey . Have a good season around Atlin area plenty of game to be had for everyone

08-14-2020, 07:43 AM
For whom it may concern.

08-14-2020, 07:48 AM
Doesn’t concern us, we are all residents of this province.

Walking Buffalo
08-14-2020, 09:03 AM
Even if someone was to listen to this suggestion, Hunting and Fishing are defined as Essential (government directive) to ALL BC citizens.

First Nations are going to have to accept that Hunting and Fishing are a Human right that doesn't apply to just themselves.

08-14-2020, 10:34 AM
I already told one of my local CO's that I'll be taking a cutting torch with me on my hunts...everyone needs to call in and voice their opinions on natives Interfering With A Legal Hunt...Enough is Enough!!

08-14-2020, 06:54 PM
Its my god given right to hunt anywhere i want in this province , And i plan on exercising my right . have no plans on going into any ones community . i'll be bring everything with me. so suck it up

338win mag
08-14-2020, 07:36 PM
Cut the bullshit, time for FN in this Country to come to terms with...they don't give rights God already gave, so bugger off.
If Covid is a concern then take the precautions everyone else has to take with their most vulnerable.

pro 111
08-14-2020, 08:59 PM
Bunch of ****ing bulshit . I was just up there fueling my truck at the dease lake store . Yanks fueling liquor store packed full a natives and non. no masks or gloves to be seen anywhere. Enough is enough . **** the bulshit. No one gives a shit about covid. Just another sorry ass excuse to try and **** over the tax paying residents of british columbia. I say all the hunters in BC that hold a valid hunters licence and that hunt the north just pile in there like ****inn cordwood and make a stand before this gets really outa hand. Or block off highway 37 for a couple months and shut down the highway. Dont let any supplies in there.

pro 111
08-14-2020, 09:10 PM
Any Cop or conservation officer that stands up for this horseshit should not be a civil servant for the people of BC. we all like to hunt and have the right. Cops and CO,s grab a set of balls and tell horgan to shove a bison horn up his ass. The NDP are responsible for the biggest breakout of racism anywhere ever in B.C.
If your a cop or a CO and you stand on this line and back up the bulshit , Then plain and simple you should be fired. Because you no longer work for the majority of people in British Columbia. If its conservation fine. If the Towns dont want people in there community then fair enough. Going into the backcountry is totally irelavent.
enough of the bullshit.

338win mag
08-14-2020, 09:22 PM
Talk about the tail wagging the dog.....

08-15-2020, 08:19 AM

08-15-2020, 09:26 AM

Sorry, I don't recognize the validity of Indian proclamations in regards to crown land in Canada.

08-15-2020, 09:27 AM
Take your posters and shove them . my goverment says i can still hunt and thats what i intend to do .. if you guys are that worried about it stay home ..

338win mag
08-15-2020, 10:00 AM
Take your posters and shove them . my goverment says i can still hunt and thats what i intend to do .. if you guys are that worried about it stay home ..
There is a 10ftx10ft sign entering the res near me that says...because of Covid, "you are not welcome".
OK then, I won't spend a cent on any business operating off that particular res, and I spend about 10,000 on fuel annually.
They can all FO.

08-15-2020, 10:11 AM
There is a 10ftx10ft sign entering the res near me that says...because of Covid, "you are not welcome".
OK then, I won't spend a cent on any business operating off that particular res, and I spend about 10,000 on fuel annually.
They can all FO.
Like you say i have no intention on going on there res or even near it , i'll be hunting on crown land

08-15-2020, 11:40 PM
I ll say it again good leadership requires the force to advance, there's enough for all...these bands are thinking small and not for the good of all humans...be better than Canada's example of a leader (insert spit to the ground) and lead Canada, stop thinking small..

08-19-2020, 07:29 AM
They are shutting down access to almost all areas of Region 6. They have gated public roads and blocked others so they are impassible .. The local Authorities will do nothing to uphold the law , unless of course we break it trying to access CROWN LAND that belongs to all British Columbians. Us hunters have no rights anymore , we can only hunt where the FN and Govt say we can hunt !!! What a crime , our world is changing for the worse, and we’re handcuffed. We all need to band together and fight the Government on this matter.

08-19-2020, 08:17 AM
It would appear that the FN are taking a lesson from our esteemed leader and are using the Covid mess as a cover to push forward with their agendas. They know that the current federal and provincial government will do little or nothing to stop it at this time and they also know that the vast majority of 'licensed' resident hunters are sticking close to home and will know nothing about it. Additionally, the outfitter presence in the backcountry is way down as well due to the pandemic, so there is little conflict in that regard. Lastly, being native issues, the RCMP and CO's are not going to do anything unless directed to do it by their superiors, all of whom will be shying away from any confrontations that could come back and haunt with regards to promotions.

Perfect timing for them top pull this off. Resident hunters are getting royally screwed and there is nothing that can be done about it unless there is a major uprising and the odds of that
are slim as they are all too busy with the covid related issues in their lives like jobs, day care and everything else in their day to day lives that has been affected.

