View Full Version : Area 5-15 Zone B - Moose - Quesnel Lake

07-07-2020, 09:51 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum.

I'm fairly new to hunting and won a bull moose tag in area 5-15 B from Sept 10-30. I don't know the area.

I know I'll likely get some criticism, but I was wondering if someone could critique this plan:

Planning to go on Sept 18. Transportation and finding a good spot is my main concern, I'm planning on launching an inflatable at Elysia resort, crossing the channel, which is about 2 miles and following the east coast of the North Arm while scouting. Then to the end of the lake and as far up the river as I can get with an inflatable with a short shaft motor assuming nothing catches my eye. Does anyone know how far up the river I would be able to get without pulling out? I'll likely have minimal help, so the idea is to quarter or even bone the moose then run it back to the resort by water.

I know the lake can get pretty messy, but I'm thinking I can avoid those days. I have an in reach with weather capability and spent 14 years of my life working at sea. Planning on using a 14ft inflatable with a 6hp outboard, if people think the plan is realistic. Little concerned about the Grizzlies, it sounds like there would be lots.

Might be willing to take someone on and sharing the meat if they are interested.

07-07-2020, 10:19 PM
You won’t make it any significant distance up the river in a prop drive boat.

Your boat needs a lot more motor for that lake and load to fulfill your plan.

Your basic approach may work, but the logistics of making it happen needs some work, and likely slightly different equipment (bigger motor at least).

07-07-2020, 11:05 PM
You won’t make it any significant distance up the river in a prop drive boat.

Your boat needs a lot more motor for that lake and load to fulfill your plan.

Your basic approach may work, but the logistics of making it happen needs some work, and likely slightly different equipment (bigger motor at least).

Congrads on the draw...however as has been politely pointed out the lake is deep, dangerous..both arms are nasty..some huge challenges.
Motor is too small for safety
Boat design is wrong for Quesnel lake
Hmm rent a boat from Elyshia ? Motor too.

Your timing is wrong for your approach.
Please send a pH number if you like I would call..lol probably have keys for cabin at end of North arm from working for Betty
I'm gone on holidays in a few days..if your calling..
Congrads on the win.
Steven Rupp

07-08-2020, 07:04 AM
Having had a place on Q-lake for 6 years now....I will echo what others have said. I run an 18' welded aluminum with a 115 and I pick my days to run all the way up the north arm. Even on good weather days the north arm tends to blow up around 10 am. Attempting it in the rig you describe would not be advisable!!
Good luck with your draw!

07-08-2020, 08:05 AM
PM srupp, he has helped many many here.... He has offered help to you. Take it. His knowledge of where you are going is far more than most anyone.

07-08-2020, 12:14 PM
Thanks Srupp.

I sent you a PM.

07-08-2020, 12:24 PM
Please read Willyqbc"..he spends far more time on the lake..
I will call

07-08-2020, 03:12 PM
Thanks, Willyqbc.

Is it the inflatable aspect that you see an issue with the most, or the fact that I'd be under powered? More power is a possibility. Adding more length wouldn't increase my tube size though.

I don't know the area so I value your opinion. I was originally thinking I'd never be more than 1nm from land so i could probably pull up to avoid the weather and avoid travelling if there was wind in the forecast. It sounds like maybe I should reconsider. What is the cause of the wind? Is it just the wind tunneling in a N-S direction?

07-08-2020, 03:26 PM
Hmm I will call later today.the wind comes foment the north arm.shows up as a black pencil line...by then you are moments from major issues....
I have dumped a boat..several friends.same thing...
The size of the boat is wrong
inflatable is wrong
Motor is too small
Your enthusiasm is wonderful.

07-08-2020, 03:37 PM
Hmmm oh yes second highest concentration of grizzlies in BC..
QUESNEL lake is actually the largest salmon spawning chanel in the world...Sept fish buffet.
Bears there have nasty tempers..
But there are mosey there..

07-08-2020, 04:31 PM
Grizzly bears come down to the shore of Quesnel lake mainly in November when the kokanee are spawning. I was at the mouth of the north arm in a 16' Bayliner today when the wind pick up to 15kms an hour. I wouldn't want to be in anything smaller. So much debris in the lake this year. Leaving 3/4 of your moose while you ferry it back and forth to your vehicle. It might not be there when you get back. Bears can smell meat 4 miles away.
You know that saying be prepared. Quesnel Lake is be prepared and have a plan "B". 2 extra days of food minimum.

