View Full Version : I got my LEH accepted June 5th!

06-05-2020, 03:54 PM
Friday I had sent an email detailing the hunt I wanted and asking to be added as I couldn't access the site. FrontCounter BC called me today and told me that normally they would not help, but that the issue on May 29th was caused by a technical failure and so they were adding those who contacted them to let them know they had an issue.

It took less than 6 seconds for her to add the LEH to my cart and then I completed the transaction.

I would email or call ASAP as I imagine this is a limited window.


06-05-2020, 04:19 PM
So probably no draw for a couple of weeks?

06-05-2020, 04:39 PM
I disagree with this. just another cash grab. deadline is a deadline, no matter if a system crash occurs. I will call and make a complaint. Anyone can call in and make up some BS story to get LEH. People that wait to the last minute shouldn't be given a second chance. Just my two cents.

06-05-2020, 04:45 PM
I disagree with this. just another cash grab. deadline is a deadline, no matter if a system crash occurs. I will call and make a complaint. Anyone can call in and make up some BS story to get LEH. People that wait to the last minute shouldn't be given a second chance. Just my two cents.

What a dumb position. System should be available until the deadline, period, end stop.

06-05-2020, 04:46 PM
here we go again........

06-05-2020, 04:54 PM
Wow. Does it really matter.
Just wait a few weeks and hope the shitty computer picks you.

06-05-2020, 05:17 PM
I wonder if the front counter operator can just add info after the official close if any of the operators “friends” always get drawn for their hunts? :) :) :)

06-05-2020, 06:36 PM
What a public service! Good to hear and good luck.

06-05-2020, 06:58 PM
I disagree with this. just another cash grab. deadline is a deadline, no matter if a system crash occurs. I will call and make a complaint. Anyone can call in and make up some BS story to get LEH. People that wait to the last minute shouldn't be given a second chance. Just my two cents.

At first I was thinking this was a bit much...But, its been a week since it closed. I get that the system went down and they figured that wasn't fair, but to me that says "Monday". Today is Friday. Monday at midnight should have been it.

Next year get your shit in before the due date, or suck it up and accept that shit happens and you missed out.

06-05-2020, 07:44 PM
At first I was thinking this was a bit much...But, its been a week since it closed. I get that the system went down and they figured that wasn't fair, but to me that says "Monday". Today is Friday. Monday at midnight should have been it.

Next year get your shit in before the due date, or suck it up and accept that shit happens and you missed out.

I agree there is no reason why people had to wait till the last day. You had six weeks to apply

06-05-2020, 08:06 PM
Lol. Of course they accept late entries. More $$$. The other thread that was locked should have kept going

06-05-2020, 08:11 PM
i wonder if BC Lotto will be as accommodating, I have to work tonight and cant buy a ticket!

06-05-2020, 09:26 PM
i wonder if BC Lotto will be as accommodating, I have to work tonight and cant buy a ticket!

Keep dreaming lol . Bad comparison.. if the system went down the draw would be carried forward one week or they would still draw and you'd have to buy a ticket for next week's draw .

OP was just letting people know if they couldn't get there's draws in because the system went downwhat they could do to get that dealt with . I get it there's going to be shysters who will abuse that blah blah blah .

It's sad . I agree with most about getting your shit in and done BEFORE THE DEADLINE . But if somebody has work to do , a dying family member perhaps a handicap family member and couldn't get around to putting in untill the last few days the DRAW should be open it is there fault and boohoo ? I diasagree with that .

06-05-2020, 10:11 PM
Well why not?! After all we now live in a society that thinks everyone who participates should get a ribbon. I say take their application fees and add to the general revenue with everyone else's...a few more people in the draw can't possibly make my odds of drawing any worse. :)

The Donald
06-06-2020, 06:29 AM
Well this will be great now everybody who forgot to put in or got screwed on the last day will be getting in touch with fish and wildlife. I can see it now leh results posted up beginning of September, sucks for all the sheep hunters :(

06-06-2020, 08:15 AM
Well this will be great now everybody who forgot to put in or got screwed on the last day will be getting in touch with fish and wildlife. I can see it now leh results posted up beginning of September, sucks for all the sheep hunters :(

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If it delays the draw which I don't see how it won't it'll screw up planning and requests for time off etc. for guys that got their applications in on time and sets the stage for the same scenario next year.