Very sad situation. This was all coming down the pike anyways, but the pandemic has allowed things to speed up.

08-19-2020, 08:24 AM

That does not apply to CROWN LAND. .... Shut down the reserves all you want . all the best to ya pal . As stated .cutting torches will be a part of the tool arsenal in pickups this fall . Can't get into trouble for gaining access to an area illegally blocked .have a good season everybody !

08-19-2020, 12:48 PM
Newbie here. Very concerned about this thread so I phoned a CO in the Dease Lake area, he said that FN (Tahltan specifically) are in the process of setting up concrete blocking on hunting access roads, gates on others and will block the Stikine River boat launch. He said it's ramping up quickly and he is very concerned about the potential for conflict with hunters. He said that he has raised the issue with his supervisors but no direction has been given on how to respond. Not good.

I then phoned the Tahltan communication contact on their communication and he blunted said "you are not welcome here!!"

Going to be an interesting hunting season up there.

That does not apply to CROWN LAND. .... Shut down the reserves all you want . all the best to ya pal . As stated .cutting torches will be a part of the tool arsenal in pickups this fall . Can't get into trouble for gaining access to an area illegally blocked .have a good season everybody !

08-19-2020, 12:55 PM
Newbie here. Very concerned about this thread so I phoned a CO in the Dease Lake area, he said that FN (Tahltan specifically) are in the process of setting up concrete blocking on hunting access roads, gates on others and will block the Stikine River boat launch. He said it's ramping up quickly and he is very concerned about the potential for conflict with hunters. He said that he has raised the issue with his supervisors but no direction has been given on how to respond. Not good.

I then phoned the Tahltan communication contact on their communication and he blunted said "you are not welcome here!!"

Going to be an interesting hunting season up there.

Need to take a cutting torch & battery powered angle grinder to cut locks/gates, tow rope/winch to pull concrete blocks out of the way and hunt in a larger group than normal...strength in numbers!

08-19-2020, 02:05 PM
That does not apply to CROWN LAND. .... Shut down the reserves all you want . all the best to ya pal . As stated .cutting torches will be a part of the tool arsenal in pickups this fall . Can't get into trouble for gaining access to an area illegally blocked .have a good season everybody !
Exactly....cutting torches or bolt cutters, everyone hunting up there I wish you all the best, remember as of right now you are legally allowed to hunt in that area...

pro 111
08-19-2020, 09:14 PM
What about the non native residents of Dease Lake? Are you guys kicked outa your hunting spots too?lol.
What about the Taltan that go to Terrace for real medical emergencies. Are you guys kicked off your hunting territory when you return? What if your family members are sick and in long term care in a hospital in a city and your traveling back and fourth from your small communities and villages. Are you too kicked outa the back country?
What if a village member is sevearly hurt and needs emediate medical help to save a life ? Pretty sure its gonna be an Asian , South African , or a White or Black doctor or nurse that helps save your life?
Pretty embarrasing to be so selfish in one respect and then expect everyone to welcome you with open arms in the event of an emergengy. But you will be welcomed because real Canadians do that. We help each other and work together. We dont go out of our way to create racism. When is this horseshit gonna be dealt with.
BC hunters are kicked outa the back country ! Rich americans can travel through at will with no masks on and go shopping in the dease lake store and fuel up there winabagos and mingle with the town folk in that tiny little opening in the dease lake store..
Where i was a short time ago. NO-ONE. I mean NO-ONE was wearing a mask or social distancing. And the liquor store in there was packed. None of the residents that worked at that store showed one sign of giving a shit about Corona Virus. I agree keep non residents outa your comunity and keep the people safe.Limit that to essential service only. Those are fair and reasonable things to ask for.Dont try and **** a guy and his buddies out of a hunting trip. WTF is this province coming too. if A BC resident plans out his trip , Gets his supplies elsewhere. Fuels up somewhere else. Uses gloves and a mask in the case of an emergency and wants to go hunting . Who cares. giver.
We survived our backcountry hunt , the Ram we shot never gave us Corona Virus . :twisted::twisted::twisted:
Good luck to all races this coming season . I hope your hunts go as planned and you all fill your freezers with healthy meat.

08-20-2020, 08:31 AM

08-20-2020, 08:40 AM
Hahaha "Tahltan Guardians"

08-20-2020, 09:11 AM
CO's mailbox in Dease Lake.
I'm looking for answers.

08-20-2020, 09:17 AM
We will see where this is truly heading if and when some regular licensed residents on a hunting trip run into the 'Tahltan Guardians'. The results of from a couple of those occurrences will give us a clearer picture. There is the potential for things to turn into a real CF or it could see residents finding out that the banning of recreation in the back country is just a lot of hot air. Time will tell.

08-20-2020, 09:51 AM

easy enough to cut the bolts or just hook up a tow rope and rip the whole damn gate out of the ground. They do not own crown land. screw their gates and signs, they mean nothing

08-20-2020, 10:05 AM
Where are those gates located? Looks like Gnat pass?