07-08-2020, 05:33 PM
Damn all this talk about that zone is really making me glad we got our draw in zone A as zone B was our secondary applications! The logistics of this hunt sound much more daunting than renting a cabin and hunting the beautiful country side for a month.

all the best with your hunt OP!
If you get bored, we are just down at crooked lake.. you’re welcome to come say hi and tell us about your moose when you get it ;)

07-08-2020, 09:42 PM
Thanks, Willyqbc.

Is it the inflatable aspect that you see an issue with the most, or the fact that I'd be under powered? More power is a possibility. Adding more length wouldn't increase my tube size though.

I don't know the area so I value your opinion. I was originally thinking I'd never be more than 1nm from land so i could probably pull up to avoid the weather and avoid travelling if there was wind in the forecast. It sounds like maybe I should reconsider. What is the cause of the wind? Is it just the wind tunneling in a N-S direction?

You’re grossly underpowered for the hull, and storms come up quickly and violently. Many areas you don’t have anywhere to pull up, and if you do you may not get it tied up.

I run a 15 1/2’ with a 90 hp, and have had more than one uncomfortable moment on that lake, and have been on it in 25’ with a 454 crew boats and had uncomfortable moments in that too. It is not a body of water to take lightly and with an underpowered, slow boat with a heavy load.

The reason your draw has good odds is very tough access, and relatively few people are properly prepared to handle the access properly, which is why most end up clustered along the few km of the zone that is accessible by road.

07-09-2020, 06:51 AM
I have been fortunate to have never been caught in a big storm on this lake but have enjoyed lots of nice days on it. From Elysia you’ll be crossing through ‘Junction’ country to get to the north Arm. This crossing is what I would be worried most about. Once on North arm you could stick tight to shore and pull up your rig if you see a storm coming. But I agree with everyone else you will be a little under powered/sized with that rig. Not impossible but potential for some nerve wracking moments and/or prolonged time waiting things out on shore.

i was there the week prior to this storm camped at the same ‘dump’, glad we missed it


07-09-2020, 07:00 AM
Mutineer....my concern is both the low sides (lack of freeboard) and the lack of power. Quesnel lake is funny, I've seen waves setting up in there unlike anywhere else I've been. You will have days in the junction (which you'll have to cross) where the wind is coming from multiple directions and the waves just "stand" in place, surging 2 feet up and down without moving down the lake, or they come stacked so close together that you just Crest one and you're allready getting hit with the next. I've had waves pushing me one direction, while the wind pushes another...strange stuff happens out there.
I have had many occasions in my boat in the north arm where I needed to pull in to shore and wait it out, that's not what concerns me. What does, is the 2 occasions where the waves were coming so tall, and so close together that I couldnt do anything but go head on into it....I desperately wanted to get off the lake, but couldnt even angle toward shore without these waves slamming me sideways and threatening to swamp me. The scariest part is how fast it can get on ya on quesnel lake....one minute youre on glass, 5 minutes later...4 footers!!

Please dont misinterpret, I think your basic plan for this hunt is good, it's just the boat that's not appropriate!

Thick - I watched that storm tear the plato island marina to shreds from my deck.....honest 6-7 footers....it was biblical!! Haha!!

Hope this helps!

07-09-2020, 07:52 AM
Slight de rail but might apply....... Why is this lake so nuts? I know Tisdal lake can get super "Camp wrecking" windy as well...

07-09-2020, 09:11 AM
Thanks RyoTHC, Tiggr, TimberPig, Thick, Willqbc.

Like 835, I'm a very curious person so I was wondering what it is specifically about this lake, but I do understand that there are some places in the world that are just nasty. I can't see the depth affecting the wave patterns, so I guess its just the weather in the area and the orientation of the lake, debris etc. If you can't haul out that's a concern, and it sounds like you'll always be broadside.

I had a good chat with Srupp and he made me realize that I have lots of options, some of which I never considered. Thanks again Srupp. I expect that I will change my plan and possibly use a rental for a day or two. I'll likely go up and check things out for myself in about a month. I'm not afraid of a challenge. For me, part of the allure of the area was the fact that the lake has some big fish I can target while taking a break from moose.

