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View Full Version : Back from first hunt

10-15-2007, 09:21 PM
Well here we are back from the first hunt....and what a doosey.Thursday evening I get a phone call from the boss asking...no begging me to come home a day early...I am a nice guy so i Agree but declare he owes me big time!I figured we would have enough time to get the ball rolling and 1 day would not make a huge difference....what a sucker I am(not going to happen next year...lol)So back to trip, we leave sunny Surrey at around 5 am(little late)and headed for Lillooet area.Feeling paticularly enthused about our trip!Hit Hope and fuel up and around the corner rolls the largest hunting caravan of people I have seen!In the back of the trailer is a nice 48"moose rack,after chatting the gentleman up come to find they have spent nearly two weeks up at Pink Mountian and said it was VERY slow...only saw 2 bulls and took them both....guess the tick and wolf epidemic was worse than I thought!Any who...off we go,finally arrive at 9ish and getting excited now. A family friend said he would take me out so off to Cache creek area to follow some critters he has had is eye for a while.The only hunting we did there was for all our gear as my truck was put through her paces and some how my tail gate had opened....but we hadnt noticed for about 25 minutes....DANG...off to track it all down,and luckily we found it all...whew.Maybe better luck tommorrow...start to leave and hit a fairly deep deactivation trench and truck stalls out(just getting used my clutch)...wont start..hhhmmm interesting.Come to find out because of the bouncing(and we were bouncing pretty good....lol) the battery had come loose and snapped my solinoid bolts... and bent the fan blades...(well i guess shes broken in eh...lol...it was her first trip too...shes old 89 and i just got her)Back to Lillooet to have a few suds and contemplate the hunt tomorrow...morning came fast and we decided to stay in local areas for the day...well every hunter and thier dog had same idea...(counted 46 trucks in areas not supposed to be busy) needless to say walked some great country but nothing moving. Will try again next year in some quieter areas and spend week days there, no weekend hunts for this kid anymore. Back to drink more suds and drown my sorrows...didnt even see any grouse:-( So lots of riding and relaxing with the family(Mom,Dad and my younger bro all live there) so not a total loss.Good friends and great country (some thing about sneaking though the bush gun in hand never knowing whats around the next corner...lol)....who knows maybe next year will be my year(I gotta pay my dues right....lol)So thats my little rant...thanx for listening and better luck to my fellow hunters(not gender specific :smile:...)

PS-having problems posting pics so they will come later
(file to big?)