08-20-2020, 10:22 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=8014&stc=1 Betcha the Government (tax payers) paid for the materials one way or another. What a crock of BS.

08-20-2020, 11:11 AM
Pretty sad we pay as tax payers for everything they have and then they lock us out of our crown land .. i'll be bringing my cordless grinder and chains with me this year..

Rob Chipman
08-20-2020, 12:12 PM
Contact your MLAs, MPs, the Premier, Wilkinson, Donaldson, Rustad, etc. See my post in BCWF sub-forum for email addresses.

If you're willing to take grinders and cutting torches then sending one email to multiple recipients can't be hard. Let them know that this isn't something that politicians can ignore.

08-20-2020, 12:55 PM
Contact your MLAs, MPs, the Premier, Wilkinson, Donaldson, Rustad, etc. See my post in BCWF sub-forum for email addresses.

If you're willing to take grinders and cutting torches then sending one email to multiple recipients can't be hard. Let them know that this isn't something that politicians can ignore.
Done sent one to Horgan and my MLA

08-20-2020, 01:33 PM
Contact your MLAs, MPs, the Premier, Wilkinson, Donaldson, Rustad, etc. See my post in BCWF sub-forum for email addresses.

If you're willing to take grinders and cutting torches then sending one email to multiple recipients can't be hard. Let them know that this isn't something that politicians can ignore.

Did that the day BCWF provided the information. Doesn't seem like its done much. I am willing to do whatever it takes :)

08-20-2020, 05:15 PM
Contact the Natural Resource Office....they say blocking crown land is a NO GO!!!!

Walking Buffalo
08-21-2020, 09:39 AM
I'll keep pronouncing the mantra.

Hunting and Fishing are Essential Services.

You can't have your travel impeded due to covid.

Not even by an illegal gate.

08-21-2020, 09:56 AM
I have spoke with the RCMP at Dease Lake, the Dease Lake CO as well as the CO Supervisor for all of Region 6. Things in the region are like nothing any of them have ever seen before and they have all been stationed there for years. These officers have requested the Government step in and intervene but as usual , our worthless government does nothing until things get out of control. Canadians tax payers are being denied access to CROWN LAND that we ALL have the right to use . They are being threatened and harassed by a group of people who want all the land for THEMSELVES. This has absolutely nothing to do with Covid, it’s a battle the FN has been fighting since the early 2000s and our Government has just given them another tool to fight this battle . I’m 50 years old , born and raised in BC , paid taxes my whole life and I’ve hunted Northern Bc for 30 years to feed my family and enjoy OUR Land . I will be damned if ANYONE is going to take that away from me . The Government will be forced to step in when things get out of hand and they WILL at some point get out of hand . I only hope that no lives are lost while us tax paying CANADIANS are trying to access OUR TRADITIONAL TERRITORY.... Hang on , it’s gonna get bumpy!

08-21-2020, 10:29 AM
You are so right . It’s time to STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR WHATS OURS !!! Words are cheap , action isn’t . This is all of our land and the resources belong to every Canadian .....

08-21-2020, 10:33 AM
... These officers have requested the Government step in and intervene...

What? Who should intervene ? The clerk from the ministry ?
These officers - are law enforcement officers. They are the law enforcement force of the government. And if they know about the law violation they have to step in themselves and stop the law violation and arrest the violators if needed and put chargers against violators.

08-21-2020, 10:40 AM
In Canada it is LEGAL to protest , it’s also legal to recreate in Crown Land . Not until a violation has taken place , can law enforcement officers step in. There’s literally 100s of roads in this area and there’s 4 law enforcement officers for thousands of kilometres of road . The Federal or Provincial Government needs to make a statement and make in know that public land must not be blocked for access .

08-21-2020, 10:44 AM
In Canada it is LEGAL to protest , it’s also legal to recreate in Crown Land . Not until a violation has taken place , can law enforcement officers step in. There’s literally 100s of roads in this area and there’s 4 law enforcement officers for thousands of kilometres of road . The Federal or Provincial Government needs to make a statement and make in know that public land must not be blocked for access .

You are exactly right!!! Need to make a statement before any conflict occurs, cause it will happen.

08-21-2020, 11:21 AM
In Canada it is LEGAL to protest , it’s also legal to recreate in Crown Land . Not until a violation has taken place , can law enforcement officers step in. There’s literally 100s of roads in this area and there’s 4 law enforcement officers for thousands of kilometres of road . The Federal or Provincial Government needs to make a statement and make in know that public land must not be blocked for access .

The using the rights by one person does not have to interfere with the right of another.
Just try to protest in Victoria in front of legislative building and restrict MLA to enter the building and you will be arrested in 2 min.
Their right to protest ends where my right to use crown land starts.

Rob Chipman
08-21-2020, 11:36 AM
I have spoke with the RCMP at Dease Lake, the Dease Lake CO as well as the CO Supervisor for all of Region 6. Things in the region are like nothing any of them have ever seen before and they have all been stationed there for years.....