Although new to hunting, I'm no stranger to the water, but I'm usually on the saltchuck. I grew up on an island and owned a boat before I owned a car. I've worked on small fishing boats in the Bering Sea, Adak, Kodiak, QCI, Rupert, Vancouver Island, North of the Arctic Circle, Sargasso Sea, Northern Labrador and Greenland etc.

I took an office job in Victoria a couple years ago and do not have a place to store a boat. Since I don't want to pay for storage, I was thinking an inflatable like an SD488 might do the trick for hunting and dropping some crab traps in the harbour at home during the winter if I pick my days selectively. It has a "loading capacity" of 2100 lbs. I was thinking a dressed moose plus my kit would be 1/2 or less of the rated capacity. the free-board and hull are concerns, and I've always used traditional hulls. So it sounds like my hopes are unrealistic if I want to stay safe. I might see if I can come up with another plan, while still being on the lake. It wasn't purchased yet, so there was some flexibility.

two summers ago I was flying my plane through the Robson trench which is just on the other side. One minute it was perfect VFR, 5 minutes later I was landing in McBride and setting up my tent for the night in a lightning storm. So, I definitely believe everyone when they say it can get nasty fast. If I were in a boat, it would be mad dash to get to shore.

07-09-2020, 09:57 AM
Sounds like you have an interesting story to you Mutineer,, and now your handle makes sense! lol....

07-09-2020, 11:52 AM
I think it's just the shape of the lake and topography that do it. The north arm and east arms are relatively narrow and steep, I think the morning thermals can end up fighting the prevailing wind and causing some weird stuff. You also have 3 seperate valleys funneling different weather in towards the junction. I have been in 3 footers coming out of the north arm, round the corner at "Hitler rock" out into the main body of the lake...and its glass...

I have seen a north wind coming out of the north arm, an east wind coming from the east arm, and a prevailing west wind in the main body of the lake....all at the same time....that's where you get some crazy stuff like the standing waves I mentioned above. Anyway, sounds like you're plenty well versed in your big water skills so hopefully our descriptions of what to expect help ya plan a safe and enjoyable trip. I doubt I'd be able to do a drop off/pick up....but would probably be available for a day of snooping around the north arm if you wanted to have a look!


07-09-2020, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the reply Chris.

07-09-2020, 04:10 PM
Hmm I think Chris has many of the reasons for unpredictable water on this lake..

Years ago my cousin Buck and I were having a once in a lifetime fishing trip on the lake near the junction..2 pm.water was flat.then within minutes 10. The water was dancing straight up and down with white caps. Not rolling from the north just 2 foot dancing white caps. .very difficult in my 12 foot Lund.
The fishing can still be exceptional.I like lures that require a bit more speed to troll..apex...

Not all of that mu requires Quesnel lake access..
But that MU does have plenty of grizzlies..and still exceptional moose..for the Sept draw..back load your dates to the end of Sept.
Bring vinegar /water to wipe down the meat..lower PH..keep the meat from turning..

07-09-2020, 04:51 PM
Dang, I've spent some time on the water too but Quesnel Lake sounds like one of those geographic anomalies that is just NASTY.

I'm glad Srupp and Willy threw their knowledge out there.

I'm a pilot too, and a fair hand at boating, but I sure like hunting from a truck or just on a pair of boots. Nasty weather is uncomfortable in a well-established camp, it is terrifying in a boat or an airplane because place to hide are few and far between. You know what they say: "It is better be on land wishing you were in the sky or on the sea than in the sky or on the sea wishing you were on land.".

07-09-2020, 09:35 PM
So Wed my wife and I were on Quesnel lake fishing. The boat usually does 28mph. The wind came up as we were leaving the mouth of the north arm and it knock the speed back to 22mph. As others have said it came out of no-where. Rough almost all the way back to Plato island then it flattened out to glass again.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but you need a back up motor(kicker) and a marine radio that is monitored on channel 6 for Quesnel lake. A hand held will do. Flares are a good investment too. Sat phone is nice if affordable.
Your plane have floats? Fly into the dock at the end of the north arm..... Actually their used to be a runway at the north arm camp.

07-09-2020, 10:53 PM
So Wed my wife and I were on Quesnel lake fishing. The boat usually does 28mph. The wind came up as we were leaving the mouth of the north arm and it knock the speed back to 22mph. As others have said it came out of no-where. Rough almost all the way back to Plato island then it flattened out to glass again.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but you need a back up motor(kicker) and a marine radio that is monitored on channel 6 for Quesnel lake. A hand held will do. Flares are a good investment too. Sat phone is nice if affordable.
Your plane have floats? Fly into the dock at the end of the north arm..... Actually their used to be a runway at the north arm camp.