06-06-2020, 08:25 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If it delays the draw which I don't see how it won't it'll screw up planning and requests for time off etc. for guys that got their applications in on time and sets the stage for the same scenario next year.

have you not realized in our current society it’s the lazy ones that are rewarded. The lazier and less motivated you are, the more our government and society goes out of their way for you. Like spoon feeding a half wit baby.

06-06-2020, 08:44 AM
have you not realized in our current society it’s the lazy ones that are rewarded. The lazier and less motivated you are, the more our government and society goes out of their way for you. Like spoon feeding a half wit baby.

Oh I realized that a long time ago. No consequences anymore. Just heard they dropped all the charges against the pipeline protesters. It's going to get way worse before it gets better, if that ever happens.

06-06-2020, 08:46 AM
Friday I had sent an email detailing the hunt I wanted and asking to be added as I couldn't access the site. FrontCounter BC called me today and told me that normally they would not help, but that the issue on May 29th was caused by a technical failure and so they were adding those who contacted them to let them know they had an issue.

It took less than 6 seconds for her to add the LEH to my cart and then I completed the transaction.

I would email or call ASAP as I imagine this is a limited window.

Just perfect so now the whole bus gets held up because people like you could not get out of bed again...
lol and then you post it ?

06-06-2020, 07:36 PM
I think you should have got hosed, just my opinion but dates are dates and they are very open.

06-06-2020, 08:05 PM
I disagree with this. just another cash grab. deadline is a deadline, no matter if a system crash occurs. I will call and make a complaint. Anyone can call in and make up some BS story to get LEH. People that wait to the last minute shouldn't be given a second chance. Just my two cents.

Your time must have no value to spend your effort on such idiocy.

06-06-2020, 09:22 PM
At first I was thinking this was a bit much...But, its been a week since it closed. I get that the system went down and they figured that wasn't fair, but to me that says "Monday". Today is Friday. Monday at midnight should have been it.

Next year get your shit in before the due date, or suck it up and accept that shit happens and you missed out.

My email went out to them 8pm Friday when the site was having trouble. They took a week to reply.

06-06-2020, 09:30 PM
have you not realized in our current society it’s the lazy ones that are rewarded. The lazier and less motivated you are, the more our government and society goes out of their way for you. Like spoon feeding a half wit baby.

We had a brand new baby that has a disability, I have 5 kids to care for and homeschool currently, and I run a business that employs others and I am working hard to make sure it survives and flourishes after having suffered the lockdown and loss of revenue.

I'm a lot of things, but lazy isn't one of them.

It is frustrating there are so many twats in our community, it makes it hard to attract the next generation. And if we don't, this way of life will be done in the next 20 years.

I posted this to help, and tags will be draw either way. More revenue for conservation is a good thing. (Though the NDP will likely raid the coffers and spend it elsewhere.)

06-06-2020, 10:02 PM
My email went out to them 8pm Friday when the site was having trouble. They took a week to reply.

You know, good on you for taking the time to put this up in an effort to help others. A bunch of us jumped your ass over it. That wasn’t your fault, and you didn’t deserve that.

06-06-2020, 10:10 PM
There are a lot of guys out there who are into Schadenfreude, have a good look at why u are saying what u say. Five, good on you for being proactive and writing the email. You can sit back and whine or you can seek redress for a system failure. As for delaying the draw, I doubt it will make a difference and if you can’t organize a hunt with only 4 months advance warning, get a life. Most of us won’t get an LEH, if you are depending on it, you are screwed already. It’s like buying a lottery ticket, lots of hope and not much chance. Still fun. Stop being such dic van dyks to other hunters. There are a lot better fights to fight about hunting.

The Donald
06-07-2020, 06:57 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If it delays the draw which I don't see how it won't it'll screw up planning and requests for time off etc. for guys that got their applications in on time and sets the stage for the same scenario next year.

I always put in early as the site seems to crash every year, i also don't get to excited as i haven't had an LEH in 9 years so i always plan on hunting gos as usual.

06-07-2020, 08:06 AM
People will bitch about anything without understanding other peoples circumstances. Prioritizing kids and business > LEH. Attempting to put LEH in on time and site crashes = late, but still on time. Thanks for sharing your experience!

06-07-2020, 08:11 AM
If you made time to apply on the last day you could have made time any other day of the 6 weeks it was open. No excuses

nature girl
06-07-2020, 08:14 AM
Five its good you got to put in your LEH its not your FAULT the system failed. Others on this site have to see that.
I am sure next year you and some others will try to get in to try to put in the leh a little earlier incase the system crashes or technical issues happen.