Please send the emails to your elected representatives. Addresses are in my post in the BCWF sub-forum.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Covid, it’s a battle the FN has been fighting since the early 2000s....

If we're going to get through this current conflict it's worth understanding how the various sides see things. The Tahltan (and other First Nations in BC) have actually been on the record as fighting this well over 100 years. They've really begun getting traction recently, but they saw what was coming and opposed it a century ago. Agree with their position or not, like what they say or not, the fact remains that the Tahltan have been at it a long time and their position has been pretty consistent. Copied below is a Tahltan Nation Declaration from 1910. Take a look at the 5th article. The guys who wrote that in 1910 weren't wrong on that, for sure.

We, the undersigned members of the Tahltan tribe, speaking for ourselves, and our entire tribe, hereby make known to all whom it may concern, that we have heard of the Indian Rights movement among the Indian tribes of the Coast, and of the southern interior of B.C.. Also we have read the Declaration made by the chiefs of the southern interior tribes at Spences Bridge on the 16th July last, and we hereby declare our complete agreement with the demands of same, and with the position taken by the said chiefs, and their people on all the questions stated in the said Declaration, and we furthermore make known that it is our desire and intention to join with them in the fight for our mutual rights, and that we will assist in the furtherance of this object in every way we can, until such time as all these matters of moment to us are finally settled. We further declare as follows:—

Firstly—We claim the sovereign right to all the country of our tribe—this country of ours which we have held intact from the encroachments of other tribes, from time immemorial, at the cost of our own blood. We have done this because our lives depended on our country. We have never treated with them, nor given them any such title. (We have only very lately learned the B.C. government makes this claim, and that it has for long considered as its property all the territories of the Indian tribes in B.C.)

Secondly--We desire that a part of our country, consisting of one or more large areas (to be erected by us),be retained by us for our own use, said lands and all thereon to be acknowledged by the government as our absolute property. The rest of our tribal land we are willing to relinquish to the B.C. government for adequate compensation.

Thirdly—We wish it known that a small portion of our lands at the mouth of the Tahltan river, was set apart a few years ago by Mr. Vowell as an Indian reservation. These few acres are the only reservation made for our tribe. We may state we never applied for the reservation of this piece of land, and we had no knowledge why the government set it apart for us, nor do we know exactly yet.

Fourthly–-We desire that all questions regarding our lands, hunting, fishing, etc., and every matter concerning our welfare, be settled by treaty between us and the Dominion and B.C. governments.

Fifthly—We are of the opinion it will be better for ourselves, also better for the governments and all concerned, if these treaties are made with us at a very early date, so all friction, and misunderstanding between us and the whites may be avoided, for we hear lately much talk of white settlement in the region, and the building of railways, etc., in the near future.

Signed at Telegraph Creek, B.C., this eighteenth day of October, nineteen hundred and ten, by
Nanok, Chief of the Tahltans
Nastulta, alias Little Jackson
George Assadza, Kenetl, alias Big Jackson
and eighty other members of the tribe

08-21-2020, 08:45 PM
I have spoke with the RCMP at Dease Lake, the Dease Lake CO as well as the CO Supervisor for all of Region 6. Things in the region are like nothing any of them have ever seen before and they have all been stationed there for years. These officers have requested the Government step in and intervene but as usual , our worthless government does nothing until things get out of control. Canadians tax payers are being denied access to CROWN LAND that we ALL have the right to use . They are being threatened and harassed by a group of people who want all the land for THEMSELVES. This has absolutely nothing to do with Covid, it’s a battle the FN has been fighting since the early 2000s and our Government has just given them another tool to fight this battle . I’m 50 years old , born and raised in BC , paid taxes my whole life and I’ve hunted Northern Bc for 30 years to feed my family and enjoy OUR Land . I will be damned if ANYONE is going to take that away from me . The Government will be forced to step in when things get out of hand and they WILL at some point get out of hand . I only hope that no lives are lost while us tax paying CANADIANS are trying to access OUR TRADITIONAL TERRITORY.... Hang on , it’s gonna get bumpy!

Spot on my scenario and thoughts!

08-22-2020, 07:04 AM
Heading in to Tahltan "Territory" this morning...I've got moose and bear tags....the Canadian government lists these areas as open for moose starting tomorrow morning.

I'll be taking a mask with me so I don't get covid from the bush...be safe everyone!

08-22-2020, 08:39 AM
Heading in to Tahltan "Territory" this morning...I've got moose and bear tags....the Canadian government lists these areas as open for moose starting tomorrow morning.

I'll be taking a mask with me so I don't get covid from the bush...be safe everyone!

Good luck Hawk, give us a status update when you get back.

08-22-2020, 01:45 PM
Sure funny how we are welcome with open arms when they need us for forest fires or medical or grocery supplies .. ect , why just two days ago i was on one of our local rez with a logging truck load of firewood with open arms
any other time its get off my land whitie .