No idea if they are usable at the moment, but both Penfold and the East Arm camp at Silvertip had airstrips.

I concur with Chris, Steven and the others who have lots of experience on Quesnel Lake on the cause and conditions frequently found, as I have hit all the same conditions. The topography, number of arms, orientation, side valleys all contribute to significant local influence on the weather conditions found, and the variability in different areas.

Also agree on why your hull choice isn’t good for the conditions you may face. The preferred hull choice is as deep a v hull as you can find and afford, with many being over 20’ long, and even that isn’t enough when it gets rough. Anything smaller, shallower hull and lower powered needs to heed conditions even more carefully and get off the water when it blows up, which isn’t really viable when travelling any distance, as the conditions vary so much across the lake at a given time.

07-10-2020, 12:30 AM
But damn the fishing can be absolutely unbelievable. .fantastic..had a couple days like this..just something about being at 120 feet on a Scott downriver. .the line gets violently separated from the clip and the rod is bent over thrashing and line is disappearing at an alarming rate,
and this went on fish after fish after fish..I was shown by a older guy at the Rolins Roost..Ross Rolins
and in the meantime seeing moose, grizzly..even Cariboo. .wolves..it can be magic..

07-10-2020, 04:55 PM
Hi Mutineer,

Congrats on the draw, easy to get but harder to fulfill. My group of 4 has the same draw and we’re planning on being in there the last 10 days of the month. A lot of good info from the guys that have helped me in the past, this will be our 3rd time getting the draw, taken one bull from the last two trips. Listen to the warnings about the lake and g-bears, there are lots in there and the beaches and rivers will be filled with spawning salmon at that time. I agree with the general consensus that’s the wrong boat for the lake, we’re using a 17’ with a 90hp and i would’nt want to get smaller then that running the north arm. Alysia does have rentals but they’re not that big for when the lake kicks up, and it will, so even taking the rental all the way down to the mitchell would be iffy in my opinion. However, if the rental is an option i’d think about looking around the wasko lakes area accessed from the docks at the “coral” or hiking in up wasko creek, which is the first bay up from the junction, but not an easy hike by any means. It’s not that far up the north arm from alysia. That’s where we took the bull from the first year, but last year it was quite when we went in. It’s a long hike in there from the coral too, we’ve barged in quads each time to access the area. We’re not sure yet how we’re getting the quads in there this year though, so if anyone knows of a barge or something that can be rented to move a couple quads i’m interested. We’ll be doing some scouting and fishing up there at the end of the month and be deciding if were hunting in wasko lakes or all the way down into penfolds at the end of the north arm this year. As it seems we’ll be in the area at the same time we’ll keep in touch

07-10-2020, 08:34 PM
AlBravo2: I'm more comfortable on the water, than in the air. Just have a basic PPL, share a Cherokee with a guy in Edmonton. I thought it would be useful for hunting, but its no super cub and the weather is often overcast during hunting season on the island. Do you do much flying these days?

Tigrr: unfortunately no floats and I don't think that will be in the cards for quite some time. I've been eyeing up that airstrip, but besides the fact that my plane has tricycle gear, I think my insurance won't cover me on any strips that are uncertified which means its just Quesnel lake airport which doesn't look very useful.

07-10-2020, 08:45 PM
I've scrapped the inflatable plan, based on the feedback FYI. At this point I'm thinking I'll use a truck for some hunting from the road, and if there are one or two nice days I'll consider driving down to Elysia and doing a day trip or two, possibly Wasko. Try some calling, and maybe catch a fish or two.

07-10-2020, 08:56 PM
Trks: Sounds good. I expect to make it up there on the 18th, possibly 19th. Should be able to stay up there until close unless I get really discouraged. Lets keep in touch for sure. I'm gonna try and pass through the area around the first of August so I get can an accurate mental picture and check some things out. Do you guys just have one tag?

Srupp: Thanks for all the pointers, I wrote everything down and put vinegar on my list.

07-10-2020, 09:18 PM
The wealth of knowledge on this forum never ceases to amaze me, it is invaluable.. I hope everyone appreciates it and reciprocates when and however they can !

Op, you have got amazing advice and are in good hands.. I feel like there is a moose in your future if you get your boots on the ground. 2020 will be your year !