People have to think of it this way say you went to a store it was supposed to be open till 9 pm you got to the store at 8 pm and it was closed of course you would be pissed would it be your fault the store was closed not at all it would be the stores fault.

06-07-2020, 08:19 AM
Your time must have no value to spend your effort on such idiocy.
Well said Five.
I will never understand some members of our community,they blame you for being "late" , or stupidity as "no second chance".

First of all, how soon is so soon, maybe site would crash on the first day (as camping reservations), maybe on some other day, it is true that most likely it will be the first or the last day and prudent way is to do it days before deadline. However life is not so simple and LEH is not the only or most important thing in the life of many of us but work, family ... How many times you missed credit card or other payments due dates, it happens.
Why would you even think that is OK for government site to be down on the last day, as I said before, the only right thing out of this mess would be to honor anyone that was not able to apply for LEH and let them do it.
The best way was to put info on site that evening to apologize and allow applications for another few days or even a week.
Much better (and faster ) than doing manual job.
Second and most important point is that you should be standing for other hunters or fighting for our rights instead of blaming them for being late.

And do not think that this will affect in any way the results of LEH,( and blame Five yet again). It is programmatic and as soon as government bureaucracy decide that you have waited long enough you will get results.

06-07-2020, 09:52 AM
I'm gonna try to get mine in on Sept 1st. Just didnt have the time to take 5 minutes and get it done by the deadline.

06-07-2020, 10:53 AM
The idea that this would hold up the date of the draw is laughable. As if the super computer has already started the crunching and the handful of new entries will derail it and push the draw date to September. Not how it works.

And Maglic is spot on. Where is the support on here (other than "bear down, congratulations").

06-07-2020, 08:22 PM
The deadline is the deadline. FIGURE IT OUT! The rest of us somehow managed!

06-07-2020, 08:52 PM
I don’t know what system BC uses to draw but Washington and Nevada use the same one that takes about 18min to process. So this causing a delay I’d expect not. They often have mistakes which they account for and why draws usually takes weeks to happen.

Nevada does there drawing live and invites all participants to watch. You don’t get to see if you won the hunting lotto but get to witness the process. 2 days after the broadcast results are up... weeks after the entry deadline.

Walking Buffalo
06-08-2020, 08:53 AM
If you made time to apply on the last day you could have made time any other day of the 6 weeks it was open. No excuses

By your logic, if the draw system went down on day 2, too bad, no excuses....

Gr8 white hunter
06-08-2020, 09:08 AM
Snooze you lose that's the way it should be.

Gr8 white hunter
06-08-2020, 09:12 AM
Just a bunch of entitled to cry baby millennials.

06-08-2020, 09:34 AM
to the OP, glad you were able to get your draw in. I am one of those guys that submits on day one as I know where I am putting in for and just need the new synopsis to determine which dates I will chose. I don't have to co-ordinate with anyone else, not putting in for shared hunts and don't need to research a new hunt area.

But to each his own. If you want to leave it till the end for whatever your reasons are and put in on the last day, so be it. System should be operational and permit you to do so.

LEH synopsis states, date and applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm May 29. This means everyone should have access until that time. What I do find laughable is all the guys bitching like you somehow caused a delay in the draw or you or may squeak in and actually get a draw, even worse their draw.

Good on you for being persistent up and getting your draw in, wish you luck on the draw.

06-08-2020, 09:57 AM
By your logic, if the draw system went down on day 2, too bad, no excuses....

No, by his logic, you had 6 weeks to get them in. The system crashes on the last day every year. It’s government. They’re not smart enough to figure it out, so YOU need to be smart enough to get your stuff in in the ample time before the last day. Should the system work until 11:59 of the last day? Of course it should. Should the Liberals pull their heads out of their butts and not waste 100s of millions on buy-backs that won’t do a lick to increase public safety? Of course they should. But it’s GOVERNMENT. They don’t operate in the real world, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can work around their stupidity and ineptness.

06-08-2020, 10:27 AM
No, by his logic, you had 6 weeks to get them in. The system crashes on the last day every year. It’s government. They’re not smart enough to figure it out, so YOU need to be smart enough to get your stuff in in the ample time before the last day. Should the system work until 11:59 of the last day? Of course it should. Should the Liberals pull their heads out of their butts and not waste 100s of millions on buy-backs that won’t do a lick to increase public safety? Of course they should. But it’s GOVERNMENT. They don’t operate in the real world, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can work around their stupidity and ineptness.

Bingo! Always expect potential problems with govt anything and plan accordingly. Yes we all know it shouldn't be this way, but it is.