08-22-2020, 06:03 PM
Sure funny how we are welcome with open arms when they need us for forest fires or medical or grocery supplies .. ect , why just two days ago i was on one of our local rez with a logging truck load of firewood with open arms
any other time its get off my land whitie .

Why were you giving them a load of fire wood then, your complaining about them getting everything but you do it your self.

08-22-2020, 06:31 PM
Why were you giving them a load of fire wood then, your complaining about them getting everything but you do it your self. wasn't giving them anything .. its my job what else was i suppose to do

pro 111
08-23-2020, 08:38 AM
another thing that should be pointed out is the Taltahn a couple months ago put out a request to reopen Grizzly bear hunting for hunters in there tradition territory because they were so destructive to the ungulate populations and growing outa controll.
So wich is it? LOL.
If i were a betting man I would say the local outfitters have something to do with this as well. Not just the band councils.

08-23-2020, 08:59 AM
pro 111 :
If i were a betting man I would say the local outfitters have something to do with this as well. Not just the band councils.

bear Valley could fill you in on that thought ! RJ

08-23-2020, 09:31 AM
another thing that should be pointed out is the Taltahn a couple months ago put out a request to reopen Grizzly bear hunting for hunters in there tradition territory because they were so destructive to the ungulate populations and growing outa controll.
So wich is it? LOL.
If i were a betting man I would say the local outfitters have something to do with this as well. Not just the band councils.

Aren’t some outfitters owned by first nations in this area? Not sure how to find out but it would be interesting to know.

08-25-2020, 06:51 AM
Aren’t some outfitters owned by first nations in this area? Not sure how to find out but it would be interesting to know.

Yes several outfitters are First Nations owned. Tahltan have been in the guiding business for over a hundred years. There’s. I question this influences Tahltan views on wildlife management as they have a lot of people who know a lot about wildlife, but from a guides perspective.

08-25-2020, 09:20 AM
Sure funny how we are welcome with open arms when they need us for forest fires or medical or grocery supplies .. ect , why just two days ago i was on one of our local rez with a logging truck load of firewood with open arms
any other time its get off my land whitie . How dear ya giving them long logs....no cutting and splitting done??means WORK for somebody..dear dear..:shock:

08-26-2020, 10:11 PM

08-26-2020, 10:27 PM
Looks like Government won't do anything to remove blockade and even does not control the situation and does not want or cannot take the situation under control.

338win mag
08-27-2020, 05:32 AM
I have said this before, any "indigenous" who speaks against the "Crown" or King of England needs to look at some facts.
Here it is, it is only because of the "honor of the crown" can these people live with their scalps intact. If it were not for the King of England, all indigenous in this country would be speaking Spanish or Russian, only a fool would think otherwise.

Here is a shameful truth....these people who are wishing to hunt have contributed massively to our Country for generation's, and some of their Fathers and Grandfathers fought in how many wars for this Country? To be treated like this by a pos like Chad Day or another pos like Horgan, I find despicable.

08-27-2020, 07:27 AM
In Canada it is LEGAL to protest , it’s also legal to recreate in Crown Land . Not until a violation has taken place , can law enforcement officers step in. There’s literally 100s of roads in this area and there’s 4 law enforcement officers for thousands of kilometres of road . The Federal or Provincial Government needs to make a statement and make in know that public land must not be blocked for access .Maybe send in some UN Peacekeepers )

08-27-2020, 07:33 AM
Until there is serious organized push back. The phucking with your freedom will continue.

08-27-2020, 07:45 AM
Just continues to PROVE that those RACIST Indians have WAY more rights here in BC then even the Indigenous Whiteys such as my self and many others have and the GOV does nor care or give a dam ! Maybe some Blood will have to shed to sort things out a BIT ! :mad: RJ

08-27-2020, 10:56 AM

08-27-2020, 01:09 PM
Northern BC should join Alberta. I am tired of the phucken tree huggers in the lower mainland and Vanc Island making decisions effecting Northern BC that are none of their business. This crap wouldn't fly in Alberta. And as long as this province has the inept NDP in power it only going to get worse. Some might say, if you feel that way why don't you move to Alberta? I say screw that, let's bring Alberta here.

08-27-2020, 02:51 PM
I’m interesting in hearing real updates from reputable members on here?

08-27-2020, 03:28 PM
"Land Guardians" give me a break! How about Rural Terrorists.

08-27-2020, 04:27 PM
Just got back from Tahltan Territory, they have one less Bull Moose to worry about.

300 PRC and 245 EOL's, the hammer from hell...LOL....:)

08-27-2020, 05:47 PM
Very nice - considerate of you to take care of that problem for them!. Any photos you are willing to share?

Just got back from Tahltan Territory, they have one less Bull Moose to worry about.

300 PRC and 245 EOL's, the hammer from hell...LOL....:)

08-27-2020, 05:59 PM
"Land Guardians" give me a break! How about Rural Terrorists.

