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View Full Version : Info about PALs

bc sportsman
07-24-2020, 11:26 PM
I received my PAL yesterday and this time I chose to read the entire piece of paper that it was attached to. There was some additional info at the bottom of that document about "Conditions" attached to my PAL. My conditions are described as the "Standard Condition" which is informing of any change of address or name within 30 days. There is a spot for "Special Conditions" after that and I had none. Below that, in very small text are the words, "Continued on reverse" so I flipped the page over. There it says "Special Conditions (continued) Carry this document with your license card as you must be able to produce this document on demand if requested by a peace officer or other authority."

To me, this means I only have to carry this bottom piece of info with my PAL if I have Special Conditions. But, its not really clear. I phoned the CFO and the call taker said that keeping this paper with my PAL is not really required anymore as they have all the info re my "conditions" online now for the police to access. The form was created 2007/01/01. I asked if not having this paper with my PAL might be an offense under legislation/regulation or contradiction of policy that would result in some sort of penalty/sanction. She said no. What she said makes complete common sense but she could not give me a satisfactory reason why this is still on the form we get with our PAL.

Regardless, I don't want to be a test case for some over zealous Police Officer or bureaucrat looking to increase stats re firearms owners not being in compliance. Your PAL card will note if you have "Special Conditions" but may not describe them. Likely, that's the reason why the paper says you need to carry it with your PAL. I'm going to be carrying that paper with me just in case. I suggest anyone with "Special Conditions" carry that paper with their PAL. If you threw it out when you got your PAL, then I suggest you do your own due diligence and think about contacting the CFO and ask for another copy of your Special Conditions. If they say you don't need it, ask for that in writing by email or letter. Get some sort of documentation. If anyone does get such a letter or email, it would be great if they shared it with the rest of us (after removing their personal info).