Walking Buffalo
06-08-2020, 10:39 AM
No, by his logic, you had 6 weeks to get them in. The system crashes on the last day every year. It’s government. They’re not smart enough to figure it out, so YOU need to be smart enough to get your stuff in in the ample time before the last day. Should the system work until 11:59 of the last day? Of course it should. Should the Liberals pull their heads out of their butts and not waste 100s of millions on buy-backs that won’t do a lick to increase public safety? Of course they should. But it’s GOVERNMENT. They don’t operate in the real world, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can work around their stupidity and ineptness.

Not surprisingly, you completely missed or ignored the extended logic.

Please try again.

I'll make it simple for you.

If the government gives the Public a 6 week application period, what is your acceptable shortened cutoff?
1 day, 4 days, 1 week, 5 weeks?
Why is one acceptable to you but not the others?

Walking Buffalo
06-08-2020, 10:41 AM
Bingo! Always expect potential problems with govt anything and plan accordingly. Yes we all know it shouldn't be this way, but it is.

I get it now.

Just take a knee.

Thanks for standing up Five!

06-08-2020, 12:49 PM
A little FYI. I build these Government online systems. Have done online Gov systems exclusively for 15 years now. Built them in every province of Canada, for mining, oil and gas, wildlife, permitting, environmental management, water licencing. And, we are building them for other countries now.

Our observations, are, while there are always going to be unique situations arise, usually, in a very high percentage of cases (>95%), when a user is unable to make the system work, it is not the system. It is the user. There are a lot of variables (browser being the most common one), but generally the systems are robust enough to manage any amount of concurrent user.

But, as we know, in every case, it is the system that will always take the blame.

06-08-2020, 01:07 PM
A little FYI. I build these Government online systems. Have done online Gov systems exclusively for 15 years now. Built them in every province of Canada, for mining, oil and gas, wildlife, permitting, environmental management, water licencing. And, we are building them for other countries now.

Our observations, are, while there are always going to be unique situations arise, usually, in a very high percentage of cases (>95%), when a user is unable to make the system work, it is not the system. It is the user. There are a lot of variables (browser being the most common one), but generally the systems are robust enough to manage any amount of concurrent user.

But, as we know, in every case, it is the system that will always take the blame.

thank you for this.

it clearly has NOTHING to do with these people bot being able to find “six seconds” as described to apply in a 6 week time frame. But we need to have sympathy he has a company and a child and employs other people !!!

in my mind that should make a more responsible adult, not less.. always someone else’s fault though.

06-08-2020, 01:09 PM
You're dealing with Government, not logic - which is the big point everyone is trying to tell you Buff.
Right on the front of the regs it says "apply early to avoid the last minute rush" which is a clue that there may be a traffic jam and you may not get it in time.
We can hold our breath and hope the Government will always do everything right for everybody but back here in reality it won't happen so its up to the individual to do his part. Best way to avoid the last minute rush and inevitable website crash is to do your draws early, those who wait until the last day and get lose out on their 2020 LEH.
I did mine, set up my son's CORE course got his FWID and residency and got his draws in all in the month of May well before the final days so it is possible to get it done earlier if you choose to............If you choose to!
If the system was down for the final day - the whole day i would agree with you. But this crashed in the last 3-4hrs from what i understand so i don't care how busy anyone is there is time to get this done prior to the last 4hrs of a 6 week window.

Not surprisingly, you completely missed or ignored the extended logic.

Please try again.

I'll make it simple for you.

If the government gives the Public a 6 week application period, what is your acceptable shortened cutoff?
1 day, 4 days, 1 week, 5 weeks?
Why is one acceptable to you but not the others?

06-08-2020, 06:12 PM
Five its good you got to put in your LEH its not your FAULT the system failed. Others on this site have to see that.
I am sure next year you and some others will try to get in to try to put in the leh a little earlier incase the system crashes or technical issues happen.

People have to think of it this way say you went to a store it was supposed to be open till 9 pm you got to the store at 8 pm and it was closed of course you would be pissed would it be your fault the store was closed not at all it would be the stores fault.

How right you are - I will definitely put in early!

06-08-2020, 06:22 PM
A little FYI. I build these Government online systems. Have done online Gov systems exclusively for 15 years now. Built them in every province of Canada, for mining, oil and gas, wildlife, permitting, environmental management, water licencing. And, we are building them for other countries now.

Our observations, are, while there are always going to be unique situations arise, usually, in a very high percentage of cases (>95%), when a user is unable to make the system work, it is not the system. It is the user. There are a lot of variables (browser being the most common one), but generally the systems are robust enough to manage any amount of concurrent user.