The TTT is controlling NW BC - Tiliban Tahltan Terrorist Indians ! :mad: RJ

08-27-2020, 06:39 PM
We’re in Dease lake right now came from Alberta Via Dawson creek and Watson lake didn’t see any blockades at all. The boat launches on the rivers were open where ever we seen them. Heading into the back country in the morning.

08-27-2020, 08:39 PM
Just got out of Dease a few days ago. Most or all access roads were blocked with cement blocks or cables on the highway south. Didn't see a single person manning any of them. Looked like the Stikine launch by the bridge was blocked too though no people there either.

Arctic Lake
08-28-2020, 08:06 AM
All you that are headed up that way good luck to you but please be safe !
This situation needs to stop . Covid is as mentioned before just an opportunistic ploy to further the real agenda for First Nations !
Abiding by Wildlife regulations .Those of you that have worked ,contributed to society , payed taxes etc. are in my view entitled to pursue your passion on crown land without being denied access or harassment ! My opinion !
Arctic Lake

08-28-2020, 10:47 AM
Just a word of caution, another group I met while up there said the "Tahltan Guardian" who talked to them asked them if they would shoot a cow moose for her...sounds like a set up for sure!

Be safe...:)

08-29-2020, 06:20 PM
Just got back from Tahltan Territory, they have one less Bull Moose to worry about.

300 PRC and 245 EOL's, the hammer from hell...LOL....:)

Excellent ! Congrats on a Bull Moose ! :smile: RJ

08-31-2020, 09:00 PM
The blocks that were put down on the Willow Creek FSR have been mysteriously pushed aside........ :-)

09-01-2020, 06:08 PM
A friend with moo draws up there called the COs. They said move those blocks aside so you can access your boat launch. I know extra RCMP have been sent up there.

09-01-2020, 06:23 PM
Just got back from Tahltan Territory, they have one less Bull Moose to worry about.

300 PRC and 245 EOL's, the hammer from hell...LOL....:)

congrats, good to hear it!

09-02-2020, 09:09 AM
Just heard on cbc the tahltan are stepping up their message and enforcement due to the current flood of dis-respectful hunters in region 6.
what a mess our province has become!
I suspect this to turn ugly before long, when a certain race starts trying to turn law abiding, tax paying resident hunters away.
I already had to make other arrangements for my entire summers tidal fishing plans, now this???
This has nothing to do with COVID, on remote parts of BC’s coast or Northern back country...

09-03-2020, 01:04 PM
Has anyone been to Atlin hunting yet? Any issues with blockades up there?

09-03-2020, 01:50 PM
This is only the beginning. Wake up bc resident hunters.

09-03-2020, 07:40 PM
This is only the beginning. Wake up bc resident hunters.

Love to hear what you are referring to?

09-04-2020, 05:26 AM
What the individual is referring to is the 180 degree flip flop the BC ministry for Forest Lands and Resources has done on this matter. You can look on the provincial website, as they point out that travellers are to respect roadblocks set up by the First Nations. And "while hunting was deemed an essential service, this in practise refers to hunting locally for food cultivation to support sustenance harvest opportunities. Travelling to hunt is considered recreational and therefore is non-essential." When dealing with bureaucrats, don't expect them to be on your side when the going gets rough.

09-04-2020, 08:54 AM
What the individual is referring to is the 180 degree flip flop the BC ministry for Forest Lands and Resources has done on this matter. You can look on the provincial website, as they point out that travellers are to respect roadblocks set up by the First Nations. And "while hunting was deemed an essential service, this in practise refers to hunting locally for food cultivation to support sustenance harvest opportunities. Travelling to hunt is considered recreational and therefore is non-essential." When dealing with bureaucrats, don't expect them to be on your side when the going gets rough.

This is so infuriating. I'm tired of spineless governments taking it in the but on natvie issues. One law for all.

09-04-2020, 09:07 AM
This is so infuriating. I'm tired of spineless governments taking it in the but on natvie issues. One law for all. The only thing more pathetic than the Provincial NDP Government is our Federal Liebral Government. They are only interested in pandering to special interest groups and screwing the hard working tax payer.

Walking Buffalo
09-04-2020, 09:36 AM
What the individual is referring to is the 180 degree flip flop the BC ministry for Forest Lands and Resources has done on this matter. You can look on the provincial website, as they point out that travellers are to respect roadblocks set up by the First Nations. And "while hunting was deemed an essential service, this in practise refers to hunting locally for food cultivation to support sustenance harvest opportunities. Travelling to hunt is considered recreational and therefore is non-essential." When dealing with bureaucrats, don't expect them to be on your side when the going gets rough.

Dissect that comment. Our stakeholder groups need to get the lawyers involved.

"Hunting is an essential service"....
This declaration must not be watered down.

When the government limits access to hunting opportunities through limited season dates and LEH restrictions, the hunter has no choice but to travel to where the opportunity to harvest exists.

Whoever from the government that approved the comment needs to be educated, and the government needs to publicly backtrack on this position.

It should now be clear, Hunters need to stop allowing the government and anyone else to describe this activity as "recreational".

All Hunter stakeholder groups need to put an end to the concept that Hunting is "recreational".

09-04-2020, 12:34 PM
Inflammatory CBC article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/tahltan-nation-hunting-covid19-1.5709915

If you are so worried about Plague 2.0 then stay in your villages and we promise not to visit

09-04-2020, 12:37 PM
This has SFA to do with hunting being an essential activity and how far you can travel to hunt. Call it what you want recreational hunting, sport hunting, or essential to your families needs. It makes no difference.

Last I checked we (BC) were at Covid Stage 3 of the restart plan. Nothing wrong with travelling the province to participate in a variety of activities as long as you are acting within the precautionary guidelines required of stage 3. So go wherever you want and hunt for whatever your reasons are be it food, sport, trophy, challenge, or just a reason to getaway.

This and other blockades like the one in Haida Gwaii have nothing to do with preventing the spread of Covid to remote communities, any idiot can see that. All it is doing is furthering a divide and pissing allot of people off. It's time someone in Govt acknowledges it for what it is.

09-04-2020, 12:39 PM
Dissect that comment. Our stakeholder groups need to get the lawyers involved.

"Hunting is an essential service"....
This declaration must not be watered down.

When the government limits access to hunting opportunities through limited season dates and LEH restrictions, the hunter has no choice but to travel to where the opportunity to harvest exists.

Whoever from the government that approved the comment needs to be educated, and the government needs to publicly backtrack on this position.

It should now be clear, Hunters need to stop allowing the government and anyone else to describe this activity as "recreational".

All Hunter stakeholder groups need to put an end to the concept that Hunting is "recreational".

This!! Note the fishing licenses call it recreational fishing and commercial fishing. It should state resident fishery with the FN and all other residents of this fair country (or province depending on freshwater or salt) included under that banner.

Hunting and fishing are not "recreational"

I spend approximately $500-600 on fuel to go hunting every year... that figure provides meat for the year for me and my family. There is no way I could afford to buy free range beef and chicken in the volumes we consume to replace the moose, grouse and waterfowl I bring home.

Rob Chipman
09-04-2020, 12:53 PM
- Hunting and fishing are not "recreational"

We need to change the public perception about that. Recreational activities are very easy to sideline and it doesn't really describe what we do.

- This declaration must not be watered down.

It already has been. The government has resolved the conflict by saying "local hunting is essential. Travelling hunting is *considered* recreational". It's a BS workaround, but it is the theme of the day. If you don't want it watered down hit the letters to the MLAs that I've posted before. We're at 805 and need to get to 2000, minimum. If you (everyone on this forum - I'm not pointing a finger at Walking Buffalo) don't want access watered down sign and send the letter:


-Last I checked we (BC) were at Covid Stage 3 of the restart plan.

That's the argument, but the government is getting around it with the use of "considered" as I said above. The argument is solid. The workaround is insulting BS.

09-04-2020, 03:34 PM
This government BS should surprise no one. When was the last time that licensed hunters in this province were treated fairly? You can bet on one thing, the provincial government will also use the chaos of Covid-19 as their excuse for not having the time, etc., etc. to address hunters concerns. They need to be taken to task and everyone needs to get on their case about this and continue to push them until it is dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. But we all know that won't happen..............

09-04-2020, 05:14 PM
If the CO's won't enforce the laws as written in BC, Why the phuck should I follow their laws?

338win mag
09-04-2020, 06:41 PM
Dissect that comment. Our stakeholder groups need to get the lawyers involved.

"Hunting is an essential service"....
This declaration must not be watered down.

When the government limits access to hunting opportunities through limited season dates and LEH restrictions, the hunter has no choice but to travel to where the opportunity to harvest exists.

Whoever from the government that approved the comment needs to be educated, and the government needs to publicly backtrack on this position.

It should now be clear, Hunters need to stop allowing the government and anyone else to describe this activity as "recreational".

All Hunter stakeholder groups need to put an end to the concept that Hunting is "recreational".
I agree with you. The very notion that you hunt locally is ridiculous as it doesn't apply to all hunters equally.
Its another attempt at "moving the goalposts".

Walking Buffalo
09-05-2020, 08:12 AM
- Hunting and fishing are not "recreational"

We need to change the public perception about that. Recreational activities are very easy to sideline and it doesn't really describe what we do.

- This declaration must not be watered down.

It already has been. The government has resolved the conflict by saying "local hunting is essential. Travelling hunting is *considered* recreational". It's a BS workaround, but it is the theme of the day. If you don't want it watered down hit the letters to the MLAs that I've posted before. We're at 805 and need to get to 2000, minimum. If you (everyone on this forum - I'm not pointing a finger at Walking Buffalo) don't want access watered down sign and send the letter:


-Last I checked we (BC) were at Covid Stage 3 of the restart plan.

That's the argument, but the government is getting around it with the use of "considered" as I said above. The argument is solid. The workaround is insulting BS.

This shows how important and detrimental the term 'recreational" is to the future of non-treaty hunting, and fishing.

I emphasized early on the huge implications of the government recognizing licenced hunting as "essential".