But, as we know, in every case, it is the system that will always take the blame.

Interesting insight from the inside - however in this case it was positively confirmed that is was an issue on their end.

thank you for this.

it clearly has NOTHING to do with these people bot being able to find “six seconds” as described to apply in a 6 week time frame. But we need to have sympathy he has a company and a child and employs other people !!!

in my mind that should make a more responsible adult, not less.. always someone else’s fault though.

You sure enjoy posting responses to arguments that no one is making. I did not blame anyone else, I simply told how I was able to get in, in hopes it may help others. I want to help other hunters, does that make sense to you? Likely not.

Nor do I want your sympathy, I posted those relevant facts in direct response (as I quote the post) to being called lazy.

The fact that I prioritized family and work over hunting make me more responsible not less. I didn't blame anyone else, but I took the initiative to try to get in when I had otherwise been unable, and it worked. Who dares wins.

06-08-2020, 06:57 PM
Agree 100% bubba!

06-09-2020, 06:59 PM
just got a call from front counter bc today. got my draws entered. easy 2 min call. so thankful.

06-09-2020, 11:46 PM
A little FYI. I build these Government online systems. Have done online Gov systems exclusively for 15 years now. Built them in every province of Canada, for mining, oil and gas, wildlife, permitting, environmental management, water licencing. And, we are building them for other countries now.

Our observations, are, while there are always going to be unique situations arise, usually, in a very high percentage of cases (>95%), when a user is unable to make the system work, it is not the system. It is the user. There are a lot of variables (browser being the most common one), but generally the systems are robust enough to manage any amount of concurrent user.

But, as we know, in every case, it is the system that will always take the blame.

FYI LEH APPLICATION SITE was down, simple as that. Nothing to do with user.

06-10-2020, 07:30 AM
A little FYI. I build these Government online systems. Have done online Gov systems exclusively for 15 years now. Built them in every province of Canada, for mining, oil and gas, wildlife, permitting, environmental management, water licencing. And, we are building them for other countries now.

Our observations, are, while there are always going to be unique situations arise, usually, in a very high percentage of cases (>95%), when a user is unable to make the system work, it is not the system. It is the user. There are a lot of variables (browser being the most common one), but generally the systems are robust enough to manage any amount of concurrent user.

But, as we know, in every case, it is the system that will always take the blame.

What the Dick? Build a better bloody system next time would ya?!

06-10-2020, 09:36 AM
FYI LEH APPLICATION SITE was down, simple as that. Nothing to do with user.
Probably was down. I was merely pointing out, an online site is generally going to take the blame, even when it's the user who is inexperienced.

What the Dick? Build a better bloody system next time would ya?!
I'm unclear about the comment. I didn't design, touch, or deploy that system. Was only offering facts from other experience of a similar nature.

06-10-2020, 09:50 AM
The thread was getting too volatile.... thought id throw some humour at it.... you mentioned you build these online systems, I was just poking fun is all. Every one blaming everyone all the time....

06-10-2020, 10:04 AM
The thread was getting too volatile.... thought id throw some humour at it.... you mentioned you build these online systems, I was just poking fun is all. Every one blaming everyone all the time....

Thanks. We're all good then.

06-10-2020, 10:34 AM
you were supposed to laugh at "What the Dick" maybe someone else will... lol

06-11-2020, 07:26 AM
What a dumb position. System should be available until the deadline, period, end stop.

A dumb position is waiting to the last minute and crashing the system. but hey, not everyone is smart

06-11-2020, 08:42 AM
A dumb position is waiting to the last minute and crashing the system. but hey, not everyone is smart

LOL, two different kind of dumb.
You missed the point like few others.
Nobody is saying it is not smart to apply some(still no mathematical proof how many) number of hours/days before deadline to avoid system crash.

However it is said (would not like to repeat word dumb) that we should expect system to crash.
But s..t happens,
At least government is doing right thing, honoring deadline and allowing folks to complete their application manually.

And at the end the issue should not go under the rug but investigated and addressed in order to prevent it.
It is not LEH application site only but some others as we can see. What better use of tax dollars you can have .

For those smarter, tougher, better organized , Congrats, good for you :)

Have some mercy on those less fortunate.

P.S. 835 it was funny, still laughing :)

06-11-2020, 09:31 AM
At the last minute I changed my mind and decided to put in for a turkey. Friday after work, everything worked fine for me.