The government see it too now, thus the change in tact.

The original declaration is still a very strong tool, IF BC hunters and their stakeholders will learn to use it.

09-05-2020, 10:29 AM
All we are going to get is the usual double speak and lies from the current crop of politicians in power. Until we get rid of the NDP we will be playing second fiddle, it's as simple as that. Probably time to be hitting on the opposition parties to bring them up to speed on what is happening and hopefully find a few who are willing to start getting into Horgan's onions about it. Until we get the NDP ousted we are just going to see our ability to hunt and fish continue to erode.

09-05-2020, 12:31 PM
All we are going to get is the usual double speak and lies from the current crop of politicians in power. Until we get rid of the NDP we will be playing second fiddle, it's as simple as that. Probably time to be hitting on the opposition parties to bring them up to speed on what is happening and hopefully find a few who are willing to start getting into Horgan's onions about it. Until we get the NDP ousted we are just going to see our ability to hunt and fish continue to erode. Totally agree with you. Unfortunately the NDP is way ahead in the polls and Horgan is getting a lot of pressure from the crazies in the party to call a fall election. Anyone who has been around for awhile will remember that back to back provincial NDP governments has a terrible long term affect on the economy.

09-05-2020, 01:45 PM
So why don't we all hunt locally this time around?
Solves all the problems.

09-05-2020, 02:25 PM
So why don't we all hunt locally this time around?
Solves all the problems.

Sorry but that is one very dumb suggestion.
Where do you get wheat from? Or milk or cheese? Or apples, lemons and oranges?
You get them from local market ? LOL
or from all over Canada and the world.
You can't live locally, it is a lie.
All what you can do to keep yourself safe is to keep distance from the others.

Why do you care if someone else is in the mountain next to your village or town?
You think he can infect you ?

All you want is to block other BC residents from river rafting, fishing, mountaineering and hunting, for selfish reasons.

There is no any excuse for keeping FSRs or Rivers closed in the name of COVID protection.
Even BC government did not buy excuses from some local communities and allow blocking people from visiting their recreational properties.

This dumb idea to use COVID to block BC residents from accessing our province can only backfire and may cause the conflict (hope not).

09-05-2020, 03:31 PM
So why don't we all hunt locally this time around?
Solves all the problems.

Absolutely... Just transplant some animals over here and give us a season

That or open hunting for any and all free ranging cattle since that is the only large animal around. There is no big game hunting here except for LEH or white tail deer and I haven't seen a white tail yet... only mulies which aren't open, the gov and biologists have changed the rules enough times to force hunters to head North.

Anyways, I am hunting locally... Local to my home province of BC

09-05-2020, 09:09 PM
AtlinLocal is turning out to be quite the troll.

Vortex hunter
09-05-2020, 10:10 PM
:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: who's got popcorn

Rob Chipman
09-06-2020, 11:56 AM
"So why don't we all hunt locally this time around?
Solves all the problems."

It doesn't solve the problem at all. I live in Vancouver. There is no hunting of big game here. How do I fill my freezer if I'm required to hunt locally?

What is "local" in any event?

It's quite clear that the government is sending mixed messages. Hhunting is essential, travel through the province is fine, according to the PHO vs. travelling for hunting is "considered recreational" according to those is government tasked with enforcing unpopular laws.

The shut down of traditional territory on account of Covid is by no means as straightforward as you may try to argue.

09-06-2020, 12:32 PM
Hunt locally,I do that,but that is not the point.I am a BC resident and are allowed to hunt anywhere in BC.
It is not legal to interfere with a legal hunt.The game wardens and police need to be called in to these areas to represent the hunters request to uphold the law.Not cower under a blanket.
These indians are breaking the law and need to be arrested.It's not about covid,it is about control.The governments in power are limp to allow this to happen.

Vortex hunter
09-06-2020, 02:43 PM
Hunt locally,I do that,but that is not the point.I am a BC resident and are allowed to hunt anywhere in BC.
It is not legal to interfere with a legal hunt.The game wardens and police need to be called in to these areas to represent the hunters request to uphold the law.Not cower under a blanket.
These indians are breaking the law and need to be arrested.It's not about covid,it is about control.The governments in power are limp to allow this to happen.

EXACTLY but we all know it WILL not happen...

Stone C. Killer
09-07-2020, 02:13 PM
Why dosen't all the residents of BC live by the the same rules. Solves all the problems

09-15-2020, 07:23 PM
So what's the word? I heard the 37 is clear and the fsr road blocks you can drive around?

09-15-2020, 09:45 PM
There has been no effort to block the highway. Rumour is some of the blocks have been moved but I haven’t heard that verified.

09-17-2020, 06:28 AM
I run the highway every day in my truck from Stewart to Red Chris Mine at Tatogga Lake. The highway is all clear up to that point. The were 3 concrete blocks on Willow Creek FSR, but they just disappeared. I will update on here if I see/hear different.

09-17-2020, 07:04 AM
Thanks for the info.